def execute(): import webnotes import webnotes.model.sync # sync doctypes required for the patch webnotes.model.sync.sync('website', 'web_cache') webnotes.model.sync.sync('website', 'web_page') webnotes.model.sync.sync('website', 'blog') webnotes.model.sync.sync('website', 'website_settings') webnotes.model.sync.sync('stock', 'item') cleanup() save_pages() save_website_settings() def cleanup(): import webnotes # delete pages from `tabPage` of module Website or of type Webpage webnotes.conn.sql("""\ delete from `tabPage` where module='Website' and ifnull(web_page, 'No') = 'Yes'""") # change show_in_website value in item table to 0 or 1 webnotes.conn.sql("""\ update `tabItem` set show_in_website = if(show_in_website = 'Yes', 1, 0) where show_in_website is not null""") # move comments from comment_doctype Page to Blog webnotes.conn.sql("""\ update `tabComment` comm, `tabBlog` blog set comm.comment_doctype = 'Blog', comm.comment_docname = where comm.comment_docname = blog.page_name""") # delete deprecated pages import webnotes.model webnotes.model.delete_doc('Page', 'products') webnotes.model.delete_doc('Page', 'contact') webnotes.model.delete_doc('Page', 'blog') webnotes.model.delete_doc('Page', 'about') import os import conf # delete other html files exception_list = ['app.html', 'unsupported.html', 'blank.html'] conf_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(conf.__file__)) public_path = os.path.join(conf_dir, 'public') for f in os.listdir(public_path): if f.endswith('.html') and f not in exception_list: os.remove(os.path.join(public_path, f)) def save_pages(): """save all web pages, blogs to create content""" query_map = { 'Web Page': """select name from `tabWeb Page` where docstatus=0""", 'Blog': """\ select name from `tabBlog` where docstatus = 0 and ifnull(published, 0) = 1""", 'Item': """\ select name from `tabItem` where docstatus = 0 and ifnull(show_in_website, 0) = 1""", } import webnotes from webnotes.model.doclist import DocList import webnotes.modules.patch_handler for dt in query_map: for result in webnotes.conn.sql(query_map[dt], as_dict=1): try: DocList(dt, result['name']).save() except Exception, e: webnotes.modules.patch_handler.log(str(e)) def save_website_settings(): from webnotes.model.code import get_obj # rewrite pages get_obj('Website Settings').on_update() ss = get_obj('Style Settings') ss.validate() ss.on_update()