// Copyright (c) 2013, Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors // License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt frappe.provide("erpnext"); frappe.require("assets/erpnext/js/controllers/stock_controller.js"); erpnext.TransactionController = erpnext.stock.StockController.extend({ onload: function() { var me = this; if(this.frm.doc.__islocal) { var today = get_today(), currency = frappe.defaults.get_default("currency"); $.each({ posting_date: today, due_date: today, transaction_date: today, currency: currency, price_list_currency: currency, status: "Draft", company: frappe.defaults.get_default("company"), fiscal_year: frappe.defaults.get_default("fiscal_year"), is_subcontracted: "No", }, function(fieldname, value) { if(me.frm.fields_dict[fieldname] && !me.frm.doc[fieldname]) me.frm.set_value(fieldname, value); }); } if(this.other_fname) { this[this.other_fname + "_remove"] = this.calculate_taxes_and_totals; } if(this.fname) { this[this.fname + "_remove"] = this.calculate_taxes_and_totals; } }, onload_post_render: function() { var me = this; if(this.frm.doc.__islocal && this.frm.doc.company && !this.frm.doc.is_pos) { if(!this.frm.doc.customer || !this.frm.doc.supplier) { return this.frm.call({ doc: this.frm.doc, method: "onload_post_render", freeze: true, callback: function(r) { // remove this call when using client side mapper me.set_default_values(); me.set_dynamic_labels(); me.calculate_taxes_and_totals(); } }); } else { this.calculate_taxes_and_totals(); } } }, refresh: function() { this.frm.clear_custom_buttons(); erpnext.hide_naming_series(); erpnext.hide_company(); this.show_item_wise_taxes(); this.set_dynamic_labels(); // Show POS button only if it is enabled from features setup if(cint(sys_defaults.fs_pos_view)===1 && this.frm.doctype!="Material Request") this.make_pos_btn(); }, make_pos_btn: function() { if(!this.pos_active) { var btn_label = frappe._("POS View"), icon = "icon-desktop"; } else { var btn_label = frappe._(this.frm.doctype) + frappe._(" View"), icon = "icon-file-text"; } var me = this; this.$pos_btn = this.frm.appframe.add_button(btn_label, function() { me.toggle_pos(); }, icon); }, toggle_pos: function(show) { // Check whether it is Selling or Buying cycle var price_list = frappe.meta.has_field(cur_frm.doc.doctype, "selling_price_list") ? this.frm.doc.selling_price_list : this.frm.doc.buying_price_list; if (!price_list) msgprint(frappe._("Please select Price List")) else { if((show===true && this.pos_active) || (show===false && !this.pos_active)) return; // make pos if(!this.frm.pos) { this.frm.layout.add_view("pos"); this.frm.pos = new erpnext.POS(this.frm.layout.views.pos, this.frm); } // toggle view this.frm.layout.set_view(this.pos_active ? "" : "pos"); this.pos_active = !this.pos_active; // refresh if(this.pos_active) this.frm.pos.refresh(); this.frm.refresh(); } }, item_code: function(doc, cdt, cdn) { var me = this; var item = frappe.model.get_doc(cdt, cdn); if(item.item_code || item.barcode || item.serial_no) { if(!this.validate_company_and_party()) { cur_frm.fields_dict[me.frm.cscript.fname].grid.grid_rows[item.idx - 1].remove(); } else { return this.frm.call({ method: "erpnext.stock.get_item_details.get_item_details", child: item, args: { args: { item_code: item.item_code, barcode: item.barcode, serial_no: item.serial_no, warehouse: item.warehouse, doctype: me.frm.doc.doctype, docname: me.frm.doc.name, customer: me.frm.doc.customer, supplier: me.frm.doc.supplier, currency: me.frm.doc.currency, conversion_rate: me.frm.doc.conversion_rate, price_list: me.frm.doc.selling_price_list || me.frm.doc.buying_price_list, price_list_currency: me.frm.doc.price_list_currency, plc_conversion_rate: me.frm.doc.plc_conversion_rate, company: me.frm.doc.company, order_type: me.frm.doc.order_type, is_pos: cint(me.frm.doc.is_pos), is_subcontracted: me.frm.doc.is_subcontracted, transaction_date: me.frm.doc.transaction_date } }, callback: function(r) { if(!r.exc) { me.frm.script_manager.trigger("price_list_rate", cdt, cdn); } } }); } } }, serial_no: function(doc, cdt, cdn) { var me = this; var item = frappe.model.get_doc(cdt, cdn); if (item.serial_no) { if (!item.item_code) { this.frm.script_manager.trigger("item_code", cdt, cdn); } else { var sr_no = []; // Replacing all occurences of comma with carriage return var serial_nos = item.serial_no.trim().replace(/,/g, '\n'); serial_nos = serial_nos.trim().split('\n'); // Trim each string and push unique string to new list for (var x=0; x<=serial_nos.length - 1; x++) { if (serial_nos[x].trim() != "" && sr_no.indexOf(serial_nos[x].trim()) == -1) { sr_no.push(serial_nos[x].trim()); } } // Add the new list to the serial no. field in grid with each in new line item.serial_no = ""; for (var x=0; x<=sr_no.length - 1; x++) item.serial_no += sr_no[x] + '\n'; refresh_field("serial_no", item.name, item.parentfield); frappe.model.set_value(item.doctype, item.name, "qty", sr_no.length); } } }, validate: function() { this.calculate_taxes_and_totals(); }, set_default_values: function() { $.each(frappe.model.get_doclist(this.frm.doctype, this.frm.docname), function(i, doc) { var updated = frappe.model.set_default_values(doc); if(doc.parentfield) { refresh_field(doc.parentfield); } else { refresh_field(updated); } }); }, company: function() { if(this.frm.doc.company && this.frm.fields_dict.currency) { var company_currency = this.get_company_currency(); if (!this.frm.doc.currency) { this.frm.set_value("currency", company_currency); } if (this.frm.doc.currency == company_currency) { this.frm.set_value("conversion_rate", 1.0); } if (this.frm.doc.price_list_currency == company_currency) { this.frm.set_value('plc_conversion_rate', 1.0); } this.frm.script_manager.trigger("currency"); } }, get_company_currency: function() { return erpnext.get_currency(this.frm.doc.company); }, currency: function() { var me = this; this.set_dynamic_labels(); var company_currency = this.get_company_currency(); if(this.frm.doc.currency !== company_currency) { this.get_exchange_rate(this.frm.doc.currency, company_currency, function(exchange_rate) { me.frm.set_value("conversion_rate", exchange_rate); me.conversion_rate(); }); } else { this.conversion_rate(); } }, conversion_rate: function() { if(this.frm.doc.currency === this.get_company_currency()) { this.frm.set_value("conversion_rate", 1.0); } if(this.frm.doc.currency === this.frm.doc.price_list_currency && this.frm.doc.plc_conversion_rate !== this.frm.doc.conversion_rate) { this.frm.set_value("plc_conversion_rate", this.frm.doc.conversion_rate); } if(flt(this.frm.doc.conversion_rate)>0.0) this.calculate_taxes_and_totals(); }, get_price_list_currency: function(buying_or_selling) { var me = this; var fieldname = buying_or_selling.toLowerCase() + "_price_list"; if(this.frm.doc[fieldname]) { return this.frm.call({ method: "erpnext.setup.utils.get_price_list_currency", args: { price_list: this.frm.doc[fieldname], }, callback: function(r) { if(!r.exc) { me.price_list_currency(); } } }); } }, get_exchange_rate: function(from_currency, to_currency, callback) { var exchange_name = from_currency + "-" + to_currency; frappe.model.with_doc("Currency Exchange", exchange_name, function(name) { var exchange_doc = frappe.model.get_doc("Currency Exchange", exchange_name); callback(exchange_doc ? flt(exchange_doc.exchange_rate) : 0); }); }, price_list_currency: function() { var me=this; this.set_dynamic_labels(); var company_currency = this.get_company_currency(); if(this.frm.doc.price_list_currency !== company_currency) { this.get_exchange_rate(this.frm.doc.price_list_currency, company_currency, function(exchange_rate) { if(exchange_rate) { me.frm.set_value("plc_conversion_rate", exchange_rate); me.plc_conversion_rate(); } }); } else { this.plc_conversion_rate(); } }, plc_conversion_rate: function() { if(this.frm.doc.price_list_currency === this.get_company_currency()) { this.frm.set_value("plc_conversion_rate", 1.0); } if(this.frm.doc.price_list_currency === this.frm.doc.currency) { this.frm.set_value("conversion_rate", this.frm.doc.plc_conversion_rate); this.calculate_taxes_and_totals(); } }, qty: function(doc, cdt, cdn) { this.calculate_taxes_and_totals(); }, tax_rate: function(doc, cdt, cdn) { this.calculate_taxes_and_totals(); }, row_id: function(doc, cdt, cdn) { var tax = frappe.model.get_doc(cdt, cdn); try { this.validate_on_previous_row(tax); this.calculate_taxes_and_totals(); } catch(e) { tax.row_id = null; refresh_field("row_id", tax.name, tax.parentfield); throw e; } }, set_dynamic_labels: function() { // What TODO? should we make price list system non-mandatory? this.frm.toggle_reqd("plc_conversion_rate", !!(this.frm.doc.price_list_name && this.frm.doc.price_list_currency)); var company_currency = this.get_company_currency(); this.change_form_labels(company_currency); this.change_grid_labels(company_currency); this.frm.refresh_fields(); }, recalculate: function() { this.calculate_taxes_and_totals(); }, recalculate_values: function() { this.calculate_taxes_and_totals(); }, calculate_charges: function() { this.calculate_taxes_and_totals(); }, included_in_print_rate: function(doc, cdt, cdn) { var tax = frappe.model.get_doc(cdt, cdn); try { this.validate_on_previous_row(tax); this.validate_inclusive_tax(tax); this.calculate_taxes_and_totals(); } catch(e) { tax.included_in_print_rate = 0; refresh_field("included_in_print_rate", tax.name, tax.parentfield); throw e; } }, validate_on_previous_row: function(tax) { // validate if a valid row id is mentioned in case of // On Previous Row Amount and On Previous Row Total if(([frappe._("On Previous Row Amount"), frappe._("On Previous Row Total")].indexOf(tax.charge_type) != -1) && (!tax.row_id || cint(tax.row_id) >= tax.idx)) { var msg = repl(frappe._("Row") + " # %(idx)s [%(doctype)s]: " + frappe._("Please specify a valid") + " %(row_id_label)s", { idx: tax.idx, doctype: tax.doctype, row_id_label: frappe.meta.get_label(tax.doctype, "row_id", tax.name) }); frappe.throw(msg); } }, validate_inclusive_tax: function(tax) { if(!this.frm.tax_doclist) this.frm.tax_doclist = this.get_tax_doclist(); var actual_type_error = function() { var msg = repl(frappe._("For row") + " # %(idx)s [%(doctype)s]: " + "%(charge_type_label)s = \"%(charge_type)s\" " + frappe._("cannot be included in Item's rate"), { idx: tax.idx, doctype: tax.doctype, charge_type_label: frappe.meta.get_label(tax.doctype, "charge_type", tax.name), charge_type: tax.charge_type }); frappe.throw(msg); }; var on_previous_row_error = function(row_range) { var msg = repl(frappe._("For row") + " # %(idx)s [%(doctype)s]: " + frappe._("to be included in Item's rate, it is required that: ") + " [" + frappe._("Row") + " # %(row_range)s] " + frappe._("also be included in Item's rate"), { idx: tax.idx, doctype: tax.doctype, charge_type_label: frappe.meta.get_label(tax.doctype, "charge_type", tax.name), charge_type: tax.charge_type, inclusive_label: frappe.meta.get_label(tax.doctype, "included_in_print_rate", tax.name), row_range: row_range, }); frappe.throw(msg); }; if(cint(tax.included_in_print_rate)) { if(tax.charge_type == "Actual") { // inclusive tax cannot be of type Actual actual_type_error(); } else if(tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Amount" && !cint(this.frm.tax_doclist[tax.row_id - 1].included_in_print_rate)) { // referred row should also be an inclusive tax on_previous_row_error(tax.row_id); } else if(tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Total") { var taxes_not_included = $.map(this.frm.tax_doclist.slice(0, tax.row_id), function(t) { return cint(t.included_in_print_rate) ? null : t; }); if(taxes_not_included.length > 0) { // all rows above this tax should be inclusive on_previous_row_error(tax.row_id == 1 ? "1" : "1 - " + tax.row_id); } } } }, _load_item_tax_rate: function(item_tax_rate) { return item_tax_rate ? JSON.parse(item_tax_rate) : {}; }, _get_tax_rate: function(tax, item_tax_map) { return (keys(item_tax_map).indexOf(tax.account_head) != -1) ? flt(item_tax_map[tax.account_head], precision("rate", tax)) : tax.rate; }, get_item_wise_taxes_html: function() { var item_tax = {}; var tax_accounts = []; var company_currency = this.get_company_currency(); $.each(this.get_tax_doclist(), function(i, tax) { var tax_amount_precision = precision("tax_amount", tax); var tax_rate_precision = precision("rate", tax); $.each(JSON.parse(tax.item_wise_tax_detail || '{}'), function(item_code, tax_data) { if(!item_tax[item_code]) item_tax[item_code] = {}; if($.isArray(tax_data)) { var tax_rate = ""; if(tax_data[0] != null) { tax_rate = (tax.charge_type === "Actual") ? format_currency(flt(tax_data[0], tax_amount_precision), company_currency, tax_amount_precision) : (flt(tax_data[0], tax_rate_precision) + "%"); } var tax_amount = format_currency(flt(tax_data[1], tax_amount_precision), company_currency, tax_amount_precision); item_tax[item_code][tax.name] = [tax_rate, tax_amount]; } else { item_tax[item_code][tax.name] = [flt(tax_data, tax_rate_precision) + "%", ""]; } }); tax_accounts.push([tax.name, tax.account_head]); }); var headings = $.map([frappe._("Item Name")].concat($.map(tax_accounts, function(head) { return head[1]; })), function(head) { return '' + (head || "") + "" }).join("\n"); var distinct_item_names = []; var distinct_items = []; $.each(this.get_item_doclist(), function(i, item) { if(distinct_item_names.indexOf(item.item_code || item.item_name)===-1) { distinct_item_names.push(item.item_code || item.item_name); distinct_items.push(item); } }); var rows = $.map(distinct_items, function(item) { var item_tax_record = item_tax[item.item_code || item.item_name]; if(!item_tax_record) { return null; } return repl("%(item_name)s%(taxes)s", { item_name: item.item_name, taxes: $.map(tax_accounts, function(head) { return item_tax_record[head[0]] ? "(" + item_tax_record[head[0]][0] + ") " + item_tax_record[head[0]][1] + "" : ""; }).join("\n") }); }).join("\n"); if(!rows) return ""; return '

Show / Hide tax break-up

\ ' + headings + ' \ ' + rows + ' \
'; }, validate_company_and_party: function() { var me = this; var valid = true; $.each(["company", "customer"], function(i, fieldname) { if(frappe.meta.has_field(me.frm.doc.doctype, fieldname)) { if (!me.frm.doc[fieldname]) { msgprint(frappe._("Please specify") + ": " + frappe.meta.get_label(me.frm.doc.doctype, fieldname, me.frm.doc.name) + ". " + frappe._("It is needed to fetch Item Details.")); valid = false; } } }); return valid; }, get_item_doclist: function() { return frappe.model.get_doclist(this.frm.doc.doctype, this.frm.doc.name, {parentfield: this.fname}); }, get_tax_doclist: function() { return frappe.model.get_doclist(this.frm.doc.doctype, this.frm.doc.name, {parentfield: this.other_fname}); }, validate_conversion_rate: function() { this.frm.doc.conversion_rate = flt(this.frm.doc.conversion_rate, precision("conversion_rate")); var conversion_rate_label = frappe.meta.get_label(this.frm.doc.doctype, "conversion_rate", this.frm.doc.name); var company_currency = this.get_company_currency(); if(!this.frm.doc.conversion_rate) { frappe.throw(repl('%(conversion_rate_label)s' + frappe._(' is mandatory. Maybe Currency Exchange record is not created for ') + '%(from_currency)s' + frappe._(" to ") + '%(to_currency)s', { "conversion_rate_label": conversion_rate_label, "from_currency": this.frm.doc.currency, "to_currency": company_currency })); } }, calculate_taxes_and_totals: function() { this.discount_amount_applied = false; this._calculate_taxes_and_totals(); if (frappe.meta.get_docfield(this.frm.doc.doctype, "discount_amount")) this.apply_discount_amount(); }, _calculate_taxes_and_totals: function() { this.validate_conversion_rate(); this.frm.item_doclist = this.get_item_doclist(); this.frm.tax_doclist = this.get_tax_doclist(); this.calculate_item_values(); this.initialize_taxes(); this.determine_exclusive_rate && this.determine_exclusive_rate(); this.calculate_net_total(); this.calculate_taxes(); this.calculate_totals(); this._cleanup(); this.show_item_wise_taxes(); }, initialize_taxes: function() { var me = this; $.each(this.frm.tax_doclist, function(i, tax) { tax.item_wise_tax_detail = {}; tax_fields = ["total", "tax_amount_after_discount_amount", "tax_amount_for_current_item", "grand_total_for_current_item", "tax_fraction_for_current_item", "grand_total_fraction_for_current_item"] if (!me.discount_amount_applied) tax_fields.push("tax_amount"); $.each(tax_fields, function(i, fieldname) { tax[fieldname] = 0.0 }); me.validate_on_previous_row(tax); me.validate_inclusive_tax(tax); frappe.model.round_floats_in(tax); }); }, calculate_taxes: function() { var me = this; var actual_tax_dict = {}; // maintain actual tax rate based on idx $.each(this.frm.tax_doclist, function(i, tax) { if (tax.charge_type == "Actual") { actual_tax_dict[tax.idx] = flt(tax.rate); } }); $.each(this.frm.item_doclist, function(n, item) { var item_tax_map = me._load_item_tax_rate(item.item_tax_rate); $.each(me.frm.tax_doclist, function(i, tax) { // tax_amount represents the amount of tax for the current step var current_tax_amount = me.get_current_tax_amount(item, tax, item_tax_map); // Adjust divisional loss to the last item if (tax.charge_type == "Actual") { actual_tax_dict[tax.idx] -= current_tax_amount; if (n == me.frm.item_doclist.length - 1) { current_tax_amount += actual_tax_dict[tax.idx] } } // store tax_amount for current item as it will be used for // charge type = 'On Previous Row Amount' tax.tax_amount_for_current_item = current_tax_amount; // accumulate tax amount into tax.tax_amount if (!me.discount_amount_applied) tax.tax_amount += current_tax_amount; tax.tax_amount_after_discount_amount += current_tax_amount; // for buying if(tax.category) { // if just for valuation, do not add the tax amount in total // hence, setting it as 0 for further steps current_tax_amount = (tax.category == "Valuation") ? 0.0 : current_tax_amount; current_tax_amount *= (tax.add_deduct_tax == "Deduct") ? -1.0 : 1.0; } // Calculate tax.total viz. grand total till that step // note: grand_total_for_current_item contains the contribution of // item's amount, previously applied tax and the current tax on that item if(i==0) { tax.grand_total_for_current_item = flt(item.base_amount + current_tax_amount, precision("total", tax)); } else { tax.grand_total_for_current_item = flt(me.frm.tax_doclist[i-1].grand_total_for_current_item + current_tax_amount, precision("total", tax)); } // in tax.total, accumulate grand total for each item tax.total += tax.grand_total_for_current_item; // set precision in the last item iteration if (n == me.frm.item_doclist.length - 1) { me.round_off_totals(tax); // adjust Discount Amount loss in last tax iteration if ((i == me.frm.tax_doclist.length - 1) && me.discount_amount_applied) me.adjust_discount_amount_loss(tax); } }); }); }, round_off_totals: function(tax) { tax.total = flt(tax.total, precision("total", tax)); tax.tax_amount = flt(tax.tax_amount, precision("tax_amount", tax)); tax.tax_amount_after_discount_amount = flt(tax.tax_amount_after_discount_amount, precision("tax_amount", tax)); }, adjust_discount_amount_loss: function(tax) { var discount_amount_loss = this.frm.doc.grand_total - flt(this.frm.doc.discount_amount) - tax.total; tax.tax_amount_after_discount_amount = flt(tax.tax_amount_after_discount_amount + discount_amount_loss, precision("tax_amount", tax)); tax.total = flt(tax.total + discount_amount_loss, precision("total", tax)); }, get_current_tax_amount: function(item, tax, item_tax_map) { var tax_rate = this._get_tax_rate(tax, item_tax_map); var current_tax_amount = 0.0; if(tax.charge_type == "Actual") { // distribute the tax amount proportionally to each item row var actual = flt(tax.rate, precision("tax_amount", tax)); current_tax_amount = this.frm.doc.net_total ? ((item.base_amount / this.frm.doc.net_total) * actual) : 0.0; } else if(tax.charge_type == "On Net Total") { current_tax_amount = (tax_rate / 100.0) * item.base_amount; } else if(tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Amount") { current_tax_amount = (tax_rate / 100.0) * this.frm.tax_doclist[cint(tax.row_id) - 1].tax_amount_for_current_item; } else if(tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Total") { current_tax_amount = (tax_rate / 100.0) * this.frm.tax_doclist[cint(tax.row_id) - 1].grand_total_for_current_item; } current_tax_amount = flt(current_tax_amount, precision("tax_amount", tax)); // store tax breakup for each item tax.item_wise_tax_detail[item.item_code || item.item_name] = [tax_rate, current_tax_amount]; return current_tax_amount; }, _cleanup: function() { $.each(this.frm.tax_doclist, function(i, tax) { $.each(["tax_amount_for_current_item", "grand_total_for_current_item", "tax_fraction_for_current_item", "grand_total_fraction_for_current_item"], function(i, fieldname) { delete tax[fieldname]; }); tax.item_wise_tax_detail = JSON.stringify(tax.item_wise_tax_detail); }); }, calculate_total_advance: function(parenttype, advance_parentfield) { if(this.frm.doc.doctype == parenttype && this.frm.doc.docstatus < 2) { var advance_doclist = frappe.model.get_doclist(this.frm.doc.doctype, this.frm.doc.name, {parentfield: advance_parentfield}); this.frm.doc.total_advance = flt(frappe.utils.sum( $.map(advance_doclist, function(adv) { return adv.allocated_amount }) ), precision("total_advance")); this.calculate_outstanding_amount(); } }, _set_in_company_currency: function(item, print_field, base_field) { // set values in base currency item[base_field] = flt(item[print_field] * this.frm.doc.conversion_rate, precision(base_field, item)); }, get_terms: function() { var me = this; if(this.frm.doc.tc_name) { return this.frm.call({ method: "frappe.client.get_value", args: { doctype: "Terms and Conditions", fieldname: "terms", filters: { name: this.frm.doc.tc_name }, }, }); } }, taxes_and_charges: function() { var me = this; if(this.frm.doc.taxes_and_charges) { return this.frm.call({ doc: this.frm.doc, method: "get_other_charges", callback: function(r) { if(!r.exc) { me.calculate_taxes_and_totals(); } } }); } }, show_item_wise_taxes: function() { if(this.frm.fields_dict.other_charges_calculation) { $(this.get_item_wise_taxes_html()) .appendTo($(this.frm.fields_dict.other_charges_calculation.wrapper).empty()); } }, });