import webnotes @webnotes.whitelist() def get_list(arg=None): """get list of messages""" webnotes.form_dict['limit_start'] = int(webnotes.form_dict['limit_start']) webnotes.form_dict['limit_page_length'] = int(webnotes.form_dict['limit_page_length']) webnotes.form_dict['user'] = webnotes.session['user'] if webnotes.form_dict['contact'] == webnotes.session['user']: # set all messages as read webnotes.conn.sql("""UPDATE `tabComment Widget Record` set docstatus = 1 where comment_doctype in ('My Company', 'Message') and comment_docname = %s """, # return messages return webnotes.conn.sql("""select * from `tabComment Widget Record` where (owner=%(contact)s or comment_docname=%(user)s) and comment_doctype in ('My Company', 'Message') order by creation desc limit %(limit_start)s, %(limit_page_length)s""", webnotes.form_dict, as_dict=1) else: return webnotes.conn.sql("""select * from `tabComment Widget Record` where (owner=%(contact)s and comment_docname=%(user)s) or (owner=%(user)s and comment_docname=%(contact)s) and comment_doctype in ('My Company', 'Message') order by creation desc limit %(limit_start)s, %(limit_page_length)s""", webnotes.form_dict, as_dict=1) @webnotes.whitelist() def get_active_users(arg=None): return webnotes.conn.sql("""select name from tabProfile where enabled=1 and name not in ('Administrator', 'Guest') order by first_name""", as_dict=1) @webnotes.whitelist() def post(arg=None): """post message""" import json arg = json.loads(arg) from webnotes.model.doc import Document d = Document('Comment Widget Record') d.comment = arg['txt'] d.comment_docname = arg['contact'] d.comment_doctype = 'Message'