QUnit.test("test:Sales Invoice", function(assert) { assert.expect(3); let done = assert.async(); frappe.run_serially([ () => { return frappe.tests.make("POS Profile", [ {naming_series: "SINV"}, {country: "India"}, {currency: "INR"}, {write_off_account: "Write Off - FT"}, {write_off_cost_center: "Main - FT"}, {payments: [ [ {"default": 1}, {"mode_of_payment": "Cash"} ]] } ]); }, () => cur_frm.save(), () => frappe.timeout(2), () => { assert.equal(cur_frm.doc.payments[0].default, 1, "Default mode of payment tested"); }, () => frappe.timeout(1), () => { return frappe.tests.make("Sales Invoice", [ {customer: "Test Customer 2"}, {is_pos: 1}, {posting_date: frappe.datetime.get_today()}, {due_date: frappe.datetime.get_today()}, {items: [ [ {"item_code": "Test Product 1"}, {"qty": 5}, {"warehouse":'Stores - FT'} ]] } ]); }, () => frappe.timeout(2), () => cur_frm.save(), () => frappe.timeout(2), () => { assert.equal(cur_frm.doc.payments[0].default, 1, "Default mode of payment tested"); assert.equal(cur_frm.doc.payments[0].mode_of_payment, "Cash", "Default mode of payment tested"); }, () => done() ]); });