# Copyright(c) 2020, Frappe Technologies Pvt.Ltd.and Contributors # License: GNU General Public License v3.See license.txt import frappe def execute(): frappe.reload_doc("stock", "doctype", "stock_entry") if frappe.db.has_column("Stock Entry", "add_to_transit"): frappe.db.sql(""" UPDATE `tabStock Entry` SET stock_entry_type = 'Material Transfer', purpose = 'Material Transfer', add_to_transit = 1 WHERE stock_entry_type = 'Send to Warehouse' """) frappe.db.sql("""UPDATE `tabStock Entry` SET stock_entry_type = 'Material Transfer', purpose = 'Material Transfer' WHERE stock_entry_type = 'Receive at Warehouse' """) frappe.reload_doc("stock", "doctype", "warehouse_type") if not frappe.db.exists('Warehouse Type', 'Transit'): doc = frappe.new_doc('Warehouse Type') doc.name = 'Transit' doc.insert() frappe.reload_doc("stock", "doctype", "stock_entry_type") frappe.delete_doc_if_exists("Stock Entry Type", "Send to Warehouse") frappe.delete_doc_if_exists("Stock Entry Type", "Receive at Warehouse")