// ERPNext - web based ERP (http://erpnext.com) // Copyright (C) 2012 Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . pscript['onshow_Accounts Browser'] = function(){ wn.require('lib/js/legacy/widgets/tree.js'); var route = decodeURIComponent(location.hash); if(route.indexOf('/')!=-1) { var chart_type = route.split('/')[1]; pscript.make_chart(chart_type); return; } // if the user directly loads the page, ask to select the chart var parent = $i('ab_body'); parent.innerHTML = 'Please select your chart: ' var sel = $a(parent,'select'); add_sel_options(sel, ['Account', 'Cost Center'], 'Account'); var btn = $btn(parent, 'Go', function() { pscript.make_chart(sel_val(sel)); }, {marginTop:'8px'}); } pscript.make_chart = function(b) { pscript.chart_type = b; $i('ab_header').innerHTML =''; $i('ab_body').innerHTML =''; //===============comment area======================================== var comment = $a($i('ab_body'),'div','comment',{marginBottom:"8px"}); comment.innerHTML = "Note: Explore and click on the tree node to add a new child"; var select_area = $a('ab_body', 'div', '', {margin:'8px 0px'}); //================== table body====================================== var ac_main_grid = make_table($i('ab_body'),1,2,'100%',['60%','40%'],{border:"0px", padding:"4px",tableLayout: "fixed", borderCollapse: "collapse"}); $y($td(ac_main_grid,0,0),{border: "1px solid #dddddd", padding: "8px"}); pscript.account_tree = $a($td(ac_main_grid,0,0),'div', '',{minHeight:'400px'}); $y($td(ac_main_grid,0,1),{border: "1px solid #DDD"}); pscript.la = $a($td(ac_main_grid,0,1),'div'); pscript.acc_period_bal = $a($td(ac_main_grid,0,1),'div'); //=====================footer area ================================== if (pscript.chart_type == 'Account') { var footer = $a($i('ab_body'),'div','',{backgroundColor: "#FFD", padding: "8px", color: "#444", fontSize: "12px", marginTop: "14px"}); var help1 = $a(footer,'span'); help1.innerHTML = "Note: To create accounts for Customers and Suppliers, please create Customer and Supplier" + " Masters. This will ensure that the accounts are linked to your Selling and Buying Processes. The Account Heads for Customer and Supplier will automatically be created." } // header and toolbar // ------------------ var h1 = 'Chart of '+pscript.chart_type+'s'; if(pscript.chart_type == 'Account') var d = 'accounting'; else var d = 'cost center'; var desc = 'Manage multiple companies and the '+d+' structures of each company.'; $i('ab_body').page_head = new PageHeader('ab_header',h1,desc); // select company // -------------- var tab = make_table(select_area, 1, 2, null, [], {verticalAlign:'middle', padding: '2px'}); $td(tab,0,0).innerHTML = 'Select Company'.bold(); var sel = $a($td(tab,0,1),'select','',{width:'160px'}); // set tree var set_tree = function() { if(pscript.ac_tree) { pscript.ac_tree.body.innerHTML = ''; } pscript.make_ac_tree(); var cn = sel_val(sel); var n = pscript.ac_tree.addNode(null, cn, null,pscript.ac_tree.std_onclick, pscript.ac_tree.std_onexp); n.rec = {}; n.rec.name = 'Root Node'; n.rec.account_name = cn; n.rec.cost_center_name = cn; pscript.set_ac_head('',n.rec); $ds(pscript.ac_head_area); } // select company add_sel_options(sel, ['Loading...']); var callback = function(r,rt) { empty_select(sel); add_sel_options(sel,r.message.cl,sys_defaults.company); set_tree(); sel.onchange = function() { set_tree(); } } $c_obj('GL Control', 'get_companies', '', callback); pscript.ab_company_sel = sel; pscript.make_ac_head(); pscript.make_group_area(); pscript.make_ledger_area(); pscript.make_new_acc_dialog(); pscript.make_new_comp(); pscript.make_new_cost_center_dialog(); } //New company link pscript.make_new_comp = function(){ $i('ab_body').page_head.add_button('New Company', function() { new_doc('Company'); }, 0, 'ui-icon-plus'); } pscript.make_ac_tree = function() { //var type= sel_val($i('chart_type')) var type= pscript.chart_type; var tree = new Tree(pscript.account_tree, '90%'); pscript.ac_tree = tree; // on click tree.std_onclick = function(node) { pscript.cur_node = node; // show ledger pscript.set_ac_head(node.parent_account, node.rec,type); } // on expand tree.std_onexp = function(node) { if(node.expanded_once)return; $ds(node.loading_div); //set_ac_head var callback = function(r,rt) { $dh(node.loading_div); var n = tree.allnodes[r.message.parent_acc_name]; var cl = r.message.cl; if(type=='Account'){ for(var i=0;i