# Copyright (c) 2020, Frappe and Contributors # License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt import frappe def _rename_single_field(**kwargs): count = frappe.db.sql( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tabSingles WHERE doctype='{doctype}' AND field='{new_name}';".format( **kwargs ) )[0][ 0 ] # nosec if count == 0: frappe.db.sql( "UPDATE tabSingles SET field='{new_name}' WHERE doctype='{doctype}' AND field='{old_name}';".format( **kwargs ) ) # nosec def execute(): _rename_single_field(doctype="Bank Clearance", old_name="bank_account", new_name="account") _rename_single_field( doctype="Bank Clearance", old_name="bank_account_no", new_name="bank_account" ) frappe.reload_doc("Accounts", "doctype", "Bank Clearance")