// ERPNext - web based ERP (http://erpnext.com) // Copyright (C) 2012 Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . $.extend(wn.pages.users, { onload: function(wrapper) { wn.pages.users.profiles = {}; wn.pages.users.refresh(); wn.pages.users.setup(); wn.pages.users.role_editor = new erpnext.RoleEditor(); }, setup: function() { // set roles $('.users-area').on('click', '.btn.user-roles', function() { var uid = $(this).parent().parent().attr('data-name'); wn.pages.users.role_editor.show(uid); }); // settings $('.users-area').on('click', '.btn.user-settings', function() { var uid = $(this).parent().parent().attr('data-name'); wn.pages.users.show_settings(uid); }); // delete $('.users-area').on('click', 'a.close', function() { $card = $(this).parent(); var uid = $card.attr('data-name'); $card.css('opacity', 0.6); wn.call({ method: 'utilities.page.users.users.delete', args: {'uid': uid}, callback: function(r,rt) { if(!r.exc) $card.fadeOut() } }); }) }, refresh: function() { // make the list wn.call({ method:'utilities.page.users.users.get', callback: function(r, rt) { $('.users-area').empty(); for(var i in r.message) { var p = r.message[i]; wn.pages.users.profiles[p.name] = p; wn.pages.users.render(p); } } }); if(!$('.subscription-info').length && (wn.boot.max_users || wn.boot.expires_on)) { var $sub_info = $('
') .insertAfter($(wn.pages.users).find('.help')); if(wn.boot.max_users) { $sub_info.append(repl('\ \ Max Users: %(max_users)s \ ', { max_users: wn.boot.max_users })); } if(wn.boot.expires_on) { $sub_info.append(repl('\ \ Expires On: %(expires_on)s \ ', { expires_on: dateutil.str_to_user(wn.boot.expires_on) })); } } }, render: function(data) { if(data.file_list) { data.imgsrc = 'files/' + data.file_list.split('\n')[0].split(',')[1]; } else { data.imgsrc = 'lib/images/ui/no_img_' + (data.gender=='Female' ? 'f' : 'm') + '.gif'; } data.fullname = wn.user_info(data.name).fullname; data.delete_html = ''; if(!data.enabled) data.delete_html = '×'; $('.users-area').append(repl('
\ %(delete_html)s\ \ \
', data)); if(!data.enabled) { $('.users-area .user-card:last') .addClass('disabled') .find('.user-fullname').html('Disabled'); } }, show_settings: function(uid) { var me = wn.pages.users; if(!me.settings_dialog) me.make_settings_dialog(); var p = me.profiles[uid]; me.uid = uid; me.settings_dialog.set_values({ restrict_ip: p.restrict_ip || '', login_before: p.login_before || '', login_after: p.login_after || '', enabled: p.enabled || 0, new_password: '' }); me.settings_dialog.show(); }, make_settings_dialog: function() { var me = wn.pages.users; me.settings_dialog = new wn.widgets.Dialog({ title: 'Set User Security', width: 500, fields: [ { label:'Enabled', description: 'Uncheck to disable', fieldtype: 'Check', fieldname: 'enabled' }, { label:'IP Address', description: 'Restrict user login by IP address, partial ips (111.111.111), \ multiple addresses (separated by commas) allowed', fieldname:'restrict_ip', fieldtype:'Data' }, { label:'Login After', description: 'User can only login after this hour (0-24)', fieldtype: 'Int', fieldname: 'login_after' }, { label:'Login Before', description: 'User can only login before this hour (0-24)', fieldtype: 'Int', fieldname: 'login_before' }, { label:'New Password', description: 'Update the current user password', fieldtype: 'Data', fieldname: 'new_password' }, { label:'Update', fieldtype:'Button', fieldname:'update' } ] }); this.settings_dialog.fields_dict.update.input.onclick = function() { var btn = this; var args = me.settings_dialog.get_values(); args.user = me.uid; if (args.new_password) { me.get_password(btn, args); } else { me.update_security(btn, args); } }; }, update_security: function(btn, args) { var me = wn.pages.users; $(btn).set_working(); $c_page('utilities', 'users', 'update_security', JSON.stringify(args), function(r,rt) { $(btn).done_working(); if(r.exc) { msgprint(r.exc); return; } me.settings_dialog.hide(); $.extend(me.profiles[me.uid], me.settings_dialog.get_values()); me.refresh(); }); }, get_password: function(btn, args) { var me = wn.pages.users; var pass_d = new wn.widgets.Dialog({ title: 'Your Password', width: 300, fields: [ { label: 'Please Enter Your Password', description: "Your password is required to update the user's password", fieldtype: 'Password', fieldname: 'sys_admin_pwd', reqd: 1 }, { label: 'Continue', fieldtype: 'Button', fieldname: 'continue' } ] }); pass_d.fields_dict.continue.input.onclick = function() { btn.pwd_dialog.hide(); args.sys_admin_pwd = btn.pwd_dialog.get_values().sys_admin_pwd; btn.set_working(); me.update_security(btn, args); btn.done_working(); } pass_d.show(); btn.pwd_dialog = pass_d; btn.done_working(); }, add_user: function() { var me = wn.pages.users; var active_users = $('.user-card:not(.disabled)'); if(wn.boot.max_users && (active_users.length >= wn.boot.max_users)) { msgprint(repl("Alas!
\ You already have %(active_users)s active users, \ which is the maximum number that you are currently allowed to add.

\ So, to add more users, you can:
\ 1. Upgrade to the unlimited users plan, or
\ 2. Disable one or more of your existing users and try again", {active_users: active_users.length})); return; } var d = new wn.widgets.Dialog({ title: 'Add User', width: 400, fields: [{ fieldtype: 'Data', fieldname: 'user', reqd: 1, label: 'Email Id of the user to add' }, { fieldtype: 'Data', fieldname: 'first_name', reqd: 1, label: 'First Name' }, { fieldtype: 'Data', fieldname: 'last_name', label: 'Last Name' }, { fieldtype: 'Data', fieldname: 'password', reqd: 1, label: 'Password' }, { fieldtype: 'Button', label: 'Add', fieldname: 'add' }] }); d.make(); d.fields_dict.add.input.onclick = function() { v = d.get_values(); if(v) { d.fields_dict.add.input.set_working(); $c_page('utilities', 'users', 'add_user', v, function(r,rt) { if(r.exc) { msgprint(r.exc); return; } else { wn.boot.user_info[v.user] = {fullname:v.first_name + ' ' + (v.last_name || '')}; d.hide(); me.refresh(); } }) } } d.show(); } }); erpnext.RoleEditor = Class.extend({ init: function() { this.dialog = new wn.widgets.Dialog({ title: 'Set Roles' }); var me = this; $(this.dialog.body).html('
') wn.call({ method:'utilities.page.users.users.get_roles', callback: function(r) { me.roles = r.message; me.show_roles(); } }); }, show_roles: function() { var me = this; $(this.dialog.body).empty(); for(var i in this.roles) { $(this.dialog.body).append(repl('
\ \ %(role)s\
', {role: this.roles[i]})); } $(this.dialog.body).append('
'); $(this.dialog.body).find('button.btn-info').click(function() { me.save(); }); $(this.dialog.body).find('.user-role a').click(function() { me.show_permissions($(this).parent().attr('data-user-role')) return false; }) }, show: function(uid) { var me = this; this.uid = uid; this.dialog.show(); // set user roles wn.call({ method:'utilities.page.users.users.get_user_roles', args: {uid:uid}, callback: function(r, rt) { $(me.dialog.body).find('input[type="checkbox"]').attr('checked', false); for(var i in r.message) { $(me.dialog.body) .find('[data-user-role="'+r.message[i] +'"] input[type="checkbox"]').attr('checked',true); } } }) }, save: function() { var set_roles = []; var unset_roles = []; $(this.dialog.body).find('[data-user-role]').each(function() { var $check = $(this).find('input[type="checkbox"]'); if($check.attr('checked')) { set_roles.push($(this).attr('data-user-role')); } else { unset_roles.push($(this).attr('data-user-role')); } }) wn.call({ method:'utilities.page.users.users.update_roles', args: { set_roles: JSON.stringify(set_roles), unset_roles: JSON.stringify(unset_roles), uid: this.uid }, btn: $(this.dialog.body).find('.btn-info').get(0), callback: function() { } }) }, show_permissions: function(role) { // show permissions for a role var me = this; if(!this.perm_dialog) this.make_perm_dialog() $(this.perm_dialog.body).empty(); wn.call({ method:'utilities.page.users.users.get_perm_info', args: {role: role}, callback: function(r) { var $body = $(me.perm_dialog.body); $body.append('\ \ \ \ \ \ \
Document TypeLevelReadWriteSubmitCancelAmend
'); for(var i in r.message) { var perm = r.message[i]; // if permission -> icon for(key in perm) { if(key!='parent' && key!='permlevel') { if(perm[key]) { perm[key] = ''; } else { perm[key] = ''; } } } $body.find('tbody').append(repl('\ %(parent)s\ %(permlevel)s\ %(read)s\ %(write)s\ %(submit)s\ %(cancel)s\ %(amend)s\ ', perm)) } me.perm_dialog.show(); } }); }, make_perm_dialog: function() { this.perm_dialog = new wn.widgets.Dialog({ title:'Role Permissions', width: 500 }); } })