# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors # License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt import frappe no_cache = 1 def get_context(context): homepage = frappe.get_cached_doc("Homepage") homepage.title = homepage.title or homepage.company context.title = homepage.title context.homepage = homepage if homepage.hero_section_based_on == "Homepage Section" and homepage.hero_section: homepage.hero_section_doc = frappe.get_cached_doc("Homepage Section", homepage.hero_section) if homepage.slideshow: doc = frappe.get_cached_doc("Website Slideshow", homepage.slideshow) context.slideshow = homepage.slideshow context.slideshow_header = doc.header context.slides = doc.slideshow_items context.blogs = frappe.get_all( "Blog Post", fields=["title", "blogger", "blog_intro", "route"], filters={"published": 1}, order_by="modified desc", limit=3, ) # filter out homepage section which is used as hero section homepage_hero_section = ( homepage.hero_section_based_on == "Homepage Section" and homepage.hero_section ) homepage_sections = frappe.get_all( "Homepage Section", filters=[["name", "!=", homepage_hero_section]] if homepage_hero_section else None, order_by="section_order asc", ) context.homepage_sections = [ frappe.get_cached_doc("Homepage Section", name) for name in homepage_sections ] context.metatags = context.metatags or frappe._dict({}) context.metatags.image = homepage.hero_image or None context.metatags.description = homepage.description or None