fix: Check if account exists in parent company on rename
- Check if child company is dependent on parent company - Check if account-to-be-renamed exists in parent, if yes, block - Revised Test basd on the same
This commit is contained in:
@ -118,27 +118,7 @@ class Account(NestedSet):
for d in frappe.db.get_values('Account', filters=filters, fieldname=["company", "name"], as_dict=True):
parent_acc_name_map[d["company"]] = d["name"]
if not parent_acc_name_map:
# map can be empty if only one descendant or all descendants without parent account exist(s)
# or if no descendants exist
if descendants:
frappe.throw(_("Parent Account {0} does not exist in any Child Company").format(frappe.bold(parent_acc_name)),
title=_("Account Missing"))
# no descendants and empty map, nothing to sync
companies_missing_account = []
for company in descendants:
if not company in parent_acc_name_map:
# If atleast any one of the descendants does not have the parent account, block transaction
if companies_missing_account:
message = _("Parent Account {0} does not exist in the following companies:").format(frappe.bold(parent_acc_name))
message += "<br><br><ul><li>" + "</li><li>".join(companies_missing_account) + "</li></ul>"
message += _("Please make sure the account exists in the child companies as well")
frappe.throw(message, title=_("Account Missing"))
if not parent_acc_name_map: return
self.create_account_for_child_company(parent_acc_name_map, descendants, parent_acc_name)
@ -318,6 +298,23 @@ def update_account_number(name, account_name, account_number=None, from_descenda
old_acc_name, old_acc_number = frappe.db.get_value('Account', name, \
["account_name", "account_number"])
# check if account exists in parent company
ancestors = get_ancestors_of("Company",
allow_independent_account_creation = frappe.get_value("Company",, "allow_account_creation_against_child_company")
if ancestors and not allow_independent_account_creation:
for ancestor in ancestors:
if frappe.db.get_value("Account", {'account_name': old_acc_name, 'company': ancestor}, 'name'):
# same account in parent company exists
allow_child_account_creation = _("Allow Account Creation Against Child Company")
message = _("Account {0} exists in parent company {1}.").format(frappe.bold(old_acc_name), frappe.bold(ancestor))
message += "<br>" + _("Renaming it is only allowed via parent company {0}, \
to avoid mismatch.").format(frappe.bold(ancestor)) + "<br><br>"
message += _("To overrule this, enable '{0}' in company {1}").format(allow_child_account_creation, frappe.bold(
frappe.throw(message, title=_("Rename Not Allowed"))
validate_account_number(name, account_number,
if account_number:
frappe.db.set_value("Account", name, "account_number", account_number.strip())
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class TestAccount(unittest.TestCase):
# Rename account in parent company
update_account_number(, "Test Rename Sync Account", "1234")
# Check if renmamed in children
# Check if renamed in children
self.assertTrue(frappe.db.exists("Account", {'account_name': "Test Rename Sync Account", "company": "_Test Company 4", "account_number": "1234"}))
self.assertTrue(frappe.db.exists("Account", {'account_name': "Test Rename Sync Account", "company": "_Test Company 5", "account_number": "1234"}))
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class TestAccount(unittest.TestCase):
frappe.delete_doc("Account", "1234 - Test Rename Sync Account - _TC4")
frappe.delete_doc("Account", "1234 - Test Rename Sync Account - _TC5")
def test_account_sync_with_missing_parent_account_in_child_company(self):
def test_child_company_account_rename_sync(self):
frappe.local.flags.pop("ignore_root_company_validation", None)
acc = frappe.new_doc("Account")
@ -144,20 +144,19 @@ class TestAccount(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertTrue(frappe.db.exists("Account", {'account_name': "Test Group Account", "company": "_Test Company 4"}))
self.assertTrue(frappe.db.exists("Account", {'account_name': "Test Group Account", "company": "_Test Company 5"}))
# Try renaming child company account
acc_tc_5 = frappe.db.get_value('Account', {'account_name': "Test Group Account", "company": "_Test Company 5"})
# Rename group account in one child company
self.assertRaises(frappe.ValidationError, update_account_number, acc_tc_5, "Test Modified Account")
# Rename child company account with allow_account_creation_against_child_company enabled
frappe.db.set_value("Company", "_Test Company 5", "allow_account_creation_against_child_company", 1)
update_account_number(acc_tc_5, "Test Modified Account")
self.assertTrue(frappe.db.exists("Account", {'name': "Test Modified Account - _TC5", "company": "_Test Company 5"}))
# Add child account to test group account in parent company
# which will try to do the same in child company
acc = frappe.new_doc("Account")
acc.account_name = "Test Child Account"
acc.parent_account = "Test Group Account - _TC3"
|||| = "_Test Company 3"
frappe.db.set_value("Company", "_Test Company 5", "allow_account_creation_against_child_company", 0)
self.assertRaises(frappe.ValidationError, acc.insert)
to_delete = ["Test Group Account - _TC3", "Test Group Account - _TC5", "Test Modified Account - _TC5"]
to_delete = ["Test Group Account - _TC3", "Test Group Account - _TC4", "Test Modified Account - _TC5"]
for doc in to_delete:
frappe.delete_doc("Account", doc)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user