# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors # License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt from __future__ import unicode_literals import frappe from frappe import _, scrub from frappe.utils import flt def execute(filters=None): if not filters: filters = {} gross_profit_data = GrossProfitGenerator(filters) data = [] source = gross_profit_data.grouped_data if filters.get("group_by") != "Invoice" else gross_profit_data.data group_wise_columns = frappe._dict({ "invoice": ["parent", "posting_date", "posting_time", "item_code", "item_name", "brand", "description", \ "warehouse", "qty", "base_rate", "buying_rate", "base_amount", "buying_amount", "gross_profit", "gross_profit_percent", "project"], "item_code": ["item_code", "item_name", "brand", "description", "warehouse", "qty", "base_rate", "buying_rate", "base_amount", "buying_amount", "gross_profit", "gross_profit_percent"], "warehouse": ["warehouse", "qty", "base_rate", "buying_rate", "base_amount", "buying_amount", "gross_profit", "gross_profit_percent"], "territory": ["territory", "qty", "base_rate", "buying_rate", "base_amount", "buying_amount", "gross_profit", "gross_profit_percent"], "brand": ["brand", "qty", "base_rate", "buying_rate", "base_amount", "buying_amount", "gross_profit", "gross_profit_percent"], "item_group": ["item_group", "qty", "base_rate", "buying_rate", "base_amount", "buying_amount", "gross_profit", "gross_profit_percent"], "customer": ["customer", "customer_group", "qty", "base_rate", "buying_rate", "base_amount", "buying_amount", "gross_profit", "gross_profit_percent"], "customer_group": ["customer_group", "qty", "base_rate", "buying_rate", "base_amount", "buying_amount", "gross_profit", "gross_profit_percent"], "sales_person": ["sales_person", "allocated_amount", "qty", "base_rate", "buying_rate", "base_amount", "buying_amount", "gross_profit", "gross_profit_percent"], "project": ["project", "base_amount", "buying_amount", "gross_profit", "gross_profit_percent"], "territory": ["territory", "base_amount", "buying_amount", "gross_profit", "gross_profit_percent"] }) columns = get_columns(group_wise_columns, filters) for src in source: row = [] for col in group_wise_columns.get(scrub(filters.group_by)): row.append(src.get(col)) data.append(row) return columns, data def get_columns(group_wise_columns, filters): columns = [] column_map = frappe._dict({ "parent": _("Sales Invoice") + ":Link/Sales Invoice:120", "posting_date": _("Posting Date") + ":Date", "posting_time": _("Posting Time"), "item_code": _("Item Code") + ":Link/Item", "item_name": _("Item Name"), "item_group": _("Item Group") + ":Link/Item", "brand": _("Brand"), "description": _("Description"), "warehouse": _("Warehouse") + ":Link/Warehouse", "qty": _("Qty") + ":Float", "base_rate": _("Avg. Selling Rate") + ":Currency", "buying_rate": _("Avg. Buying Rate") + ":Currency", "base_amount": _("Selling Amount") + ":Currency", "buying_amount": _("Buying Amount") + ":Currency", "gross_profit": _("Gross Profit") + ":Currency", "gross_profit_percent": _("Gross Profit %") + ":Percent", "project": _("Project") + ":Link/Project", "sales_person": _("Sales person"), "allocated_amount": _("Allocated Amount") + ":Currency", "customer": _("Customer") + ":Link/Customer", "customer_group": _("Customer Group") + ":Link/Customer Group", "territory": _("Territory") + ":Link/Territory" }) for col in group_wise_columns.get(scrub(filters.group_by)): columns.append(column_map.get(col)) return columns class GrossProfitGenerator(object): def __init__(self, filters=None): self.data = [] self.average_buying_rate = {} self.filters = frappe._dict(filters) self.load_invoice_items() self.load_stock_ledger_entries() self.load_sales_bom() self.load_non_stock_items() self.process() def process(self): self.grouped = {} for row in self.si_list: if self.skip_row(row, self.sales_boms): continue row.base_amount = flt(row.base_net_amount) sales_boms = self.sales_boms.get(row.parenttype, {}).get(row.parent, frappe._dict()) # get buying amount if row.item_code in sales_boms: row.buying_amount = self.get_buying_amount_from_sales_bom(row, sales_boms[row.item_code]) else: row.buying_amount = self.get_buying_amount(row, row.item_code) # get buying rate if row.qty: row.buying_rate = row.buying_amount / row.qty row.base_rate = row.base_amount / row.qty else: row.buying_rate, row.base_rate = 0.0, 0.0 # calculate gross profit row.gross_profit = row.base_amount - row.buying_amount if row.base_amount: row.gross_profit_percent = (row.gross_profit / row.base_amount) * 100.0 else: row.gross_profit_percent = 0.0 # add to grouped if self.filters.group_by != "Invoice": self.grouped.setdefault(row.get(scrub(self.filters.group_by)), []).append(row) self.data.append(row) if self.grouped: self.collapse_group() else: self.grouped_data = [] def collapse_group(self): # sum buying / selling totals for group self.grouped_data = [] for key in self.grouped.keys(): for i, row in enumerate(self.grouped[key]): if i==0: new_row = row else: new_row.qty += row.qty new_row.buying_amount += row.buying_amount new_row.base_amount += row.base_amount # new_row.allocated_amount += (row.allocated_amount or 0) if new_row.allocated_amount else 0 new_row.gross_profit = new_row.base_amount - new_row.buying_amount new_row.gross_profit_percent = ((new_row.gross_profit / new_row.base_amount) * 100.0) \ if new_row.base_amount else 0 new_row.buying_rate = (new_row.buying_amount / new_row.qty) \ if new_row.qty else 0 self.grouped_data.append(new_row) def skip_row(self, row, sales_boms): if self.filters.get("group_by") != "Invoice" and not row.get(scrub(self.filters.get("group_by"))): return True def get_buying_amount_from_sales_bom(self, row, sales_bom): buying_amount = 0.0 for bom_item in sales_bom: if bom_item.get("parent_detail_docname")==row.item_row: buying_amount += self.get_buying_amount(row, bom_item.item_code) return buying_amount def get_buying_amount(self, row, item_code): # IMP NOTE # stock_ledger_entries should already be filtered by item_code and warehouse and # sorted by posting_date desc, posting_time desc if item_code in self.non_stock_items: # average purchasing rate for non-stock items item_rate = self.get_average_buying_rate(item_code) return flt(row.qty) * item_rate else: if row.update_stock or row.dn_detail: if row.dn_detail: row.parenttype = "Delivery Note" row.parent = row.delivery_note row.item_row = row.dn_detail my_sle = self.sle.get((item_code, row.warehouse)) for i, sle in enumerate(my_sle): # find the stock valution rate from stock ledger entry print sle.voucher_type, row.parenttype, sle.voucher_no, row.parent, \ sle.voucher_detail_no, row.item_row if sle.voucher_type == row.parenttype and row.parent == sle.voucher_no and \ sle.voucher_detail_no == row.item_row: previous_stock_value = len(my_sle) > i+1 and \ flt(my_sle[i+1].stock_value) or 0.0 return previous_stock_value - flt(sle.stock_value) else: return flt(row.qty) * self.get_average_buying_rate(item_code) return 0.0 def get_average_buying_rate(self, item_code): if not item_code in self.average_buying_rate: if item_code in self.non_stock_items: self.average_buying_rate[item_code] = flt(frappe.db.sql("""select sum(base_net_amount) / sum(qty) from `tabPurchase Invoice Item` where item_code = %s and docstatus=1""", item_code)[0][0]) else: self.average_buying_rate[item_code] = flt(frappe.db.sql("""select avg(valuation_rate) from `tabStock Ledger Entry` where item_code = %s and ifnull(qty_after_transaction,0) > 0""", item_code)[0][0]) return self.average_buying_rate[item_code] def load_invoice_items(self): conditions = "" if self.filters.company: conditions += " and company = %(company)s" if self.filters.from_date: conditions += " and posting_date >= %(from_date)s" if self.filters.to_date: conditions += " and posting_date <= %(to_date)s" self.si_list = frappe.db.sql("""select item.parenttype, item.parent, si.posting_date, si.posting_time, si.project_name, si.update_stock, si.customer, si.customer_group, si.territory, item.item_code, item.item_name, item.description, item.warehouse, item.item_group, item.brand, item.dn_detail, item.delivery_note, item.qty, item.base_net_rate, item.base_net_amount, item.name as "item_row", sales.sales_person, sales.sales_designation, sales.allocated_amount, sales.incentives from `tabSales Invoice` si inner join `tabSales Invoice Item` item on item.parent = si.name left join `tabSales Team` sales on sales.parent = si.name where si.docstatus = 1 %s order by si.posting_date desc, si.posting_time desc""" % (conditions,), self.filters, as_dict=1) def load_stock_ledger_entries(self): res = frappe.db.sql("""select item_code, voucher_type, voucher_no, voucher_detail_no, stock_value, warehouse, actual_qty as qty from `tabStock Ledger Entry` where company=%(company)s order by item_code desc, warehouse desc, posting_date desc, posting_time desc, name desc""", self.filters, as_dict=True) self.sle = {} for r in res: if (r.item_code, r.warehouse) not in self.sle: self.sle[(r.item_code, r.warehouse)] = [] self.sle[(r.item_code, r.warehouse)].append(r) def load_sales_bom(self): self.sales_boms = {} for d in frappe.db.sql("""select parenttype, parent, parent_item, item_code, warehouse, -1*qty as total_qty, parent_detail_docname from `tabPacked Item` where docstatus=1""", as_dict=True): self.sales_boms.setdefault(d.parenttype, frappe._dict()).setdefault(d.parent, frappe._dict()).setdefault(d.parent_item, []).append(d) def load_non_stock_items(self): self.non_stock_items = frappe.db.sql_list("""select name from tabItem where ifnull(is_stock_item, 'No')='No'""")