import webnotes from webnotes.utils import load_json, cint, nowdate @webnotes.whitelist() def change_password(arg): """ Change password """ arg = load_json(arg) if not webnotes.conn.sql('select name from tabProfile where name=%s and password=password(%s)', (webnotes.session['user'], arg['old_password'])): webnotes.msgprint('Old password is not correct', raise_exception=1) from webnotes.utils import nowdate webnotes.conn.sql("update tabProfile set password=password(%s), modified=%s where name=%s",(arg['new_password'], nowdate(), webnotes.session['user'])) webnotes.msgprint('Password Updated'); @webnotes.whitelist() def get_user_details(arg=None): """ Returns user first name, last name and bio """ return webnotes.conn.sql("select first_name, last_name, bio from tabProfile where name=%s",, as_dict=1)[0] @webnotes.whitelist() def set_user_details(arg=None): """ updates user details given in argument """ from webnotes.model.doc import Document p = Document('Profile', arg_dict = load_json(arg) if not 'bio' in arg_dict: arg_dict['bio'] = None if not 'last_name' in arg_dict: arg_dict['last_name'] = None p.fields.update(arg_dict) webnotes.msgprint('Updated') @webnotes.whitelist() def set_user_image(fid, fname): """ Set uploaded image as user image """ from webnotes.utils.file_manager import add_file_list, remove_all remove_all('Profile', webnotes.session['user']) add_file_list('Profile', webnotes.session['user'], fname, fid)