import frappe from import get_month_details from frappe.utils import cint def execute(): frappe.reload_doctype('Salary Slip') if not frappe.db.has_column('Salary Slip', 'fiscal_year'): return salary_slips = frappe.db.sql("""select month, name, fiscal_year from `tabSalary Slip` where (month is not null and month != '') and start_date is null and end_date is null and docstatus != 2""", as_dict=True) for salary_slip in salary_slips: if not cint(salary_slip.month): continue get_start_end_date = get_month_details(salary_slip.fiscal_year, cint(salary_slip.month)) start_date = get_start_end_date['month_start_date'] end_date = get_start_end_date['month_end_date'] frappe.db.sql("""update `tabSalary Slip` set start_date = %s, end_date = %s where name = %s""", (start_date, end_date,