{ "creation": "2021-06-29 17:00:18.273054", "docstatus": 0, "doctype": "Form Tour", "idx": 0, "is_standard": 1, "modified": "2021-06-29 17:00:26.145996", "modified_by": "Administrator", "module": "Accounts", "name": "Accounts Settings", "owner": "Administrator", "reference_doctype": "Accounts Settings", "save_on_complete": 0, "steps": [ { "description": "The percentage by which you can overbill transactions. For example, if the order value is $100 for an Item and percentage here is set as 10% then you are allowed to bill for $110.", "field": "", "fieldname": "over_billing_allowance", "fieldtype": "Currency", "has_next_condition": 0, "is_table_field": 0, "label": "Over Billing Allowance (%)", "parent_field": "", "position": "Right", "title": "Over Billing Allowance Percentage" }, { "description": "Select the role that is allowed to overbill a transactions.", "field": "", "fieldname": "role_allowed_to_over_bill", "fieldtype": "Link", "has_next_condition": 0, "is_table_field": 0, "label": "Role Allowed to Over Bill ", "parent_field": "", "position": "Right", "title": "Role Allowed to Over Bill" }, { "description": "If checked, system will unlink the payment against the respective invoice.", "field": "", "fieldname": "unlink_payment_on_cancellation_of_invoice", "fieldtype": "Check", "has_next_condition": 0, "is_table_field": 0, "label": "Unlink Payment on Cancellation of Invoice", "parent_field": "", "position": "Bottom", "title": "Unlink Payment on Cancellation of Invoice" }, { "description": "Similar to the previous option, this unlinks any advance payments made against Purchase/Sales Orders.", "field": "", "fieldname": "unlink_advance_payment_on_cancelation_of_order", "fieldtype": "Check", "has_next_condition": 0, "is_table_field": 0, "label": "Unlink Advance Payment on Cancellation of Order", "parent_field": "", "position": "Bottom", "title": "Unlink Advance Payment on Cancellation of Order" }, { "description": "Tax category can be set on Addresses. An address can be Shipping or Billing address. Set which addres to select when applying Tax Category.", "field": "", "fieldname": "determine_address_tax_category_from", "fieldtype": "Select", "has_next_condition": 0, "is_table_field": 0, "label": "Determine Address Tax Category From", "parent_field": "", "position": "Right", "title": "Determine Address Tax Category From" }, { "description": "Freeze accounting transactions up to specified date, nobody can make/modify entry except the specified Role.", "field": "", "fieldname": "acc_frozen_upto", "fieldtype": "Date", "has_next_condition": 0, "is_table_field": 0, "label": "Accounts Frozen Till Date", "parent_field": "", "position": "Right", "title": "Accounts Frozen Upto" }, { "description": "Users with this Role are allowed to set frozen accounts and create/modify accounting entries against frozen accounts.", "field": "", "fieldname": "frozen_accounts_modifier", "fieldtype": "Link", "has_next_condition": 0, "is_table_field": 0, "label": "Role Allowed to Set Frozen Accounts and Edit Frozen Entries", "parent_field": "", "position": "Right", "title": "Role Allowed to Set Frozen Accounts & Edit Frozen Entries" }, { "description": "Select the role that is allowed to submit transactions that exceed credit limits set. The credit limit can be set in the Customer form.", "field": "", "fieldname": "credit_controller", "fieldtype": "Link", "has_next_condition": 0, "is_table_field": 0, "label": "Credit Controller", "parent_field": "", "position": "Left", "title": "Credit Controller" } ], "title": "Accounts Settings" }