# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors # License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt import functools import math import re import frappe from frappe import _ from frappe.utils import ( add_days, add_months, cint, cstr, flt, formatdate, get_first_day, getdate, today, ) from erpnext.accounts.doctype.accounting_dimension.accounting_dimension import ( get_accounting_dimensions, get_dimension_with_children, ) from erpnext.accounts.report.utils import convert_to_presentation_currency, get_currency from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year def get_period_list( from_fiscal_year, to_fiscal_year, period_start_date, period_end_date, filter_based_on, periodicity, accumulated_values=False, company=None, reset_period_on_fy_change=True, ignore_fiscal_year=False, ): """Get a list of dict {"from_date": from_date, "to_date": to_date, "key": key, "label": label} Periodicity can be (Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly)""" if filter_based_on == "Fiscal Year": fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year_data(from_fiscal_year, to_fiscal_year) validate_fiscal_year(fiscal_year, from_fiscal_year, to_fiscal_year) year_start_date = getdate(fiscal_year.year_start_date) year_end_date = getdate(fiscal_year.year_end_date) else: validate_dates(period_start_date, period_end_date) year_start_date = getdate(period_start_date) year_end_date = getdate(period_end_date) year_end_date = getdate(today()) if year_end_date > getdate(today()) else year_end_date months_to_add = {"Yearly": 12, "Half-Yearly": 6, "Quarterly": 3, "Monthly": 1}[periodicity] period_list = [] start_date = year_start_date months = get_months(year_start_date, year_end_date) for i in range(cint(math.ceil(months / months_to_add))): period = frappe._dict({"from_date": start_date}) if i == 0 and filter_based_on == "Date Range": to_date = add_months(get_first_day(start_date), months_to_add) else: to_date = add_months(start_date, months_to_add) start_date = to_date # Subtract one day from to_date, as it may be first day in next fiscal year or month to_date = add_days(to_date, -1) if to_date <= year_end_date: # the normal case period.to_date = to_date else: # if a fiscal year ends before a 12 month period period.to_date = year_end_date if not ignore_fiscal_year: period.to_date_fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(period.to_date, company=company)[0] period.from_date_fiscal_year_start_date = get_fiscal_year(period.from_date, company=company)[1] period_list.append(period) if period.to_date == year_end_date: break # common processing for opts in period_list: key = opts["to_date"].strftime("%b_%Y").lower() if periodicity == "Monthly" and not accumulated_values: label = formatdate(opts["to_date"], "MMM YYYY") else: if not accumulated_values: label = get_label(periodicity, opts["from_date"], opts["to_date"]) else: if reset_period_on_fy_change: label = get_label(periodicity, opts.from_date_fiscal_year_start_date, opts["to_date"]) else: label = get_label(periodicity, period_list[0].from_date, opts["to_date"]) opts.update( { "key": key.replace(" ", "_").replace("-", "_"), "label": label, "year_start_date": year_start_date, "year_end_date": year_end_date, } ) return period_list def get_fiscal_year_data(from_fiscal_year, to_fiscal_year): fiscal_year = frappe.db.sql( """select min(year_start_date) as year_start_date, max(year_end_date) as year_end_date from `tabFiscal Year` where name between %(from_fiscal_year)s and %(to_fiscal_year)s""", {"from_fiscal_year": from_fiscal_year, "to_fiscal_year": to_fiscal_year}, as_dict=1, ) return fiscal_year[0] if fiscal_year else {} def validate_fiscal_year(fiscal_year, from_fiscal_year, to_fiscal_year): if not fiscal_year.get("year_start_date") or not fiscal_year.get("year_end_date"): frappe.throw(_("Start Year and End Year are mandatory")) if getdate(fiscal_year.get("year_end_date")) < getdate(fiscal_year.get("year_start_date")): frappe.throw(_("End Year cannot be before Start Year")) def validate_dates(from_date, to_date): if not from_date or not to_date: frappe.throw(_("From Date and To Date are mandatory")) if to_date < from_date: frappe.throw(_("To Date cannot be less than From Date")) def get_months(start_date, end_date): diff = (12 * end_date.year + end_date.month) - (12 * start_date.year + start_date.month) return diff + 1 def get_label(periodicity, from_date, to_date): if periodicity == "Yearly": if formatdate(from_date, "YYYY") == formatdate(to_date, "YYYY"): label = formatdate(from_date, "YYYY") else: label = formatdate(from_date, "YYYY") + "-" + formatdate(to_date, "YYYY") else: label = formatdate(from_date, "MMM YY") + "-" + formatdate(to_date, "MMM YY") return label def get_data( company, root_type, balance_must_be, period_list, filters=None, accumulated_values=1, only_current_fiscal_year=True, ignore_closing_entries=False, ignore_accumulated_values_for_fy=False, total=True, ): accounts = get_accounts(company, root_type) if not accounts: return None accounts, accounts_by_name, parent_children_map = filter_accounts(accounts) company_currency = get_appropriate_currency(company, filters) gl_entries_by_account = {} for root in frappe.db.sql( """select lft, rgt from tabAccount where root_type=%s and ifnull(parent_account, '') = ''""", root_type, as_dict=1, ): set_gl_entries_by_account( company, period_list[0]["year_start_date"] if only_current_fiscal_year else None, period_list[-1]["to_date"], root.lft, root.rgt, filters, gl_entries_by_account, ignore_closing_entries=ignore_closing_entries, root_type=root_type, ) calculate_values( accounts_by_name, gl_entries_by_account, period_list, accumulated_values, ignore_accumulated_values_for_fy, ) accumulate_values_into_parents(accounts, accounts_by_name, period_list) out = prepare_data( accounts, balance_must_be, period_list, company_currency, accumulated_values=filters.accumulated_values, ) out = filter_out_zero_value_rows(out, parent_children_map) if out and total: add_total_row(out, root_type, balance_must_be, period_list, company_currency) return out def get_appropriate_currency(company, filters=None): if filters and filters.get("presentation_currency"): return filters["presentation_currency"] else: return frappe.get_cached_value("Company", company, "default_currency") def calculate_values( accounts_by_name, gl_entries_by_account, period_list, accumulated_values, ignore_accumulated_values_for_fy, ): for entries in gl_entries_by_account.values(): for entry in entries: d = accounts_by_name.get(entry.account) if not d: frappe.msgprint( _("Could not retrieve information for {0}.").format(entry.account), title="Error", raise_exception=1, ) for period in period_list: # check if posting date is within the period if entry.posting_date <= period.to_date: if (accumulated_values or entry.posting_date >= period.from_date) and ( not ignore_accumulated_values_for_fy or entry.fiscal_year == period.to_date_fiscal_year ): d[period.key] = d.get(period.key, 0.0) + flt(entry.debit) - flt(entry.credit) if entry.posting_date < period_list[0].year_start_date: d["opening_balance"] = d.get("opening_balance", 0.0) + flt(entry.debit) - flt(entry.credit) def accumulate_values_into_parents(accounts, accounts_by_name, period_list): """accumulate children's values in parent accounts""" for d in reversed(accounts): if d.parent_account: for period in period_list: accounts_by_name[d.parent_account][period.key] = accounts_by_name[d.parent_account].get( period.key, 0.0 ) + d.get(period.key, 0.0) accounts_by_name[d.parent_account]["opening_balance"] = accounts_by_name[d.parent_account].get( "opening_balance", 0.0 ) + d.get("opening_balance", 0.0) def prepare_data(accounts, balance_must_be, period_list, company_currency, accumulated_values): data = [] year_start_date = period_list[0]["year_start_date"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") year_end_date = period_list[-1]["year_end_date"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for d in accounts: # add to output has_value = False total = 0 row = frappe._dict( { "account": _(d.name), "parent_account": _(d.parent_account) if d.parent_account else "", "indent": flt(d.indent), "year_start_date": year_start_date, "year_end_date": year_end_date, "currency": company_currency, "include_in_gross": d.include_in_gross, "account_type": d.account_type, "is_group": d.is_group, "opening_balance": d.get("opening_balance", 0.0) * (1 if balance_must_be == "Debit" else -1), "account_name": ( "%s - %s" % (_(d.account_number), _(d.account_name)) if d.account_number else _(d.account_name) ), } ) for period in period_list: if d.get(period.key) and balance_must_be == "Credit": # change sign based on Debit or Credit, since calculation is done using (debit - credit) d[period.key] *= -1 row[period.key] = flt(d.get(period.key, 0.0), 3) if abs(row[period.key]) >= 0.005: # ignore zero values has_value = True total += flt(row[period.key]) if accumulated_values: # when 'accumulated_values' is enabled, periods have running balance. # so, last period will have the net amount. row["has_value"] = has_value row["total"] = flt(d.get(period_list[-1].key, 0.0), 3) else: row["has_value"] = has_value row["total"] = total data.append(row) return data def filter_out_zero_value_rows(data, parent_children_map, show_zero_values=False): data_with_value = [] for d in data: if show_zero_values or d.get("has_value"): data_with_value.append(d) else: # show group with zero balance, if there are balances against child children = [child.name for child in parent_children_map.get(d.get("account")) or []] if children: for row in data: if row.get("account") in children and row.get("has_value"): data_with_value.append(d) break return data_with_value def add_total_row(out, root_type, balance_must_be, period_list, company_currency): total_row = { "account_name": _("Total {0} ({1})").format(_(root_type), _(balance_must_be)), "account": _("Total {0} ({1})").format(_(root_type), _(balance_must_be)), "currency": company_currency, "opening_balance": 0.0, } for row in out: if not row.get("parent_account"): for period in period_list: total_row.setdefault(period.key, 0.0) total_row[period.key] += row.get(period.key, 0.0) total_row.setdefault("total", 0.0) total_row["total"] += flt(row["total"]) total_row["opening_balance"] += row["opening_balance"] if "total" in total_row: out.append(total_row) # blank row after Total out.append({}) def get_accounts(company, root_type): return frappe.db.sql( """ select name, account_number, parent_account, lft, rgt, root_type, report_type, account_name, include_in_gross, account_type, is_group, lft, rgt from `tabAccount` where company=%s and root_type=%s order by lft""", (company, root_type), as_dict=True, ) def filter_accounts(accounts, depth=20): parent_children_map = {} accounts_by_name = {} for d in accounts: accounts_by_name[d.name] = d parent_children_map.setdefault(d.parent_account or None, []).append(d) filtered_accounts = [] def add_to_list(parent, level): if level < depth: children = parent_children_map.get(parent) or [] sort_accounts(children, is_root=True if parent == None else False) for child in children: child.indent = level filtered_accounts.append(child) add_to_list(child.name, level + 1) add_to_list(None, 0) return filtered_accounts, accounts_by_name, parent_children_map def sort_accounts(accounts, is_root=False, key="name"): """Sort root types as Asset, Liability, Equity, Income, Expense""" def compare_accounts(a, b): if re.split(r"\W+", a[key])[0].isdigit(): # if chart of accounts is numbered, then sort by number return int(a[key] > b[key]) - int(a[key] < b[key]) elif is_root: if a.report_type != b.report_type and a.report_type == "Balance Sheet": return -1 if a.root_type != b.root_type and a.root_type == "Asset": return -1 if a.root_type == "Liability" and b.root_type == "Equity": return -1 if a.root_type == "Income" and b.root_type == "Expense": return -1 else: # sort by key (number) or name return int(a[key] > b[key]) - int(a[key] < b[key]) return 1 accounts.sort(key=functools.cmp_to_key(compare_accounts)) def set_gl_entries_by_account( company, from_date, to_date, root_lft, root_rgt, filters, gl_entries_by_account, ignore_closing_entries=False, ignore_opening_entries=False, root_type=None, ): """Returns a dict like { "account": [gl entries], ... }""" gl_entries = [] account_filters = { "company": company, "is_group": 0, "lft": (">=", root_lft), "rgt": ("<=", root_rgt), } if root_type: account_filters.update( { "root_type": root_type, } ) accounts_list = frappe.db.get_all( "Account", filters=account_filters, pluck="name", ) if accounts_list: # For balance sheet ignore_closing_balances = frappe.db.get_single_value( "Accounts Settings", "ignore_account_closing_balance" ) if not from_date and not ignore_closing_balances: last_period_closing_voucher = frappe.db.get_all( "Period Closing Voucher", filters={ "docstatus": 1, "company": filters.company, "posting_date": ("<", filters["period_start_date"]), }, fields=["posting_date", "name"], order_by="posting_date desc", limit=1, ) if last_period_closing_voucher: gl_entries += get_accounting_entries( "Account Closing Balance", from_date, to_date, accounts_list, filters, ignore_closing_entries, last_period_closing_voucher[0].name, ) from_date = add_days(last_period_closing_voucher[0].posting_date, 1) ignore_opening_entries = True gl_entries += get_accounting_entries( "GL Entry", from_date, to_date, accounts_list, filters, ignore_closing_entries, ignore_opening_entries=ignore_opening_entries, ) if filters and filters.get("presentation_currency"): convert_to_presentation_currency(gl_entries, get_currency(filters)) for entry in gl_entries: gl_entries_by_account.setdefault(entry.account, []).append(entry) return gl_entries_by_account def get_accounting_entries( doctype, from_date, to_date, accounts, filters, ignore_closing_entries, period_closing_voucher=None, ignore_opening_entries=False, ): gl_entry = frappe.qb.DocType(doctype) query = ( frappe.qb.from_(gl_entry) .select( gl_entry.account, gl_entry.debit, gl_entry.credit, gl_entry.debit_in_account_currency, gl_entry.credit_in_account_currency, gl_entry.account_currency, ) .where(gl_entry.company == filters.company) ) if doctype == "GL Entry": query = query.select(gl_entry.posting_date, gl_entry.is_opening, gl_entry.fiscal_year) query = query.where(gl_entry.is_cancelled == 0) query = query.where(gl_entry.posting_date <= to_date) if ignore_opening_entries: query = query.where(gl_entry.is_opening == "No") else: query = query.select(gl_entry.closing_date.as_("posting_date")) query = query.where(gl_entry.period_closing_voucher == period_closing_voucher) query = apply_additional_conditions(doctype, query, from_date, ignore_closing_entries, filters) query = query.where(gl_entry.account.isin(accounts)) entries = query.run(as_dict=True) return entries def apply_additional_conditions(doctype, query, from_date, ignore_closing_entries, filters): gl_entry = frappe.qb.DocType(doctype) accounting_dimensions = get_accounting_dimensions(as_list=False) if ignore_closing_entries: if doctype == "GL Entry": query = query.where(gl_entry.voucher_type != "Period Closing Voucher") else: query = query.where(gl_entry.is_period_closing_voucher_entry == 0) if from_date and doctype == "GL Entry": query = query.where(gl_entry.posting_date >= from_date) if filters: if filters.get("project"): if not isinstance(filters.get("project"), list): filters.project = frappe.parse_json(filters.get("project")) query = query.where(gl_entry.project.isin(filters.project)) if filters.get("cost_center"): filters.cost_center = get_cost_centers_with_children(filters.cost_center) query = query.where(gl_entry.cost_center.isin(filters.cost_center)) if filters.get("include_default_book_entries"): company_fb = frappe.get_cached_value("Company", filters.company, "default_finance_book") if filters.finance_book and company_fb and cstr(filters.finance_book) != cstr(company_fb): frappe.throw(_("To use a different finance book, please uncheck 'Include Default FB Entries'")) query = query.where( (gl_entry.finance_book.isin([cstr(filters.finance_book), cstr(company_fb), ""])) | (gl_entry.finance_book.isnull()) ) else: query = query.where( (gl_entry.finance_book.isin([cstr(filters.finance_book), ""])) | (gl_entry.finance_book.isnull()) ) if accounting_dimensions: for dimension in accounting_dimensions: if filters.get(dimension.fieldname): if frappe.get_cached_value("DocType", dimension.document_type, "is_tree"): filters[dimension.fieldname] = get_dimension_with_children( dimension.document_type, filters.get(dimension.fieldname) ) query = query.where(gl_entry[dimension.fieldname].isin(filters[dimension.fieldname])) return query def get_cost_centers_with_children(cost_centers): if not isinstance(cost_centers, list): cost_centers = [d.strip() for d in cost_centers.strip().split(",") if d] all_cost_centers = [] for d in cost_centers: if frappe.db.exists("Cost Center", d): lft, rgt = frappe.db.get_value("Cost Center", d, ["lft", "rgt"]) children = frappe.get_all("Cost Center", filters={"lft": [">=", lft], "rgt": ["<=", rgt]}) all_cost_centers += [c.name for c in children] else: frappe.throw(_("Cost Center: {0} does not exist").format(d)) return list(set(all_cost_centers)) def get_columns(periodicity, period_list, accumulated_values=1, company=None): columns = [ { "fieldname": "account", "label": _("Account"), "fieldtype": "Link", "options": "Account", "width": 300, } ] if company: columns.append( { "fieldname": "currency", "label": _("Currency"), "fieldtype": "Link", "options": "Currency", "hidden": 1, } ) for period in period_list: columns.append( { "fieldname": period.key, "label": period.label, "fieldtype": "Currency", "options": "currency", "width": 150, } ) if periodicity != "Yearly": if not accumulated_values: columns.append( { "fieldname": "total", "label": _("Total"), "fieldtype": "Currency", "width": 150, "options": "currency", } ) return columns def get_filtered_list_for_consolidated_report(filters, period_list): filtered_summary_list = [] for period in period_list: if period == filters.get("company"): filtered_summary_list.append(period) return filtered_summary_list