- On updating bank trans.n party after submit, the corresponding mapper doc will be updated too
- The mapper doc in turn will update all linked bank transactions that do not have this updated value
- Added Bank Party Mapper hidden link in Bank Transaction
- Rename field in BPM to `Party Name` as it does not hold description data
- If a BT matches with a BPM record, link that record in the BT
- Description is volatile and will keep changing
- It will lead to multiple Bank Party Mapper docs for the same party that will never be referenced again
- Parts of the descripton keep changing which is why it will never match a mapper record
- If matched by desc, dont create mapper record.
- Created Bank Party Mapper
- Created class to auto match by account/iban or party name/description(fuzzy)
- Automatch and set in transaction or create mapper
- `rapidfuzz` introduced
* fix: Multiple issues in purchase invoice submission
* fix: Base grand total calculation
* chore: Calculate base grand total separately only in multi currency docs
* fix: Add gl entry for round off
- Party could have paid on time but payment is recorded late
- Prompt for reference date so that discount is applied while mapping
- Prompt only if discount in payment schedule of valid doctypes
- test: Reference date and impact on PE
- `make_payment_entry` (JS) must be able to access `this`
- Round off pending discount loss to avoid miniscule losses rounded to 0.0 that are added in deductions
- Use base amounts to calculate base losses instead of using conversion factor which increases rounding error
- Round of total base loss instead of individual income and tax losses to reduce rounding error
- Use default round off account for pending rounding loss in deductions
- Return total discount loss in base currency
- Allocate payment based on terms: Set allocated amount in references table in base currency if accounting is in that currency
- Allocate payment based on terms: While back updating set paid amount (payment schedule) in transaction currency always
- minor: discount msgprint in correct currency
- Accounting is in the same currency if party currency and company currency is the same
- If accounting is in the same currency, paid and recvd amount is in the base currency
- Then, discount amount must also be in the base currency as it is deducted from paid amount
- Received amount must be in base currency if not multi currency
- cleanup: Deductions setting broken into smaller functions