* adding cashier closing feature
cashier closing feature has been added as now the cashier can make a
closure to record every thing from his pos as the expenses which has
been paid and the custody which he had at the starting and the amount
which is in his save and the system will record the date and time and
the user and the total net amount automatically which supposed be equal
to all of his sales invoices totals
* add cashier closing link at pos menu
* add cashier closing link to accounts config file
adding cashier closing link at accounts config file to show it at the
accounts module page
* adding more features to cashier closing
adding from time to the cashier closing in case the cashier working more
than one shift also giving him the ability to add the type of payments
to his cashier closure ,
also adding validation to be sure the from time is less than to time.
* Update cashier_closing.py
* child table employee expense approver
* set query in department
* mandatory approver check in hr settings
* triggers on leave and expense approver
* fetch all parent approvers from department hierarchy
* fixes
* patch to move employee approvers from employee to department
* removed hard coding of roles
* modify approvers list query
* commonified functions
* patch
* renamed standard reply occurrences
* removed leave approvers table from Employee master
* email templates for leave application notification
* set default email templates for leave in hr settings
* notify by email template
* approval status in expense claim
* render template in patch
* removed unused code
* Single child table department approver
* read instead of render template
* [Fix] Orders not creating from the POS for new customer if customer name is based on naming series
* [fix] Disabled price field in POS, if Allow User to Edit Rate field is disabled in POS profile
* added customer name in the search bar of the customer
* search customer by phone number and email id in the POS