// Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors // License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt frappe.pages['production-analytics'].on_page_load = function(wrapper) { frappe.ui.make_app_page({ parent: wrapper, title: __('Production Analytics'), single_column: true }); new erpnext.ProductionAnalytics(wrapper); frappe.breadcrumbs.add("Manufacturing"); } erpnext.ProductionAnalytics = frappe.views.GridReportWithPlot.extend({ init: function(wrapper) { this._super({ title: __("Production Analytics"), parent: $(wrapper).find('.layout-main'), page: wrapper.page, doctypes: ["Item", "Company", "Fiscal Year", "Work Order"] }); }, setup_columns: function() { var std_columns = [ {id: "_check", name: __("Plot"), field: "_check", width: 30, formatter: this.check_formatter}, {id: "name", name: __("Status"), field: "name", width: 100}, ]; this.make_date_range_columns(); this.columns = std_columns.concat(this.columns); }, filters: [ {fieldtype:"Select", label: __("Company"), link:"Company", fieldname: "company", default_value: __("Select Company...")}, {fieldtype:"Date", label: __("From Date"), fieldname: "from_date"}, {fieldtype:"Date", label: __("To Date"), fieldname: "to_date"}, {fieldtype:"Select", label: __("Range"), fieldname: "range", options:[{label: __("Daily"), value: "Daily"}, {label: __("Weekly"), value: "Weekly"}, {label: __("Monthly"), value: "Monthly"}, {label: __("Quarterly"), value: "Quarterly"}, {label: __("Yearly"), value: "Yearly"}]} ], setup_filters: function() { var me = this; this._super(); this.trigger_refresh_on_change(["company"]); this.trigger_refresh_on_change(["range"]); this.show_zero_check() this.setup_chart_check(); }, init_filter_values: function() { this._super(); this.filter_inputs.range.val('Monthly'); }, setup_chart: function() { var me = this; var chart_data = this.get_chart_data ? this.get_chart_data() : null; this.chart = new Chart(".chart", { data: chart_data, type: 'line' }); }, set_default_values: function() { var values = { from_date: frappe.datetime.str_to_user(frappe.datetime.add_months(frappe.datetime.now_datetime(),-12) ), to_date: frappe.datetime.str_to_user(frappe.datetime.add_months(frappe.datetime.now_datetime(),1)) } var me = this; $.each(values, function(i, v) { if(me.filter_inputs[i] && !me.filter_inputs[i].val()) me.filter_inputs[i].val(v); }) }, prepare_data: function() { // add Opening, Closing, Totals rows // if filtered by account and / or voucher var me = this; var all_open_orders = {name:"All Work Orders", "id": "all-open-pos", checked:true}; var not_started = {name:"Not Started", "id":"not-started-pos", checked:true}; var overdue = {name:"Overdue (Not Started)", "id":"overdue-pos", checked:true}; var pending = {name:"Pending", "id":"pending-pos", checked:true}; var completed = {name:"Completed", "id":"completed-pos", checked:true}; $.each(frappe.report_dump.data["Work Order"], function(i, d) { var dateobj = frappe.datetime.str_to_obj(d.creation); var date = frappe.datetime.str_to_user(d.creation.split(" ")[0]); $.each(me.columns, function(i,col) { if (i > 1){ var start_period = frappe.datetime.user_to_obj(frappe.datetime.str_to_user(col.id)); var end_period = frappe.datetime.user_to_obj(frappe.datetime.str_to_user(col.name)); var astart_date = frappe.datetime.user_to_obj(frappe.datetime.str_to_user(d.actual_start_date)); var planned_start_date = frappe.datetime.user_to_obj(frappe.datetime.str_to_user(d.planned_start_date)); var aend_date = frappe.datetime.user_to_obj(frappe.datetime.str_to_user(d.actual_end_date)); var modified = frappe.datetime.user_to_obj(frappe.datetime.str_to_user(d.modified)); if (dateobj <= start_period || dateobj <= end_period) { all_open_orders[col.field] = flt(all_open_orders[col.field]) + 1; if(d.status=="Completed") { if(aend_date < start_period || modified < start_period) { completed[col.field] = flt(completed[col.field]) + 1; } else if (astart_date < start_period) { pending[col.field] = flt(pending[col.field]) + 1; } else if (planned_start_date < start_period) { overdue[col.field] = flt(overdue[col.field]) + 1; } else { not_started[col.field] = flt(not_started[col.field]) + 1; } }else if(d.status == "In Process") { if (astart_date < start_period || modified < start_period){ pending[col.field] = flt(pending[col.field]) + 1; }else if (planned_start_date < start_period) { overdue[col.field] = flt(overdue[col.field]) + 1; }else{ not_started[col.field] = flt(not_started[col.field]) + 1; } }else if(d.status == "Not Started") { if (planned_start_date < start_period){ overdue[col.field] = flt(overdue[col.field]) + 1; }else{ not_started[col.field] = flt(not_started[col.field]) + 1; } } } } }); }); if(me.columns.length < 30){ this.chart_area.toggle(true); }else { this.chart_area.toggle(false); } this.data = [all_open_orders, not_started, overdue, pending, completed]; } });