// ERPNext - web based ERP (http://erpnext.com) // Copyright (C) 2012 Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . /* todo - load / display chart of accounts - settings for company, start date, end data - load balances - open ledger on link */ wn.pages['chart-of-accounts'].onload = function(wrapper) { wn.ui.make_app_page({ parent: wrapper, title: 'Chart of Accounts', single_column: true }); erpnext.coa.make_page(wrapper); erpnext.coa.load_companies(); } erpnext.coa = { make_page: function(wrapper) { erpnext.coa.company_select = wrapper.appframe .add_select("Company", ["Loading..."]) .change(function() { erpnext.coa.chart = new erpnext.ChartOfAccounts(); }); erpnext.coa.opening_date = wrapper.appframe.add_date("Opening Date") .val(dateutil.str_to_user(sys_defaults.year_start_date)); var end_date = new Date(); if(end_date > dateutil.str_to_obj(sys_defaults.year_end_date)) end_date = sys_defaults.year_end_date; erpnext.coa.closing_date = wrapper.appframe.add_date("Closing Date") .val(dateutil.obj_to_user(end_date)); erpnext.coa.refresh_btn = wrapper.appframe.add_button("Refresh", function() { erpnext.coa.chart = new erpnext.ChartOfAccounts(); }, "icon-refresh"); erpnext.coa.waiting = $('

Building Trial Balance Report. \ Please wait for a few moments

') .appendTo($(wrapper).find('.layout-main')); $('
').appendTo($(wrapper).find('.layout-main')); }, load_companies: function() { wn.call({ module: "accounts", page: "chart_of_accounts", method: "get_companies", callback: function(r) { erpnext.coa.waiting.toggle(); erpnext.coa.company_select.empty().add_options(r.message.companies) .val(sys_defaults.company || r.message.companies[0]).change(); erpnext.coa.fiscal_years = r.message.fiscal_years; } }); } }; erpnext.ChartOfAccounts = Class.extend({ init: function() { this.load_slickgrid(); this.load_data($(erpnext.coa.company_select).val()); }, load_slickgrid: function() { // load tree wn.require('js/lib/jquery/jquery.ui.sortable'); wn.require('js/lib/slickgrid/slick.grid.css'); wn.require('js/lib/slickgrid/slick-default-theme.css'); wn.require('js/lib/slickgrid/jquery.event.drag.min.js'); wn.require('js/lib/slickgrid/slick.core.js'); wn.require('js/lib/slickgrid/slick.formatters.js'); wn.require('js/lib/slickgrid/slick.grid.js'); wn.require('js/lib/slickgrid/slick.dataview.js'); wn.dom.set_style('.slick-cell { font-size: 12px; }'); }, refresh: function() { this.prepare_balances(); this.render(); }, load_data: function(company) { var me = this; wn.call({ module: "accounts", page: "chart_of_accounts", method: "get_chart", args: {company: company}, callback: function(r) { me.gl = r.message.gl; me.prepare_chart(r.message.chart); me.refresh(); } }) }, prepare_chart: function(indata) { var data = []; var parent_map = {}; var data_by_name = {}; $.each(indata, function(i, v) { if(v[0]) { var d = { "id": v[0], "name": v[0], "parent": v[1], "debit_or_credit": v[2], "opening_debit": 0, "opening_credit": 0, "debit": 0, "credit": 0, "closing_debit": 0, "closing_credit": 0, "is_pl": v[3] }; data.push(d); data_by_name[d.name] = d; if(d.parent) { parent_map[d.name] = d.parent; } } }); this.set_indent(data, parent_map); this.data = data; this.parent_map = parent_map; this.data_by_name = data_by_name; }, prepare_balances: function() { var gl = this.gl; var me = this; this.opening_date = dateutil.user_to_obj(erpnext.coa.opening_date.val()); this.closing_date = dateutil.user_to_obj(erpnext.coa.closing_date.val()); this.set_fiscal_year(); if (!this.fiscal_year) return; $.each(this.data, function(i, v) { v.opening_debit = v.opening_credit = v.debit = v.credit = v.closing_debit = v.closing_credit = 0; }); $.each(gl, function(i, v) { v[1] = me.data[v[1]].name; var posting_date = dateutil.str_to_obj(v[0]); var account = me.data_by_name[v[1]]; me.update_balances(account, posting_date, v) }); this.update_groups(); this.format_balances(); }, update_balances: function(account, posting_date, v) { // opening if (posting_date < this.opening_date || v[4] === "Y") { if (account.is_pl === "Yes" && posting_date <= dateutil.str_to_obj(this.fiscal_year[1])) { // balance of previous fiscal_year should // not be part of opening of pl account balance } else { if(account.debit_or_credit=='D') { account.opening_debit += (v[2] - v[3]); } else { account.opening_credit += (v[3] - v[2]); } } } else if (this.opening_date <= posting_date && posting_date <= this.closing_date) { // in between account.debit += v[2]; account.credit += v[3]; } // closing if(account.debit_or_credit=='D') { account.closing_debit = account.opening_debit + account.debit - account.credit; } else { account.closing_credit = account.opening_credit - account.debit + account.credit; } }, update_groups: function() { // update groups var me= this; $.each(this.data, function(i, account) { // update groups var parent = me.parent_map[account.name]; while(parent) { parent_account = me.data_by_name[parent]; parent_account.opening_debit += account.opening_debit; parent_account.opening_credit += account.opening_credit; parent_account.debit += account.debit; parent_account.credit += account.credit; parent_account.closing_debit += account.closing_debit; parent_account.closing_credit += account.closing_credit; parent = me.parent_map[parent]; } }); }, format_balances: function() { // format amount $.each(this.data, function(i, v) { v.opening_debit = fmt_money(v.opening_debit); v.opening_credit = fmt_money(v.opening_credit); v.debit = fmt_money(v.debit); v.credit = fmt_money(v.credit); v.closing_debit = fmt_money(v.closing_debit); v.closing_credit = fmt_money(v.closing_credit); }); }, set_fiscal_year: function() { if (this.opening_date > this.closing_date) { msgprint("Opening Date should be before Closing Date"); return; } this.fiscal_year = null; var me = this; $.each(erpnext.coa.fiscal_years, function(i, v) { if (me.opening_date >= dateutil.str_to_obj(v[1]) && me.closing_date <= dateutil.str_to_obj(v[2])) { me.fiscal_year = v; } }); if (!this.fiscal_year) { msgprint("Opening Date and Closing Date should be within same Fiscal Year"); return; } }, set_indent: function(data, parent_map) { $.each(data, function(i, d) { var indent = 0; var parent = parent_map[d.name]; if(parent) { while(parent) { indent++; parent = parent_map[parent]; } } d.indent = indent; }); }, render: function() { var me = this; erpnext.coa.waiting.toggle(false); this.setup_dataview(); var columns = [ {id: "name", name: "Account", field: "name", width: 300, cssClass: "cell-title", formatter: this.account_formatter}, {id: "opening_debit", name: "Opening (Dr)", field: "opening_debit", width: 100}, {id: "opening_credit", name: "Opening (Cr)", field: "opening_credit", width: 100}, {id: "debit", name: "Debit", field: "debit", width: 100}, {id: "credit", name: "Credit", field: "credit", width: 100}, {id: "closing_debit", name: "Closing (Dr)", field: "closing_debit", width: 100}, {id: "closing_credit", name: "Closing (Cr)", field: "closing_credit", width: 100} ]; var options = { editable: false, enableColumnReorder: false }; // initialize the grid var grid = new Slick.Grid("#chart-of-accounts", this.dataView, columns, options); this.add_events(grid); this.grid = grid; }, setup_dataview: function() { var me = this; // initialize the model this.dataView = new Slick.Data.DataView({ inlineFilters: true }); this.dataView.beginUpdate(); this.dataView.setItems(this.data); this.dataView.setFilter(this.dataview_filter); this.dataView.endUpdate(); }, dataview_filter: function(item) { if (item.parent) { var parent = item.parent; while (parent) { if (erpnext.coa.chart.data_by_name[parent]._collapsed) { return false; } parent = erpnext.coa.chart.parent_map[parent]; } } return true; }, add_events: function(grid) { var me = this; grid.onClick.subscribe(function (e, args) { if ($(e.target).hasClass("toggle")) { var item = me.dataView.getItem(args.row); if (item) { if (!item._collapsed) { item._collapsed = true; } else { item._collapsed = false; } me.dataView.updateItem(item.id, item); } e.stopImmediatePropagation(); } }); this.dataView.onRowsChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) { grid.invalidateRows(args.rows); grid.render(); }); this.dataView.onRowCountChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) { grid.updateRowCount(); grid.render(); }); }, account_formatter: function (row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) { value = value.replace(/&/g,"&").replace(//g,">"); var data = erpnext.coa.chart.data; var spacer = ""; var idx = erpnext.coa.chart.dataView.getIdxById(dataContext.id); if (data[idx + 1] && data[idx + 1].indent > data[idx].indent) { if (dataContext._collapsed) { return spacer + "  " + value; } else { return spacer + "  " + value; } } else { return spacer + "  " + value; } } });