- Delete Image field and set `website_image` as form's image field for uploads
- Remove instances of `image` field access via Website Item
- Item -> Web Item via Desk: Map Item's `image` to Web Item's `website_image`
- Item -> Web Item via patch: `website_image` will be mapped with thumbnail
- Remove magic that auto-sets `website_image` from `image` in Website Item
* Update project_row.html
Really helpful those fields has own class when styling for mobile or desktop by using Website Settings --> HTML Header, Robots and Redirects
* chore: skewercase
- bind the right classes to the filter lookup field
- make class names more descriptive
- make filter lookup field more visible with white bg and border
- bind lookup input field js in `views.js`
- make filter lookup field functioning for atribute filters too
- added placeholder to lookup field
- `icon-heart` got a stroke colour that needs to be overriden via var `icon-stroke
- Use `icon-heart` instead of `icon-heart-active` as the latter has a color fill now
- SO Portal: fixed missing images issue
- SO Portal: fallback state when no images
- SO Portal: code indentation in `order_macros.html`
- SO Portal: Actions and indicator font size
- Recommendations: fixed space between image and title
- Recommendations: give empty image state min height
- Use naming series for Website Item. There could be two items with same name and different item code
- Fix: Website Item Page view breaks if cart is disabled
- Fix: thumbnails not created for Website Items after patch
- Fix: ‘Request for Quote’ button & cart summary not visible if checkout is disabled
- Added bg (variable) to pages, card space separation visible
- Removed `show brand line` in settings, shown by default
- Re-arranged settings by importance
- View toggling primary colour is grey
- Only populate recent searches on successful search
- Hit only one server side api, once while searching
- List view primary button float right
- Discounts takes upper limit eg. 10% and below
- Navbar icons only wiggle on qty increase in cart/wishlist
- Pay button in SO portal
- Remove bottom white space below item full page image, min-height fits to content
- List view vertical space between heading and item code
- Empty offer subtitle handled
- Incorrect path and Settings in price_list.py import due to merge
- Extra space removed in website_item.py
- Changed client side namespace to `erpnext.e_commerce.*`
- Tests for verified and unverified item reviewers
- Test for recommended items and their prices
- Test for adding removing items from Wishlist
- Bug: Wishlist deletes all entries of an item code irrespective of user
- Get Item reviews only if enabled
- Removed price fields from Wishlist Item and made fields read only
- Removed unused price stored as data on Wishlist buttons
- Customer Reviews page checks if reviews are enabled else shows No Reviews
- Moved price stock fetching in Wishlist in separate function
- Made fields read only in Item Review
- Added Setting to show or hide price if checkout is disabled
- Show Web Item name in cart instead of Desk Item name
- Cart minor UI Refresh: added images in cart
- Cart minor UI Refresh: repositioned remove button and redesigned
- Cart minor UI Refresh: Payment Summary section
- Cart minor UI Refresh: Disable input on free item
- Cart minor UI Refresh: Add address button in cards
- New file for cart payment summary UI with coupon code (old)
- Minor wishlist UI refresh, actions on hover, new icon
- Increase max length of wishlist card title
- Dont fetch outdated price in wishlist
- Translate 'out of stock'
- Use ORM
- Renamed Wishlist Items to Wishlist Item
- Use Website Item Name in Wishlist
- Add Website Item Name field in Wishlist Item
- Remove accidental extra `font-size` attribute
- Search UI with dropdown results
- Client class to handle Product Search actions and results
- Integrated Search bar into all-products and item group pages
- Run db search without redisearch
- Cleanup: [Search] change decorator names and variables
- Sider fixes
- Added remove button to cart item rows
- Freeze on change in Shopping Cart (UX)
- Fixed cart items and taxes/totals alignment issues
- Made Cart responsive
- Added free item indicator
- Fixed item group nested routing issue
- Sales Order is populated with right source warehouse
- Added Wishlist and Product Listing empty states
- Hide ‘Write Review’ button f user is not Customer
- Fixed grid view title (missing arg)
- Render empty state if no items form server side
- Removed unused function
- Guest user redirected to login on clicking Wishlist button
- Fixed ‘Notes’ field clearing issue
- Added fully functional list and grid view toggling
- Added ProductGrid and ProductList controllers
- Moved html snippets, rendered via JS now
- Item Group page also rendered via common controller
- Paging section rendered via JS
- Minor style changes
- Auto Height on Cards
- Title with ellipses on length exceed
- Changed namepaces
- Moved product card rendering to JS
- Added Image and List View Toggling buttons
- Kept basic filters rendering just as before
- Registered mrp and price after discounts
- slashed price with discount in listing, item page and wishlist
- removed redundant imports
- renamed method to `get_web_item_qty_in_stock` to get Website Item stock
- adjusted styles for resizing
- made add to cart button full width on cards