# Copyright (c) 2013, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors # For license information, please see license.txt from __future__ import unicode_literals import frappe from datetime import date from erpnext.regional.report.gstr_1.gstr_1 import Gstr1Report def execute(filters=None): return Gstr2Report(filters).run() class Gstr2Report(Gstr1Report): def __init__(self, filters=None): self.filters = frappe._dict(filters or {}) self.columns = [] self.data = [] self.doctype = "Purchase Invoice" self.tax_doctype = "Purchase Taxes and Charges" self.select_columns = """ name as invoice_number, supplier_name, posting_date, base_grand_total, base_rounded_total, supplier_gstin, place_of_supply, ecommerce_gstin, reverse_charge, gst_category, return_against, is_return, gst_category, export_type, reason_for_issuing_document, eligibility_for_itc, itc_integrated_tax, itc_central_tax, itc_state_tax, itc_cess_amount """ def get_data(self): self.get_igst_invoices() for inv, items_based_on_rate in self.items_based_on_tax_rate.items(): invoice_details = self.invoices.get(inv) for rate, items in items_based_on_rate.items(): if rate or invoice_details.get('gst_category') == 'Registered Composition': if inv not in self.igst_invoices: rate = rate / 2 row, taxable_value = self.get_row_data_for_invoice(inv, invoice_details, rate, items) tax_amount = taxable_value * rate / 100 row += [0, tax_amount, tax_amount] else: row, taxable_value = self.get_row_data_for_invoice(inv, invoice_details, rate, items) tax_amount = taxable_value * rate / 100 row += [tax_amount, 0, 0] row += [ self.invoice_cess.get(inv), invoice_details.get('eligibility_for_itc'), invoice_details.get('itc_integrated_tax'), invoice_details.get('itc_central_tax'), invoice_details.get('itc_state_tax'), invoice_details.get('itc_cess_amount') ] if self.filters.get("type_of_business") == "CDNR": row.append("Y" if invoice_details.posting_date <= date(2017, 7, 1) else "N") row.append("C" if invoice_details.return_against else "R") self.data.append(row) def get_igst_invoices(self): self.igst_invoices = [] for d in self.tax_details: is_igst = True if d[1] in self.gst_accounts.igst_account else False if is_igst and d[0] not in self.igst_invoices: self.igst_invoices.append(d[0]) def get_conditions(self): conditions = "" for opts in (("company", " and company=%(company)s"), ("from_date", " and posting_date>=%(from_date)s"), ("to_date", " and posting_date<=%(to_date)s")): if self.filters.get(opts[0]): conditions += opts[1] if self.filters.get("type_of_business") == "B2B": conditions += "and ifnull(gst_category, '') in ('Registered Regular', 'Deemed Export', 'SEZ', 'Registered Composition') and is_return != 1 " elif self.filters.get("type_of_business") == "CDNR": conditions += """ and is_return = 1 """ return conditions def get_columns(self): self.tax_columns = [ { "fieldname": "rate", "label": "Rate", "fieldtype": "Int", "width": 60 }, { "fieldname": "taxable_value", "label": "Taxable Value", "fieldtype": "Currency", "width": 100 }, { "fieldname": "integrated_tax_paid", "label": "Integrated Tax Paid", "fieldtype": "Currency", "width": 100 }, { "fieldname": "central_tax_paid", "label": "Central Tax Paid", "fieldtype": "Currency", "width": 100 }, { "fieldname": "state_tax_paid", "label": "State/UT Tax Paid", "fieldtype": "Currency", "width": 100 }, { "fieldname": "cess_amount", "label": "Cess Paid", "fieldtype": "Currency", "width": 100 }, { "fieldname": "eligibility_for_itc", "label": "Eligibility For ITC", "fieldtype": "Data", "width": 100 }, { "fieldname": "itc_integrated_tax", "label": "Availed ITC Integrated Tax", "fieldtype": "Currency", "width": 100 }, { "fieldname": "itc_central_tax", "label": "Availed ITC Central Tax", "fieldtype": "Currency", "width": 100 }, { "fieldname": "itc_state_tax", "label": "Availed ITC State/UT Tax", "fieldtype": "Currency", "width": 100 }, { "fieldname": "itc_cess_amount", "label": "Availed ITC Cess ", "fieldtype": "Currency", "width": 100 } ] self.other_columns = [] if self.filters.get("type_of_business") == "B2B": self.invoice_columns = [ { "fieldname": "supplier_gstin", "label": "GSTIN of Supplier", "fieldtype": "Data", "width": 120 }, { "fieldname": "invoice_number", "label": "Invoice Number", "fieldtype": "Link", "options": "Purchase Invoice", "width": 120 }, { "fieldname": "posting_date", "label": "Invoice date", "fieldtype": "Date", "width": 120 }, { "fieldname": "invoice_value", "label": "Invoice Value", "fieldtype": "Currency", "width": 120 }, { "fieldname": "place_of_supply", "label": "Place of Supply", "fieldtype": "Data", "width": 120 }, { "fieldname": "reverse_charge", "label": "Reverse Charge", "fieldtype": "Data", "width": 80 }, { "fieldname": "gst_category", "label": "Invoice Type", "fieldtype": "Data", "width": 80 } ] elif self.filters.get("type_of_business") == "CDNR": self.invoice_columns = [ { "fieldname": "supplier_gstin", "label": "GSTIN of Supplier", "fieldtype": "Data", "width": 120 }, { "fieldname": "invoice_number", "label": "Note/Refund Voucher Number", "fieldtype": "Link", "options": "Purchase Invoice" }, { "fieldname": "posting_date", "label": "Note/Refund Voucher date", "fieldtype": "Date", "width": 120 }, { "fieldname": "return_against", "label": "Invoice/Advance Payment Voucher Number", "fieldtype": "Link", "options": "Purchase Invoice", "width": 120 }, { "fieldname": "posting_date", "label": "Invoice/Advance Payment Voucher date", "fieldtype": "Date", "width": 120 }, { "fieldname": "reason_for_issuing_document", "label": "Reason For Issuing document", "fieldtype": "Data", "width": 120 }, { "fieldname": "supply_type", "label": "Supply Type", "fieldtype": "Data", "width": 120 }, { "fieldname": "invoice_value", "label": "Invoice Value", "fieldtype": "Currency", "width": 120 } ] self.other_columns = [ { "fieldname": "pre_gst", "label": "PRE GST", "fieldtype": "Data", "width": 50 }, { "fieldname": "document_type", "label": "Document Type", "fieldtype": "Data", "width": 50 } ] self.columns = self.invoice_columns + self.tax_columns + self.other_columns