{% extends "templates/web.html" %} {% from "erpnext/templates/includes/order/order_macros.html" import item_name_and_description %} {% block breadcrumbs %} {% include "templates/includes/breadcrumbs.html" %} {% endblock %} {% block title %}{{ doc.name }}{% endblock %} {% block header %}

{{ doc.name }}

{% endblock %} {% block header_actions %} {% endblock %} {% block page_content %}
{{ _(doc.get('indicator_title')) or _(doc.status) or _("Submitted") }}
{{ frappe.utils.formatdate(doc.transaction_date, 'medium') }} {% if doc.valid_till %}

{{ _("Valid Till") }}: {{ frappe.utils.formatdate(doc.valid_till, 'medium') }}

{% endif %}

{%- set party_name = doc.supplier_name if doc.doctype in ['Supplier Quotation', 'Purchase Invoice', 'Purchase Order'] else doc.customer_name %} {{ party_name }} {% if doc.contact_display and doc.contact_display != party_name %}
{{ doc.contact_display }} {% endif %}

{% if doc._header %} {{ doc._header }} {% endif %}
{{ _("Item") }}
{{ _("Quantity") }}
{{ _("Amount") }}
{% for d in doc.items %}
{{ item_name_and_description(d) }}
{{ d.qty }} {% if d.delivered_qty is defined and d.delivered_qty != None %}

{{ _("Delivered") }} {{ d.delivered_qty }}

{% endif %}
{{ d.get_formatted("amount") }}

{{ _("Rate:") }} {{ d.get_formatted("rate") }}

{% endfor %}
{% include "erpnext/templates/includes/order/order_taxes.html" %}
{% if enabled_checkout and ((doc.doctype=="Sales Order" and doc.per_billed <= 0) or (doc.doctype=="Sales Invoice" and doc.outstanding_amount > 0)) %}
{% if available_loyalty_points %}
Enter Loyalty Points

Available Points: {{ available_loyalty_points }}

{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if attachments %}
{{ _("Attachments") }}
{% for attachment in attachments %}

{{ attachment.file_name }}

{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if doc.terms %}

{{ doc.terms }}

{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block script %} {% endblock %}