--- { "_label": "ERPNext", "_no_title": 1, "_toc": [ "docs.user", "docs.dev", "docs.download", "docs.community", "docs.blog" ], "_no_toc": 1 } ---
 Welcome to the ERPNext Documentation + Community Site ### What is ERPNext? ERPNext is an Open Source integrated app (that manages Financial Accounting, Inventory, CRM) that is built grounds up for the web, using some of the latest web technologies and frameworks. ERPNext helps your organization manage Financial Accounting, Inventory, Sales, Purchase, Payroll, Customer Support, E-Commerce all in one platform. Learn more at [https://erpnext.com](https://erpnext.com) ### Site Contents This site contains the full User and Developer Documentation for ERPNext. This is still a work-in-progress. Please feel free to contribute issues and documentation.