# Copyright (c) 2020, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors # License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt import frappe import json from frappe import _ from frappe.utils import nowdate from erpnext.accounts.dashboard_fixtures import _get_fiscal_year def get_data(): fiscal_year = _get_fiscal_year(nowdate()) if not fiscal_year: return frappe._dict() company = frappe.get_doc("Company", get_company_for_dashboards()) fiscal_year_name = fiscal_year.get("name") start_date = str(fiscal_year.get("year_start_date")) end_date = str(fiscal_year.get("year_end_date")) return frappe._dict({ "dashboards": get_dashboards(), "charts": get_charts(company, fiscal_year_name, start_date, end_date), "number_cards": get_number_cards(company, fiscal_year_name, start_date, end_date), }) def get_company_for_dashboards(): company = frappe.defaults.get_defaults().company if company: return company else: company_list = frappe.get_list("Company") if company_list: return company_list[0].name return None def get_dashboards(): return [{ "name": "Buying", "dashboard_name": "Buying", "charts": [ { "chart": "Purchase Order Trends", "width": "Full"}, { "chart": "Material Request Analysis", "width": "Half"}, { "chart": "Purchase Order Analysis", "width": "Half"}, { "chart": "Top Suppliers", "width": "Full"} ], "cards": [ { "card": "Annual Purchase"}, { "card": "Purchase Orders to Receive"}, { "card": "Purchase Orders to Bill"}, { "card": "Active Suppliers"} ] }] def get_charts(company, fiscal_year_name, start_date, end_date): return [ { "name": "Purchase Order Analysis", "chart_name": _("Purchase Order Analysis"), "chart_type": "Report", "custom_options": json.dumps({ "type": "donut", "height": 300, "axisOptions": {"shortenYAxisNumbers": 1} }), "doctype": "Dashboard Chart", "filters_json": json.dumps({ "company": company.name, "from_date": start_date, "to_date": end_date }), "is_custom": 1, "is_public": 1, "owner": "Administrator", "report_name": "Purchase Order Analysis", "type": "Donut" }, { "name": "Material Request Analysis", "chart_name": _("Material Request Analysis"), "chart_type": "Group By", "custom_options": json.dumps({"height": 300}), "doctype": "Dashboard Chart", "document_type": "Material Request", "filters_json": json.dumps( [["Material Request", "status", "not in", ["Draft", "Cancelled", "Stopped", None], False], ["Material Request", "material_request_type", "=", "Purchase", False], ["Material Request", "company", "=", company.name, False], ["Material Request", "docstatus", "=", 1, False], ["Material Request", "transaction_date", "Between", [start_date, end_date], False]] ), "group_by_based_on": "status", "group_by_type": "Count", "is_custom": 0, "is_public": 1, "number_of_groups": 0, "owner": "Administrator", "type": "Donut" }, { "name": "Purchase Order Trends", "chart_name": _("Purchase Order Trends"), "chart_type": "Report", "custom_options": json.dumps({ "type": "line", "axisOptions": {"shortenYAxisNumbers": 1}, "tooltipOptions": {}, "lineOptions": { "regionFill": 1 } }), "doctype": "Dashboard Chart", "filters_json": json.dumps({ "company": company.name, "period": "Monthly", "fiscal_year": fiscal_year_name, "period_based_on": "posting_date", "based_on": "Item" }), "is_custom": 1, "is_public": 1, "owner": "Administrator", "report_name": "Purchase Order Trends", "type": "Line" }, { "name": "Top Suppliers", "chart_name": _("Top Suppliers"), "chart_type": "Report", "doctype": "Dashboard Chart", "filters_json": json.dumps({ "company": company.name, "period": "Monthly", "fiscal_year": fiscal_year_name, "period_based_on": "posting_date", "based_on": "Supplier" }), "is_custom": 1, "is_public": 1, "owner": "Administrator", "report_name": "Purchase Receipt Trends", "type": "Bar" } ] def get_number_cards(company, fiscal_year_name, start_date, end_date): return [ { "name": "Annual Purchase", "aggregate_function_based_on": "base_net_total", "doctype": "Number Card", "document_type": "Purchase Order", "filters_json": json.dumps([ ["Purchase Order", "transaction_date", "Between", [start_date, end_date], False], ["Purchase Order", "status", "not in", ["Draft", "Cancelled", "Closed", None], False], ["Purchase Order", "docstatus", "=", 1, False], ["Purchase Order", "company", "=", company.name, False] ]), "function": "Sum", "is_public": 1, "label": _("Annual Purchase"), "owner": "Administrator", "show_percentage_stats": 1, "stats_time_interval": "Monthly" }, { "name": "Purchase Orders to Receive", "doctype": "Number Card", "document_type": "Purchase Order", "filters_json": json.dumps([ ["Purchase Order", "status", "in", ["To Receive and Bill", "To Receive", None], False], ["Purchase Order", "docstatus", "=", 1, False], ["Purchase Order", "company", "=", company.name, False] ]), "function": "Count", "is_public": 1, "label": _("Purchase Orders to Receive"), "owner": "Administrator", "show_percentage_stats": 1, "stats_time_interval": "Weekly" }, { "name": "Purchase Orders to Bill", "doctype": "Number Card", "document_type": "Purchase Order", "filters_json": json.dumps([ ["Purchase Order", "status", "in", ["To Receive and Bill", "To Bill", None], False], ["Purchase Order", "docstatus", "=", 1, False], ["Purchase Order", "company", "=", company.name, False] ]), "function": "Count", "is_public": 1, "label": _("Purchase Orders to Bill"), "owner": "Administrator", "show_percentage_stats": 1, "stats_time_interval": "Weekly" }, { "name": "Active Suppliers", "doctype": "Number Card", "document_type": "Supplier", "filters_json": json.dumps([["Supplier", "disabled", "=", "0"]]), "function": "Count", "is_public": 1, "label": "Active Suppliers", "owner": "Administrator", "show_percentage_stats": 1, "stats_time_interval": "Monthly" } ]