# GL Mapper, Purchase Invoice [ # These values are common in all dictionaries { u'creation': '2012-04-30 19:55:04', u'docstatus': 0, u'modified': '2012-10-03 11:07:26', u'modified_by': u'Administrator', u'owner': u'Administrator' }, # These values are common for all GL Mapper { 'doc_type': u'Purchase Invoice', u'doctype': u'GL Mapper', u'name': u'__common__' }, # These values are common for all GL Mapper Detail { u'doctype': u'GL Mapper Detail', u'name': u'__common__', 'parent': u'Purchase Invoice', 'parentfield': u'fields', 'parenttype': u'GL Mapper' }, # GL Mapper, Purchase Invoice { u'doctype': u'GL Mapper', u'name': u'Purchase Invoice' }, # GL Mapper Detail { 'account': u'expense_head', 'against': u'parent:credit_to', 'aging_date': u'parent:aging_date', 'company': u'parent:company', 'cost_center': u'cost_center', 'credit': u'value:0', 'debit': u'amount', u'doctype': u'GL Mapper Detail', 'fiscal_year': u'parent:fiscal_year', 'is_opening': u'parent:is_opening', 'posting_date': u'parent:posting_date', 'remarks': u'parent:remarks', 'table_field': u'entries', 'transaction_date': u'parent:voucher_date', 'voucher_no': u'parent:name', 'voucher_type': u'parent:doctype' }, # GL Mapper Detail { 'account': u'account_head', 'against': u'parent:credit_to', 'aging_date': u'parent:aging_date', 'company': u'parent:company', 'cost_center': u'cost_center', 'credit': u"value:d.fields.get('category') != 'Valuation' and d.fields.get('add_deduct_tax') == 'Deduct' and d.fields.get('tax_amount') or 0", 'debit': u"value:d.fields.get('category') != 'Valuation' and d.fields.get('add_deduct_tax') == 'Add' and d.fields.get('tax_amount') or 0", u'doctype': u'GL Mapper Detail', 'fiscal_year': u'parent:fiscal_year', 'is_opening': u'parent:is_opening', 'posting_date': u'parent:posting_date', 'remarks': u'parent:remarks', 'table_field': u'purchase_tax_details', 'transaction_date': u'parent:voucher_date', 'voucher_no': u'parent:name', 'voucher_type': u'parent:doctype' }, # GL Mapper Detail { 'account': u'tax_code', 'against': u'credit_to', 'aging_date': u'aging_date', 'company': u'company', 'credit': u'ded_amount', 'debit': u'value:0', u'doctype': u'GL Mapper Detail', 'fiscal_year': u'fiscal_year', 'is_opening': u'is_opening', 'posting_date': u'posting_date', 'remarks': u'remarks', 'transaction_date': u'voucher_date', 'voucher_no': u'name', 'voucher_type': u'doctype' }, # GL Mapper Detail { 'account': u'credit_to', 'against': u'against_expense_account', 'against_voucher': u'name', 'against_voucher_type': u"value:'Purchase Invoice'", 'aging_date': u'aging_date', 'company': u'company', 'credit': u'total_amount_to_pay', 'debit': u'value:0', u'doctype': u'GL Mapper Detail', 'fiscal_year': u'fiscal_year', 'is_opening': u'is_opening', 'posting_date': u'posting_date', 'remarks': u'remarks', 'transaction_date': u'voucher_date', 'voucher_no': u'name', 'voucher_type': u'doctype' } ]