Create Material Requests considering projected qty of items

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Nabin Hait 2017-01-17 14:11:04 +05:30
parent 5597f6a830
commit f8676b2058

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@ -344,36 +344,56 @@ class ProductionPlanningTool(Document):
def get_subitems(self,bom_wise_item_details, bom, parent_qty, include_sublevel, only_raw, supply_subs,non_stock_item=0):
for d in frappe.db.sql("""SELECT bom_item.item_code, default_material_request_type,
ifnull(%(parent_qty)s * sum(bom_item.qty/ifnull(bom.quantity, 1)), 0) as qty,
item.is_sub_contracted_item as is_sub_contracted, item.default_bom as default_bom,
bom_item.description as description, bom_item.stock_uom as stock_uom, item.min_order_qty
as min_order_qty FROM `tabBOM Item` bom_item, `tabBOM` bom, tabItem item
where = bom_item.parent and = %(bom)s and bom_item.docstatus < 2
and bom_item.item_code =
""" + ("and item.is_stock_item = 1","")[non_stock_item] + """
group by bom_item.item_code""", {"bom": bom, "parent_qty": parent_qty}, as_dict=1):
if (d.default_material_request_type == "Purchase" and not (d.is_sub_contracted \
and only_raw and include_sublevel)) or (d.default_material_request_type == \
"Manufacture" and not only_raw):
items = frappe.db.sql("""
ifnull(%(parent_qty)s * sum(bom_item.qty/ifnull(bom.quantity, 1)), 0) as qty,
item.is_sub_contracted_item as is_sub_contracted,
item.default_bom as default_bom,
bom_item.description as description,
bom_item.stock_uom as stock_uom,
item.min_order_qty as min_order_qty
`tabBOM Item` bom_item,
`tabBOM` bom,
tabItem item
where = bom_item.parent
and = %(bom)s
and bom_item.docstatus < 2
and bom_item.item_code =
""" + ("and item.is_stock_item = 1", "")[non_stock_item] + """
group by bom_item.item_code""", {"bom": bom, "parent_qty": parent_qty}, as_dict=1)
for d in items:
if ((d.default_material_request_type == "Purchase"
and not (d.is_sub_contracted and only_raw and include_sublevel))
or (d.default_material_request_type == "Manufacture" and not only_raw)):
if d.item_code in bom_wise_item_details:
bom_wise_item_details[d.item_code].qty = bom_wise_item_details[d.item_code].qty\
+ d.qty
bom_wise_item_details[d.item_code].qty = bom_wise_item_details[d.item_code].qty + d.qty
bom_wise_item_details[d.item_code] = d
if include_sublevel:
if (d.default_material_request_type == "Purchase" and d.is_sub_contracted \
and supply_subs) or (d.default_material_request_type == "Manufacture"):
if ((d.default_material_request_type == "Purchase" and d.is_sub_contracted and supply_subs)
or (d.default_material_request_type == "Manufacture")):
my_qty = 0
projected_qty = self.get_item_projected_qty(d.item_code)
if self.create_material_requests_for_all_required_qty:
my_qty = d.qty
elif (bom_wise_item_details[d.item_code].qty - d.qty) < self.get_item_projected_qty(d.item_code):
my_qty = bom_wise_item_details[d.item_code].qty - self.get_item_projected_qty(d.item_code)
elif (bom_wise_item_details[d.item_code].qty - d.qty) < projected_qty:
my_qty = bom_wise_item_details[d.item_code].qty - projected_qty
my_qty = d.qty
if my_qty > 0:
self.get_subitems(bom_wise_item_details,d.default_bom, \
my_qty, include_sublevel, only_raw, supply_subs)
d.default_bom, my_qty, include_sublevel, only_raw, supply_subs)
return bom_wise_item_details
def make_items_dict(self, item_list):
@ -388,9 +408,12 @@ class ProductionPlanningTool(Document):
item_list.append([item, self.item_dict[item][0][1], self.item_dict[item][0][2], total_qty])
item_qty = frappe.db.sql("""select warehouse, indented_qty, ordered_qty, actual_qty
from `tabBin` where item_code = %s""", item, as_dict=1)
i_qty, o_qty, a_qty = 0, 0, 0
for w in item_qty:
i_qty, o_qty, a_qty = i_qty + flt(w.indented_qty), o_qty + flt(w.ordered_qty), a_qty + flt(w.actual_qty)
i_qty, o_qty, a_qty = i_qty + flt(w.indented_qty), o_qty + \
flt(w.ordered_qty), a_qty + flt(w.actual_qty)
item_list.append(['', '', '', '', w.warehouse, flt(w.indented_qty),
flt(w.ordered_qty), flt(w.actual_qty)])
if item_qty:
@ -460,10 +483,15 @@ class ProductionPlanningTool(Document):
return items_to_be_requested
def get_item_projected_qty(self,item):
item_projected_qty = frappe.db.sql("""select ifnull(sum(projected_qty),0) as qty from `tabBin`
where item_code = %(item_code)s and warehouse=%(warehouse)s""", \
{"item_code":item, "warehouse": self.purchase_request_for_warehouse},as_dict=1)
item_projected_qty = frappe.db.sql("""
select ifnull(sum(projected_qty),0) as qty
from `tabBin`
where item_code = %(item_code)s and warehouse=%(warehouse)s
""", {
"item_code": item,
"warehouse": self.purchase_request_for_warehouse
}, as_dict=1)
return item_projected_qty[0].qty
def get_projected_qty(self):