pscript['onload_Trash'] = function() { // header and toolbar var h = new PageHeader('trash_header','Trash Bin','Restore the documents that you have trashed') if(!pscript.trash_bin) pscript.trash_bin = new pscript.Trash(); } pscript.Trash = function() { // create UI elements this.wrapper = $i('trash_div'); this.head = $a(this.wrapper, 'div'); this.body = $a(this.wrapper, 'div'); $y(this.body, {margin:'8px'}) this.make_head(); this.load_masters(); } // Make Button // ------------ pscript.Trash.prototype.make_button = function(label, area){ var me = this; var w = $a(area, 'div', '', {margin:'8px'}); var t = make_table(w,1,1,'400px',['50%','50%']); var s = $a($td(t,0,0),'button'); s.innerHTML = label; s.wrapper = w; return s; } // Make Head // ------------- pscript.Trash.prototype.make_head = function() { var me = this; var make_select = function(label) { var w = $a(me.head, 'div', '', {margin:'8px'}); var t = make_table(w,1,2,'400px',['50%','50%']); $td(t,0,0).innerHTML = label; var s = $a($td(t,0,1),'select','',{width:'140px'}); s.wrapper = w; return s; } // Select Master Name this.master_select = make_select('Select Master'); var me = this; // Get Records this.get_records_button = me.make_button('Get Records', me.head); this.get_records_button.onclick = function() { me.get_records(); } } // Load Masters // ------------- pscript.Trash.prototype.load_masters = function(){ var me = this; var callback = function(r, rt){ // Masters empty_select(me.master_select); add_sel_options(me.master_select,add_lists(['All'], r.message), 'All'); } $c_obj('Trash Control','get_masters','',callback); } // Get Records // ----------- pscript.Trash.prototype.get_records = function(){ var me = this; me.body.innerHTML = ''; var callback = function(r, rt){ if(r.message) me.generate_trash_records(r.message); else msgprint("No Records Found"); } $c_obj('Trash Control','get_trash_records',sel_val(me.master_select),callback); } // Generate Trash Records // ----------------------- pscript.Trash.prototype.generate_trash_records = function(rec_dict){ var me = this; pscript.all_checkboxes = []; mnames = keys(rec_dict).sort(); for(var i = 0; i < mnames.length; i ++){ var head = $a(me.body, 'h3'); head.innerHTML = mnames[i]; var rec_table = make_table(me.body,rec_dict[mnames[i]].length,2,'375px',['350px','25px'],{border:'1px solid #AAA',padding:'2px'}); for(var j = 0; j < rec_dict[mnames[i]].length; j++){ $a_input($td(rec_table,j,0), 'data'); $td(rec_table,j,0).innerHTML = rec_dict[mnames[i]][j]; var chk = $a_input($td(rec_table,j,1), 'checkbox'); chk.master = mnames[i]; chk.record = rec_dict[mnames[i]][j]; pscript.all_checkboxes.push(chk); } } this.restore_button = me.make_button('Restore Selected', me.body); this.restore_button.onclick = function() { me.restore_records(0); } this.restore_all_button = me.make_button('Restore All', me.body); this.restore_all_button.onclick = function() { me.restore_records(1); } } // Restore Records // --------------- pscript.Trash.prototype.restore_records = function(restore_all){ var me = this; var out = {}; for(i in pscript.all_checkboxes) { c = pscript.all_checkboxes[i]; if (restore_all || (!restore_all && c.checked)) { if(!out[c.master]) out[c.master] = [c.record]; else {out[c.master].push(c.record);} } } $c_obj('Trash Control','restore_records',JSON.stringify(out),function(r, rt){me.get_records();}) }