# Copyright (c) 2013, Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors # License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt import webnotes, webnotes.utils, os def execute(): webnotes.reload_doc("core", "doctype", "file_data") webnotes.reset_perms("File Data") singles = get_single_doctypes() for doctype in webnotes.conn.sql_list("""select parent from tabDocField where fieldname='file_list'"""): # the other scenario is handled in p07_update_file_data_2 if doctype in singles: update_file_list(doctype, singles) # export_to_files([["DocType", doctype]]) def get_single_doctypes(): return webnotes.conn.sql_list("""select name from tabDocType where ifnull(issingle,0)=1""") def update_file_list(doctype, singles): if doctype in singles: doc = webnotes.doc(doctype, doctype) if doc.file_list: update_for_doc(doctype, doc) webnotes.conn.set_value(doctype, None, "file_list", None) else: try: for doc in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, file_list from `tab%s` where ifnull(file_list, '')!=''""" % doctype, as_dict=True): update_for_doc(doctype, doc) webnotes.conn.commit() webnotes.conn.sql("""alter table `tab%s` drop column `file_list`""" % doctype) except Exception, e: print webnotes.getTraceback() if (e.args and e.args[0]!=1054) or not e.args: raise def update_for_doc(doctype, doc): for filedata in doc.file_list.split("\n"): if not filedata: continue filedata = filedata.split(",") if len(filedata)==2: filename, fileid = filedata[0], filedata[1] else: continue exists = True if not (filename.startswith("http://") or filename.startswith("https://")): if not os.path.exists(webnotes.utils.get_site_path(webnotes.conf.files_path, filename)): exists = False if exists: if webnotes.conn.exists("File Data", fileid): try: fd = webnotes.bean("File Data", fileid) if not (fd.doc.attached_to_doctype and fd.doc.attached_to_name): fd.doc.attached_to_doctype = doctype fd.doc.attached_to_name = doc.name fd.save() else: fd = webnotes.bean("File Data", copy=fd.doclist) fd.doc.attached_to_doctype = doctype fd.doc.attached_to_name = doc.name fd.doc.name = None fd.insert() except webnotes.DuplicateEntryError: pass else: webnotes.conn.sql("""delete from `tabFile Data` where name=%s""", fileid)