import webnotes def get_unread_messages(): "returns unread (docstatus-0 messages for a user)" return webnotes.conn.sql("""\ SELECT name, comment FROM `tabComment` WHERE comment_doctype IN ('My Company', 'Message') AND comment_docname = %s AND ifnull(docstatus,0)=0 """,, as_list=1) def get_open_support_tickets(): """ Returns a count of open support tickets """ from webnotes.utils import cint open_support_tickets = webnotes.conn.sql("""\ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tabSupport Ticket` WHERE status = 'Open'""") return open_support_tickets and cint(open_support_tickets[0][0]) or 0 def get_open_tasks(): """ Returns a count of open tasks """ from webnotes.utils import cint return webnotes.conn.sql("""\ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tabTask` WHERE status = 'Open'""")[0][0] def get_things_todo(): """ Returns a count of incomplete todos """ from webnotes.utils import cint incomplete_todos = webnotes.conn.sql("""\ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tabToDo` WHERE IFNULL(checked, 0) = 0 AND owner = %s""", webnotes.session.get('user')) return incomplete_todos and cint(incomplete_todos[0][0]) or 0 def get_todays_events(): """ Returns a count of todays events in calendar """ from webnotes.utils import nowdate, cint todays_events = webnotes.conn.sql("""\ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tabEvent` WHERE owner = %s AND event_type != 'Cancel' AND event_date = %s""", ( webnotes.session.get('user'), nowdate())) return todays_events and cint(todays_events[0][0]) or 0 @webnotes.whitelist() def get_global_status_messages(arg=None): return { 'unread_messages': get_unread_messages(), 'open_support_tickets': get_open_support_tickets(), 'things_todo': get_things_todo(), 'todays_events': get_todays_events(), 'open_tasks': get_open_tasks() }