incr: replace text and tag fields
incr: use rediswrapper's make key
incr: indexDefinition from redis
incr: replace index creation
incr: replace AutoCompleter
incr: replace product search ac
incr: replace client querying
fix: broken redisearch load test
fix: pass actual query to get suggestion
- As of redis 7, a list is added to the result of fetching the module list
- This list cannot be "decoded",so use `frappe.as_unicode` that handles bytes as well as other types
- Separate Item group and Item autocomplete dict definition
- Add payload along with Item group, containing namke and route
- Pass weightage while defining item group autocomplete dict (auto sort)
- Use payload while getting results for categories in search
- Remove check to show categories, always show
- Search fields mandatory if reidsearch enabled
- Code separation (rough)