Overwriting Data from Data Import Tool
Overwriting Data from Data Import Tool
Data Import Tool allows importing documents (like customers, Suppliers, Orders, Invoices etc.) from spreadsheet file into ERPNext. The very same tool can also be used for overwrite values in the existing documents.
Over-writing data from Data Import Tool works only for Saved transactions, and not for Submitted ones.
Let's assume there are no. of items for which we need to overwrite Item Group.
Following are the steps to go about overwriting Item Groups for existing Items.
Step 1: Download Template
Template Used for overwriting data will be same as one used for importing new items. Hence, you should first download template from.
Setup >> Data >> Import/Export Data
Since items to be over-written will be already available in the system, while downloading template, "Download with data" field should be checked. With this, we will have all the existing items being downloaded with the template.

Step 2: Prepare Data
In the download template, We will only keep rows of the items to be worked on and delete the rest. Then we will enter new value in the Item Group column for an item. Since Item Group is a master in itself, we should ensure that Item Group entered in the excel file is already available in the Item Group master as well.

Since we are overwriting only Item Group, only following columns will be mandatory.
- Column A (since it has main values of template)
- Name (Column B)
- Item Group
Columns of other field which won't have any impact of overwriting can be
removed, even if they are mandatory. This is applicable only for
overwriting, and not when importing new records.
Step 3: Import Data
Once excel file is ready for importing, come back to Data Import Tool in ERPNext. We should first browser and select the File/template which has data to be overwritten. "Overwrite" field should be checked since we are overwriting Item Group in the existing items.

Step 4: Upload
On clicking Upload and Import, if values as provided in the spreadsheet file is validated, it will be successfully updated in the item master.

If validation of values fails, then it will indicate row no. of spreadsheet for which validation failed and needs correction. In that case, you should corrected value in that row, and then try importing/uploading file again. If validation fails for even one row, none of the records are imported/updated.