* feat: Added check for encrypting salary slips and password policy field
* feat: make password policy mandatory if encrypt option is selected
* feat: added password logic to email_salary_slip
* fix: import error
* chore: Minor enhancement to validations in salary slip
* fix: travis patch
* feat: Modified email body for password protected salary slips
* feat: Created doctype for GSTR3B report and added boilerplate code
* feat: Updated gst_fields and patches for gst_category
* feat: Functions for calculating itc amount
* fix: Patched eligibility_for_itc_field
* fix: Updated set_category for gst
* fix: Function for setting iter_state supplies
* fix: Changed route to regional module, minor fix in inster_state_supply grouping and fixes in print format
* fix(style): Added missing semicolon and removed unused imports
* fix: Patch field only if column is available
* fix: Make custom fields only for india sepecific company
* fix: Add intro to gstr3b report
* fix: Updated patch in patches.txt
* fix: Update patches.txt
* fix: Update patch to set GST Category
* fix: Add fields for nil rated and non gst in item master
* fix: Added logic for nil rated and non gst inward flow
* fix: Initial test case for GSTR3B Report
* fix: Codacy fixes
* fix: Test Case fixes
* fix: Add link for gstr_3b_report in accounting module
* fix: Updated report template
* fix: Changes in GSTR3B Report doctype
* fix: Added function to get missing field invoices
* fix: Added more test cases
* fix: Item not found error in test case
* fix: Key error in state numbers
* fix: Changes in GSTR3b Doctype
* fix: Changed functions to method
* fix: Minor fix in patch
* fix: Add gst_ctegory in GST Reports
* fix: Minor fixes in patch and itc_mapping
* fix: Query to patch itc field
* fix: Patch registered customers and fix for multiple gst accounts
* fix: Test case
* fix: Total taxable calculation logic fix and template enhancement
* fix: Calculate txval seperately
* fix: itc amount calculation fix and patch improvement
* fix: Updated test_cases for itc calculation
* fix: Missing field query
* fix: Multiple minor fixes inreport
* fix: Added transalations in GSTR3B-Form
* fix: Use double underscore for translation
* fix: GST fields ordering fix
* fix: Print form precision fix and get_period function fix
- Refactored Homepage with customisable Hero Section
- New Homepage Section to add content on Homepage as cards or using Custom HTML
- Products page at "/all-products" with customisable filters
- Item Configure dialog to find an Item Variant filtered by attribute values
- Contact Us dialog on Item page
- Customisable Item page content using the Website Content field
Updates to Bank details in e-invoice XML
Additional fields on Payment Schedule
Button to Generate E-Invoice on Sales Invoice (generates and replaces attached e-invoice)
Replaced `x.decode('utf-8')` with `frappe.safe_decode(x, encoding='utf-8')` in setup.py
Updated italian localisation patch line in patches.txt
removed cleanup_files from italy/utils
removed extract_doc_number from italy/utils
added country filter to italian localization patch
replaced dict assignment with dot operator in prepare_invoice
correcions in e-invoice xml following changes in prepare_invoice
added setup_report in patch
added section for e-invoicing custom fields in company
added Italy in test_company