"All cusotmer groups" and "All territories" are pointless defaults, not
sure why these are made default. They don't help you track anything.
"All" might as well be `Null`.
Even the filters for customer_group suggest it shouldn't be group then
having the root as default makes no sense.
- Added bg (variable) to pages, card space separation visible
- Removed `show brand line` in settings, shown by default
- Re-arranged settings by importance
- View toggling primary colour is grey
- Only populate recent searches on successful search
- Hit only one server side api, once while searching
- List view primary button float right
- Discounts takes upper limit eg. 10% and below
- Navbar icons only wiggle on qty increase in cart/wishlist
- Pay button in SO portal
- Remove bottom white space below item full page image, min-height fits to content
- List view vertical space between heading and item code
- Empty offer subtitle handled
- Test for ProductQuery engine and ProductFilters engine
- Test for engine for Item Group too
- Renamed ‘product_configurator’ to ‘variant_selector’
- Cleaned up filters.py
- Modal freeze backdrop lighter only in cart, since there’s nothing over it
- Fixed unusual spacing in variant selector dialog
- Made `get_child_groups_for_website` more readable
- Replaced ‘Configure’ with ‘Select’ for variant selection
- Moved product query and filters engine to `product_data_engine` folder
- Moved product grid, list, search, view to `product_ui` folder
- Renamed `website_item_indexing.py` to `redisearch.py`
- Render Terms and Conditions server side along with the rest of the Shopping cart. Don’t make another db call
- Style changes to terms and conditions
- Deleted unused `cart_terms.html`
- Removed print statements
- Tests for website item. Desk tests and portal tests
- Allow guests on method `get_offer_details`
- Fetch stock details only if `show_stock_availability` is enabled
- Validation for duplicate web items on item merge
- Separate method for `validate_properties_before_merge`
- Common error title and exception `DataValidationError` for merge validations on Item
- enhanced UI for grid/list view, actions visible on hover only
- enhanced search UI
- Added indicator to show if item is in cart
- Moved search with view togglers
- Added fully functional list and grid view toggling
- Added ProductGrid and ProductList controllers
- Moved html snippets, rendered via JS now
- Item Group page also rendered via common controller
- Paging section rendered via JS
- Minor style changes
- Auto Height on Cards
- Title with ellipses on length exceed
- Changed namepaces
- Moved product card rendering to JS
- Added Image and List View Toggling buttons
- Kept basic filters rendering just as before
- Created macros for repetitive snippets
- Created Customer Reviews full page
- View more button to reveal 10 more reviews at a time
- Common function to get reviews with start and end