fixed conflict while merging with master branch
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
report.customize_filters = function() {
filter_list = ['From Voucher Date', 'To Voucher Date', 'Debit To', 'From Posting Date', 'To Posting Date']
for(var i=0;i<filter_list.length;i++)
this.filter_fields_dict['Sales Invoice'+FILTER_SEP +filter_list[i]].df.filter_hide = 0;
filter_list = ['Debit To', 'From Posting Date', 'To Posting Date']
for(var i=0;i<filter_list.length;i++)
this.filter_fields_dict['Receivable Voucher'+FILTER_SEP +filter_list[i]].df.filter_hide = 0;
this.filter_fields_dict['Sales Invoice Item'+FILTER_SEP +'Item'].df.filter_hide = 0;
this.filter_fields_dict['Sales Invoice Item'+FILTER_SEP +'Item Group'].df.filter_hide = 0;
@ -157,3 +157,8 @@ cur_frm.fields_dict['bom_materials'].grid.get_field('bom_no').get_query = functi
return 'SELECT DISTINCT `tabBOM`.`name`, `tabBOM`.`remarks` FROM `tabBOM` WHERE `tabBOM`.`item` = "' + d.item_code + '" AND `tabBOM`.`is_active` = "Yes" AND `tabBOM`.docstatus = 1 AND `tabBOM`.`name` like "%s" ORDER BY `tabBOM`.`name` LIMIT 50';
cur_frm.cscript.validate = function(doc, dt, dn) {
calculate_op_cost(doc, dt, dn);
calculate_rm_cost(doc, dt, dn);
@ -242,14 +242,21 @@ class DocType:
def make_items_dict(self, item_list):
for i in item_list:
self.item_dict[i[0]] = [(flt(self.item_dict.get(i[1], 0)) + flt(i[1])), i[2], i[3]]
self.item_dict[i[0]] = [(flt(self.item_dict.get(i[0], [0])[0]) + flt(i[1])), i[2], i[3]]
def get_csv(self):
item_list = [['Item Code', 'Description', 'Stock UOM', 'Required Qty', 'Quantity Requested for Purchase', 'Ordered Qty', 'Actual Qty']]
item_list = [['Item Code', 'Description', 'Stock UOM', 'Required Qty', 'Warehouse', 'Quantity Requested for Purchase', 'Ordered Qty', 'Actual Qty']]
for d in self.item_dict:
item_qty= sql("select sum(indented_qty), sum(ordered_qty), sum(actual_qty) from `tabBin` where item_code = %s", d)
item_list.append([d, self.item_dict[d][1], self.item_dict[d][2], self.item_dict[d][0], flt(item_qty[0][0]), flt(item_qty[0][1]), flt(item_qty[0][2])])
item_list.append([d, self.item_dict[d][1], self.item_dict[d][2], self.item_dict[d][0]]),
item_qty= sql("select warehouse, indented_qty, ordered_qty, actual_qty from `tabBin` where item_code = %s", d)
i_qty, o_qty, a_qty = 0,0,0
for w in item_qty:
i_qty, o_qty, a_qty = i_qty + flt(w[1]), o_qty + flt(w[2]), a_qty + flt(w[3])
item_list.append(['', '', '', '', w[0], flt(w[1]), flt(w[2]), flt(w[3])])
if item_qty:
item_list.append(['', '', '', '', 'Total', i_qty, o_qty, a_qty])
return item_list
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ GanttChart.prototype.make_date = function(label,idx) {
var w = this.make_filter(label,idx);
var i = $a(w, 'input');
var user_fmt = wn.control_panel.date_format;
var user_fmt = wn.boot.sysdefaults.date_format;
if(!this.user_fmt)this.user_fmt = 'dd-mm-yy';
@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ var set_dynamic_label_child = function(doc, cdt, cdn, base_curr) {
cur_frm.cscript.dynamic_label = function(doc, cdt, cdn, base_curr, callback) {
cur_frm.cscript.base_currency = base_curr;
set_dynamic_label_par(doc, cdt, cdn, base_curr);
set_dynamic_label_child(doc, cdt, cdn, base_curr);
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ cur_frm.fields_dict['quotation_no'].get_query = function(doc) {
if(doc.order_type) cond = ' ifnull(`tabQuotation`.order_type, "") = "'+doc.order_type+'" and';
if(doc.customer) cond += ' ifnull(`tabQuotation`.customer, "") = "'+doc.customer+'" and';
return repl('SELECT DISTINCT name, customer, transaction_date FROM `tabQuotation` WHERE `tabQuotation`.company = "' + + '" and `tabQuotation`.`docstatus` = 1 and `tabQuotation`.status != "Order Lost" and %(cond)s `tabQuotation`.%(key)s LIKE "%s" ORDER BY `tabQuotation`.`name` DESC LIMIT 50', {cond:cond});
return repl('SELECT DISTINCT name, customer, transaction_date FROM `tabQuotation` WHERE `tabQuotation`.company = "' + + '" and `tabQuotation`.`docstatus` = 1 and `tabQuotation`.status != "Order Lost" and %(cond)s `tabQuotation`.%(key)s LIKE "%s" ORDER BY `tabQuotation`.`name` DESC LIMIT 50', {cond:cond});
@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ keydict = {
'valuation_method': 'default_valuation_method',
'date_format': 'date_format',
'allow_negative_stock' : 'allow_negative_stock'
class DocType:
@ -224,6 +224,16 @@
'fieldtype': u'Select',
'label': u'Default Valuation Method',
'options': u'FIFO\nMoving Average'
# DocField
'colour': u'White:FFF',
'description': u'Applicable only if valuation method is moving average',
'doctype': u'DocField',
'fieldname': u'allow_negative_stock',
'fieldtype': u'Check',
'label': u'Allow Negative Stock'
# DocField
@ -533,4 +543,4 @@
'fieldtype': u'Data',
'label': u'SMS Sender Name'
@ -180,18 +180,20 @@ class DocType:
# get moving average inventory values
# ------------------------------------
def get_moving_average_inventory_values(self, val_rate, in_rate, opening_qty, actual_qty, is_cancelled):
if flt(in_rate) <= 0: # In case of delivery/stock issue in_rate = 0 or wrong incoming rate
in_rate = val_rate
if in_rate and val_rate == 0: # First entry
val_rate = in_rate
# val_rate is same as previous entry if :
# 1. actual qty is negative(delivery note / stock entry)
# 2. cancelled entry
# 3. val_rate is negative
# Otherwise it will be calculated as per moving average
elif actual_qty > 0 and (opening_qty + actual_qty) > 0 and is_cancelled == 'No' and ((opening_qty * val_rate) + (actual_qty * in_rate)) > 0:
if actual_qty > 0 and (opening_qty + actual_qty) > 0 and is_cancelled == 'No' and ((opening_qty * val_rate) + (actual_qty * in_rate)) > 0:
opening_qty = opening_qty > 0 and opening_qty or 0
val_rate = ((opening_qty *val_rate) + (actual_qty * in_rate)) / (opening_qty + actual_qty)
elif (opening_qty + actual_qty) <= 0:
val_rate = 0
stock_val = val_rate
return val_rate, stock_val
@ -245,8 +247,10 @@ class DocType:
# get stock value
# ----------------
def get_stock_value(self, val_method, cqty, stock_val, serial_nos):
if val_method == 'Moving Average' or serial_nos:
if serial_nos:
stock_val = flt(stock_val) * flt(cqty)
elif val_method == 'Moving Average':
stock_val = flt(cqty) > 0 and flt(stock_val) * flt(cqty) or 0
elif val_method == 'FIFO':
stock_val = sum([flt(d[0])*flt(d[1]) for d in self.fcfs_bal])
return stock_val
@ -274,6 +278,11 @@ class DocType:
# get valuation method
val_method = get_obj('Valuation Control').get_valuation_method(self.doc.item_code)
# allow negative stock (only for moving average method)
from webnotes.utils import get_defaults
allow_negative_stock = get_defaults().get('allow_negative_stock', 0)
# recalculate the balances for all stock ledger entries
# after the prev sle
sll = sql("""
@ -286,10 +295,10 @@ class DocType:
order by timestamp(posting_date, posting_time) asc, name asc""", \
(self.doc.item_code, self.doc.warehouse, \
prev_sle.get('posting_date','1900-01-01'), prev_sle.get('posting_time', '12:00')), as_dict = 1)
for sle in sll:
# block if stock level goes negative on any date
self.validate_negative_stock(cqty, sle)
if val_method != 'Moving Average' or flt(allow_negative_stock) == 0:
self.validate_negative_stock(cqty, sle)
stock_val, in_rate = 0, sle['incoming_rate'] # IN
serial_nos = sle["serial_no"] and ("'"+"', '".join(cstr(sle["serial_no"]).split('\n')) \
@ -322,7 +322,6 @@ class DocType(TransactionBase):
def on_submit(self):
set(self.doc, 'message', 'Items against your Order #%s have been delivered. Delivery #%s: ' % (self.doc.po_no,
# Check for Approving Authority
get_obj('Authorization Control').validate_approving_authority(self.doc.doctype,, self.doc.grand_total, self)
sl_obj = get_obj("Stock Ledger")
@ -361,14 +360,6 @@ class DocType(TransactionBase):
webnotes.msgprint("Packing Error:\n" + err_msg, raise_exception=1)
# *********** Checks whether actual quantity is present in warehouse *************
def check_qty_in_stock(self):
for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'packing_details'):
is_stock_item = sql("select is_stock_item from `tabItem` where name = '%s'" % d.item_code)[0][0]
if is_stock_item == 'Yes' and d.warehouse and flt(d.qty) > flt(d.actual_qty):
msgprint("For Item: " + cstr(d.item_code) + " at Warehouse: " + cstr(d.warehouse) + " Quantity: " + cstr(d.qty) +" is not Available. (Must be less than or equal to " + cstr(d.actual_qty) + " )")
raise Exception, "Validation Error"
@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ class DocType :
def pull_item_details(self):
if self.doc.return_type == 'Sales Return':
if self.doc.delivery_note_no:
det = sql("select, t1.item_code, t1.description, t1.qty, t1.uom, t2.basic_rate, t3.customer, t3.customer_name, t3.customer_address, t2.serial_no, t2.batch_no from `tabDelivery Note Packing Item` t1, `tabDelivery Note Item` t2, `tabDelivery Note` t3 where t1.parent = and t2.parent = and t1.parent_detail_docname = and = '%s' and t3.docstatus = 1" % self.doc.delivery_note_no)
det = sql("select, t1.item_code, t1.description, t1.qty, t1.uom, t2.export_rate * t3.conversion_rate, t3.customer, t3.customer_name, t3.customer_address, t2.serial_no, t2.batch_no from `tabDelivery Note Packing Detail` t1, `tabDelivery Note Detail` t2, `tabDelivery Note` t3 where t1.parent = and t2.parent = and t1.parent_detail_docname = and = '%s' and t3.docstatus = 1" % self.doc.delivery_note_no)
elif self.doc.sales_invoice_no:
det = sql("select, t1.item_code, t1.description, t1.qty, t1.stock_uom, t1.basic_rate, t2.customer, t2.customer_name, t2.customer_address, t1.serial_no from `tabSales Invoice Item` t1, `tabSales Invoice` t2 where t1.parent = and = '%s' and t2.docstatus = 1" % self.doc.sales_invoice_no)
det = sql("select, t1.item_code, t1.description, t1.qty, t1.stock_uom, t1.export_rate * t2.conversion_rate, t2.customer, t2.customer_name, t2.customer_address, t1.serial_no from `tabRV Detail` t1, `tabReceivable Voucher` t2 where t1.parent = and = '%s' and t2.docstatus = 1" % self.doc.sales_invoice_no)
elif self.doc.return_type == 'Purchase Return' and self.doc.purchase_receipt_no:
det = sql("select, t1.item_code, t1.description, t1.received_qty, t1.uom, t1.purchase_rate, t2.supplier, t2.supplier_name, t2.supplier_address, t1.serial_no, t1.batch_no from `tabPurchase Receipt Item` t1, `tabPurchase Receipt` t2 where t1.parent = and = '%s' and t2.docstatus = 1" % self.doc.purchase_receipt_no)
@ -265,9 +265,6 @@ class DocType(TransactionBase):
if flt(d.transfer_qty) <= 0:
msgprint("Transfer Quantity can not be less than or equal to zero at Row No " + cstr(d.idx))
raise Exception
if d.s_warehouse and flt(d.transfer_qty) > flt(d.actual_qty):
msgprint("Transfer Quantity is more than Available Qty at Row No " + cstr(d.idx))
raise Exception
def calc_amount(self):
@ -418,4 +418,4 @@
'search_index': 0,
'width': u'100px'
Reference in New Issue
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