# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies and contributors import frappe from frappe import _ class OverlapError(frappe.ValidationError): pass def validate_overlap_for(doc, doctype, fieldname, value=None): """Checks overlap for specified field. :param fieldname: Checks Overlap for this field """ existing = get_overlap_for(doc, doctype, fieldname, value) if existing: frappe.throw( _("This {0} conflicts with {1} for {2} {3}").format( doc.doctype, existing.name, doc.meta.get_label(fieldname) if not value else fieldname, value or doc.get(fieldname), ), OverlapError, ) def get_overlap_for(doc, doctype, fieldname, value=None): """Returns overlaping document for specified field. :param fieldname: Checks Overlap for this field """ existing = frappe.db.sql( """select name, from_time, to_time from `tab{0}` where `{1}`=%(val)s and schedule_date = %(schedule_date)s and ( (from_time > %(from_time)s and from_time < %(to_time)s) or (to_time > %(from_time)s and to_time < %(to_time)s) or (%(from_time)s > from_time and %(from_time)s < to_time) or (%(from_time)s = from_time and %(to_time)s = to_time)) and name!=%(name)s and docstatus!=2""".format( doctype, fieldname ), { "schedule_date": doc.schedule_date, "val": value or doc.get(fieldname), "from_time": doc.from_time, "to_time": doc.to_time, "name": doc.name or "No Name", }, as_dict=True, ) return existing[0] if existing else None def validate_duplicate_student(students): unique_students = [] for stud in students: if stud.student in unique_students: frappe.throw( _("Student {0} - {1} appears Multiple times in row {2} & {3}").format( stud.student, stud.student_name, unique_students.index(stud.student) + 1, stud.idx ) ) else: unique_students.append(stud.student) return None # LMS Utils def get_current_student(): """Returns current student from frappe.session.user Returns: object: Student Document """ email = frappe.session.user if email in ("Administrator", "Guest"): return None try: student_id = frappe.get_all("Student", {"student_email_id": email}, ["name"])[0].name return frappe.get_doc("Student", student_id) except (IndexError, frappe.DoesNotExistError): return None def get_portal_programs(): """Returns a list of all program to be displayed on the portal Programs are returned based on the following logic is_published and (student_is_enrolled or student_can_self_enroll) Returns: list of dictionary: List of all programs and to be displayed on the portal along with access rights """ published_programs = frappe.get_all("Program", filters={"is_published": True}) if not published_programs: return None program_list = [frappe.get_doc("Program", program) for program in published_programs] portal_programs = [ {"program": program, "has_access": allowed_program_access(program.name)} for program in program_list if allowed_program_access(program.name) or program.allow_self_enroll ] return portal_programs def allowed_program_access(program, student=None): """Returns enrollment status for current student Args: program (string): Name of the program student (object): instance of Student document Returns: bool: Is current user enrolled or not """ if has_super_access(): return True if not student: student = get_current_student() if student and get_enrollment("program", program, student.name): return True else: return False def get_enrollment(master, document, student): """Gets enrollment for course or program Args: master (string): can either be program or course document (string): program or course name student (string): Student ID Returns: string: Enrollment Name if exists else returns empty string """ if master == "program": enrollments = frappe.get_all( "Program Enrollment", filters={"student": student, "program": document, "docstatus": 1} ) if master == "course": enrollments = frappe.get_all( "Course Enrollment", filters={"student": student, "course": document} ) if enrollments: return enrollments[0].name else: return None @frappe.whitelist() def enroll_in_program(program_name, student=None): """Enroll student in program Args: program_name (string): Name of the program to be enrolled into student (string, optional): name of student who has to be enrolled, if not provided, a student will be created from the current user Returns: string: name of the program enrollment document """ if has_super_access(): return if not student == None: student = frappe.get_doc("Student", student) else: # Check if self enrollment in allowed program = frappe.get_doc("Program", program_name) if not program.allow_self_enroll: return frappe.throw(_("You are not allowed to enroll for this course")) student = get_current_student() if not student: student = create_student_from_current_user() # Check if student is already enrolled in program enrollment = get_enrollment("program", program_name, student.name) if enrollment: return enrollment # Check if self enrollment in allowed program = frappe.get_doc("Program", program_name) if not program.allow_self_enroll: return frappe.throw(_("You are not allowed to enroll for this course")) # Enroll in program program_enrollment = student.enroll_in_program(program_name) return program_enrollment.name def has_super_access(): """Check if user has a role that allows full access to LMS Returns: bool: true if user has access to all lms content """ current_user = frappe.get_doc("User", frappe.session.user) roles = set([role.role for role in current_user.roles]) return bool( roles & {"Administrator", "Instructor", "Education Manager", "System Manager", "Academic User"} ) @frappe.whitelist() def add_activity(course, content_type, content, program): if has_super_access(): return None student = get_current_student() if not student: return frappe.throw( _("Student with email {0} does not exist").format(frappe.session.user), frappe.DoesNotExistError ) enrollment = get_or_create_course_enrollment(course, program) if content_type == "Quiz": return else: return enrollment.add_activity(content_type, content) @frappe.whitelist() def evaluate_quiz(quiz_response, quiz_name, course, program, time_taken): import json student = get_current_student() quiz_response = json.loads(quiz_response) quiz = frappe.get_doc("Quiz", quiz_name) result, score, status = quiz.evaluate(quiz_response, quiz_name) if has_super_access(): return {"result": result, "score": score, "status": status} if student: enrollment = get_or_create_course_enrollment(course, program) if quiz.allowed_attempt(enrollment, quiz_name): enrollment.add_quiz_activity(quiz_name, quiz_response, result, score, status, time_taken) return {"result": result, "score": score, "status": status} else: return None @frappe.whitelist() def get_quiz(quiz_name, course): try: quiz = frappe.get_doc("Quiz", quiz_name) questions = quiz.get_questions() except Exception: frappe.throw(_("Quiz {0} does not exist").format(quiz_name), frappe.DoesNotExistError) return None questions = [ { "name": question.name, "question": question.question, "type": question.question_type, "options": [{"name": option.name, "option": option.option} for option in question.options], } for question in questions ] if has_super_access(): return { "questions": questions, "activity": None, "is_time_bound": quiz.is_time_bound, "duration": quiz.duration, } student = get_current_student() course_enrollment = get_enrollment("course", course, student.name) status, score, result, time_taken = check_quiz_completion(quiz, course_enrollment) return { "questions": questions, "activity": {"is_complete": status, "score": score, "result": result, "time_taken": time_taken}, "is_time_bound": quiz.is_time_bound, "duration": quiz.duration, } def get_topic_progress(topic, course_name, program): """ Return the porgress of a course in a program as well as the content to continue from. :param topic_name: :param course_name: """ student = get_current_student() if not student: return None course_enrollment = get_or_create_course_enrollment(course_name, program) progress = student.get_topic_progress(course_enrollment.name, topic) if not progress: return None count = sum([activity["is_complete"] for activity in progress]) if count == 0: return {"completed": False, "started": False} elif count == len(progress): return {"completed": True, "started": True} elif count < len(progress): return {"completed": False, "started": True} def get_course_progress(course, program): """ Return the porgress of a course in a program as well as the content to continue from. :param topic_name: :param course_name: """ course_progress = [] for course_topic in course.topics: topic = frappe.get_doc("Topic", course_topic.topic) progress = get_topic_progress(topic, course.name, program) if progress: course_progress.append(progress) if course_progress: number_of_completed_topics = sum([activity["completed"] for activity in course_progress]) total_topics = len(course_progress) if total_topics == 1: return course_progress[0] if number_of_completed_topics == 0: return {"completed": False, "started": False} if number_of_completed_topics == total_topics: return {"completed": True, "started": True} if number_of_completed_topics < total_topics: return {"completed": False, "started": True} return None def get_program_progress(program): program_progress = [] if not program.courses: return None for program_course in program.courses: course = frappe.get_doc("Course", program_course.course) progress = get_course_progress(course, program.name) if progress: progress["name"] = course.name progress["course"] = course.course_name program_progress.append(progress) if program_progress: return program_progress return None def get_program_completion(program): topics = frappe.db.sql( """select `tabCourse Topic`.topic, `tabCourse Topic`.parent from `tabCourse Topic`, `tabProgram Course` where `tabCourse Topic`.parent = `tabProgram Course`.course and `tabProgram Course`.parent = %s""", program.name, ) progress = [] for topic in topics: topic_doc = frappe.get_doc("Topic", topic[0]) topic_progress = get_topic_progress(topic_doc, topic[1], program.name) if topic_progress: progress.append(topic_progress) if progress: number_of_completed_topics = sum([activity["completed"] for activity in progress if activity]) total_topics = len(progress) try: return int((float(number_of_completed_topics) / total_topics) * 100) except ZeroDivisionError: return 0 return 0 def create_student_from_current_user(): user = frappe.get_doc("User", frappe.session.user) student = frappe.get_doc( { "doctype": "Student", "first_name": user.first_name, "last_name": user.last_name, "student_email_id": user.email, "user": frappe.session.user, } ) student.save(ignore_permissions=True) return student def get_or_create_course_enrollment(course, program): student = get_current_student() course_enrollment = get_enrollment("course", course, student.name) if not course_enrollment: program_enrollment = get_enrollment("program", program.name, student.name) if not program_enrollment: frappe.throw(_("You are not enrolled in program {0}").format(program)) return return student.enroll_in_course( course_name=course, program_enrollment=get_enrollment("program", program.name, student.name) ) else: return frappe.get_doc("Course Enrollment", course_enrollment) def check_content_completion(content_name, content_type, enrollment_name): activity = frappe.get_all( "Course Activity", filters={"enrollment": enrollment_name, "content_type": content_type, "content": content_name}, ) if activity: return True else: return False def check_quiz_completion(quiz, enrollment_name): attempts = frappe.get_all( "Quiz Activity", filters={"enrollment": enrollment_name, "quiz": quiz.name}, fields=["name", "activity_date", "score", "status", "time_taken"], ) status = False if quiz.max_attempts == 0 else bool(len(attempts) >= quiz.max_attempts) score = None result = None time_taken = None if attempts: if quiz.grading_basis == "Last Highest Score": attempts = sorted(attempts, key=lambda i: int(i.score), reverse=True) score = attempts[0]["score"] result = attempts[0]["status"] time_taken = attempts[0]["time_taken"] if result == "Pass": status = True return status, score, result, time_taken