wn.provide('erpnext.blog'); (function() { $('body').on('click', '.btn-blog-subscribe', function() { var d = new wn.ui.Dialog({ title: "Get Blog Updates via Email", fields: [ {label: "Your Name", fieldtype:"Data", reqd:1}, {label: "Your Email Address", fieldtype:"Data", reqd:1 ,description: "You can unsubscribe anytime."}, {label: "Subscribe", fieldtype:"Button"} ] }); $(d.fields_dict.subscribe.input).click(function() { var args = d.get_values(); if(!args) return; wn.call({ method: 'website.blog.add_subscriber', args: args, callback: function(r) { if(r.exc) { msgprint('Opps there seems to be some error, Please check back after some time.'); } else { msgprint('Thanks for subscribing!'); } d.hide(); }, btn: this }) }) d.show() }) })()