{ "Albania": { "Albania VAT": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 20.00 } }, "Algeria": { "Algeria VAT 17%": { "account_name": "VAT 17%", "tax_rate": 17.00, "default": 1 }, "Algeria VAT 7%": { "account_name": "VAT 7%", "tax_rate": 7.00 } }, "Andorra": { "Andorra VAT": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 4.50 } }, "Angola": { "Angola VAT": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 10.00 } }, "Antigua And Barbuda": { "Antigua & Barbuda Sales Tax": { "account_name": "ABST", "tax_rate": 15.00 } }, "Argentina": { "Argentina Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 21.00 } }, "Armenia": { "Armenia Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 20.00 } }, "Aruba": { "Aruba Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 1.50 } }, "Australia": { "Australia GST": { "account_name": "GST 10%", "tax_rate": 10.00, "default": 1 } }, "Austria": { "Austria Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 20.00 } }, "Azerbaijan": { "Azerbaijan Tax": { "account_name": "GST", "tax_rate": 18.00 } }, "Bahamas": { "Bahamas Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 7.50 } }, "Bangladesh": { "Bangladesh Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 15.00 } }, "Barbados": { "Barbados Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 17.50 } }, "Belarus": { "Belarus Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 20.00 } }, "Belgium": { "Belgium VAT 21%": { "account_name": "VAT 21%", "tax_rate": 21.00, "default": 1 }, "Belgium VAT 12%": { "account_name": "VAT 12%", "tax_rate": 12 } }, "Belize": { "Belize Tax": { "account_name": "GST", "tax_rate": 12.50 } }, "Benin": { "Benin Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 18.00 } }, "Bhutan": { "Bhutan Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 50.00 } }, "Bolivia": { "Bolivia Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 13.00 } }, "Bosnia and Herzegovina": { "Bosnia & Herzegovina Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 17.00 } }, "Botswana": { "Botswana Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 12.00 } }, "Brazil": { "Brazil ICMS 19%": { "account_name": "ICMS 19%", "tax_rate": 19.00, "default": 1 }, "Brazil ICMS 17%": { "account_name": "ICMS 17%", "tax_rate": 17.00 }, "Brazil PIS 1.65%": { "account_name": "PIS 1.65%", "tax_rate": 1.65 }, "Brazil COFINS 7.6%": { "account_name": "COFINS 7.6%", "tax_rate": 7.6 }, "Brazil COFINS 5.0%": { "account_name": "ISS 5%", "tax_rate": 5.0 } }, "Bulgaria": { "Bulgaria VAT 20%": { "account_name": "VAT 20%", "tax_rate": 20.00, "default": 1 }, "Bulgaria VAT 7%": { "account_name": "VAT 7%", "tax_rate": 7.00 } }, "Burkina Faso": { "Burkina Faso Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 18.00 } }, "Burundi": { "Burundi Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 18.00 } }, "Cambodia": { "Cambodia Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 10.00 } }, "Cameroon": { "Cameroon Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 19.25 } }, "Canada": { "Canada GST 5%": { "account_name": "GST", "tax_rate": 5.00, "default": 1 }, "Canada HST 15%": { "account_name": "HST", "tax_rate": 15.00 }, "Canada PST 8%": { "account_name": "PST 8%", "tax_rate": 8.00 }, "Canada PST 7%": { "account_name": "PST 7%", "tax_rate": 7.00 }, "Canada PST 5%": { "account_name": "PST 5%", "tax_rate": 5.00 } }, "Cape Verde": { "Cape Verde Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 15.00 } }, "Central African Republic": { "Central African Republic Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 19.00 } }, "Chad": { "Chad Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 18.00 } }, "Chile": { "Chile Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 19.00 } }, "China": { "China Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 17.00 } }, "Colombia": { "Colombia Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 16.00 } }, "Comoros": { "Comoros Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 10.00 } }, "Congo": { "Congo Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 16.00 } }, "Costa Rica": { "Costa Rica": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 13.00 } }, "Croatia": { "Croatia VAT 25%": { "account_name": "VAT 25%", "tax_rate": 25.00, "default": 1 }, "Croatia VAT 10%": { "account_name": "VAT 10%", "tax_rate": 10.00 } }, "Cuba": { "Cuba Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 20.00 } }, "Cyprus": { "Cyprus Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 18.00 } }, "Czech Republic": { "Czech Republic VAT 21%": { "account_name": "VAT 21%", "tax_rate": 21.00, "default": 1 }, "Czech Republic VAT 15%": { "account_name": "VAT 15%", "tax_rate": 15.00 } }, "Denmark": { "Denmark Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 25.00 } }, "Djibouti": { "Dijbouti Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 33.00 } }, "Dominica": { "Dominica Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 15.00 } }, "Dominican Republic": { "Dominican Republic Tax": { "account_name": "ITBIS", "tax_rate": 16.00 } }, "Ecuador": { "Ecuador Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 12.00 } }, "Egypt": { "Egypt Tax": { "account_name": "GST", "tax_rate": 10.00 } }, "El Salvador": { "El Salvador Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 13.00 } }, "Equatorial Guinea": { "Equatorial Guinea": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 15.00 } }, "Eritrea": { "Eritrea Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 4.00 } }, "Estonia": { "Estonia Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 20.00 } }, "Ethiopia": { "Ethiopia Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 15.00 } }, "Fiji": { "Fiji Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 15.00 } }, "Finland": { "Finland Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 24.00 } }, "France": { "France VAT 20%": { "account_name": "VAT 20%", "tax_rate": 20, "default": 1 }, "France VAT 10%": { "account_name": "VAT 10%", "tax_rate": 10 }, "France VAT 5.5%": { "account_name": "VAT 5.5%", "tax_rate": 5.5 } }, "Gabon": { "Gabon Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 18.00 } }, "Gambia": { "Gambia Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 15.00 } }, "Georgia": { "Georgia Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 18.00 } }, "Germany": { "tax_categories": [], "chart_of_accounts": { "SKR04 mit Kontonummern": { "sales_tax_templates": [ { "title": "Lieferung oder sonstige Leistung im Inland", "is_default": 1, "taxes": [ { "account_head": { "account_name": "Umsatzsteuer 19 %", "account_number": "3806", "tax_rate": 19.00 }, "description": "Umsatzsteuer 19 %", "rate": 0.00 }, { "account_head": { "account_name": "Umsatzsteuer 7 %", "account_number": "3801", "tax_rate": 7.00 }, "description": "Umsatzsteuer 7 %", "rate": 0.00 } ] }, { "title": "Lieferung an Unternehmen in der EU", "is_default": 0, "taxes": [] }, { "title": "Sonstige Leistung an Unternehmen in der EU", "is_default": 0, "taxes": [] }, { "title": "Lieferung oder sonstige Leistung an nicht-Unternehmen in der EU", "is_default": 0, "taxes": [ { "account_head": { "account_name": "Umsatzsteuer 19 %", "account_number": "3806", "tax_rate": 19.00 }, "description": "Umsatzsteuer 19 %", "rate": 0.00 }, { "account_head": { "account_name": "Umsatzsteuer 7 %", "account_number": "3801", "tax_rate": 7.00 }, "description": "Umsatzsteuer 7 %", "rate": 0.00 } ] }, { "title": "Lieferung in Drittland", "is_default": 0, "taxes": [] }, { "title": "Sonstige Leistung an Unternehmen in Drittland", "is_default": 0, "taxes": [] }, { "title": "Sonstige Leistung an nicht-Unternehmen in Drittland", "is_default": 0, "taxes": [ { "account_head": { "account_name": "Umsatzsteuer 19 %", "account_number": "3806", "tax_rate": 19.00 }, "description": "Umsatzsteuer 19 %", "rate": 0.00 }, { "account_head": { "account_name": "Umsatzsteuer 7 %", "account_number": "3801", "tax_rate": 7.00 }, "description": "Umsatzsteuer 7 %", "rate": 0.00 } ] }, { "title": "Bauleistungen nach § 13b UStG", "is_default": 0, "taxes": [] } ], "purchase_tax_templates": [ { "title": "Lieferung aus dem Inland", "is_default": 1, "taxes": [ { "account_head": { "account_name": "Abziehbare Vorsteuer 19 %", "account_number": "1406", "root_type": "Asset", "tax_rate": 19.00 }, "description": "Abziehbare Vorsteuer 19 %", "rate": 0.00 }, { "account_head": { "account_name": "Abziehbare Vorsteuer 7 %", "account_number": "1401", "root_type": 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"tax_rate": 15.00 } }, "Guam": { "Guam Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 4.00 } }, "Guatemala": { "Guatemala Tax": { "account_name": "IVA", "tax_rate": 12.00 } }, "Guinea": { "Guinea Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 18.00 } }, "Guyana": { "Guyana Tax": { "account_name": "GST", "tax_rate": 16.00 } }, "Haiti": { "Haiti Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 10.00 } }, "Honduras": { "Honduras Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 15.00 } }, "Hungary": { "Hungary Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 27.00 } }, "Iceland": { "Iceland VAT 25.5%": { "account_name": "VAT 25.5%", "tax_rate": 25.5, "default": 1 }, "Iceland VAT 7.5%": { "account_name": "VAT 7.5%", "tax_rate": 7.5 } }, "Indonesia": { "Indonesia Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 10.00 } }, "Iran": { "Iran Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 7.00 } }, "Ireland": { "Ireland Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 23.00 } }, "Isle Of Man": { "Isle of Man VAT 20%": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 20.00, "default": 1 }, "Isle of Man VAT 5%": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 5.00 } }, "Israel": { "Israel Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 18.00 } }, "Italy": { "Italy VAT 22%": { "account_name": "IVA 22%", "tax_rate": 22.00, "default": 1 }, "Italy VAT 10%":{ "account_name": "IVA 10%", "tax_rate": 10.00 }, "Italy VAT 4%":{ "account_name": "IVA 4%", "tax_rate": 4.00 } }, "Ivory Coast": { "Ivory Coast": { "account_name": "Metric", "tax_rate": 18.00 } }, "Jamaica": { "Jamaica Tax": { "account_name": "GCT", "tax_rate": 16.50 } }, "Japan": { "Japan Tax": { "account_name": "CT", "tax_rate": 5.00 } }, "Jordan": { "Jordan Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 16.00 } }, "Kazakhstan": { "Kazakhstan Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 12.00 } }, "Kenya": { "Kenya Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 16.00 } }, "Kosovo": { "Kosovo Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 16.00 } }, "Kyrgyzstan": { "Kyrgyztan Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 12.00 } }, "Lao People's Democratic Republic": { "Lao Republic Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 10.00 } }, "Latvia": { "Latvia Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 20.00 } }, "Lebanon": { "Lebanon Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 10.00 } }, "Liechtenstein": { "Liechtenstein Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 8.00 } }, "Lithuania": { "Lithunia Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 21.00 } }, "Luxembourg": { "Luxembourg VAT 15%": { "account_name": "VAT 15%", "tax_rate": 15.00, "default": 1 }, "Luxembourg VAT 3%": { "account_name": "VAT 3%", "tax_rate": 3.00 } }, "Macedonia": { "Macedonia VAT 18%": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 18.00, "default": 1 }, "Macedonia VAT 5%": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 5.00 } }, "Madagascar": { "Madagascar Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 20.00 } }, "Malawi": { "Malawi Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 16.50 } }, "Malaysia": { "Malaysia GST 6%": { "account_name": "GST", "tax_rate": 6.00, "default": 1 }, "Malaysia GST 5%": { "account_name": "GST", "tax_rate": 5.00 }, "Malaysia GST 10%": { "account_name": "GST", "tax_rate": 10.00 } }, "Mali": { "Mali Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 18.00 } }, "Malta": { "Malta Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 18.00 } }, "Mauritania": { "Mauritania Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 18.00 } }, "Mauritius": { "Mauritius Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 15.00 } }, "Mexico": { "Mexico Tax": { "account_name": "IVA", "tax_rate": 16.00 } }, "Micronesia": { "Micronesia Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 5.00 } }, "Moldova": { "Moldova VAT 20%": { "account_name": "VAT 20%", "tax_rate": 20.00, "default": 1 }, "Moldova VAT 8%": { "account_name": "VAT 8%", "tax_rate": 8.00 } }, "Monaco": { "Monaco Tax 19.6%": { "account_name": "VAT 19.6%", "tax_rate": 19.6, "default": 1 }, "Monaco Tax 5.5%": { "account_name": "VAT 5,5%", "tax_rate": 5.5 } }, "Mongolia": { "Mongolia Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 10.00 } }, "Montenegro": { "Montenegro Tax 17%": { "account_name": "VAT 17%", "tax_rate": 17.00, "default": 1 }, "Montenegro Tax 7%": { "account_name": "VAT 7%", "tax_rate": 7.00 } }, "Morocco": { "Morroco VAT 20%": { "account_name": "VAT 20%", "tax_rate": 20.00, "default": 1 }, "Morroco VAT 10%": { "account_name": "VAT 10%", "tax_rate": 10.00 } }, "Mozambique": { "Mozambique Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 17.00 } }, "Myanmar": { "Myanamar Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 30.00 } }, "Namibia": { "Namibia Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 15.00 } }, "Nepal": { "Nepal Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 13.00 } }, "Netherlands": { "Netherlands VAT 21%": { "account_name": "VAT 21%", "tax_rate": 21.00, "default": 1 }, "Netherlands VAT 6%": { "account_name": "VAT 6%", "tax_rate": 6.00 } }, "New Zealand": { "New Zealand": { "account_name": "GST", "tax_rate": 15.00 } }, "Nicaragua": { "Nicaragua Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 15.00 } }, "Nigeria": { "Nigeria Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 5 } }, "North Korea": { "North Korea": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 15.00 } }, "Norway": { "Norway VAT 25%": { "account_name": "VAT 25%", "tax_rate": 25.00, "default": 1 }, "Norway VAT 12%": { "account_name": "VAT 12%", "tax_rate": 12.00 } }, "Pakistan": { "Pakistan Tax": { "account_name": "GST", "tax_rate": 17.00 } }, "Panama": { "Panama Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 7.00 } }, "Papua New Guinea": { "Papua New Guinea Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 10.00 } }, "Paraguay": { "Paraguay Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 10.00 } }, "Peru": { "Peru Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 16.00 } }, "Philippines": { "Philippines Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 12.00 } }, "Poland": { "Poland VAT 23%": { "account_name": "VAT 23%", "tax_rate": 23.00, "default": 1 }, "Poland VAT 7%": { "account_name": "VAT 7%", "tax_rate": 7 } }, "Portugal": { "Portugal Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 23.00 } }, "Republic Of The Congo": { "Congo Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 18.00 } }, "Romania": { "Romania Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 24.00 } }, "Russian Federation": { "Russia VAT 18%": { "account_name": "VAT 18%", "tax_rate": 18.00, "default": 1 }, "Russia VAT 10%": { "account_name": "VAT 10%", "tax_rate": 10.00 } }, "Rwanda": { "Rwanda Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 18.00 } }, "Senegal": { "Senegal Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 18.00 } }, "Saudi Arabia": { "KSA VAT 15%": { "account_name": "VAT 15%", "tax_rate": 15.00 }, "KSA VAT 5%": { "account_name": "VAT 5%", "tax_rate": 5.00 }, "KSA VAT Zero": { "account_name": "VAT Zero", "tax_rate": 0.00 }, "KSA VAT Exempted": { "account_name": "VAT Exempted", "tax_rate": 0.00 }, "KSA Excise 50%": { "account_name": "Excise 50%", "tax_rate": 50.00 }, "KSA Excise 100%": { "account_name": "Excise 100%", "tax_rate": 100.00 } }, "Serbia": { "Serbia Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 20.00 } }, "Seychelles": { "Seychelles Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 15.00 } }, "Sierra Leone": { "Sierra Leone Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 15.00 } }, "Singapore": { "Singapore Tax": { "account_name": "GST", "tax_rate": 7.00 } }, "Slovakia": { "Slovakia VAT 20%": { "account_name": "VAT 20%", "tax_rate": 20.00, "default": 1 }, "Slovakia VAT 10%": { "account_name": "VAT 10%", "tax_rate": 10.00 } }, "Slovenia": { "Slovenia VAT 22%": { "account_name": "VAT 22%", "tax_rate": 22.00, "default": 1 }, "Slovenia VAT 8.5%": { "account_name": "VAT 8.5%", "tax_rate": 8.50 } }, "Solomon Islands": { "Solomon Islands Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 15.00 } }, "Somalia": { "Somalia Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 10.00 } }, "South Africa": { "South Africa Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 15.00 } }, "South Korea": { "South Korea Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 10.00 } }, "Spain": { "Spain Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 21.00 } }, "Sri Lanka": { "Sri Lanka Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 12.00 } }, "St Lucia": { "St Lucia Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 15.00 } }, "Sudan": { "Sudan Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 10.00 } }, "Suriname": { "Suriname Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 10.00 } }, "Swaziland": { "Swaziland tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 14.00 } }, "Sweden": { "Sweden Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 25.00 } }, "Switzerland": { "Switzerland normal VAT": { "account_name": "VAT 7.7%", "tax_rate": 7.70, "default": 1 }, "Switzerland reduced VAT": { "account_name": "VAT 2.5%", "tax_rate": 2.50 }, "Switzerland lodging VAT": { "account_name": "VAT 3.7%", "tax_rate": 3.70 } }, "Taiwan": { "Taiwan Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 5.00 } }, "Tajikistan": { "Tajikistan Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 20 } }, "Tanzania": { "Tanzania Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 18.00 } }, "Thailand": { "Thailand Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 7.00 } }, "Togo": { "Togo Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 18.00 } }, "Tonga": { "Tonga Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 15.00 } }, "Trinidad And Tobago": { "Trinidad & Tobago Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 15.00 } }, "Tunisia": { "Tunisia VAT 18%": { "account_name": "VAT 18%", "tax_rate": 18.00, "default": 1 }, "Tunisia VAT 12%": { "account_name": "VAT 12%", "tax_rate": 12.00 }, "Tunisia VAT 6%": { "account_name": "VAT 6%", "tax_rate": 6.00 } }, "Turkey": { "Turkey Tax": { "account_name": "VAT 18%", "tax_rate": 18.00 } }, "Turkmenistan": { "Turkmenistan Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 20.00 } }, "Uganda": { "Uganda Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 18.00 } }, "Ukraine": { "Ukraine Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 20.00 } }, "United Arab Emirates": { "UAE VAT 5%": { "account_name": "VAT 5%", "tax_rate": 5.00 }, "UAE VAT Zero": { "account_name": "VAT Zero", "tax_rate": 0.00 }, "UAE VAT Exempted": { "account_name": "VAT Exempted", "tax_rate": 0.00 }, "UAE Excise 50%": { "account_name": "Excise 50%", "tax_rate": 50.00 }, "UAE Excise 100%": { "account_name": "Excise 100%", "tax_rate": 100.00 } }, "United Kingdom": { "United Kingdom Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 20.00 } }, "United States": { "US ST 6%": { "account_name": "ST 6%", "tax_rate": 6.00, "default": 1 }, "US ST 4%": { "account_name": "ST 4%", "tax_rate": 4.00 }, "US ST 6.25%": { "account_name": "ST 6.25%", "tax_rate": 6.25 } }, "Uruguay": { "Uruguay Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 22.00 } }, "Uzbekistan": { "Uzbekistan Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 20.00 } }, "Vanuatu": { "Vanuatu Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 12.50 } }, "Venezuela": { "Venezuela Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 12.00 } }, "Vietnam": { "Vietnam Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 10.00 } }, "Yemen": { "Yemen Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 5.00 } }, "Zambia": { "Zambia Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 16.00 } }, "Zimbabwe": { "Zimbabwe Tax": { "account_name": "VAT", "tax_rate": 15.00 } } }