erpnext.hub.HubListing = class HubListing extends frappe.views.BaseList { setup_defaults() { super.setup_defaults(); this.page_title = __(''); this.method = 'erpnext.hub_node.get_list'; this.cache = {}; const route = frappe.get_route(); this.page_name = route[1]; this.menu_items = this.menu_items.concat(this.get_menu_items()); this.imageFieldName = 'image'; this.show_filters = 0; } set_title() { const title = this.page_title; let iconHtml = ``; let titleHtml = `${title}`;, '', false, title); } setup_fields() { return this.get_meta() .then(r => { this.meta = r.message.meta || this.meta; frappe.model.sync(this.meta); this.bootstrap_data(r.message); this.prepareFormFields(); }); } setup_filter_area() { } get_meta() { return new Promise(resolve =>'erpnext.hub_node.get_meta', { doctype: this.doctype }, resolve)); } set_breadcrumbs() { } prepareFormFields() { } bootstrap_data() { } get_menu_items() { const items = [ { label: __('Hub Settings'), action: () => frappe.set_route('Form', 'Hub Settings'), standard: true }, { label: __('Favourites'), action: () => frappe.set_route('Hub', 'Favourites'), standard: true } ]; return items; } setup_side_bar() { this.sidebar = new frappe.ui.Sidebar({ wrapper:'.layout-side-section'), css_class: 'hub-sidebar' }); } setup_sort_selector() { // this.sort_selector = new frappe.ui.SortSelector({ // parent: this.filter_area.$filter_list_wrapper, // doctype: this.doctype, // args: this.order_by, // onchange: () => this.refresh(true) // }); } setup_view() { if (frappe.route_options) { const filters = []; for (let field in frappe.route_options) { var value = frappe.route_options[field];[field].set_value(value); } } const $hub_search = $(`
` ); this.$frappe_list.prepend($hub_search); const $search_input = $hub_search.find('input'); $search_input.on('keydown', frappe.utils.debounce((e) => { if (e.which === frappe.ui.keyCode.ENTER) { this.search_value = $search_input.val(); this.refresh(); } }, 300)); } get_args() { return { doctype: this.doctype, start: this.start, limit: this.page_length, order_by: this.order_by, // fields: this.fields, filters: this.get_filters_for_args() }; } update_data(r) { const data = r.message; if (this.start === 0) { = data; } else { =; } this.data_dict = {}; } freeze(toggle) { } render() { this.data_dict = {}; this.render_image_view(); this.setup_quick_view(); this.setup_like(); } render_offline_card() { let html = `
{{ _("Payment Cancelled") }}

${ __("Your payment is cancelled.")}

${ __("Continue")}
`; let page ='.layout-side-section') page.append(html); return; } render_image_view() { var html =""); if (this.start === 0) { // ${this.getHeaderHtml()} this.$result.html(`
Recently Published
`); } if ( { this.doc =[0]; }; this.data_dict = {}; => { this.data_dict[d.hub_item_code] = d; }); } getHeaderHtml(title, image, content) { // let company_html = return `
`; } renderHeader() { return ``; } get_image_html(encoded_name, src, alt_text) { return `${alt_text}`; } get_image_placeholder(title) { return `${frappe.get_abbr(title)}`; } loadImage(item) { item._name = encodeURI(; const encoded_name = item._name; const title = strip_html(item[this.meta.title_field || 'name']); let placeholder = this.get_image_placeholder(title); let $container = this.$result.find(`.image-field[data-name="${encoded_name}"]`); if (!item[this.imageFieldName]) { $container.prepend(placeholder); $container.addClass('no-image'); } frappe.load_image(item[this.imageFieldName], (imageObj) => { $container.prepend(imageObj) }, () => { $container.prepend(placeholder); $container.addClass('no-image'); }, (imageObj) => { imageObj.title = encoded_name; imageObj.alt = title; } ) } setup_quick_view() { if (this.quick_view) return; this.quick_view = new frappe.ui.Dialog({ title: 'Quick View', fields: this.formFields }); this.quick_view.set_primary_action(__('Request a Quote'), () => { this.show_rfq_modal() .then(values => { item.item_code = values.item_code; delete values.item_code; const supplier = values; return [item, supplier]; }) .then(([item, supplier]) => { return this.make_rfq(item, supplier,; }) .then(r => { console.log(r); if (r.message && r.message.rfq) {'disabled').html(` ${__('Quote Requested')}`); } else { throw r; } }) .catch((e) => { console.log(e); //eslint-disable-line }); }, 'octicon octicon-plus'); this.$result.on('click', '.btn.zoom-view', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var name = $('data-name'); name = decodeURIComponent(name); this.quick_view.set_title(name); let values = this.data_dict[name]; this.quick_view.set_values(values); let fields = [];; return false; }); } setup_like() { if (this.setup_like_done) return; this.setup_like_done = 1; this.$result.on('click', '', (e) => { if ($('changing')) return; $('changing'); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var name = $('data-name'); name = decodeURIComponent(name); let values = this.data_dict[name]; let heart = $(; if (heart.hasClass('like-button')) { heart = $('.octicon'); } let remove = 1; if (heart.hasClass('liked')) { // unlike heart.removeClass('liked'); } else { // like remove = 0; heart.addClass('liked'); }{ method: 'erpnext.hub_node.update_wishlist_item', args: { item_name: values.hub_item_code, remove: remove }, callback: (r) => { let message = __("Added to Favourites"); if (remove) { message = __("Removed from Favourites"); } frappe.show_alert(message); }, freeze: true }); $('changing'); return false; }); } } erpnext.hub.ItemListing = class ItemListing extends erpnext.hub.HubListing { constructor(opts) { super(opts);; } setup_defaults() { super.setup_defaults(); this.doctype = 'Hub Item'; this.page_title = __('Marketplace'); this.fields = ['name', 'hub_item_code', 'image', 'item_name', 'item_code', 'company_name', 'description', 'country']; this.filters = []; } render() { this.data_dict = {}; this.render_image_view(); this.setup_quick_view(); this.setup_like(); } bootstrap_data(response) { // let companies = =>; // this.custom_filter_configs = [ // { // fieldtype: 'Autocomplete', // label: __('Select Company'), // condition: 'like', // fieldname: 'company_name', // options: companies // }, // { // fieldtype: 'Link', // label: __('Select Country'), // options: 'Country', // condition: 'like', // fieldname: 'country' // } // ]; } prepareFormFields() { let fieldnames = ['item_name', 'description', 'company_name', 'country']; this.formFields = this.meta.fields .filter(field => fieldnames.includes(field.fieldname)) .map(field => { let { label, fieldname, fieldtype, } = field; let read_only = 1; return { label, fieldname, fieldtype, read_only, }; }); this.formFields.unshift({ label: 'image', fieldname: 'image', fieldtype: 'Attach Image' }); } setup_side_bar() { super.setup_side_bar(); this.setup_new_sidebar(); return; let $pitch = $(`
Sell on HubMarket

Over 2000 products listed. Register your company to start selling.

`); this.sidebar.$sidebar.append($pitch); this.category_tree = new frappe.ui.Tree({ parent: this.sidebar.$sidebar, label: 'All Categories', expandable: true, args: { parent: this.current_category }, method: 'erpnext.hub_node.get_categories', on_click: (node) => { this.update_category(node.label); } }); this.sidebar.add_item({ label: __('Companies'), on_click: () => frappe.set_route('Hub', 'Company') }, undefined, true); this.sidebar.add_item({ label:, on_click: () => frappe.set_route('Form', 'Company', }, __("Account")); this.sidebar.add_item({ label: __("Favourites"), on_click: () => frappe.set_route('Hub', 'Favourites') }, __("Account")); this.sidebar.add_item({ label: __("Settings"), on_click: () => frappe.set_route('Form', 'Hub Settings') }, __("Account")); } setup_new_sidebar() { this.sidebar.$sidebar.append(` `);'erpnext.hub_node.get_categories') .then(r => { const categories = => d.value).sort(); const sidebar_items = [ `
  • ${__('Category')}
  • `, `
  • All
  • `, => `
  • ${category}
  • `) ]; this.sidebar.$sidebar.append(` `); }); } update_category(label) { this.current_category = (label == 'All Categories') ? undefined : label; this.refresh(); } get_filters_for_args() { const filter = {}; if (this.search_value) { filter.item_name = ['like', `%${this.search_value}%`]; } filter.image = ['like', 'http%']; return filter; // if(!this.filter_area) return; // let filters = {}; // this.filter_area.get().forEach(f => { // let field = f[1] !== 'name' ? f[1] : 'item_name'; // filters[field] = [f[2], f[3]]; // }); // if(this.current_category) { // filters['hub_category'] = this.current_category; // } // return filters; } update_data(r) { super.update_data(r); this.data_dict = {}; => { this.data_dict[d.hub_item_code] = d; }); } item_html(item, index) { item._name = encodeURI(; const encoded_name = item._name; const title = strip_html(item[this.meta.title_field || 'name']); const img_url = item[this.imageFieldName]; const no_image = !img_url; const _class = no_image ? 'no-image' : ''; const route = `#Hub/Item/${item.hub_item_code}`; const company_name = item['company_name']; const reviewLength = ( || []).length; const ratingAverage = reviewLength ? .map(r => r.rating) .reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / reviewLength : -1; let ratingHtml = ``; for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { let starClass = 'fa-star'; if (i >= ratingAverage) starClass = 'fa-star-o'; ratingHtml += ``; } let dot_spacer = ''; let subtitle = ''; subtitle += comment_when(item.creation); subtitle += dot_spacer; if (ratingAverage > 0) { subtitle += ratingAverage + ``; subtitle += dot_spacer; } subtitle += company_name; let item_html = `
    ${ratingHtml} (${reviewLength})
    `; item_html = `
    `; return item_html; } }; erpnext.hub.Favourites2 = class Favourites extends erpnext.hub.ItemListing { constructor(opts) { super(opts);; } setup_defaults() { super.setup_defaults(); this.doctype = 'Hub Item'; this.page_title = __('Favourites'); this.fields = ['name', 'hub_item_code', 'image', 'item_name', 'item_code', 'company_name', 'description', 'country']; this.filters = []; this.method = 'erpnext.hub_node.get_item_favourites'; } setup_filter_area() { } setup_sort_selector() { } // setupHe getHeaderHtml() { return ''; } get_args() { return { start: this.start, limit: this.page_length, order_by: this.order_by, fields: this.fields }; } bootstrap_data(response) { } prepareFormFields() { } setup_side_bar() { this.sidebar = new frappe.ui.Sidebar({ wrapper:'.layout-side-section'), css_class: 'hub-sidebar' }); this.sidebar.add_item({ label: __('Back to Products'), on_click: () => frappe.set_route('Hub', 'Item') }); } update_category(label) { this.current_category = (label == 'All Categories') ? undefined : label; this.refresh(); } get_filters_for_args() { if (!this.filter_area) return; let filters = {}; this.filter_area.get().forEach(f => { let field = f[1] !== 'name' ? f[1] : 'item_name'; filters[field] = [f[2], f[3]]; }); if (this.current_category) { filters['hub_category'] = this.current_category; } return filters; } update_data(r) { super.update_data(r); this.data_dict = {}; => { this.data_dict[d.hub_item_code] = d; }); } }; erpnext.hub.CompanyListing = class CompanyListing extends erpnext.hub.HubListing { constructor(opts) { super(opts);; } render() { this.data_dict = {}; this.render_image_view(); } setup_defaults() { super.setup_defaults(); this.doctype = 'Hub Company'; this.page_title = __('Companies'); this.fields = ['company_logo', 'name', 'site_name', 'seller_city', 'seller_description', 'seller', 'country', 'company_name']; this.filters = []; this.custom_filter_configs = [ { fieldtype: 'Link', label: 'Country', options: 'Country', condition: 'like', fieldname: 'country' } ]; this.imageFieldName = 'company_logo'; } setup_side_bar() { this.sidebar = new frappe.ui.Sidebar({ wrapper:'.layout-side-section'), css_class: 'hub-sidebar' }); this.sidebar.add_item({ label: __('Back to Products'), on_click: () => frappe.set_route('Hub', 'Item') }); } get_filters_for_args() { let filters = {}; // this.filter_area.get().forEach(f => { // let field = f[1] !== 'name' ? f[1] : 'company_name'; // filters[field] = [f[2], f[3]]; // }); return filters; } item_html(company) { company._name = encodeURI(company.company_name); const encoded_name = company._name; const title = strip_html(company.company_name); const _class = !company[this.imageFieldName] ? 'no-image' : ''; const company_name = company['company_name']; const route = `#Hub/Company/${company_name}`; let image_html = company.company_logo ? `` : `
    `; let item_html = `
    `; return item_html; } };