feat: unlinking dynamic links on trash
This commit is contained in:
@ -147,11 +147,14 @@
"Chart": true,
"Cypress": true,
"cy": true,
"describe": true,
"expect": true,
"it": true,
"context": true,
"before": true,
"beforeEach": true,
"onScan": true,
"extend_cscript": true
"extend_cscript": true,
"localforage": true,
@ -10,3 +10,6 @@
# Replace use of Class.extend with native JS class
# This commit just changes spaces to tabs for indentation in some files
@ -42,5 +42,6 @@ sed -i 's/socketio:/# socketio:/g' Procfile
sed -i 's/redis_socketio:/# redis_socketio:/g' Procfile
bench get-app erpnext "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}"
bench start &
bench start &> bench_run_logs.txt &
bench --site test_site reinstall --yes
bench build --app frappe
@ -98,8 +98,6 @@ rules:
languages: [python]
severity: WARNING
- test_*.py
- "*/**/doctype/*"
@ -8,18 +8,3 @@ rules:
dynamic content. Avoid it or use safe_eval().
languages: [python]
severity: ERROR
- id: frappe-sqli-format-strings
- pattern-inside: |
def $FUNC(...):
- pattern-either:
- pattern: frappe.db.sql("..." % ...)
- pattern: frappe.db.sql(f"...", ...)
- pattern: frappe.db.sql("...".format(...), ...)
message: |
Detected use of raw string formatting for SQL queries. This can lead to sql injection vulnerabilities. Refer security guidelines - https://github.com/frappe/erpnext/wiki/Code-Security-Guidelines
languages: [python]
severity: WARNING
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
# Configuration for probot-stale - https://github.com/probot/stale
# Number of days of inactivity before an Issue or Pull Request becomes stale
daysUntilStale: 30
daysUntilStale: 15
# Number of days of inactivity before a stale Issue or Pull Request is closed.
# Set to false to disable. If disabled, issues still need to be closed manually, but will remain marked as stale.
daysUntilClose: 7
daysUntilClose: 3
# Issues or Pull Requests with these labels will never be considered stale. Set to `[]` to disable
@ -1,16 +1,25 @@
name: Backport
- closed
- labeled
runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
name: Backport
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Backport
uses: tibdex/backport@v1
- name: Checkout Actions
uses: actions/checkout@v2
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
repository: "ankush/backport"
path: ./actions
ref: develop
- name: Install Actions
run: npm install --production --prefix ./actions
- name: Run backport
uses: ./actions/backport
token: ${{secrets.BACKPORT_BOT_TOKEN}}
labelsToAdd: "backport"
title: "{{originalTitle}}"
@ -1,34 +1,18 @@
name: Semgrep
- develop
- version-13-hotfix
- version-13-pre-release
pull_request: { }
name: Frappe Linter
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Setup python3
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: 3.8
- name: Setup semgrep
run: |
python -m pip install -q semgrep
git fetch origin $GITHUB_BASE_REF:$GITHUB_BASE_REF -q
- name: Semgrep errors
run: |
files=$(git diff --name-only --diff-filter=d $GITHUB_BASE_REF)
[[ -d .github/helper/semgrep_rules ]] && semgrep --severity ERROR --config=.github/helper/semgrep_rules --quiet --error $files
semgrep --config="r/python.lang.correctness" --quiet --error $files
- name: Semgrep warnings
run: |
files=$(git diff --name-only --diff-filter=d $GITHUB_BASE_REF)
[[ -d .github/helper/semgrep_rules ]] && semgrep --severity WARNING --severity INFO --config=.github/helper/semgrep_rules --quiet $files
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: returntocorp/semgrep-action@v1
config: >-
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
name: UI
runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
fail-fast: false
name: UI Tests (Cypress)
image: mariadb:10.3
- 3306:3306
options: --health-cmd="mysqladmin ping" --health-interval=5s --health-timeout=2s --health-retries=3
- name: Clone
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Setup Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: 3.7
- uses: actions/setup-node@v2
node-version: 14
check-latest: true
- name: Add to Hosts
run: |
echo " test_site" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
- name: Cache pip
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: ~/.cache/pip
key: ${{ runner.os }}-pip-${{ hashFiles('**/requirements.txt') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-pip-
${{ runner.os }}-
- name: Cache node modules
uses: actions/cache@v2
cache-name: cache-node-modules
path: ~/.npm
key: ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-
${{ runner.os }}-build-
${{ runner.os }}-
- name: Get yarn cache directory path
id: yarn-cache-dir-path
run: echo "::set-output name=dir::$(yarn cache dir)"
- uses: actions/cache@v2
id: yarn-cache
path: ${{ steps.yarn-cache-dir-path.outputs.dir }}
key: ${{ runner.os }}-yarn-${{ hashFiles('**/yarn.lock') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-yarn-
- name: Cache cypress binary
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: ~/.cache
key: ${{ runner.os }}-cypress-
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-cypress-
${{ runner.os }}-
- name: Install
run: bash ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/.github/helper/install.sh
DB: mariadb
TYPE: ui
- name: Site Setup
run: cd ~/frappe-bench/ && bench --site test_site execute erpnext.setup.utils.before_tests
- name: cypress pre-requisites
run: cd ~/frappe-bench/apps/frappe && yarn add cypress-file-upload@^5 --no-lockfile
- name: Build Assets
run: cd ~/frappe-bench/ && bench build
- name: UI Tests
run: cd ~/frappe-bench/ && bench --site test_site run-ui-tests erpnext --headless
- name: Show bench console if tests failed
if: ${{ failure() }}
run: cat ~/frappe-bench/bench_run_logs.txt
@ -16,3 +16,4 @@ __pycache__
@ -3,16 +3,33 @@
# These owners will be the default owners for everything in
# the repo. Unless a later match takes precedence,
manufacturing/ @rohitwaghchaure @marination
accounts/ @deepeshgarg007 @nextchamp-saqib
loan_management/ @deepeshgarg007 @rohitwaghchaure
pos* @nextchamp-saqib @rohitwaghchaure
assets/ @nextchamp-saqib @deepeshgarg007
stock/ @marination @rohitwaghchaure
buying/ @marination @deepeshgarg007
hr/ @Anurag810 @rohitwaghchaure
projects/ @hrwX @nextchamp-saqib
support/ @hrwX @marination
healthcare/ @ruchamahabal @marination
erpnext_integrations/ @Mangesh-Khairnar @nextchamp-saqib
requirements.txt @gavindsouza
erpnext/accounts/ @nextchamp-saqib @deepeshgarg007
erpnext/assets/ @nextchamp-saqib @deepeshgarg007
erpnext/erpnext_integrations/ @nextchamp-saqib
erpnext/loan_management/ @nextchamp-saqib @deepeshgarg007
erpnext/regional @nextchamp-saqib @deepeshgarg007
erpnext/selling @nextchamp-saqib @deepeshgarg007
erpnext/support/ @nextchamp-saqib @deepeshgarg007
pos* @nextchamp-saqib
erpnext/buying/ @marination @rohitwaghchaure @ankush
erpnext/e_commerce/ @marination
erpnext/maintenance/ @marination @rohitwaghchaure
erpnext/manufacturing/ @marination @rohitwaghchaure @ankush
erpnext/portal/ @marination
erpnext/quality_management/ @marination @rohitwaghchaure
erpnext/shopping_cart/ @marination
erpnext/stock/ @marination @rohitwaghchaure @ankush
erpnext/crm/ @ruchamahabal @pateljannat
erpnext/education/ @ruchamahabal @pateljannat
erpnext/healthcare/ @ruchamahabal @pateljannat @chillaranand
erpnext/hr/ @ruchamahabal @pateljannat
erpnext/non_profit/ @ruchamahabal
erpnext/payroll @ruchamahabal @pateljannat
erpnext/projects/ @ruchamahabal @pateljannat
erpnext/controllers @deepeshgarg007 @nextchamp-saqib @rohitwaghchaure @marination
.github/ @surajshetty3416 @ankush
requirements.txt @gavindsouza
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"baseUrl": "http://test_site:8000/",
"projectId": "da59y9",
"adminPassword": "admin",
"defaultCommandTimeout": 20000,
"pageLoadTimeout": 15000,
"retries": {
"runMode": 2,
"openMode": 2
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"name": "Using fixtures to represent data",
"email": "hello@cypress.io",
"body": "Fixtures are a great way to mock data for responses to routes"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
context('Customer', () => {
before(() => {
it('Check Customer Group', () => {
cy.get('.custom-actions > .btn').click();
cy.get_field('customer_group', 'Link').should('have.value', 'All Customer Groups');
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
describe("Test Item Dashboard", () => {
before(() => {
item_code: "e2e_test_item",
item_group: "All Item Groups",
opening_stock: 42,
valuation_rate: 100,
cy.go_to_doc("item", "e2e_test_item");
it("should show dashboard with correct data on first load", () => {
cy.get(".stock-levels").contains("Stock Levels").should("be.visible");
// reserved and available qty
cy.get(".stock-levels .inline-graph-count")
cy.get(".stock-levels .inline-graph-count")
it("should persist on field change", () => {
cy.get(".stock-levels").contains("Stock Levels").should("be.visible");
cy.get(".stock-levels").should("have.length", 1);
it("should persist on reload", () => {
cy.get(".stock-levels").contains("Stock Levels").should("be.visible");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
// ***********************************************************
// This example plugins/index.js can be used to load plugins
// You can change the location of this file or turn off loading
// the plugins file with the 'pluginsFile' configuration option.
// You can read more here:
// https://on.cypress.io/plugins-guide
// ***********************************************************
// This function is called when a project is opened or re-opened (e.g. due to
// the project's config changing)
module.exports = () => {
// `on` is used to hook into various events Cypress emits
// `config` is the resolved Cypress config
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
// ***********************************************
// This example commands.js shows you how to
// create various custom commands and overwrite
// existing commands.
// For more comprehensive examples of custom
// commands please read more here:
// https://on.cypress.io/custom-commands
// ***********************************************
// -- This is a parent command --
// Cypress.Commands.add("login", (email, password) => { ... });
// -- This is a child command --
// Cypress.Commands.add("drag", { prevSubject: 'element'}, (subject, options) => { ... });
// -- This is a dual command --
// Cypress.Commands.add("dismiss", { prevSubject: 'optional'}, (subject, options) => { ... });
// -- This is will overwrite an existing command --
// Cypress.Commands.overwrite("visit", (originalFn, url, options) => { ... });
const slug = (name) => name.toLowerCase().replace(" ", "-");
Cypress.Commands.add("go_to_doc", (doctype, name) => {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
// ***********************************************************
// This example support/index.js is processed and
// loaded automatically before your test files.
// This is a great place to put global configuration and
// behavior that modifies Cypress.
// You can change the location of this file or turn off
// automatically serving support files with the
// 'supportFile' configuration option.
// You can read more here:
// https://on.cypress.io/configuration
// ***********************************************************
// Import commands.js using ES2015 syntax:
import './commands';
import '../../../frappe/cypress/support/commands' // eslint-disable-line
// Alternatively you can use CommonJS syntax:
// require('./commands')
preserve: 'sid'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"compilerOptions": {
"allowJs": true,
"baseUrl": "../node_modules",
"types": [
"include": [
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import frappe
from erpnext.hooks import regional_overrides
from frappe.utils import getdate
__version__ = '13.4.1'
__version__ = '13.7.1'
def get_default_company(user=None):
'''Get default company for user'''
@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ def get_shipping_address(company, address = None):
if address and frappe.db.get_value('Dynamic Link',
{'parent': address, 'link_name': company}):
filters.append(["Address", "name", "=", address])
if not address:
filters.append(["Address", "is_shipping_address", "=", 1])
address = frappe.get_all("Address", filters=filters, fields=fields) or {}
@ -263,6 +263,9 @@ def book_deferred_income_or_expense(doc, deferred_process, posting_date=None):
amount, base_amount = calculate_amount(doc, item, last_gl_entry,
total_days, total_booking_days, account_currency)
if not amount:
if via_journal_entry:
book_revenue_via_journal_entry(doc, credit_account, debit_account, against, amount,
base_amount, end_date, project, account_currency, item.cost_center, item, deferred_process, submit_journal_entry)
@ -298,17 +301,21 @@ def process_deferred_accounting(posting_date=None):
start_date = add_months(today(), -1)
end_date = add_days(today(), -1)
for record_type in ('Income', 'Expense'):
doc = frappe.get_doc(dict(
doctype='Process Deferred Accounting',
companies = frappe.get_all('Company')
for company in companies:
for record_type in ('Income', 'Expense'):
doc = frappe.get_doc(dict(
doctype='Process Deferred Accounting',
def make_gl_entries(doc, credit_account, debit_account, against,
amount, base_amount, posting_date, project, account_currency, cost_center, item, deferred_process=None):
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class AccountingDimension(Document):
def validate(self):
if self.document_type in core_doctypes_list + ('Accounting Dimension', 'Project',
'Cost Center', 'Accounting Dimension Detail', 'Company') :
'Cost Center', 'Accounting Dimension Detail', 'Company', 'Account') :
msg = _("Not allowed to create accounting dimension for {0}").format(self.document_type)
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class AccountingDimension(Document):
exists = frappe.db.get_value("Accounting Dimension", {'document_type': self.document_type}, ['name'])
if exists and self.is_new():
frappe.throw("Document Type already used as a dimension")
frappe.throw(_("Document Type already used as a dimension"))
if not self.is_new():
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
@ -253,6 +254,13 @@
"fieldname": "column_break_19",
"fieldtype": "Column Break"
"default": "1",
"description": "If enabled, ledger entries will be posted for change amount in POS transactions",
"fieldname": "post_change_gl_entries",
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "Create Ledger Entries for Change Amount"
"icon": "icon-cog",
@ -260,7 +268,7 @@
"index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"issingle": 1,
"links": [],
"modified": "2021-04-30 15:25:10.381008",
"modified": "2021-06-17 20:26:03.721202",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Accounts Settings",
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import cint
from frappe.model.document import Document
from frappe.custom.doctype.property_setter.property_setter import make_property_setter
@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ class AccountsSettings(Document):
def validate_stale_days(self):
if not self.allow_stale and cint(self.stale_days) <= 0:
"Stale Days should start from 1.", title='Error', indicator='red',
_("Stale Days should start from 1."), title='Error', indicator='red',
def enable_payment_schedule_in_print(self):
@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
"actions": [],
"creation": "2020-09-12 22:26:19.594367",
"doctype": "DocType",
"document_type": "Setup",
"editable_grid": 1,
"engine": "InnoDB",
"field_order": [
"fields": [
"columns": 2,
"fieldname": "charge_type",
"fieldtype": "Select",
"in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Type",
"oldfieldname": "charge_type",
"oldfieldtype": "Select",
"options": "\nActual\nOn Paid Amount\nOn Previous Row Amount\nOn Previous Row Total",
"reqd": 1
"depends_on": "eval:[\"On Previous Row Amount\", \"On Previous Row Total\"].indexOf(doc.charge_type)!==-1",
"fieldname": "row_id",
"fieldtype": "Data",
"label": "Reference Row #",
"oldfieldname": "row_id",
"oldfieldtype": "Data"
"columns": 2,
"fieldname": "account_head",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Account Head",
"oldfieldname": "account_head",
"oldfieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Account",
"reqd": 1,
"search_index": 1
"fieldname": "col_break_1",
"fieldtype": "Column Break",
"width": "50%"
"fieldname": "description",
"fieldtype": "Small Text",
"label": "Description",
"oldfieldname": "description",
"oldfieldtype": "Small Text",
"print_width": "300px",
"reqd": 1,
"width": "300px"
"fieldname": "accounting_dimensions_section",
"fieldtype": "Section Break",
"label": "Accounting Dimensions"
"default": ":Company",
"fieldname": "cost_center",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"label": "Cost Center",
"oldfieldname": "cost_center_other_charges",
"oldfieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Cost Center"
"fieldname": "dimension_col_break",
"fieldtype": "Column Break"
"fieldname": "section_break_8",
"fieldtype": "Section Break"
"columns": 2,
"fieldname": "rate",
"fieldtype": "Float",
"in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Rate",
"oldfieldname": "rate",
"oldfieldtype": "Currency"
"fieldname": "section_break_9",
"fieldtype": "Section Break"
"columns": 2,
"fieldname": "tax_amount",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Amount",
"options": "currency"
"columns": 2,
"fieldname": "total",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Total",
"options": "currency",
"read_only": 1
"fieldname": "column_break_13",
"fieldtype": "Column Break"
"fieldname": "base_tax_amount",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"label": "Amount (Company Currency)",
"oldfieldname": "tax_amount",
"oldfieldtype": "Currency",
"options": "Company:company:default_currency",
"read_only": 1
"fieldname": "base_total",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"label": "Total (Company Currency)",
"oldfieldname": "total",
"oldfieldtype": "Currency",
"options": "Company:company:default_currency",
"read_only": 1
"fieldname": "add_deduct_tax",
"fieldtype": "Select",
"label": "Add Or Deduct",
"options": "Add\nDeduct",
"reqd": 1
"default": "0",
"fieldname": "included_in_paid_amount",
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "Considered In Paid Amount"
"fieldname": "allocated_amount",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"label": "Allocated Amount",
"options": "currency"
"fieldname": "base_allocated_amount",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"label": "Allocated Amount (Company Currency)",
"options": "Company:company:default_currency"
"fetch_from": "account_head.account_currency",
"fieldname": "currency",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"label": "Account Currency",
"options": "Currency",
"read_only": 1
"index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"istable": 1,
"links": [],
"modified": "2021-06-09 11:46:58.373170",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Advance Taxes and Charges",
"owner": "Administrator",
"permissions": [],
"sort_field": "modified",
"sort_order": "ASC"
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2020, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
# For license information, please see license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
# import frappe
from frappe.model.document import Document
class AdvanceTaxesandCharges(Document):
@ -120,4 +120,4 @@ erpnext.integrations.refreshPlaidLink = class refreshPlaidLink {
plaid_success(token, response) {
frappe.show_alert({ message: __('Plaid Link Updated'), indicator: 'green' });
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class BankStatementImport(DataImport):
self.import_file, self.google_sheets_url
if 'Bank Account' not in json.dumps(preview):
if 'Bank Account' not in json.dumps(preview['columns']):
frappe.throw(_("Please add the Bank Account column"))
from frappe.core.page.background_jobs.background_jobs import get_info
@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ from erpnext.accounts.doctype.account.chart_of_accounts.chart_of_accounts import
from frappe.utils.xlsxutils import read_xlsx_file_from_attached_file, read_xls_file_from_attached_file
class ChartofAccountsImporter(Document):
def validate(self):
def validate_company(company):
@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ def validate_company(company):
if parent_company and (not allow_account_creation_against_child_company):
msg = _("{} is a child company. ").format(frappe.bold(company))
msg = _("{} is a child company.").format(frappe.bold(company)) + " "
msg += _("Please import accounts against parent company or enable {} in company master.").format(
frappe.bold('Allow Account Creation Against Child Company'))
frappe.throw(msg, title=_('Wrong Company'))
@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ def get_file(file_name):
extension = extension.lstrip(".")
if extension not in ('csv', 'xlsx', 'xls'):
frappe.throw("Only CSV and Excel files can be used to for importing data. Please check the file format you are trying to upload")
frappe.throw(_("Only CSV and Excel files can be used to for importing data. Please check the file format you are trying to upload"))
return file_doc, extension
@ -293,7 +294,7 @@ def validate_accounts(file_name):
accounts_dict = {}
for account in accounts:
accounts_dict.setdefault(account["account_name"], account)
if not hasattr(account, "parent_account"):
if "parent_account" not in account:
msg = _("Please make sure the file you are using has 'Parent Account' column present in the header.")
msg += "<br><br>"
msg += _("Alternatively, you can download the template and fill your data in.")
@ -301,28 +302,27 @@ def validate_accounts(file_name):
if account["parent_account"] and accounts_dict.get(account["parent_account"]):
accounts_dict[account["parent_account"]]["is_group"] = 1
message = validate_root(accounts_dict)
if message: return message
message = validate_account_types(accounts_dict)
if message: return message
return [True, len(accounts)]
def validate_root(accounts):
roots = [accounts[d] for d in accounts if not accounts[d].get('parent_account')]
if len(roots) < 4:
return _("Number of root accounts cannot be less than 4")
frappe.throw(_("Number of root accounts cannot be less than 4"))
error_messages = []
for account in roots:
if not account.get("root_type") and account.get("account_name"):
error_messages.append("Please enter Root Type for account- {0}".format(account.get("account_name")))
error_messages.append(_("Please enter Root Type for account- {0}").format(account.get("account_name")))
elif account.get("root_type") not in get_root_types() and account.get("account_name"):
error_messages.append("Root Type for {0} must be one of the Asset, Liability, Income, Expense and Equity".format(account.get("account_name")))
error_messages.append(_("Root Type for {0} must be one of the Asset, Liability, Income, Expense and Equity").format(account.get("account_name")))
if error_messages:
return "<br>".join(error_messages)
def get_root_types():
return ('Asset', 'Liability', 'Expense', 'Income', 'Equity')
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ def validate_account_types(accounts):
missing = list(set(account_types_for_ledger) - set(account_types))
if missing:
return _("Please identify/create Account (Ledger) for type - {0}").format(' , '.join(missing))
frappe.throw(_("Please identify/create Account (Ledger) for type - {0}").format(' , '.join(missing)))
account_types_for_group = ["Bank", "Cash", "Stock"]
# fix logic bug
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ def validate_account_types(accounts):
missing = list(set(account_types_for_group) - set(account_groups))
if missing:
return _("Please identify/create Account (Group) for type - {0}").format(' , '.join(missing))
frappe.throw(_("Please identify/create Account (Group) for type - {0}").format(' , '.join(missing)))
def unset_existing_data(company):
linked = frappe.db.sql('''select fieldname from tabDocField
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class Dunning(AccountsController):
def validate_amount(self):
amounts = calculate_interest_and_amount(
self.posting_date, self.outstanding_amount, self.rate_of_interest, self.dunning_fee, self.overdue_days)
self.outstanding_amount, self.rate_of_interest, self.dunning_fee, self.overdue_days)
if self.interest_amount != amounts.get('interest_amount'):
self.interest_amount = flt(amounts.get('interest_amount'), self.precision('interest_amount'))
if self.dunning_amount != amounts.get('dunning_amount'):
@ -86,18 +86,18 @@ def resolve_dunning(doc, state):
for reference in doc.references:
if reference.reference_doctype == 'Sales Invoice' and reference.outstanding_amount <= 0:
dunnings = frappe.get_list('Dunning', filters={
'sales_invoice': reference.reference_name, 'status': ('!=', 'Resolved')})
'sales_invoice': reference.reference_name, 'status': ('!=', 'Resolved')}, ignore_permissions=True)
for dunning in dunnings:
frappe.db.set_value("Dunning", dunning.name, "status", 'Resolved')
def calculate_interest_and_amount(posting_date, outstanding_amount, rate_of_interest, dunning_fee, overdue_days):
def calculate_interest_and_amount(outstanding_amount, rate_of_interest, dunning_fee, overdue_days):
interest_amount = 0
grand_total = 0
grand_total = flt(outstanding_amount) + flt(dunning_fee)
if rate_of_interest:
interest_per_year = flt(outstanding_amount) * flt(rate_of_interest) / 100
interest_amount = (interest_per_year * cint(overdue_days)) / 365
grand_total = flt(outstanding_amount) + flt(interest_amount) + flt(dunning_fee)
interest_amount = (interest_per_year * cint(overdue_days)) / 365
grand_total += flt(interest_amount)
dunning_amount = flt(interest_amount) + flt(dunning_fee)
return {
'interest_amount': interest_amount,
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ class TestDunning(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(self):
@ -25,11 +26,19 @@ class TestDunning(unittest.TestCase):
def test_dunning(self):
dunning = create_dunning()
amounts = calculate_interest_and_amount(
dunning.posting_date, dunning.outstanding_amount, dunning.rate_of_interest, dunning.dunning_fee, dunning.overdue_days)
dunning.outstanding_amount, dunning.rate_of_interest, dunning.dunning_fee, dunning.overdue_days)
self.assertEqual(round(amounts.get('interest_amount'), 2), 0.44)
self.assertEqual(round(amounts.get('dunning_amount'), 2), 20.44)
self.assertEqual(round(amounts.get('grand_total'), 2), 120.44)
def test_dunning_with_zero_interest_rate(self):
dunning = create_dunning_with_zero_interest_rate()
amounts = calculate_interest_and_amount(
dunning.outstanding_amount, dunning.rate_of_interest, dunning.dunning_fee, dunning.overdue_days)
self.assertEqual(round(amounts.get('interest_amount'), 2), 0)
self.assertEqual(round(amounts.get('dunning_amount'), 2), 20)
self.assertEqual(round(amounts.get('grand_total'), 2), 120)
def test_gl_entries(self):
dunning = create_dunning()
@ -83,6 +92,27 @@ def create_dunning():
return dunning
def create_dunning_with_zero_interest_rate():
posting_date = add_days(today(), -20)
due_date = add_days(today(), -15)
sales_invoice = create_sales_invoice_against_cost_center(
posting_date=posting_date, due_date=due_date, status='Overdue')
dunning_type = frappe.get_doc("Dunning Type", 'First Notice with 0% Rate of Interest')
dunning = frappe.new_doc("Dunning")
dunning.sales_invoice = sales_invoice.name
dunning.customer_name = sales_invoice.customer_name
dunning.outstanding_amount = sales_invoice.outstanding_amount
dunning.debit_to = sales_invoice.debit_to
dunning.currency = sales_invoice.currency
dunning.company = sales_invoice.company
dunning.posting_date = nowdate()
dunning.due_date = sales_invoice.due_date
dunning.dunning_type = 'First Notice with 0% Rate of Interest'
dunning.rate_of_interest = dunning_type.rate_of_interest
dunning.dunning_fee = dunning_type.dunning_fee
return dunning
def create_dunning_type():
dunning_type = frappe.new_doc("Dunning Type")
dunning_type.dunning_type = 'First Notice'
@ -98,3 +128,19 @@ def create_dunning_type():
def create_dunning_type_with_zero_interest_rate():
dunning_type = frappe.new_doc("Dunning Type")
dunning_type.dunning_type = 'First Notice with 0% Rate of Interest'
dunning_type.start_day = 10
dunning_type.end_day = 20
dunning_type.dunning_fee = 20
dunning_type.rate_of_interest = 0
"dunning_letter_text", {
'language': 'en',
'body_text': 'We have still not received payment for our invoice ',
'closing_text': 'We kindly request that you pay the outstanding amount immediately, and late fees.'
@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ class ExchangeRateRevaluation(Document):
if not (self.company and self.posting_date):
frappe.throw(_("Please select Company and Posting Date to getting entries"))
def on_cancel(self):
self.ignore_linked_doctypes = ('GL Entry')
def check_journal_entry_condition(self):
total_debit = frappe.db.get_value("Journal Entry Account", {
@ -99,10 +102,12 @@ class ExchangeRateRevaluation(Document):
sum(debit) - sum(credit) as balance
from `tabGL Entry`
where account in (%s)
group by account, party_type, party
and posting_date <= %s
and is_cancelled = 0
group by account, NULLIF(party_type,''), NULLIF(party,'')
having sum(debit) != sum(credit)
order by account
""" % ', '.join(['%s']*len(accounts)), tuple(accounts), as_dict=1)
""" % (', '.join(['%s']*len(accounts)), '%s'), tuple(accounts + [self.posting_date]), as_dict=1)
return account_details
@ -143,9 +148,9 @@ class ExchangeRateRevaluation(Document):
"party_type": d.get("party_type"),
"party": d.get("party"),
"account_currency": d.get("account_currency"),
"balance": d.get("balance_in_account_currency"),
dr_or_cr: abs(d.get("balance_in_account_currency")),
"balance": flt(d.get("balance_in_account_currency"), d.precision("balance_in_account_currency")),
dr_or_cr: flt(abs(d.get("balance_in_account_currency")), d.precision("balance_in_account_currency")),
"exchange_rate": flt(d.get("new_exchange_rate"), d.precision("new_exchange_rate")),
"reference_type": "Exchange Rate Revaluation",
"reference_name": self.name,
@ -154,9 +159,9 @@ class ExchangeRateRevaluation(Document):
"party_type": d.get("party_type"),
"party": d.get("party"),
"account_currency": d.get("account_currency"),
"balance": d.get("balance_in_account_currency"),
reverse_dr_or_cr: abs(d.get("balance_in_account_currency")),
"exchange_rate": d.get("current_exchange_rate"),
"balance": flt(d.get("balance_in_account_currency"), d.precision("balance_in_account_currency")),
reverse_dr_or_cr: flt(abs(d.get("balance_in_account_currency")), d.precision("balance_in_account_currency")),
"exchange_rate": flt(d.get("current_exchange_rate"), d.precision("current_exchange_rate")),
"reference_type": "Exchange Rate Revaluation",
"reference_name": self.name
@ -185,9 +190,9 @@ def get_account_details(account, company, posting_date, party_type=None, party=N
account_details = {}
company_currency = erpnext.get_company_currency(company)
balance = get_balance_on(account, party_type=party_type, party=party, in_account_currency=False)
balance = get_balance_on(account, date=posting_date, party_type=party_type, party=party, in_account_currency=False)
if balance:
balance_in_account_currency = get_balance_on(account, party_type=party_type, party=party)
balance_in_account_currency = get_balance_on(account, date=posting_date, party_type=party_type, party=party)
current_exchange_rate = balance / balance_in_account_currency if balance_in_account_currency else 0
new_exchange_rate = get_exchange_rate(account_currency, company_currency, posting_date)
new_balance_in_base_currency = balance_in_account_currency * new_exchange_rate
@ -121,8 +121,7 @@ class GLEntry(Document):
def check_pl_account(self):
if self.is_opening=='Yes' and \
frappe.db.get_value("Account", self.account, "report_type")=="Profit and Loss" and \
self.voucher_type not in ['Purchase Invoice', 'Sales Invoice']:
frappe.db.get_value("Account", self.account, "report_type")=="Profit and Loss":
frappe.throw(_("{0} {1}: 'Profit and Loss' type account {2} not allowed in Opening Entry")
.format(self.voucher_type, self.voucher_no, self.account))
@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ class InvoiceDiscounting(AccountsController):
def on_cancel(self):
def set_status(self, status=None):
def set_status(self, status=None, cancel=0):
if status:
self.status = status
self.db_set("status", status)
@ -66,6 +66,9 @@ class InvoiceDiscounting(AccountsController):
elif self.docstatus == 2:
self.status = "Cancelled"
if cancel:
self.db_set('status', self.status, update_modified = True)
def update_sales_invoice(self):
for d in self.invoices:
if self.docstatus == 1:
@ -49,7 +49,15 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Opening Invoice Creation Tool', {
doc: frm.doc,
btn: $(btn_primary),
method: "make_invoices",
freeze_message: __("Creating {0} Invoice", [frm.doc.invoice_type])
freeze: 1,
freeze_message: __("Creating {0} Invoice", [frm.doc.invoice_type]),
callback: function(r) {
if (r.message.length == 1) {
frappe.msgprint(__("{0} Invoice created successfully.", [frm.doc.invoice_type]));
} else if (r.message.length < 50) {
frappe.msgprint(__("{0} Invoices created successfully.", [frm.doc.invoice_type]));
@ -216,7 +216,8 @@ def start_import(invoices):
return names
def publish(index, total, doctype):
if total < 5: return
if total < 50:
@ -241,4 +242,3 @@ def get_temporary_opening_account(company=None):
return accounts[0].name
@ -3,8 +3,12 @@
{% include "erpnext/public/js/controllers/accounts.js" %}
cur_frm.cscript.tax_table = "Advance Taxes and Charges";
frappe.ui.form.on('Payment Entry', {
onload: function(frm) {
frm.ignore_doctypes_on_cancel_all = ['Sales Invoice', 'Purchase Invoice'];
if(frm.doc.__islocal) {
if (!frm.doc.paid_from) frm.set_value("paid_from_account_currency", null);
if (!frm.doc.paid_to) frm.set_value("paid_to_account_currency", null);
@ -91,6 +95,16 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Payment Entry', {
frm.set_query("advance_tax_account", function() {
return {
filters: {
"company": frm.doc.company,
"root_type": ["in", ["Asset", "Liability"]],
"is_group": 0
frm.set_query("reference_doctype", "references", function() {
if (frm.doc.party_type == "Customer") {
var doctypes = ["Sales Order", "Sales Invoice", "Journal Entry", "Dunning"];
@ -182,6 +196,8 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Payment Entry', {
frm.doc.paid_from_account_currency != frm.doc.paid_to_account_currency));
frm.toggle_display("base_paid_amount", frm.doc.paid_from_account_currency != company_currency);
frm.toggle_display("base_total_taxes_and_charges", frm.doc.total_taxes_and_charges &&
(frm.doc.paid_from_account_currency != company_currency));
frm.toggle_display("base_received_amount", (
frm.doc.paid_to_account_currency != company_currency
@ -216,7 +232,7 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Payment Entry', {
var company_currency = frm.doc.company? frappe.get_doc(":Company", frm.doc.company).default_currency: "";
frm.set_currency_labels(["base_paid_amount", "base_received_amount", "base_total_allocated_amount",
"difference_amount"], company_currency);
"difference_amount", "base_paid_amount_after_tax", "base_received_amount_after_tax"], company_currency);
frm.set_currency_labels(["paid_amount"], frm.doc.paid_from_account_currency);
frm.set_currency_labels(["received_amount"], frm.doc.paid_to_account_currency);
@ -224,11 +240,13 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Payment Entry', {
var party_account_currency = frm.doc.payment_type=="Receive" ?
frm.doc.paid_from_account_currency : frm.doc.paid_to_account_currency;
frm.set_currency_labels(["total_allocated_amount", "unallocated_amount"], party_account_currency);
frm.set_currency_labels(["total_allocated_amount", "unallocated_amount",
"total_taxes_and_charges"], party_account_currency);
var currency_field = (frm.doc.payment_type=="Receive") ? "paid_from_account_currency" : "paid_to_account_currency"
frm.set_df_property("total_allocated_amount", "options", currency_field);
frm.set_df_property("unallocated_amount", "options", currency_field);
frm.set_df_property("total_taxes_and_charges", "options", currency_field);
frm.set_df_property("party_balance", "options", currency_field);
frm.set_currency_labels(["total_amount", "outstanding_amount", "allocated_amount"],
@ -364,6 +382,16 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Payment Entry', {
apply_tax_withholding_amount: function(frm) {
if (!frm.doc.apply_tax_withholding_amount) {
frm.set_value("tax_withholding_category", '');
} else {
frappe.db.get_value('Supplier', frm.doc.party, 'tax_withholding_category', (values) => {
frm.set_value("tax_withholding_category", values.tax_withholding_category);
paid_from: function(frm) {
if(frm.set_party_account_based_on_party) return;
@ -843,12 +871,12 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Payment Entry', {
if(frm.doc.payment_type == "Receive"
&& frm.doc.base_total_allocated_amount < frm.doc.base_received_amount + total_deductions
&& frm.doc.total_allocated_amount < frm.doc.paid_amount + (total_deductions / frm.doc.source_exchange_rate)) {
unallocated_amount = (frm.doc.base_received_amount + total_deductions
- frm.doc.base_total_allocated_amount) / frm.doc.source_exchange_rate;
unallocated_amount = (frm.doc.base_received_amount + total_deductions + frm.doc.base_total_taxes_and_charges
+ frm.doc.base_total_allocated_amount) / frm.doc.source_exchange_rate;
} else if (frm.doc.payment_type == "Pay"
&& frm.doc.base_total_allocated_amount < frm.doc.base_paid_amount - total_deductions
&& frm.doc.total_allocated_amount < frm.doc.received_amount + (total_deductions / frm.doc.target_exchange_rate)) {
unallocated_amount = (frm.doc.base_paid_amount - (total_deductions
unallocated_amount = (frm.doc.base_paid_amount + frm.doc.base_total_taxes_and_charges - (total_deductions
+ frm.doc.base_total_allocated_amount)) / frm.doc.target_exchange_rate;
@ -874,7 +902,8 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Payment Entry', {
var total_deductions = frappe.utils.sum($.map(frm.doc.deductions || [],
function(d) { return flt(d.amount) }));
frm.set_value("difference_amount", difference_amount - total_deductions);
frm.set_value("difference_amount", difference_amount - total_deductions +
@ -1002,7 +1031,266 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Payment Entry', {
sales_taxes_and_charges_template: function(frm) {
purchase_taxes_and_charges_template: function(frm) {
fetch_taxes_from_template: function(frm) {
let master_doctype = '';
let taxes_and_charges = '';
if (frm.doc.party_type == 'Supplier') {
master_doctype = 'Purchase Taxes and Charges Template';
taxes_and_charges = frm.doc.purchase_taxes_and_charges_template;
} else if (frm.doc.party_type == 'Customer') {
master_doctype = 'Sales Taxes and Charges Template';
taxes_and_charges = frm.doc.sales_taxes_and_charges_template;
if (!taxes_and_charges) {
method: "erpnext.controllers.accounts_controller.get_taxes_and_charges",
args: {
"master_doctype": master_doctype,
"master_name": taxes_and_charges
callback: function(r) {
if(!r.exc && r.message) {
// set taxes table
if(r.message) {
for (let tax of r.message) {
if (tax.charge_type === 'On Net Total') {
tax.charge_type = 'On Paid Amount';
me.frm.add_child("taxes", tax);
apply_taxes: function(frm) {
initialize_taxes: function(frm) {
$.each(frm.doc["taxes"] || [], function(i, tax) {
tax.item_wise_tax_detail = {};
let tax_fields = ["total", "tax_fraction_for_current_item",
if (cstr(tax.charge_type) != "Actual") {
$.each(tax_fields, function(i, fieldname) { tax[fieldname] = 0.0; });
frm.doc.paid_amount_after_tax = frm.doc.paid_amount;
validate_taxes_and_charges: function(d) {
let msg = "";
if (d.account_head && !d.description) {
// set description from account head
d.description = d.account_head.split(' - ').slice(0, -1).join(' - ');
if (!d.charge_type && (d.row_id || d.rate || d.tax_amount)) {
msg = __("Please select Charge Type first");
d.row_id = "";
d.rate = d.tax_amount = 0.0;
} else if ((d.charge_type == 'Actual' || d.charge_type == 'On Net Total' || d.charge_type == 'On Paid Amount') && d.row_id) {
msg = __("Can refer row only if the charge type is 'On Previous Row Amount' or 'Previous Row Total'");
d.row_id = "";
} else if ((d.charge_type == 'On Previous Row Amount' || d.charge_type == 'On Previous Row Total') && d.row_id) {
if (d.idx == 1) {
msg = __("Cannot select charge type as 'On Previous Row Amount' or 'On Previous Row Total' for first row");
d.charge_type = '';
} else if (!d.row_id) {
msg = __("Please specify a valid Row ID for row {0} in table {1}", [d.idx, __(d.doctype)]);
d.row_id = "";
} else if (d.row_id && d.row_id >= d.idx) {
msg = __("Cannot refer row number greater than or equal to current row number for this Charge type");
d.row_id = "";
if (msg) {
frappe.validated = false;
validate_inclusive_tax: function(tax) {
let actual_type_error = function() {
let msg = __("Actual type tax cannot be included in Item rate in row {0}", [tax.idx])
let on_previous_row_error = function(row_range) {
let msg = __("For row {0} in {1}. To include {2} in Item rate, rows {3} must also be included",
[tax.idx, __(tax.doctype), tax.charge_type, row_range])
if(cint(tax.included_in_paid_amount)) {
if(tax.charge_type == "Actual") {
// inclusive tax cannot be of type Actual
} else if(tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Amount" &&
!cint(this.frm.doc["taxes"][tax.row_id - 1].included_in_paid_amount)
) {
// referred row should also be an inclusive tax
} else if(tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Total") {
let taxes_not_included = $.map(this.frm.doc["taxes"].slice(0, tax.row_id),
function(t) { return cint(t.included_in_paid_amount) ? null : t; });
if(taxes_not_included.length > 0) {
// all rows above this tax should be inclusive
on_previous_row_error(tax.row_id == 1 ? "1" : "1 - " + tax.row_id);
determine_exclusive_rate: function(frm) {
let has_inclusive_tax = false;
$.each(frm.doc["taxes"] || [], function(i, row) {
if(cint(row.included_in_paid_amount)) has_inclusive_tax = true;
if(has_inclusive_tax==false) return;
let cumulated_tax_fraction = 0.0;
$.each(frm.doc["taxes"] || [], function(i, tax) {
tax.tax_fraction_for_current_item = frm.events.get_current_tax_fraction(frm, tax);
if(i==0) {
tax.grand_total_fraction_for_current_item = 1 + tax.tax_fraction_for_current_item;
} else {
tax.grand_total_fraction_for_current_item =
me.frm.doc["taxes"][i-1].grand_total_fraction_for_current_item +
cumulated_tax_fraction += tax.tax_fraction_for_current_item;
frm.doc.paid_amount_after_tax = flt(frm.doc.paid_amount/(1+cumulated_tax_fraction))
get_current_tax_fraction: function(frm, tax) {
let current_tax_fraction = 0.0;
if(cint(tax.included_in_paid_amount)) {
let tax_rate = tax.rate;
if(tax.charge_type == "On Paid Amount") {
current_tax_fraction = (tax_rate / 100.0);
} else if(tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Amount") {
current_tax_fraction = (tax_rate / 100.0) *
frm.doc["taxes"][cint(tax.row_id) - 1].tax_fraction_for_current_item;
} else if(tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Total") {
current_tax_fraction = (tax_rate / 100.0) *
frm.doc["taxes"][cint(tax.row_id) - 1].grand_total_fraction_for_current_item;
if(tax.add_deduct_tax && tax.add_deduct_tax == "Deduct") {
current_tax_fraction *= -1;
return current_tax_fraction;
calculate_taxes: function(frm) {
frm.doc.total_taxes_and_charges = 0.0;
frm.doc.base_total_taxes_and_charges = 0.0;
let actual_tax_dict = {};
// maintain actual tax rate based on idx
$.each(frm.doc["taxes"] || [], function(i, tax) {
if (tax.charge_type == "Actual") {
actual_tax_dict[tax.idx] = flt(tax.tax_amount, precision("tax_amount", tax));
$.each(me.frm.doc["taxes"] || [], function(i, tax) {
let current_tax_amount = frm.events.get_current_tax_amount(frm, tax);
// Adjust divisional loss to the last item
if (tax.charge_type == "Actual") {
actual_tax_dict[tax.idx] -= current_tax_amount;
if (i == frm.doc["taxes"].length - 1) {
current_tax_amount += actual_tax_dict[tax.idx];
tax.tax_amount = current_tax_amount;
tax.base_tax_amount = tax.tax_amount * frm.doc.source_exchange_rate;
current_tax_amount *= (tax.add_deduct_tax == "Deduct") ? -1.0 : 1.0;
if(i==0) {
tax.total = flt(frm.doc.paid_amount_after_tax + current_tax_amount, precision("total", tax));
} else {
tax.total = flt(frm.doc["taxes"][i-1].total + current_tax_amount, precision("total", tax));
tax.base_total = tax.total * frm.doc.source_exchange_rate;
frm.doc.total_taxes_and_charges += current_tax_amount;
frm.doc.base_total_taxes_and_charges += current_tax_amount * frm.doc.source_exchange_rate;
get_current_tax_amount: function(frm, tax) {
let tax_rate = tax.rate;
let current_tax_amount = 0.0;
// To set row_id by default as previous row.
if(["On Previous Row Amount", "On Previous Row Total"].includes(tax.charge_type)) {
if (tax.idx === 1) {
__("Cannot select charge type as 'On Previous Row Amount' or 'On Previous Row Total' for first row"));
if(tax.charge_type == "Actual") {
current_tax_amount = flt(tax.tax_amount, precision("tax_amount", tax))
} else if(tax.charge_type == "On Paid Amount") {
current_tax_amount = flt((tax_rate / 100.0) * frm.doc.paid_amount_after_tax);
} else if(tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Amount") {
current_tax_amount = flt((tax_rate / 100.0) *
frm.doc["taxes"][cint(tax.row_id) - 1].tax_amount);
} else if(tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Total") {
current_tax_amount = flt((tax_rate / 100.0) *
frm.doc["taxes"][cint(tax.row_id) - 1].total);
return current_tax_amount;
@ -1049,6 +1337,38 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Payment Entry Reference', {
frappe.ui.form.on('Advance Taxes and Charges', {
rate: function(frm) {
tax_amount : function(frm) {
row_id: function(frm) {
taxes_remove: function(frm) {
included_in_paid_amount: function(frm) {
charge_type: function(frm) {
frappe.ui.form.on('Payment Entry Deduction', {
amount: function(frm) {
@ -35,12 +35,16 @@
@ -52,6 +56,17 @@
@ -320,6 +335,7 @@
"reqd": 1
"depends_on": "doc.received_amount",
"fieldname": "base_received_amount",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"label": "Received Amount (Company Currency)",
@ -584,12 +600,119 @@
"fieldname": "custom_remarks",
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "Custom Remarks"
"depends_on": "eval:doc.apply_tax_withholding_amount",
"fieldname": "tax_withholding_category",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"label": "Tax Withholding Category",
"mandatory_depends_on": "eval:doc.apply_tax_withholding_amount",
"options": "Tax Withholding Category"
"default": "0",
"depends_on": "eval:doc.party_type == 'Supplier'",
"fieldname": "apply_tax_withholding_amount",
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "Apply Tax Withholding Amount"
"collapsible": 1,
"fieldname": "taxes_and_charges_section",
"fieldtype": "Section Break",
"label": "Taxes and Charges"
"depends_on": "eval:doc.party_type == 'Supplier'",
"fieldname": "purchase_taxes_and_charges_template",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"label": "Taxes and Charges Template",
"options": "Purchase Taxes and Charges Template"
"depends_on": "eval: doc.party_type == 'Customer'",
"fieldname": "sales_taxes_and_charges_template",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"label": "Taxes and Charges Template",
"options": "Sales Taxes and Charges Template"
"depends_on": "eval: doc.party_type == 'Supplier' || doc.party_type == 'Customer'",
"fieldname": "taxes",
"fieldtype": "Table",
"label": "Advance Taxes and Charges",
"options": "Advance Taxes and Charges"
"fieldname": "base_total_taxes_and_charges",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"label": "Total Taxes and Charges (Company Currency)",
"options": "Company:company:default_currency",
"read_only": 1
"fieldname": "total_taxes_and_charges",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"label": "Total Taxes and Charges",
"read_only": 1
"fieldname": "paid_amount_after_tax",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"hidden": 1,
"label": "Paid Amount After Tax",
"options": "paid_from_account_currency",
"read_only": 1
"fieldname": "base_paid_amount_after_tax",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"hidden": 1,
"label": "Paid Amount After Tax (Company Currency)",
"options": "Company:company:default_currency",
"read_only": 1
"fieldname": "column_break_55",
"fieldtype": "Column Break"
"fieldname": "section_break_56",
"fieldtype": "Section Break",
"hide_border": 1
"depends_on": "eval:doc.apply_tax_withholding_amount",
"description": "Provisional tax account for advance tax. Taxes are parked in this account until payments are allocated to invoices",
"fieldname": "advance_tax_account",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"label": "Advance Tax Account",
"mandatory_depends_on": "eval:doc.apply_tax_withholding_amount",
"options": "Account"
"depends_on": "eval:doc.received_amount && doc.payment_type != 'Internal Transfer'",
"fieldname": "received_amount_after_tax",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"hidden": 1,
"label": "Received Amount After Tax",
"options": "paid_to_account_currency",
"read_only": 1
"depends_on": "doc.received_amount",
"fieldname": "base_received_amount_after_tax",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"hidden": 1,
"label": "Received Amount After Tax (Company Currency)",
"options": "Company:company:default_currency",
"read_only": 1
"index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
"modified": "2021-03-08 13:05:16.958866",
"modified": "2021-07-09 08:58:15.008761",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Payment Entry",
@ -633,4 +756,4 @@
"sort_order": "DESC",
"title_field": "title",
"track_changes": 1
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe, erpnext, json
from frappe import _, scrub, ValidationError
from frappe.utils import flt, comma_or, nowdate, getdate
from frappe import _, scrub, ValidationError, throw
from frappe.utils import flt, comma_or, nowdate, getdate, cint
from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_outstanding_invoices, get_account_currency, get_balance_on
from erpnext.accounts.party import get_party_account
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.journal_entry.journal_entry import get_default_bank_cash_account
@ -15,9 +15,11 @@ from erpnext.hr.doctype.expense_claim.expense_claim import update_reimbursed_amo
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.bank_account.bank_account import get_party_bank_account, get_bank_account_details
from erpnext.controllers.accounts_controller import AccountsController, get_supplier_block_status
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.invoice_discounting.invoice_discounting import get_party_account_based_on_invoice_discounting
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.tax_withholding_category.tax_withholding_category import get_party_tax_withholding_details
from six import string_types, iteritems
from erpnext.controllers.accounts_controller import validate_taxes_and_charges
class InvalidPaymentEntry(ValidationError):
@ -52,6 +54,8 @@ class PaymentEntry(AccountsController):
@ -65,7 +69,6 @@ class PaymentEntry(AccountsController):
def on_submit(self):
if self.difference_amount:
frappe.throw(_("Difference Amount must be zero"))
@ -78,7 +81,6 @@ class PaymentEntry(AccountsController):
def on_cancel(self):
self.ignore_linked_doctypes = ('GL Entry', 'Stock Ledger Entry')
@ -122,6 +124,11 @@ class PaymentEntry(AccountsController):
if flt(d.allocated_amount) > flt(d.outstanding_amount):
frappe.throw(_("Row #{0}: Allocated Amount cannot be greater than outstanding amount.").format(d.idx))
# Check for negative outstanding invoices as well
if flt(d.allocated_amount) < 0:
if flt(d.allocated_amount) < flt(d.outstanding_amount):
frappe.throw(_("Row #{0}: Allocated Amount cannot be greater than outstanding amount.").format(d.idx))
def delink_advance_entry_references(self):
for reference in self.references:
if reference.reference_doctype in ("Sales Invoice", "Purchase Invoice"):
@ -176,8 +183,15 @@ class PaymentEntry(AccountsController):
d.reference_name, self.party_account_currency)
for field, value in iteritems(ref_details):
if d.exchange_gain_loss:
# for cases where gain/loss is booked into invoice
# exchange_gain_loss is calculated from invoice & populated
# and row.exchange_rate is already set to payment entry's exchange rate
# refer -> `update_reference_in_payment_entry()` in utils.py
if field == 'exchange_rate' or not d.get(field) or force:
d.set(field, value)
d.db_set(field, value)
def validate_payment_type(self):
if self.payment_type not in ("Receive", "Pay", "Internal Transfer"):
@ -307,7 +321,6 @@ class PaymentEntry(AccountsController):
+ "<br><br>" + _("If this is undesirable please cancel the corresponding Payment Entry."),
title=_("Warning"), indicator="orange")
def validate_journal_entry(self):
for d in self.get("references"):
if d.allocated_amount and d.reference_doctype == "Journal Entry":
@ -386,12 +399,104 @@ class PaymentEntry(AccountsController):
self.status = 'Draft'
self.db_set('status', self.status, update_modified = True)
def set_tax_withholding(self):
if not self.party_type == 'Supplier':
if not self.apply_tax_withholding_amount:
if not self.advance_tax_account:
frappe.throw(_("Advance TDS account is mandatory for advance TDS deduction"))
net_total = self.paid_amount
for reference in self.get("references"):
net_total_for_tds = 0
if reference.reference_doctype == 'Purchase Order':
net_total_for_tds += flt(frappe.db.get_value('Purchase Order', reference.reference_name, 'net_total'))
if net_total_for_tds:
net_total = net_total_for_tds
# Adding args as purchase invoice to get TDS amount
args = frappe._dict({
'company': self.company,
'doctype': 'Purchase Invoice',
'supplier': self.party,
'posting_date': self.posting_date,
'net_total': net_total
tax_withholding_details = get_party_tax_withholding_details(args, self.tax_withholding_category)
if not tax_withholding_details:
'add_deduct_tax': 'Add',
'cost_center': self.cost_center or erpnext.get_default_cost_center(self.company)
accounts = []
for d in self.taxes:
if d.account_head == tax_withholding_details.get("account_head"):
# Preserve user updated included in paid amount
if d.included_in_paid_amount:
tax_withholding_details.update({'included_in_paid_amount': d.included_in_paid_amount})
if not accounts or tax_withholding_details.get("account_head") not in accounts:
self.append("taxes", tax_withholding_details)
to_remove = [d for d in self.taxes
if not d.tax_amount and d.account_head == tax_withholding_details.get("account_head")]
for d in to_remove:
def apply_taxes(self):
def set_amounts(self):
def set_received_amount(self):
self.base_received_amount = self.base_paid_amount
def set_amounts_after_tax(self):
applicable_tax = 0
base_applicable_tax = 0
for tax in self.get('taxes'):
if not tax.included_in_paid_amount:
amount = -1 * tax.tax_amount if tax.add_deduct_tax == 'Deduct' else tax.tax_amount
base_amount = -1 * tax.base_tax_amount if tax.add_deduct_tax == 'Deduct' else tax.base_tax_amount
applicable_tax += amount
base_applicable_tax += base_amount
self.paid_amount_after_tax = flt(flt(self.paid_amount) + flt(applicable_tax),
self.base_paid_amount_after_tax = flt(flt(self.paid_amount_after_tax) * flt(self.source_exchange_rate),
self.received_amount_after_tax = flt(flt(self.received_amount) + flt(applicable_tax),
self.base_received_amount_after_tax = flt(flt(self.received_amount_after_tax) * flt(self.target_exchange_rate),
def set_amounts_in_company_currency(self):
self.base_paid_amount, self.base_received_amount, self.difference_amount = 0, 0, 0
if self.paid_amount:
@ -420,16 +525,19 @@ class PaymentEntry(AccountsController):
self.unallocated_amount = 0
if self.party:
total_deductions = sum(flt(d.amount) for d in self.get("deductions"))
included_taxes = self.get_included_taxes()
if self.payment_type == "Receive" \
and self.base_total_allocated_amount < self.base_received_amount + total_deductions \
and self.total_allocated_amount < self.paid_amount + (total_deductions / self.source_exchange_rate):
self.unallocated_amount = (self.base_received_amount + total_deductions -
self.base_total_allocated_amount) / self.source_exchange_rate
self.unallocated_amount = (self.received_amount + total_deductions -
self.base_total_allocated_amount) / self.source_exchange_rate
self.unallocated_amount -= included_taxes
elif self.payment_type == "Pay" \
and self.base_total_allocated_amount < (self.base_paid_amount - total_deductions) \
and self.total_allocated_amount < self.received_amount + (total_deductions / self.target_exchange_rate):
self.unallocated_amount = (self.base_paid_amount - (total_deductions +
self.base_total_allocated_amount)) / self.target_exchange_rate
self.unallocated_amount = (self.base_paid_amount - (total_deductions +
self.base_total_allocated_amount)) / self.target_exchange_rate
self.unallocated_amount -= included_taxes
def set_difference_amount(self):
base_unallocated_amount = flt(self.unallocated_amount) * (flt(self.source_exchange_rate)
@ -445,10 +553,22 @@ class PaymentEntry(AccountsController):
self.difference_amount = self.base_paid_amount - flt(self.base_received_amount)
total_deductions = sum(flt(d.amount) for d in self.get("deductions"))
included_taxes = self.get_included_taxes()
self.difference_amount = flt(self.difference_amount - total_deductions,
self.difference_amount = flt(self.difference_amount - total_deductions - included_taxes,
def get_included_taxes(self):
included_taxes = 0
for tax in self.get('taxes'):
if tax.included_in_paid_amount:
if tax.add_deduct_tax == 'Add':
included_taxes += tax.base_tax_amount
included_taxes -= tax.base_tax_amount
return included_taxes
# Paid amount is auto allocated in the reference document by default.
# Clear the reference document which doesn't have allocated amount on validate so that form can be loaded fast
def clear_unallocated_reference_document_rows(self):
@ -532,6 +652,7 @@ class PaymentEntry(AccountsController):
make_gl_entries(gl_entries, cancel=cancel, adv_adj=adv_adj)
@ -571,8 +692,8 @@ class PaymentEntry(AccountsController):
if self.unallocated_amount:
base_unallocated_amount = base_unallocated_amount = self.unallocated_amount * \
(self.source_exchange_rate if self.payment_type=="Receive" else self.target_exchange_rate)
exchange_rate = self.get_exchange_rate()
base_unallocated_amount = (self.unallocated_amount * exchange_rate)
gle = party_gl_dict.copy()
@ -607,6 +728,51 @@ class PaymentEntry(AccountsController):
}, item=self)
def add_tax_gl_entries(self, gl_entries):
for d in self.get('taxes'):
account_currency = get_account_currency(d.account_head)
if account_currency != self.company_currency:
frappe.throw(_("Currency for {0} must be {1}").format(d.account_head, self.company_currency))
if self.payment_type in ('Pay', 'Internal Transfer'):
dr_or_cr = "debit" if d.add_deduct_tax == "Add" else "credit"
against = self.party or self.paid_from
elif self.payment_type == 'Receive':
dr_or_cr = "credit" if d.add_deduct_tax == "Add" else "debit"
against = self.party or self.paid_to
payment_or_advance_account = self.get_party_account_for_taxes()
tax_amount = d.tax_amount
base_tax_amount = d.base_tax_amount
if self.advance_tax_account:
tax_amount = -1 * tax_amount
base_tax_amount = -1 * base_tax_amount
"account": d.account_head,
"against": against,
dr_or_cr: tax_amount,
dr_or_cr + "_in_account_currency": base_tax_amount
if account_currency==self.company_currency
else d.tax_amount,
"cost_center": d.cost_center
}, account_currency, item=d))
#Intentionally use -1 to get net values in party account
if not d.included_in_paid_amount or self.advance_tax_account:
"account": payment_or_advance_account,
"against": against,
dr_or_cr: -1 * tax_amount,
dr_or_cr + "_in_account_currency": -1 * base_tax_amount
if account_currency==self.company_currency
else d.tax_amount,
"cost_center": self.cost_center,
}, account_currency, item=d))
def add_deductions_gl_entries(self, gl_entries):
for d in self.get("deductions"):
if d.amount:
@ -625,6 +791,14 @@ class PaymentEntry(AccountsController):
}, item=d)
def get_party_account_for_taxes(self):
if self.advance_tax_account:
return self.advance_tax_account
elif self.payment_type == 'Receive':
return self.paid_to
elif self.payment_type in ('Pay', 'Internal Transfer'):
return self.paid_from
def update_advance_paid(self):
if self.payment_type in ("Receive", "Pay") and self.party:
for d in self.get("references"):
@ -667,10 +841,150 @@ class PaymentEntry(AccountsController):
if account_details:
if not row.get('amount'):
# if no difference amount
self.append('deductions', row)
def get_exchange_rate(self):
return self.source_exchange_rate if self.payment_type=="Receive" else self.target_exchange_rate
def initialize_taxes(self):
for tax in self.get("taxes"):
validate_inclusive_tax(tax, self)
tax_fields = ["total", "tax_fraction_for_current_item", "grand_total_fraction_for_current_item"]
if tax.charge_type != "Actual":
for fieldname in tax_fields:
tax.set(fieldname, 0.0)
self.paid_amount_after_tax = self.paid_amount
def determine_exclusive_rate(self):
if not any((cint(tax.included_in_paid_amount) for tax in self.get("taxes"))):
cumulated_tax_fraction = 0
for i, tax in enumerate(self.get("taxes")):
tax.tax_fraction_for_current_item = self.get_current_tax_fraction(tax)
if i==0:
tax.grand_total_fraction_for_current_item = 1 + tax.tax_fraction_for_current_item
tax.grand_total_fraction_for_current_item = \
self.get("taxes")[i-1].grand_total_fraction_for_current_item \
+ tax.tax_fraction_for_current_item
cumulated_tax_fraction += tax.tax_fraction_for_current_item
self.paid_amount_after_tax = flt(self.paid_amount/(1+cumulated_tax_fraction))
def calculate_taxes(self):
self.total_taxes_and_charges = 0.0
self.base_total_taxes_and_charges = 0.0
actual_tax_dict = dict([[tax.idx, flt(tax.tax_amount, tax.precision("tax_amount"))]
for tax in self.get("taxes") if tax.charge_type == "Actual"])
for i, tax in enumerate(self.get('taxes')):
current_tax_amount = self.get_current_tax_amount(tax)
if tax.charge_type == "Actual":
actual_tax_dict[tax.idx] -= current_tax_amount
if i == len(self.get("taxes")) - 1:
current_tax_amount += actual_tax_dict[tax.idx]
tax.tax_amount = current_tax_amount
tax.base_tax_amount = tax.tax_amount * self.source_exchange_rate
if tax.add_deduct_tax == "Deduct":
current_tax_amount *= -1.0
current_tax_amount *= 1.0
if i == 0:
tax.total = flt(self.paid_amount_after_tax + current_tax_amount, self.precision("total", tax))
tax.total = flt(self.get('taxes')[i-1].total + current_tax_amount, self.precision("total", tax))
tax.base_total = tax.total * self.source_exchange_rate
self.total_taxes_and_charges += current_tax_amount
self.base_total_taxes_and_charges += current_tax_amount * self.source_exchange_rate
if self.get('taxes'):
self.paid_amount_after_tax = self.get('taxes')[-1].base_total
def get_current_tax_amount(self, tax):
tax_rate = tax.rate
# To set row_id by default as previous row.
if tax.charge_type in ["On Previous Row Amount", "On Previous Row Total"]:
if tax.idx == 1:
frappe.throw(_("Cannot select charge type as 'On Previous Row Amount' or 'On Previous Row Total' for first row"))
if not tax.row_id:
tax.row_id = tax.idx - 1
if tax.charge_type == "Actual":
current_tax_amount = flt(tax.tax_amount, self.precision("tax_amount", tax))
elif tax.charge_type == "On Paid Amount":
current_tax_amount = (tax_rate / 100.0) * self.paid_amount_after_tax
elif tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Amount":
current_tax_amount = (tax_rate / 100.0) * \
self.get('taxes')[cint(tax.row_id) - 1].tax_amount
elif tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Total":
current_tax_amount = (tax_rate / 100.0) * \
self.get('taxes')[cint(tax.row_id) - 1].total
return current_tax_amount
def get_current_tax_fraction(self, tax):
current_tax_fraction = 0
if cint(tax.included_in_paid_amount):
tax_rate = tax.rate
if tax.charge_type == "On Paid Amount":
current_tax_fraction = tax_rate / 100.0
elif tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Amount":
current_tax_fraction = (tax_rate / 100.0) * \
self.get("taxes")[cint(tax.row_id) - 1].tax_fraction_for_current_item
elif tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Total":
current_tax_fraction = (tax_rate / 100.0) * \
self.get("taxes")[cint(tax.row_id) - 1].grand_total_fraction_for_current_item
if getattr(tax, "add_deduct_tax", None) and tax.add_deduct_tax == "Deduct":
current_tax_fraction *= -1.0
return current_tax_fraction
def validate_inclusive_tax(tax, doc):
def _on_previous_row_error(row_range):
throw(_("To include tax in row {0} in Item rate, taxes in rows {1} must also be included").format(tax.idx, row_range))
if cint(getattr(tax, "included_in_paid_amount", None)):
if tax.charge_type == "Actual":
# inclusive tax cannot be of type Actual
throw(_("Charge of type 'Actual' in row {0} cannot be included in Item Rate or Paid Amount").format(tax.idx))
elif tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Amount" and \
not cint(doc.get("taxes")[cint(tax.row_id) - 1].included_in_paid_amount):
# referred row should also be inclusive
elif tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Total" and \
not all([cint(t.included_in_paid_amount for t in doc.get("taxes")[:cint(tax.row_id) - 1])]):
# all rows about the referred tax should be inclusive
_on_previous_row_error("1 - %d" % (cint(tax.row_id),))
elif tax.get("category") == "Valuation":
frappe.throw(_("Valuation type charges can not be marked as Inclusive"))
def get_outstanding_reference_documents(args):
@ -791,7 +1105,7 @@ def split_invoices_based_on_payment_terms(outstanding_invoices):
outstanding_invoices.pop(idx - 1)
outstanding_invoices += invoice_ref_based_on_payment_terms[idx]
return outstanding_invoices
def get_orders_to_be_billed(posting_date, party_type, party,
@ -989,6 +1303,7 @@ def get_reference_details(reference_doctype, reference_name, party_account_curre
outstanding_amount = ref_doc.get("outstanding_amount")
elif reference_doctype == "Donation":
total_amount = ref_doc.get("amount")
outstanding_amount = total_amount
exchange_rate = 1
elif reference_doctype == "Dunning":
total_amount = ref_doc.get("dunning_amount")
@ -1045,9 +1360,9 @@ def get_reference_details(reference_doctype, reference_name, party_account_curre
return frappe._dict({
"due_date": ref_doc.get("due_date"),
"total_amount": total_amount,
"outstanding_amount": outstanding_amount,
"exchange_rate": exchange_rate,
"total_amount": flt(total_amount),
"outstanding_amount": flt(outstanding_amount),
"exchange_rate": flt(exchange_rate),
"bill_no": bill_no
@ -1235,6 +1550,13 @@ def get_payment_entry(dt, dn, party_amount=None, bank_account=None, bank_amount=
if doc.doctype == 'Purchase Order' and doc.apply_tds:
pe.apply_tax_withholding_amount = 1
pe.tax_withholding_category = doc.tax_withholding_category
if not pe.advance_tax_account:
pe.advance_tax_account = frappe.db.get_value('Company', pe.company, 'unrealized_profit_loss_account')
return pe
def get_bank_cash_account(doc, bank_account):
@ -1353,6 +1675,7 @@ def set_paid_amount_and_received_amount(dt, party_account_currency, bank, outsta
paid_amount = received_amount * doc.get('conversion_rate', 1)
if dt == "Employee Advance":
paid_amount = received_amount * doc.get('exchange_rate', 1)
return paid_amount, received_amount
def apply_early_payment_discount(paid_amount, received_amount, doc):
@ -589,9 +589,9 @@ class TestPaymentEntry(unittest.TestCase):
party_account_balance = get_balance_on(account=pe.paid_from, cost_center=pe.cost_center)
self.assertEqual(pe.cost_center, si.cost_center)
self.assertEqual(expected_account_balance, account_balance)
self.assertEqual(expected_party_balance, party_balance)
self.assertEqual(expected_party_account_balance, party_account_balance)
self.assertEqual(flt(expected_account_balance), account_balance)
self.assertEqual(flt(expected_party_balance), party_balance)
self.assertEqual(flt(expected_party_account_balance), party_account_balance)
def create_payment_terms_template():
@ -1,140 +1,70 @@
"allow_copy": 0,
"allow_events_in_timeline": 0,
"allow_guest_to_view": 0,
"allow_import": 0,
"allow_rename": 0,
"beta": 0,
"creation": "2016-06-15 15:56:30.815503",
"custom": 0,
"docstatus": 0,
"doctype": "DocType",
"document_type": "",
"editable_grid": 1,
"actions": [],
"creation": "2016-06-15 15:56:30.815503",
"doctype": "DocType",
"editable_grid": 1,
"field_order": [
"fields": [
"allow_bulk_edit": 0,
"allow_in_quick_entry": 0,
"allow_on_submit": 0,
"bold": 0,
"collapsible": 0,
"columns": 0,
"fieldname": "account",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"hidden": 0,
"ignore_user_permissions": 0,
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"modified": "2019-01-07 16:52:07.040146",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Payment Entry Deduction",
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"owner": "Administrator",
"permissions": [],
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"modified": "2020-09-12 20:38:08.110674",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Payment Entry Deduction",
"owner": "Administrator",
"permissions": [],
"quick_entry": 1,
"sort_field": "modified",
"sort_order": "DESC"
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
"fields": [
@ -90,12 +91,19 @@
"fieldtype": "Link",
"label": "Payment Term",
"options": "Payment Term"
"fieldname": "exchange_gain_loss",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"label": "Exchange Gain/Loss",
"options": "Company:company:default_currency",
"read_only": 1
"index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"istable": 1,
"links": [],
"modified": "2021-02-10 11:25:47.144392",
"modified": "2021-04-21 13:30:11.605388",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Payment Entry Reference",
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class PaymentRequest(Document):
def get_request_amount(self):
data_of_completed_requests = frappe.get_all("Integration Request", filters={
'reference_doctype': self.doctype,
@ -492,7 +492,6 @@ def update_payment_req_status(doc, method):
status = 'Requested'
pay_req_doc.db_set('status', status)
def get_dummy_message(doc):
return frappe.render_template("""{% if doc.contact_person -%}
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class PaymentTermsTemplate(Document):
def check_duplicate_terms(self):
terms = []
for term in self.terms:
term_info = (term.credit_days, term.credit_months, term.due_date_based_on)
term_info = (term.payment_term, term.credit_days, term.credit_months, term.due_date_based_on)
if term_info in terms:
_('The Payment Term at row {0} is possibly a duplicate.').format(term.idx),
@ -1,350 +1,138 @@
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"columns": 0,
"description": "The account head under Liability or Equity, in which Profit/Loss will be booked",
"fieldname": "closing_account_head",
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"description": "The account head under Liability or Equity, in which Profit/Loss will be booked",
"fieldname": "closing_account_head",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"label": "Closing Account Head",
"oldfieldname": "closing_account_head",
"oldfieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Account",
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"default": "0",
"fieldname": "cost_center_wise_pnl",
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "Book Cost Center Wise Profit/Loss"
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"modified": "2020-09-18 17:26:09.703215",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Period Closing Voucher",
"owner": "Administrator",
"icon": "fa fa-file-text",
"idx": 1,
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
"modified": "2021-05-20 15:27:37.210458",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Period Closing Voucher",
"owner": "Administrator",
"permissions": [
"amend": 1,
"cancel": 1,
"create": 1,
"delete": 1,
"email": 1,
"export": 0,
"if_owner": 0,
"import": 0,
"permlevel": 0,
"print": 1,
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"role": "System Manager",
"set_user_permissions": 0,
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"cancel": 1,
"create": 1,
"delete": 1,
"email": 1,
"print": 1,
"read": 1,
"report": 1,
"role": "System Manager",
"share": 1,
"submit": 1,
"write": 1
"amend": 1,
"cancel": 1,
"create": 1,
"delete": 1,
"email": 1,
"export": 0,
"if_owner": 0,
"import": 0,
"permlevel": 0,
"print": 1,
"read": 1,
"report": 1,
"role": "Accounts Manager",
"set_user_permissions": 0,
"share": 1,
"submit": 1,
"amend": 1,
"cancel": 1,
"create": 1,
"delete": 1,
"email": 1,
"print": 1,
"read": 1,
"report": 1,
"role": "Accounts Manager",
"share": 1,
"submit": 1,
"write": 1
"quick_entry": 0,
"read_only": 0,
"read_only_onload": 0,
"search_fields": "posting_date, fiscal_year",
"show_name_in_global_search": 0,
"sort_field": "modified",
"sort_order": "DESC",
"title_field": "closing_account_head",
"track_changes": 0,
"track_seen": 0,
"track_views": 0
"search_fields": "posting_date, fiscal_year",
"sort_field": "modified",
"sort_order": "DESC",
"title_field": "closing_account_head"
@ -51,63 +51,96 @@ class PeriodClosingVoucher(AccountsController):
def make_gl_entries(self):
gl_entries = []
net_pl_balance = 0
dimension_fields = ['t1.cost_center']
net_pl_balance = 0
accounting_dimensions = get_accounting_dimensions()
for dimension in accounting_dimensions:
dimension_filters, default_dimensions = get_dimensions()
pl_accounts = self.get_pl_balances(dimension_fields)
pl_accounts = self.get_pl_balances()
for acc in pl_accounts:
if flt(acc.balance_in_company_currency):
if flt(acc.bal_in_company_currency):
"account": acc.account,
"cost_center": acc.cost_center,
"account_currency": acc.account_currency,
"debit_in_account_currency": abs(flt(acc.balance_in_account_currency)) \
if flt(acc.balance_in_account_currency) < 0 else 0,
"debit": abs(flt(acc.balance_in_company_currency)) \
if flt(acc.balance_in_company_currency) < 0 else 0,
"credit_in_account_currency": abs(flt(acc.balance_in_account_currency)) \
if flt(acc.balance_in_account_currency) > 0 else 0,
"credit": abs(flt(acc.balance_in_company_currency)) \
if flt(acc.balance_in_company_currency) > 0 else 0
"debit_in_account_currency": abs(flt(acc.bal_in_account_currency)) if flt(acc.bal_in_account_currency) < 0 else 0,
"debit": abs(flt(acc.bal_in_company_currency)) if flt(acc.bal_in_company_currency) < 0 else 0,
"credit_in_account_currency": abs(flt(acc.bal_in_account_currency)) if flt(acc.bal_in_account_currency) > 0 else 0,
"credit": abs(flt(acc.bal_in_company_currency)) if flt(acc.bal_in_company_currency) > 0 else 0
}, item=acc))
net_pl_balance += flt(acc.balance_in_company_currency)
net_pl_balance += flt(acc.bal_in_company_currency)
if net_pl_balance:
cost_center = frappe.db.get_value("Company", self.company, "cost_center")
gl_entry = self.get_gl_dict({
"account": self.closing_account_head,
"debit_in_account_currency": abs(net_pl_balance) if net_pl_balance > 0 else 0,
"debit": abs(net_pl_balance) if net_pl_balance > 0 else 0,
"credit_in_account_currency": abs(net_pl_balance) if net_pl_balance < 0 else 0,
"credit": abs(net_pl_balance) if net_pl_balance < 0 else 0,
"cost_center": cost_center
for dimension in accounting_dimensions:
dimension: default_dimensions.get(self.company, {}).get(dimension)
if self.cost_center_wise_pnl:
costcenter_wise_gl_entries = self.get_costcenter_wise_pnl_gl_entries(pl_accounts)
gl_entries += costcenter_wise_gl_entries
gl_entry = self.get_pnl_gl_entry(net_pl_balance)
from erpnext.accounts.general_ledger import make_gl_entries
def get_pnl_gl_entry(self, net_pl_balance):
cost_center = frappe.db.get_value("Company", self.company, "cost_center")
gl_entry = self.get_gl_dict({
"account": self.closing_account_head,
"debit_in_account_currency": abs(net_pl_balance) if net_pl_balance > 0 else 0,
"debit": abs(net_pl_balance) if net_pl_balance > 0 else 0,
"credit_in_account_currency": abs(net_pl_balance) if net_pl_balance < 0 else 0,
"credit": abs(net_pl_balance) if net_pl_balance < 0 else 0,
"cost_center": cost_center
return gl_entry
def get_costcenter_wise_pnl_gl_entries(self, pl_accounts):
company_cost_center = frappe.db.get_value("Company", self.company, "cost_center")
gl_entries = []
for acc in pl_accounts:
if flt(acc.bal_in_company_currency):
gl_entry = self.get_gl_dict({
"account": self.closing_account_head,
"cost_center": acc.cost_center or company_cost_center,
"account_currency": acc.account_currency,
"debit_in_account_currency": abs(flt(acc.bal_in_account_currency)) if flt(acc.bal_in_account_currency) > 0 else 0,
"debit": abs(flt(acc.bal_in_company_currency)) if flt(acc.bal_in_company_currency) > 0 else 0,
"credit_in_account_currency": abs(flt(acc.bal_in_account_currency)) if flt(acc.bal_in_account_currency) < 0 else 0,
"credit": abs(flt(acc.bal_in_company_currency)) if flt(acc.bal_in_company_currency) < 0 else 0
}, item=acc)
return gl_entries
def update_default_dimensions(self, gl_entry):
if not self.accounting_dimensions:
self.accounting_dimensions = get_accounting_dimensions()
_, default_dimensions = get_dimensions()
for dimension in self.accounting_dimensions:
dimension: default_dimensions.get(self.company, {}).get(dimension)
def get_pl_balances(self):
"""Get balance for dimension-wise pl accounts"""
dimension_fields = ['t1.cost_center']
self.accounting_dimensions = get_accounting_dimensions()
for dimension in self.accounting_dimensions:
def get_pl_balances(self, dimension_fields):
"""Get balance for Profit and Loss accounts, only including valid transactions (not cancelled)"""
return frappe.db.sql("""
t1.account, t2.account_currency, {dimension_fields},
sum(t1.debit_in_account_currency) - sum(t1.credit_in_account_currency) as balance_in_account_currency,
sum(t1.debit) - sum(t1.credit) as balance_in_company_currency
sum(t1.debit_in_account_currency) - sum(t1.credit_in_account_currency) as bal_in_account_currency,
sum(t1.debit) - sum(t1.credit) as bal_in_company_currency
from `tabGL Entry` t1, `tabAccount` t2
where t1.is_cancelled = 0 and t1.account = t2.name and t2.report_type = 'Profit and Loss'
and t2.docstatus < 2 and t2.company = %s
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import frappe
from frappe.utils import flt, today
from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year, now
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.journal_entry.test_journal_entry import make_journal_entry
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.sales_invoice.test_sales_invoice import create_sales_invoice
class TestPeriodClosingVoucher(unittest.TestCase):
def test_closing_entry(self):
@ -65,6 +66,58 @@ class TestPeriodClosingVoucher(unittest.TestCase):
def test_cost_center_wise_posting(self):
frappe.db.sql("delete from `tabGL Entry` where company='Test PCV Company'")
company = create_company()
surplus_account = create_account()
cost_center1 = create_cost_center("Test Cost Center 1")
cost_center2 = create_cost_center("Test Cost Center 2")
income_account="Sales - TPC",
expense_account="Cost of Goods Sold - TPC",
debit_to="Debtors - TPC"
income_account="Sales - TPC",
expense_account="Cost of Goods Sold - TPC",
debit_to="Debtors - TPC"
pcv = frappe.get_doc({
"transaction_date": today(),
"posting_date": today(),
"fiscal_year": get_fiscal_year(today())[0],
"company": "Test PCV Company",
"cost_center_wise_pnl": 1,
"closing_account_head": surplus_account,
"remarks": "Test",
"doctype": "Period Closing Voucher"
expected_gle = (
('Sales - TPC', 200.0, 0.0, cost_center2),
(surplus_account, 0.0, 200.0, cost_center2),
('Sales - TPC', 400.0, 0.0, cost_center1),
(surplus_account, 0.0, 400.0, cost_center1)
pcv_gle = frappe.db.sql("""
select account, debit, credit, cost_center from `tabGL Entry` where voucher_no=%s
""", (pcv.name))
self.assertTrue(pcv_gle, expected_gle)
def make_period_closing_voucher(self):
pcv = frappe.get_doc({
"doctype": "Period Closing Voucher",
@ -80,6 +133,38 @@ class TestPeriodClosingVoucher(unittest.TestCase):
return pcv
def create_company():
company = frappe.get_doc({
'doctype': 'Company',
'company_name': "Test PCV Company",
'country': 'United States',
'default_currency': 'USD'
company.insert(ignore_if_duplicate = True)
return company.name
def create_account():
account = frappe.get_doc({
"account_name": "Reserve and Surplus",
"is_group": 0,
"company": "Test PCV Company",
"root_type": "Liability",
"report_type": "Balance Sheet",
"account_currency": "USD",
"parent_account": "Current Liabilities - TPC",
"doctype": "Account"
}).insert(ignore_if_duplicate = True)
return account.name
def create_cost_center(cc_name):
costcenter = frappe.get_doc({
"company": "Test PCV Company",
"cost_center_name": cc_name,
"doctype": "Cost Center",
"parent_cost_center": "Test PCV Company - TPC"
costcenter.insert(ignore_if_duplicate = True)
return costcenter.name
test_dependencies = ["Customer", "Cost Center"]
test_records = frappe.get_test_records("Period Closing Voucher")
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('POS Closing Entry', {
frm.set_value("taxes", []);
for (let row of frm.doc.payment_reconciliation) {
row.expected_amount = 0;
row.expected_amount = row.opening_amount;
for (let row of frm.doc.pos_transactions) {
@ -154,6 +154,9 @@ function add_to_pos_transaction(d, frm) {
function refresh_payments(d, frm) {
d.payments.forEach(p => {
const payment = frm.doc.payment_reconciliation.find(pay => pay.mode_of_payment === p.mode_of_payment);
if (p.account == d.account_for_change_amount) {
p.amount -= flt(d.change_amount);
if (payment) {
payment.expected_amount += flt(p.amount);
payment.difference = payment.closing_amount - payment.expected_amount;
@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ class POSInvoice(SalesInvoice):
available_stock = get_stock_availability(d.item_code, d.warehouse)
item_code, warehouse, qty = frappe.bold(d.item_code), frappe.bold(d.warehouse), frappe.bold(d.qty)
if flt(available_stock) <= 0:
frappe.throw(_('Row #{}: Item Code: {} is not available under warehouse {}.')
@ -213,8 +214,9 @@ class POSInvoice(SalesInvoice):
for d in self.get("items"):
is_stock_item = frappe.get_cached_value("Item", d.get("item_code"), "is_stock_item")
if not is_stock_item:
frappe.throw(_("Row #{}: Item {} is a non stock item. You can only include stock items in a POS Invoice. ")
.format(d.idx, frappe.bold(d.item_code)), title=_("Invalid Item"))
if not frappe.db.exists('Product Bundle', d.item_code):
frappe.throw(_("Row #{}: Item {} is a non stock item. You can only include stock items in a POS Invoice.")
.format(d.idx, frappe.bold(d.item_code)), title=_("Invalid Item"))
def validate_mode_of_payment(self):
if len(self.payments) == 0:
@ -455,15 +457,36 @@ class POSInvoice(SalesInvoice):
def get_stock_availability(item_code, warehouse):
if frappe.db.get_value('Item', item_code, 'is_stock_item'):
bin_qty = get_bin_qty(item_code, warehouse)
pos_sales_qty = get_pos_reserved_qty(item_code, warehouse)
return bin_qty - pos_sales_qty
if frappe.db.exists('Product Bundle', item_code):
return get_bundle_availability(item_code, warehouse)
def get_bundle_availability(bundle_item_code, warehouse):
product_bundle = frappe.get_doc('Product Bundle', bundle_item_code)
bundle_bin_qty = 1000000
for item in product_bundle.items:
item_bin_qty = get_bin_qty(item.item_code, warehouse)
item_pos_reserved_qty = get_pos_reserved_qty(item.item_code, warehouse)
available_qty = item_bin_qty - item_pos_reserved_qty
max_available_bundles = available_qty / item.qty
if bundle_bin_qty > max_available_bundles:
bundle_bin_qty = max_available_bundles
pos_sales_qty = get_pos_reserved_qty(bundle_item_code, warehouse)
return bundle_bin_qty - pos_sales_qty
def get_bin_qty(item_code, warehouse):
bin_qty = frappe.db.sql("""select actual_qty from `tabBin`
where item_code = %s and warehouse = %s
limit 1""", (item_code, warehouse), as_dict=1)
pos_sales_qty = get_pos_reserved_qty(item_code, warehouse)
bin_qty = bin_qty[0].actual_qty or 0 if bin_qty else 0
return bin_qty - pos_sales_qty
return bin_qty[0].actual_qty or 0 if bin_qty else 0
def get_pos_reserved_qty(item_code, warehouse):
reserved_qty = frappe.db.sql("""select sum(p_item.qty) as qty
@ -522,4 +545,4 @@ def add_return_modes(doc, pos_profile):
mode_of_payment = pos_payment_method.mode_of_payment
if pos_payment_method.allow_in_returns and not [d for d in doc.get('payments') if d.mode_of_payment == mode_of_payment]:
payment_mode = get_mode_of_payment_info(mode_of_payment, doc.company)
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Process Statement Of Accounts', {
frappe.show_alert({message: __('Emails Queued'), indicator: 'blue'});
frappe.msgprint('No Records for these settings.')
frappe.msgprint(__('No Records for these settings.'))
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Process Statement Of Accounts', {
type: 'GET',
success: function(result) {
frappe.msgprint('No Records for these settings.');
frappe.msgprint(__('No Records for these settings.'));
window.location = url;
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Process Statement Of Accounts', {
frappe.throw('No Customers found with selected options.');
frappe.throw(__('No Customers found with selected options.'));
@ -129,4 +129,4 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Process Statement Of Accounts Customer', {
@ -207,10 +207,9 @@ def fetch_customers(customer_collection, collection_name, primary_mandatory):
def get_customer_emails(customer_name, primary_mandatory, billing_and_primary=True):
billing_email = frappe.db.sql("""
SELECT c.email_id FROM `tabContact` AS c JOIN `tabDynamic Link` AS l ON c.name=l.parent \
WHERE l.link_doctype='Customer' and l.link_name='""" + customer_name + """' and \
c.is_billing_contact=1 \
order by c.creation desc""")
SELECT c.email_id FROM `tabContact` AS c JOIN `tabDynamic Link` AS l ON c.name=l.parent
WHERE l.link_doctype='Customer' and l.link_name=%s and c.is_billing_contact=1
order by c.creation desc""", customer_name)
if len(billing_email) == 0 or (billing_email[0][0] is None):
if billing_and_primary:
@ -27,10 +27,6 @@ erpnext.accounts.PurchaseInvoice = class PurchaseInvoice extends erpnext.buying.
company() {
erpnext.accounts.dimensions.update_dimension(this.frm, this.frm.doctype);
onload() {
@ -569,5 +565,9 @@ frappe.ui.form.on("Purchase Invoice", {
frm: frm,
freeze_message: __("Creating Purchase Receipt ...")
company: function(frm) {
erpnext.accounts.dimensions.update_dimension(frm, frm.doctype);
@ -592,11 +592,12 @@
"label": "Raw Materials Supplied"
"depends_on": "update_stock",
"fieldname": "supplied_items",
"fieldtype": "Table",
"label": "Supplied Items",
"options": "Purchase Receipt Item Supplied",
"read_only": 1
"no_copy": 1,
"options": "Purchase Receipt Item Supplied"
"fieldname": "section_break_26",
@ -837,6 +838,7 @@
"read_only": 1
"depends_on": "eval:!doc.disable_rounded_total",
"fieldname": "base_rounding_adjustment",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"label": "Rounding Adjustment (Company Currency)",
@ -883,6 +885,7 @@
"read_only": 1
"depends_on": "eval:!doc.disable_rounded_total",
"fieldname": "rounding_adjustment",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"label": "Rounding Adjustment",
@ -1380,7 +1383,7 @@
"idx": 204,
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
"modified": "2021-04-30 22:45:58.334107",
"modified": "2021-06-15 18:20:56.806195",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Purchase Invoice",
@ -68,9 +68,6 @@ class PurchaseInvoice(BuyingController):
super(PurchaseInvoice, self).validate()
# apply tax withholding only if checked and applicable
if not self.is_return:
@ -251,11 +248,9 @@ class PurchaseInvoice(BuyingController):
if self.update_stock and (not item.from_warehouse):
if for_validate and item.expense_account and item.expense_account != warehouse_account[item.warehouse]["account"]:
msg = _("Row {}: Expense Head changed to {} ").format(item.idx, frappe.bold(warehouse_account[item.warehouse]["account"]))
msg += _("because account {} is not linked to warehouse {} ").format(frappe.bold(item.expense_account), frappe.bold(item.warehouse))
msg += _("or it is not the default inventory account")
msg = _("Row {0}: Expense Head changed to {1} because account {2} is not linked to warehouse {3} or it is not the default inventory account").format(
item.idx, frappe.bold(warehouse_account[item.warehouse]["account"]), frappe.bold(item.expense_account), frappe.bold(item.warehouse))
frappe.msgprint(msg, title=_("Expense Head Changed"))
item.expense_account = warehouse_account[item.warehouse]["account"]
# check if 'Stock Received But Not Billed' account is credited in Purchase receipt or not
@ -266,8 +261,8 @@ class PurchaseInvoice(BuyingController):
if negative_expense_booked_in_pr:
if for_validate and item.expense_account and item.expense_account != stock_not_billed_account:
msg = _("Row {}: Expense Head changed to {} ").format(item.idx, frappe.bold(stock_not_billed_account))
msg += _("because expense is booked against this account in Purchase Receipt {}").format(frappe.bold(item.purchase_receipt))
msg = _("Row {0}: Expense Head changed to {1} because expense is booked against this account in Purchase Receipt {2}").format(
item.idx, frappe.bold(stock_not_billed_account), frappe.bold(item.purchase_receipt))
frappe.msgprint(msg, title=_("Expense Head Changed"))
item.expense_account = stock_not_billed_account
@ -275,8 +270,9 @@ class PurchaseInvoice(BuyingController):
# If no purchase receipt present then book expense in 'Stock Received But Not Billed'
# This is done in cases when Purchase Invoice is created before Purchase Receipt
if for_validate and item.expense_account and item.expense_account != stock_not_billed_account:
msg = _("Row {}: Expense Head changed to {} ").format(item.idx, frappe.bold(stock_not_billed_account))
msg += _("as no Purchase Receipt is created against Item {}. ").format(frappe.bold(item.item_code))
msg = _("Row {0}: Expense Head changed to {1} as no Purchase Receipt is created against Item {2}.").format(
item.idx, frappe.bold(stock_not_billed_account), frappe.bold(item.item_code))
msg += "<br>"
msg += _("This is done to handle accounting for cases when Purchase Receipt is created after Purchase Invoice")
frappe.msgprint(msg, title=_("Expense Head Changed"))
@ -308,8 +304,8 @@ class PurchaseInvoice(BuyingController):
if not d.purchase_order:
msg = _("Purchase Order Required for item {}").format(frappe.bold(d.item_code))
msg += "<br><br>"
msg += _("To submit the invoice without purchase order please set {} ").format(frappe.bold(_('Purchase Order Required')))
msg += _("as {} in {}").format(frappe.bold('No'), get_link_to_form('Buying Settings', 'Buying Settings', 'Buying Settings'))
msg += _("To submit the invoice without purchase order please set {0} as {1} in {2}").format(
frappe.bold(_('Purchase Order Required')), frappe.bold('No'), get_link_to_form('Buying Settings', 'Buying Settings', 'Buying Settings'))
throw(msg, title=_("Mandatory Purchase Order"))
def pr_required(self):
@ -323,8 +319,8 @@ class PurchaseInvoice(BuyingController):
if not d.purchase_receipt and d.item_code in stock_items:
msg = _("Purchase Receipt Required for item {}").format(frappe.bold(d.item_code))
msg += "<br><br>"
msg += _("To submit the invoice without purchase receipt please set {} ").format(frappe.bold(_('Purchase Receipt Required')))
msg += _("as {} in {}").format(frappe.bold('No'), get_link_to_form('Buying Settings', 'Buying Settings', 'Buying Settings'))
msg += _("To submit the invoice without purchase receipt please set {0} as {1} in {2}").format(
frappe.bold(_('Purchase Receipt Required')), frappe.bold('No'), get_link_to_form('Buying Settings', 'Buying Settings', 'Buying Settings'))
throw(msg, title=_("Mandatory Purchase Receipt"))
def validate_write_off_account(self):
@ -404,6 +400,7 @@ class PurchaseInvoice(BuyingController):
# because updating ordered qty in bin depends upon updated ordered qty in PO
if self.update_stock == 1:
from erpnext.stock.doctype.serial_no.serial_no import update_serial_nos_after_submit
update_serial_nos_after_submit(self, "items")
@ -454,8 +451,11 @@ class PurchaseInvoice(BuyingController):
gl_entries = make_regional_gl_entries(gl_entries, self)
gl_entries = merge_similar_entries(gl_entries)
@ -518,6 +518,8 @@ class PurchaseInvoice(BuyingController):
if d.category in ('Valuation', 'Total and Valuation')
and flt(d.base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount)]
exchange_rate_map, net_rate_map = get_purchase_document_details(self)
for item in self.get("items"):
if flt(item.base_net_amount):
account_currency = get_account_currency(item.expense_account)
@ -635,6 +637,34 @@ class PurchaseInvoice(BuyingController):
"project": item.project or self.project
}, account_currency, item=item))
# check if the exchange rate has changed
if item.get('purchase_receipt'):
if exchange_rate_map[item.purchase_receipt] and \
self.conversion_rate != exchange_rate_map[item.purchase_receipt] and \
item.net_rate == net_rate_map[item.pr_detail]:
discrepancy_caused_by_exchange_rate_difference = (item.qty * item.net_rate) * \
(exchange_rate_map[item.purchase_receipt] - self.conversion_rate)
"account": expense_account,
"against": self.supplier,
"debit": discrepancy_caused_by_exchange_rate_difference,
"cost_center": item.cost_center,
"project": item.project or self.project
}, account_currency, item=item)
"account": self.get_company_default("exchange_gain_loss_account"),
"against": self.supplier,
"credit": discrepancy_caused_by_exchange_rate_difference,
"cost_center": item.cost_center,
"project": item.project or self.project
}, account_currency, item=item)
# If asset is bought through this document and not linked to PR
if self.update_stock and item.landed_cost_voucher_amount:
expenses_included_in_asset_valuation = self.get_company_default("expenses_included_in_asset_valuation")
@ -1000,6 +1030,7 @@ class PurchaseInvoice(BuyingController):
if self.update_stock == 1:
@ -1090,6 +1121,7 @@ class PurchaseInvoice(BuyingController):
for d in self.taxes:
if d.account_head == tax_withholding_details.get("account_head"):
if not accounts or tax_withholding_details.get("account_head") not in accounts:
@ -1140,6 +1172,36 @@ class PurchaseInvoice(BuyingController):
if update:
self.db_set('status', self.status, update_modified = update_modified)
# to get details of purchase invoice/receipt from which this doc was created for exchange rate difference handling
def get_purchase_document_details(doc):
if doc.doctype == 'Purchase Invoice':
doc_reference = 'purchase_receipt'
items_reference = 'pr_detail'
parent_doctype = 'Purchase Receipt'
child_doctype = 'Purchase Receipt Item'
doc_reference = 'purchase_invoice'
items_reference = 'purchase_invoice_item'
parent_doctype = 'Purchase Invoice'
child_doctype = 'Purchase Invoice Item'
purchase_receipts_or_invoices = []
items = []
for item in doc.get('items'):
if item.get(doc_reference):
if item.get(items_reference):
exchange_rate_map = frappe._dict(frappe.get_all(parent_doctype, filters={'name': ('in',
purchase_receipts_or_invoices)}, fields=['name', 'conversion_rate'], as_list=1))
net_rate_map = frappe._dict(frappe.get_all(child_doctype, filters={'name': ('in',
items)}, fields=['name', 'net_rate'], as_list=1))
return exchange_rate_map, net_rate_map
def get_list_context(context=None):
from erpnext.controllers.website_list_for_contact import get_list_context
list_context = get_list_context(context)
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ from erpnext.stock.doctype.stock_entry.test_stock_entry import get_qty_after_tra
from erpnext.projects.doctype.project.test_project import make_project
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.account.test_account import get_inventory_account, create_account
from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.test_item import create_item
from erpnext.buying.doctype.supplier.test_supplier import create_supplier
test_dependencies = ["Item", "Cost Center", "Payment Term", "Payment Terms Template"]
test_ignore = ["Serial No"]
@ -229,6 +230,27 @@ class TestPurchaseInvoice(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(expected_values[gle.account][1], gle.debit)
self.assertEqual(expected_values[gle.account][2], gle.credit)
def test_purchase_invoice_with_exchange_rate_difference(self):
from erpnext.stock.doctype.purchase_receipt.purchase_receipt import make_purchase_invoice as create_purchase_invoice
pr = make_purchase_receipt(company="_Test Company with perpetual inventory", warehouse='Stores - TCP1',
currency = "USD", conversion_rate = 70)
pi = create_purchase_invoice(pr.name)
pi.conversion_rate = 80
# Get exchnage gain and loss account
exchange_gain_loss_account = frappe.db.get_value('Company', pi.company, 'exchange_gain_loss_account')
# fetching the latest GL Entry with exchange gain and loss account account
amount = frappe.db.get_value('GL Entry', {'account': exchange_gain_loss_account, 'voucher_no': pi.name}, 'debit')
discrepancy_caused_by_exchange_rate_diff = abs(pi.items[0].base_net_amount - pr.items[0].base_net_amount)
self.assertEqual(discrepancy_caused_by_exchange_rate_diff, amount)
def test_purchase_invoice_change_naming_series(self):
pi = frappe.copy_doc(test_records[1])
@ -620,8 +642,10 @@ class TestPurchaseInvoice(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(actual_qty_0, get_qty_after_transaction())
def test_subcontracting_via_purchase_invoice(self):
from erpnext.buying.doctype.purchase_order.test_purchase_order import update_backflush_based_on
from erpnext.stock.doctype.stock_entry.test_stock_entry import make_stock_entry
make_stock_entry(item_code="_Test Item", target="_Test Warehouse 1 - _TC", qty=100, basic_rate=100)
make_stock_entry(item_code="_Test Item Home Desktop 100", target="_Test Warehouse 1 - _TC",
qty=100, basic_rate=100)
@ -950,6 +974,217 @@ class TestPurchaseInvoice(unittest.TestCase):
acc_settings.submit_journal_entriessubmit_journal_entries = 0
def test_gain_loss_with_advance_entry(self):
unlink_enabled = frappe.db.get_value(
"Accounts Settings", "Accounts Settings",
"Accounts Settings", "Accounts Settings",
"unlink_payment_on_cancel_of_invoice", 1)
original_account = frappe.db.get_value("Company", "_Test Company", "exchange_gain_loss_account")
frappe.db.set_value("Company", "_Test Company", "exchange_gain_loss_account", "Exchange Gain/Loss - _TC")
pay = frappe.get_doc({
'doctype': 'Payment Entry',
'company': '_Test Company',
'payment_type': 'Pay',
'party_type': 'Supplier',
'party': '_Test Supplier USD',
'paid_to': '_Test Payable USD - _TC',
'paid_from': 'Cash - _TC',
'paid_amount': 70000,
'target_exchange_rate': 70,
'received_amount': 1000,
pi = make_purchase_invoice(supplier='_Test Supplier USD', currency="USD",
conversion_rate=75, rate=500, do_not_save=1, qty=1)
pi.cost_center = "_Test Cost Center - _TC"
pi.advances = []
pi.append("advances", {
"reference_type": "Payment Entry",
"reference_name": pay.name,
"advance_amount": 1000,
"remarks": pay.remarks,
"allocated_amount": 500,
"ref_exchange_rate": 70
expected_gle = [
["_Test Account Cost for Goods Sold - _TC", 37500.0],
["_Test Payable USD - _TC", -40000.0],
["Exchange Gain/Loss - _TC", 2500.0]
gl_entries = frappe.db.sql("""
select account, sum(debit - credit) as balance from `tabGL Entry`
where voucher_no=%s
group by account
order by account asc""", (pi.name), as_dict=1)
for i, gle in enumerate(gl_entries):
self.assertEqual(expected_gle[i][0], gle.account)
self.assertEqual(expected_gle[i][1], gle.balance)
pi_2 = make_purchase_invoice(supplier='_Test Supplier USD', currency="USD",
conversion_rate=73, rate=500, do_not_save=1, qty=1)
pi_2.cost_center = "_Test Cost Center - _TC"
pi_2.advances = []
pi_2.append("advances", {
"reference_type": "Payment Entry",
"reference_name": pay.name,
"advance_amount": 500,
"remarks": pay.remarks,
"allocated_amount": 500,
"ref_exchange_rate": 70
expected_gle = [
["_Test Account Cost for Goods Sold - _TC", 36500.0],
["_Test Payable USD - _TC", -38000.0],
["Exchange Gain/Loss - _TC", 1500.0]
gl_entries = frappe.db.sql("""
select account, sum(debit - credit) as balance from `tabGL Entry`
where voucher_no=%s
group by account order by account asc""", (pi_2.name), as_dict=1)
for i, gle in enumerate(gl_entries):
self.assertEqual(expected_gle[i][0], gle.account)
self.assertEqual(expected_gle[i][1], gle.balance)
expected_gle = [
["_Test Payable USD - _TC", 70000.0],
["Cash - _TC", -70000.0]
gl_entries = frappe.db.sql("""
select account, sum(debit - credit) as balance from `tabGL Entry`
where voucher_no=%s and is_cancelled=0
group by account order by account asc""", (pay.name), as_dict=1)
for i, gle in enumerate(gl_entries):
self.assertEqual(expected_gle[i][0], gle.account)
self.assertEqual(expected_gle[i][1], gle.balance)
frappe.db.set_value("Accounts Settings", "Accounts Settings", "unlink_payment_on_cancel_of_invoice", unlink_enabled)
frappe.db.set_value("Company", "_Test Company", "exchange_gain_loss_account", original_account)
def test_purchase_invoice_advance_taxes(self):
from erpnext.buying.doctype.purchase_order.test_purchase_order import create_purchase_order
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.payment_entry.payment_entry import get_payment_entry
from erpnext.buying.doctype.purchase_order.purchase_order import get_mapped_purchase_invoice
# create a new supplier to test
supplier = create_supplier(supplier_name = '_Test TDS Advance Supplier',
tax_withholding_category = 'TDS - 194 - Dividends - Individual')
# Update tax withholding category with current fiscal year and rate details
update_tax_witholding_category('_Test Company', 'TDS Payable - _TC', nowdate())
# Create Purchase Order with TDS applied
po = create_purchase_order(do_not_save=1, supplier=supplier.name, rate=3000, item='_Test Non Stock Item')
po.apply_tds = 1
po.tax_withholding_category = 'TDS - 194 - Dividends - Individual'
# Update Unrealized Profit / Loss Account which is used as default advance tax account
frappe.db.set_value('Company', '_Test Company', 'unrealized_profit_loss_account', '_Test Account Excise Duty - _TC')
# Create Payment Entry Against the order
payment_entry = get_payment_entry(dt='Purchase Order', dn=po.name)
payment_entry.paid_from = 'Cash - _TC'
# Check GLE for Payment Entry
expected_gle = [
['_Test Account Excise Duty - _TC', 3000, 0],
['Cash - _TC', 0, 27000],
['Creditors - _TC', 27000, 0],
['TDS Payable - _TC', 0, 3000],
gl_entries = frappe.db.sql("""select account, debit, credit
from `tabGL Entry`
where voucher_type='Payment Entry' and voucher_no=%s
order by account asc""", (payment_entry.name), as_dict=1)
for i, gle in enumerate(gl_entries):
self.assertEqual(expected_gle[i][0], gle.account)
self.assertEqual(expected_gle[i][1], gle.debit)
self.assertEqual(expected_gle[i][2], gle.credit)
# Create Purchase Invoice against Purchase Order
purchase_invoice = get_mapped_purchase_invoice(po.name)
purchase_invoice.allocate_advances_automatically = 1
purchase_invoice.items[0].item_code = '_Test Non Stock Item'
purchase_invoice.items[0].expense_account = '_Test Account Cost for Goods Sold - _TC'
# Check GLE for Purchase Invoice
# Zero net effect on final TDS Payable on invoice
expected_gle = [
['_Test Account Cost for Goods Sold - _TC', 30000],
['_Test Account Excise Duty - _TC', -3000],
['Creditors - _TC', -27000],
['TDS Payable - _TC', 0]
gl_entries = frappe.db.sql("""select account, sum(debit - credit) as amount
from `tabGL Entry`
where voucher_type='Purchase Invoice' and voucher_no=%s
group by account
order by account asc""", (purchase_invoice.name), as_dict=1)
for i, gle in enumerate(gl_entries):
self.assertEqual(expected_gle[i][0], gle.account)
self.assertEqual(expected_gle[i][1], gle.amount)
def update_tax_witholding_category(company, account, date):
from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year
fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(date=date, company=company)
if not frappe.db.get_value('Tax Withholding Rate',
{'parent': 'TDS - 194 - Dividends - Individual', 'fiscal_year': fiscal_year[0]}):
tds_category = frappe.get_doc('Tax Withholding Category', 'TDS - 194 - Dividends - Individual')
tds_category.append('rates', {
'fiscal_year': fiscal_year[0],
'tax_withholding_rate': 10,
'single_threshold': 2500,
'cumulative_threshold': 0
if not frappe.db.get_value('Tax Withholding Account',
{'parent': 'TDS - 194 - Dividends - Individual', 'account': account}):
tds_category = frappe.get_doc('Tax Withholding Category', 'TDS - 194 - Dividends - Individual')
tds_category.append('accounts', {
'company': company,
'account': account
def unlink_payment_on_cancel_of_invoice(enable=1):
accounts_settings = frappe.get_doc("Accounts Settings")
@ -1,235 +1,127 @@
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"modified": "2016-08-26 02:30:54.407138",
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"name": "Purchase Invoice Advance",
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"modified": "2021-04-20 16:26:53.820530",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Purchase Invoice Advance",
"owner": "Administrator",
"permissions": [],
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"sort_order": "DESC"
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
"fieldname": "rate",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Rate ",
"label": "Rate",
"oldfieldname": "import_rate",
"oldfieldtype": "Currency",
"options": "currency",
@ -854,7 +854,7 @@
"idx": 1,
"istable": 1,
"links": [],
"modified": "2021-03-30 09:02:39.256602",
"modified": "2021-06-16 19:43:51.099386",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Purchase Invoice Item",
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
@ -21,6 +22,7 @@
@ -205,12 +207,28 @@
"fieldname": "dimension_col_break",
"fieldtype": "Column Break"
"fetch_from": "account_head.account_currency",
"fieldname": "currency",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"label": "Account Currency",
"options": "Currency",
"read_only": 1
"default": "0",
"depends_on": "eval:['Purchase Taxes and Charges Template', 'Payment Entry'].includes(parent.doctype)",
"description": "If checked, the tax amount will be considered as already included in the Paid Amount in Payment Entry",
"fieldname": "included_in_paid_amount",
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "Considered In Paid Amount"
"idx": 1,
"istable": 1,
"links": [],
"modified": "2020-09-18 17:26:09.703215",
"modified": "2021-06-14 01:43:50.750455",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Purchase Taxes and Charges",
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ erpnext.accounts.SalesInvoiceController = class SalesInvoiceController extends e
var me = this;
this.frm.ignore_doctypes_on_cancel_all = ['POS Invoice', 'Timesheet'];
this.frm.ignore_doctypes_on_cancel_all = ['POS Invoice', 'Timesheet', 'POS Invoice Merge Log', 'POS Closing Entry'];
if(!this.frm.doc.__islocal && !this.frm.doc.customer && this.frm.doc.debit_to) {
// show debit_to in print format
this.frm.set_df_property("debit_to", "print_hide", 0);
@ -48,6 +48,8 @@
@ -1966,6 +1968,21 @@
"fieldname": "disable_rounded_total",
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "Disable Rounded Total"
"allow_on_submit": 1,
"fieldname": "dispatch_address_name",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"label": "Dispatch Address Name",
"options": "Address",
"print_hide": 1
"allow_on_submit": 1,
"fieldname": "dispatch_address",
"fieldtype": "Small Text",
"label": "Dispatch Address",
"read_only": 1
"icon": "fa fa-file-text",
@ -1978,7 +1995,7 @@
"link_fieldname": "consolidated_invoice"
"modified": "2021-05-20 22:48:33.988881",
"modified": "2021-07-08 14:03:55.502522",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Sales Invoice",
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_account_currency
from erpnext.stock.doctype.delivery_note.delivery_note import update_billed_amount_based_on_so
from erpnext.projects.doctype.timesheet.timesheet import get_projectwise_timesheet_data
from erpnext.assets.doctype.asset.depreciation \
import get_disposal_account_and_cost_center, get_gl_entries_on_asset_disposal
import get_disposal_account_and_cost_center, get_gl_entries_on_asset_disposal, get_gl_entries_on_asset_regain
from erpnext.stock.doctype.batch.batch import set_batch_nos
from erpnext.stock.doctype.serial_no.serial_no import get_serial_nos, get_delivery_note_serial_no
from erpnext.setup.doctype.company.company import update_company_current_month_sales
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ class SalesInvoice(SellingController):
if self.update_stock:
frappe.throw(_("'Update Stock' cannot be checked for fixed asset sale"))
elif asset.status in ("Scrapped", "Cancelled", "Sold"):
elif asset.status in ("Scrapped", "Cancelled") or (asset.status == "Sold" and not self.is_return):
frappe.throw(_("Row #{0}: Asset {1} cannot be submitted, it is already {2}").format(d.idx, d.asset, asset.status))
def validate_item_cost_centers(self):
@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ class SalesInvoice(SellingController):
# set pos values in items
for item in self.get("items"):
if item.get('item_code'):
profile_details = get_pos_profile_item_details(pos, frappe._dict(item.as_dict()), pos)
profile_details = get_pos_profile_item_details(pos, frappe._dict(item.as_dict()), pos, update_data=True)
for fname, val in iteritems(profile_details):
if (not for_validate) or (for_validate and not item.get(fname)):
item.set(fname, val)
@ -840,8 +840,11 @@ class SalesInvoice(SellingController):
# merge gl entries before adding pos entries
@ -849,7 +852,6 @@ class SalesInvoice(SellingController):
@ -916,22 +918,33 @@ class SalesInvoice(SellingController):
for item in self.get("items"):
if flt(item.base_net_amount, item.precision("base_net_amount")):
if item.is_fixed_asset:
asset = frappe.get_doc("Asset", item.asset)
if item.get('asset'):
asset = frappe.get_doc("Asset", item.asset)
"Row #{0}: You must select an Asset for Item {1}.").format(item.idx, item.item_name),
title=_("Missing Asset")
if (len(asset.finance_books) > 1 and not item.finance_book
and asset.finance_books[0].finance_book):
frappe.throw(_("Select finance book for the item {0} at row {1}")
.format(item.item_code, item.idx))
fixed_asset_gl_entries = get_gl_entries_on_asset_disposal(asset,
item.base_net_amount, item.finance_book)
if self.is_return:
fixed_asset_gl_entries = get_gl_entries_on_asset_regain(asset,
item.base_net_amount, item.finance_book)
asset.db_set("disposal_date", None)
fixed_asset_gl_entries = get_gl_entries_on_asset_disposal(asset,
item.base_net_amount, item.finance_book)
asset.db_set("disposal_date", self.posting_date)
for gle in fixed_asset_gl_entries:
gle["against"] = self.customer
gl_entries.append(self.get_gl_dict(gle, item=item))
asset.db_set("disposal_date", self.posting_date)
asset.set_status("Sold" if self.docstatus==1 else None)
# Do not book income for transfer within same company
if not self.is_internal_transfer():
@ -957,6 +970,12 @@ class SalesInvoice(SellingController):
gl_entries += super(SalesInvoice, self).get_gl_entries()
def set_asset_status(self, asset):
if self.is_return:
asset.set_status("Sold" if self.docstatus==1 else None)
def make_loyalty_point_redemption_gle(self, gl_entries):
if cint(self.redeem_loyalty_points):
@ -983,7 +1002,13 @@ class SalesInvoice(SellingController):
def make_pos_gl_entries(self, gl_entries):
if cint(self.is_pos):
skip_change_gl_entries = not cint(frappe.db.get_single_value('Accounts Settings', 'post_change_gl_entries'))
for payment_mode in self.payments:
if skip_change_gl_entries and payment_mode.account == self.account_for_change_amount:
payment_mode.base_amount -= flt(self.change_amount)
if payment_mode.amount:
# POS, make payment entries
@ -1015,8 +1040,11 @@ class SalesInvoice(SellingController):
}, payment_mode_account_currency, item=self)
if not skip_change_gl_entries:
def make_gle_for_change_amount(self, gl_entries):
if cint(self.is_pos) and self.change_amount:
if self.change_amount:
if self.account_for_change_amount:
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from frappe.model.dynamic_links import get_dynamic_link_map
from erpnext.stock.doctype.stock_entry.test_stock_entry import make_stock_entry, get_qty_after_transaction
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.purchase_invoice.test_purchase_invoice import unlink_payment_on_cancel_of_invoice
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.pos_profile.test_pos_profile import make_pos_profile
from erpnext.assets.doctype.asset.test_asset import create_asset, create_asset_data
from erpnext.exceptions import InvalidAccountCurrency, InvalidCurrency
from erpnext.stock.doctype.serial_no.serial_no import SerialNoWarehouseError
from frappe.model.naming import make_autoname
@ -713,7 +714,7 @@ class TestSalesInvoice(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(si.paid_amount, 100.0)
self.pos_gl_entry(si, pos, 50)
self.validate_pos_gl_entry(si, pos, 50)
def test_pos_returns_with_repayment(self):
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.sales_invoice.sales_invoice import make_sales_return
@ -749,7 +750,7 @@ class TestSalesInvoice(unittest.TestCase):
make_pos_profile(company="_Test Company with perpetual inventory", income_account = "Sales - TCP1",
expense_account = "Cost of Goods Sold - TCP1", warehouse="Stores - TCP1", cost_center = "Main - TCP1", write_off_account="_Test Write Off - TCP1")
pr = make_purchase_receipt(company= "_Test Company with perpetual inventory",
make_purchase_receipt(company= "_Test Company with perpetual inventory",
item_code= "_Test FG Item",warehouse= "Stores - TCP1", cost_center= "Main - TCP1")
pos = create_sales_invoice(company= "_Test Company with perpetual inventory",
@ -770,7 +771,45 @@ class TestSalesInvoice(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(pos.grand_total, 100.0)
self.assertEqual(pos.write_off_amount, -5)
def pos_gl_entry(self, si, pos, cash_amount):
def test_pos_with_no_gl_entry_for_change_amount(self):
frappe.db.set_value('Accounts Settings', None, 'post_change_gl_entries', 0)
make_pos_profile(company="_Test Company with perpetual inventory", income_account = "Sales - TCP1",
expense_account = "Cost of Goods Sold - TCP1", warehouse="Stores - TCP1", cost_center = "Main - TCP1", write_off_account="_Test Write Off - TCP1")
make_purchase_receipt(company= "_Test Company with perpetual inventory",
item_code= "_Test FG Item",warehouse= "Stores - TCP1", cost_center= "Main - TCP1")
pos = create_sales_invoice(company= "_Test Company with perpetual inventory",
debit_to="Debtors - TCP1", item_code= "_Test FG Item", warehouse="Stores - TCP1",
income_account = "Sales - TCP1", expense_account = "Cost of Goods Sold - TCP1",
cost_center = "Main - TCP1", do_not_save=True)
pos.is_pos = 1
pos.update_stock = 1
taxes = get_taxes_and_charges()
pos.taxes = []
for tax in taxes:
pos.append("taxes", tax)
pos.append("payments", {'mode_of_payment': 'Bank Draft', 'account': '_Test Bank - TCP1', 'amount': 50})
pos.append("payments", {'mode_of_payment': 'Cash', 'account': 'Cash - TCP1', 'amount': 60})
self.assertEqual(pos.grand_total, 100.0)
self.assertEqual(pos.change_amount, 10)
self.validate_pos_gl_entry(pos, pos, 60, validate_without_change_gle=True)
frappe.db.set_value('Accounts Settings', None, 'post_change_gl_entries', 1)
def validate_pos_gl_entry(self, si, pos, cash_amount, validate_without_change_gle=False):
if validate_without_change_gle:
cash_amount -= pos.change_amount
# check stock ledger entries
sle = frappe.db.sql("""select * from `tabStock Ledger Entry`
where voucher_type = 'Sales Invoice' and voucher_no = %s""",
@ -1031,6 +1070,36 @@ class TestSalesInvoice(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(frappe.db.get_value("Sales Invoice", si.name, "outstanding_amount"), 1500)
def test_gle_made_when_asset_is_returned(self):
asset = create_asset(item_code="Macbook Pro")
si = create_sales_invoice(item_code="Macbook Pro", asset=asset.name, qty=1, rate=90000)
return_si = create_sales_invoice(is_return=1, return_against=si.name, item_code="Macbook Pro", asset=asset.name, qty=-1, rate=90000)
disposal_account = frappe.get_cached_value("Company", "_Test Company", "disposal_account")
# Asset value is 100,000 but it was sold for 90,000, so there should be a loss of 10,000
loss_for_si = frappe.get_all(
"GL Entry",
filters = {
"voucher_no": si.name,
"account": disposal_account
fields = ["credit", "debit"]
loss_for_return_si = frappe.get_all(
"GL Entry",
filters = {
"voucher_no": return_si.name,
"account": disposal_account
fields = ["credit", "debit"]
self.assertEqual(loss_for_si['credit'], loss_for_return_si['debit'])
self.assertEqual(loss_for_si['debit'], loss_for_return_si['credit'])
def test_discount_on_net_total(self):
si = frappe.copy_doc(test_records[2])
@ -1870,6 +1939,8 @@ class TestSalesInvoice(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(data['billLists'][0]['sgstValue'], 5400)
self.assertEqual(data['billLists'][0]['vehicleNo'], 'KA12KA1234')
self.assertEqual(data['billLists'][0]['itemList'][0]['taxableAmount'], 60000)
def test_einvoice_submission_without_irn(self):
# init
@ -1899,69 +1970,80 @@ class TestSalesInvoice(unittest.TestCase):
frappe.flags.country = country
def test_einvoice_json(self):
from erpnext.regional.india.e_invoice.utils import make_einvoice
from erpnext.regional.india.e_invoice.utils import make_einvoice, validate_totals
si = make_sales_invoice_for_ewaybill()
si.naming_series = 'INV-2020-.#####'
si.items = []
si.append("items", {
"item_code": "_Test Item",
"uom": "Nos",
"warehouse": "_Test Warehouse - _TC",
"qty": 2000,
"rate": 12,
"income_account": "Sales - _TC",
"expense_account": "Cost of Goods Sold - _TC",
"cost_center": "_Test Cost Center - _TC",
si.append("items", {
"item_code": "_Test Item 2",
"uom": "Nos",
"warehouse": "_Test Warehouse - _TC",
"qty": 420,
"rate": 15,
"income_account": "Sales - _TC",
"expense_account": "Cost of Goods Sold - _TC",
"cost_center": "_Test Cost Center - _TC",
si = get_sales_invoice_for_e_invoice()
si.discount_amount = 100
einvoice = make_einvoice(si)
total_item_ass_value = 0
total_item_cgst_value = 0
total_item_sgst_value = 0
total_item_igst_value = 0
total_item_value = 0
for item in einvoice['ItemList']:
total_item_ass_value += item['AssAmt']
total_item_cgst_value += item['CgstAmt']
total_item_sgst_value += item['SgstAmt']
total_item_igst_value += item['IgstAmt']
total_item_value += item['TotItemVal']
self.assertTrue(item['AssAmt'], item['TotAmt'] - item['Discount'])
self.assertTrue(item['TotItemVal'], item['AssAmt'] + item['CgstAmt'] + item['SgstAmt'] + item['IgstAmt'])
value_details = einvoice['ValDtls']
self.assertEqual(einvoice['Version'], '1.1')
self.assertEqual(value_details['AssVal'], total_item_ass_value)
self.assertEqual(value_details['CgstVal'], total_item_cgst_value)
self.assertEqual(value_details['SgstVal'], total_item_sgst_value)
self.assertEqual(value_details['IgstVal'], total_item_igst_value)
calculated_invoice_value = \
value_details['AssVal'] + value_details['CgstVal'] \
+ value_details['SgstVal'] + value_details['IgstVal'] \
+ value_details['OthChrg'] - value_details['Discount']
self.assertTrue(value_details['TotInvVal'] - calculated_invoice_value < 0.1)
self.assertEqual(value_details['TotInvVal'], si.base_grand_total)
si.apply_discount_on = 'Net Total'
einvoice = make_einvoice(si)
[d.set('included_in_print_rate', 1) for d in si.taxes]
einvoice = make_einvoice(si)
def test_item_tax_net_range(self):
item = create_item("T Shirt")
item.set('taxes', [])
item.append("taxes", {
"item_tax_template": "_Test Account Excise Duty @ 10 - _TC",
"minimum_net_rate": 0,
"maximum_net_rate": 500
item.append("taxes", {
"item_tax_template": "_Test Account Excise Duty @ 12 - _TC",
"minimum_net_rate": 501,
"maximum_net_rate": 1000
sales_invoice = create_sales_invoice(item = "T Shirt", rate=700, do_not_submit=True)
self.assertEqual(sales_invoice.items[0].item_tax_template, "_Test Account Excise Duty @ 12 - _TC")
# Apply discount
sales_invoice.apply_discount_on = 'Net Total'
sales_invoice.discount_amount = 300
self.assertEqual(sales_invoice.items[0].item_tax_template, "_Test Account Excise Duty @ 10 - _TC")
def get_sales_invoice_for_e_invoice():
si = make_sales_invoice_for_ewaybill()
si.naming_series = 'INV-2020-.#####'
si.items = []
si.append("items", {
"item_code": "_Test Item",
"uom": "Nos",
"warehouse": "_Test Warehouse - _TC",
"qty": 2000,
"rate": 12,
"income_account": "Sales - _TC",
"expense_account": "Cost of Goods Sold - _TC",
"cost_center": "_Test Cost Center - _TC",
si.append("items", {
"item_code": "_Test Item 2",
"uom": "Nos",
"warehouse": "_Test Warehouse - _TC",
"qty": 420,
"rate": 15,
"income_account": "Sales - _TC",
"expense_account": "Cost of Goods Sold - _TC",
"cost_center": "_Test Cost Center - _TC",
return si
def make_test_address_for_ewaybill():
if not frappe.db.exists('Address', '_Test Address for Eway bill-Billing'):
@ -2012,6 +2094,30 @@ def make_test_address_for_ewaybill():
if not frappe.db.exists('Address', '_Test Dispatch-Address for Eway bill-Shipping'):
address = frappe.get_doc({
"address_line1": "_Test Dispatch Address Line 1",
"address_title": "_Test Dispatch-Address for Eway bill",
"address_type": "Shipping",
"city": "_Test City",
"state": "Test State",
"country": "India",
"doctype": "Address",
"is_primary_address": 0,
"phone": "+910000000000",
"gstin": "07AAACC1206D1ZI",
"gst_state": "Delhi",
"gst_state_number": "07",
"pincode": "1100101"
address.append("links", {
"link_doctype": "Company",
"link_name": "_Test Company"
def make_test_transporter_for_ewaybill():
if not frappe.db.exists('Supplier', '_Test Transporter'):
@ -2038,9 +2144,9 @@ def make_sales_invoice_for_ewaybill():
if not gst_account:
gst_settings.append("gst_accounts", {
"company": "_Test Company",
"cgst_account": "CGST - _TC",
"sgst_account": "SGST - _TC",
"igst_account": "IGST - _TC",
"cgst_account": "Output Tax CGST - _TC",
"sgst_account": "Output Tax SGST - _TC",
"igst_account": "Output Tax IGST - _TC",
@ -2050,6 +2156,7 @@ def make_sales_invoice_for_ewaybill():
si.distance = 2000
si.company_address = "_Test Address for Eway bill-Billing"
si.customer_address = "_Test Customer-Address for Eway bill-Shipping"
si.dispatch_address_name = "_Test Dispatch-Address for Eway bill-Shipping"
si.vehicle_no = "KA12KA1234"
si.gst_category = "Registered Regular"
si.mode_of_transport = 'Road'
@ -2057,7 +2164,7 @@ def make_sales_invoice_for_ewaybill():
si.append("taxes", {
"charge_type": "On Net Total",
"account_head": "CGST - _TC",
"account_head": "Output Tax CGST - _TC",
"cost_center": "Main - _TC",
"description": "CGST @ 9.0",
"rate": 9
@ -2065,7 +2172,7 @@ def make_sales_invoice_for_ewaybill():
si.append("taxes", {
"charge_type": "On Net Total",
"account_head": "SGST - _TC",
"account_head": "Output Tax SGST - _TC",
"cost_center": "Main - _TC",
"description": "SGST @ 9.0",
"rate": 9
@ -2085,27 +2192,6 @@ def check_gl_entries(doc, voucher_no, expected_gle, posting_date):
doc.assertEqual(expected_gle[i][2], gle.credit)
doc.assertEqual(getdate(expected_gle[i][3]), gle.posting_date)
def test_item_tax_validity(self):
item = frappe.get_doc("Item", "_Test Item 2")
if item.taxes:
item.taxes = []
item.append("taxes", {
"item_tax_template": "_Test Item Tax Template 1 - _TC",
"valid_from": add_days(nowdate(), 1)
sales_invoice = create_sales_invoice(item = "_Test Item 2", do_not_save=1)
sales_invoice.items[0].item_tax_template = "_Test Item Tax Template 1 - _TC"
self.assertRaises(frappe.ValidationError, sales_invoice.save)
item.taxes = []
def create_sales_invoice(**args):
si = frappe.new_doc("Sales Invoice")
args = frappe._dict(args)
@ -2136,6 +2222,7 @@ def create_sales_invoice(**args):
"rate": args.rate if args.get("rate") is not None else 100,
"income_account": args.income_account or "Sales - _TC",
"expense_account": args.expense_account or "Cost of Goods Sold - _TC",
"asset": args.asset or None,
"cost_center": args.cost_center or "_Test Cost Center - _TC",
"serial_no": args.serial_no,
"conversion_factor": 1
@ -1,235 +1,128 @@
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"default": "0",
"depends_on": "eval:['Sales Taxes and Charges Template', 'Payment Entry'].includes(parent.doctype)",
"description": "If checked, the tax amount will be considered as already included in the Paid Amount in Payment Entry",
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@ -1,24 +1,6 @@
// Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
// License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
cur_frm.add_fetch("customer", "customer_group", "customer_group" );
cur_frm.add_fetch("supplier", "supplier_group_name", "supplier_group" );
frappe.ui.form.on("Tax Rule", "tax_type", function(frm) {
frm.toggle_reqd("sales_tax_template", frm.doc.tax_type=="Sales");
frm.toggle_reqd("purchase_tax_template", frm.doc.tax_type=="Purchase");
frappe.ui.form.on("Tax Rule", "onload", function(frm) {
if(frm.doc.__islocal) {
frm.set_value("use_for_shopping_cart", 1);
frappe.ui.form.on("Tax Rule", "refresh", function(frm) {
frappe.ui.form.trigger("Tax Rule", "tax_type");
frappe.ui.form.on("Tax Rule", "customer", function(frm) {
if(frm.doc.customer) {
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class TestTaxRule(unittest.TestCase):
tax_rule1 = make_tax_rule(customer_group= "All Customer Groups",
sales_tax_template = "_Test Sales Taxes and Charges Template - _TC", priority = 1, from_date = "2015-01-01")
self.assertEqual(get_tax_template("2015-01-01", {"customer_group" : "Commercial", "use_for_shopping_cart":0}),
self.assertEqual(get_tax_template("2015-01-01", {"customer_group" : "Commercial", "use_for_shopping_cart":1}),
"_Test Sales Taxes and Charges Template - _TC")
def test_conflict_with_overlapping_dates(self):
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def get_party_tax_withholding_details(inv, tax_withholding_category=None):
if not parties:
fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(inv.posting_date, company=inv.company)
fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(inv.get('posting_date') or inv.get('transaction_date'), company=inv.company)
tax_details = get_tax_withholding_details(tax_withholding_category, fiscal_year[0], inv.company)
if not tax_details:
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ def get_tax_amount(party_type, parties, inv, tax_details, fiscal_year_details, p
tax_deducted = get_deducted_tax(taxable_vouchers, fiscal_year, tax_details)
tax_amount = 0
posting_date = inv.posting_date
posting_date = inv.get('posting_date') or inv.get('transaction_date')
if party_type == 'Supplier':
ldc = get_lower_deduction_certificate(fiscal_year, pan_no)
if tax_deducted:
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ def get_tds_amount(ldc, parties, inv, tax_details, fiscal_year_details, tax_dedu
if ((threshold and inv.net_total >= threshold) or (cumulative_threshold and supp_credit_amt >= cumulative_threshold)):
if ldc and is_valid_certificate(
ldc.valid_from, ldc.valid_upto,
inv.posting_date, tax_deducted,
inv.get('posting_date') or inv.get('transaction_date'), tax_deducted,
inv.net_total, ldc.certificate_limit
tds_amount = get_ltds_amount(supp_credit_amt, 0, ldc.certificate_limit, ldc.rate, tax_details)
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ def merge_similar_entries(gl_map, precision=None):
def check_if_in_list(gle, gl_map, dimensions=None):
account_head_fieldnames = ['party_type', 'party', 'against_voucher', 'against_voucher_type',
'cost_center', 'project']
'cost_center', 'project', 'voucher_detail_no']
if dimensions:
account_head_fieldnames = account_head_fieldnames + dimensions
@ -185,10 +185,10 @@ def make_round_off_gle(gl_map, debit_credit_diff, precision):
for d in gl_map:
if d.account == round_off_account:
round_off_gle = d
if d.debit_in_account_currency:
debit_credit_diff -= flt(d.debit_in_account_currency)
if d.debit:
debit_credit_diff -= flt(d.debit)
debit_credit_diff += flt(d.credit_in_account_currency)
debit_credit_diff += flt(d.credit)
round_off_account_exists = True
if round_off_account_exists and abs(debit_credit_diff) <= (1.0 / (10**precision)):
@ -542,6 +542,7 @@ def get_dashboard_info(party_type, party, loyalty_program=None):
select company, sum(debit_in_account_currency) - sum(credit_in_account_currency)
from `tabGL Entry`
where party_type = %s and party=%s
and is_cancelled = 0
group by company""", (party_type, party)))
for d in companies:
@ -99,7 +99,6 @@ class ReceivablePayableReport(object):
voucher_no = gle.voucher_no,
party = gle.party,
posting_date = gle.posting_date,
remarks = gle.remarks,
account_currency = gle.account_currency,
invoiced = 0.0,
paid = 0.0,
@ -579,11 +578,12 @@ class ReceivablePayableReport(object):
self.gl_entries = frappe.db.sql("""
name, posting_date, account, party_type, party, voucher_type, voucher_no, cost_center,
against_voucher_type, against_voucher, account_currency, remarks, {0}
against_voucher_type, against_voucher, account_currency, {0}
`tabGL Entry`
docstatus < 2
and is_cancelled = 0
and party_type=%s
and (party is not null and party != '')
{1} {2} {3}"""
@ -791,8 +791,6 @@ class ReceivablePayableReport(object):
self.add_column(label=_('Supplier Group'), fieldname='supplier_group', fieldtype='Link',
options='Supplier Group')
self.add_column(label=_('Remarks'), fieldname='remarks', fieldtype='Text', width=200)
def add_column(self, label, fieldname=None, fieldtype='Currency', options=None, width=120):
if not fieldname: fieldname = scrub(label)
if fieldtype=='Currency': options='currency'
@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ def get_chart_data(filters, columns, data):
{'name': 'Budget', 'chartType': 'bar', 'values': budget_values},
{'name': 'Actual Expense', 'chartType': 'bar', 'values': actual_values}
'type' : 'bar'
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ def set_gl_entries_by_account(from_date, to_date, root_lft, root_rgt, filters, g
gl_entries = frappe.db.sql("""select gl.posting_date, gl.account, gl.debit, gl.credit, gl.is_opening, gl.company,
gl.fiscal_year, gl.debit_in_account_currency, gl.credit_in_account_currency, gl.account_currency,
acc.account_name, acc.account_number
from `tabGL Entry` gl, `tabAccount` acc where acc.name = gl.account and gl.company = %(company)s
from `tabGL Entry` gl, `tabAccount` acc where acc.name = gl.account and gl.company = %(company)s and gl.is_cancelled = 0
{additional_conditions} and gl.posting_date <= %(to_date)s and acc.lft >= %(lft)s and acc.rgt <= %(rgt)s
order by gl.account, gl.posting_date""".format(additional_conditions=additional_conditions),
@ -36,16 +36,12 @@ frappe.query_reports["General Ledger"] = {
"label": __("Account"),
"fieldtype": "Link",
"fieldtype": "MultiSelectList",
"options": "Account",
"get_query": function() {
var company = frappe.query_report.get_filter_value('company');
return {
"doctype": "Account",
"filters": {
"company": company,
get_data: function(txt) {
return frappe.db.get_link_options('Account', txt, {
company: frappe.query_report.get_filter_value("company")
@ -135,7 +131,9 @@ frappe.query_reports["General Ledger"] = {
"label": __("Cost Center"),
"fieldtype": "MultiSelectList",
get_data: function(txt) {
return frappe.db.get_link_options('Cost Center', txt);
return frappe.db.get_link_options('Cost Center', txt, {
company: frappe.query_report.get_filter_value("company")
@ -143,7 +141,9 @@ frappe.query_reports["General Ledger"] = {
"label": __("Project"),
"fieldtype": "MultiSelectList",
get_data: function(txt) {
return frappe.db.get_link_options('Project', txt);
return frappe.db.get_link_options('Project', txt, {
company: frappe.query_report.get_filter_value("company")
@ -48,13 +48,18 @@ def validate_filters(filters, account_details):
if not filters.get("from_date") and not filters.get("to_date"):
frappe.throw(_("{0} and {1} are mandatory").format(frappe.bold(_("From Date")), frappe.bold(_("To Date"))))
if filters.get('account'):
filters.account = frappe.parse_json(filters.get('account'))
for account in filters.account:
if not account_details.get(account):
frappe.throw(_("Account {0} does not exists").format(account))
if filters.get("account") and not account_details.get(filters.account):
frappe.throw(_("Account {0} does not exists").format(filters.account))
if (filters.get("account") and filters.get("group_by") == _('Group by Account')
and account_details[filters.account].is_group == 0):
frappe.throw(_("Can not filter based on Account, if grouped by Account"))
if (filters.get("account") and filters.get("group_by") == _('Group by Account')):
filters.account = frappe.parse_json(filters.get('account'))
for account in filters.account:
if account_details[account].is_group == 0:
frappe.throw(_("Can not filter based on Child Account, if grouped by Account"))
if (filters.get("voucher_no")
and filters.get("group_by") in [_('Group by Voucher')]):
@ -87,7 +92,19 @@ def set_account_currency(filters):
account_currency = None
if filters.get("account"):
account_currency = get_account_currency(filters.account)
if len(filters.get("account")) == 1:
account_currency = get_account_currency(filters.account[0])
currency = get_account_currency(filters.account[0])
is_same_account_currency = True
for account in filters.get("account"):
if get_account_currency(account) != currency:
is_same_account_currency = False
if is_same_account_currency:
account_currency = currency
elif filters.get("party"):
gle_currency = frappe.db.get_value(
"GL Entry", {
@ -205,10 +222,10 @@ def get_gl_entries(filters, accounting_dimensions):
def get_conditions(filters):
conditions = []
if filters.get("account") and not filters.get("include_dimensions"):
lft, rgt = frappe.db.get_value("Account", filters["account"], ["lft", "rgt"])
conditions.append("""account in (select name from tabAccount
where lft>=%s and rgt<=%s and docstatus<2)""" % (lft, rgt))
if filters.get("account"):
filters.account = get_accounts_with_children(filters.account)
conditions.append("account in %(account)s")
if filters.get("cost_center"):
filters.cost_center = get_cost_centers_with_children(filters.cost_center)
@ -266,6 +283,20 @@ def get_conditions(filters):
return "and {}".format(" and ".join(conditions)) if conditions else ""
def get_accounts_with_children(accounts):
if not isinstance(accounts, list):
accounts = [d.strip() for d in accounts.strip().split(',') if d]
all_accounts = []
for d in accounts:
if frappe.db.exists("Account", d):
lft, rgt = frappe.db.get_value("Account", d, ["lft", "rgt"])
children = frappe.get_all("Account", filters={"lft": [">=", lft], "rgt": ["<=", rgt]})
all_accounts += [c.name for c in children]
frappe.throw(_("Account: {0} does not exist").format(d))
return list(set(all_accounts))
def get_data_with_opening_closing(filters, account_details, accounting_dimensions, gl_entries):
data = []
@ -168,21 +168,24 @@ def get_columns(filters):
"label": _("Income"),
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"options": "currency",
"width": 120
"width": 305
"fieldname": "expense",
"label": _("Expense"),
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"options": "currency",
"width": 120
"width": 305
"fieldname": "gross_profit_loss",
"label": _("Gross Profit / Loss"),
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"options": "currency",
"width": 120
"width": 307
@ -75,7 +75,8 @@ def get_invoice_and_tds_amount(supplier, account, company, from_date, to_date, f
select voucher_no, credit
from `tabGL Entry`
where party in (%s) and credit > 0
and company=%s and posting_date between %s and %s
and company=%s and is_cancelled = 0
and posting_date between %s and %s
""", (supplier, company, from_date, to_date), as_dict=1)
supplier_credit_amount = flt(sum(d.credit for d in entries))
@ -54,6 +54,32 @@ frappe.query_reports["TDS Payable Monthly"] = {
"label": __("Purchase Order"),
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Purchase Order",
"get_query": function() {
return {
"filters": {
"name": ["in", frappe.query_report.invoices]
on_change: function() {
let supplier = frappe.query_report.get_filter_value('supplier');
if(!supplier) return; // return if no supplier selected
// filter invoices based on selected supplier
let invoices = [];
frappe.query_report.invoice_data.map(d => {
frappe.query_report.invoices = invoices;
"label": __("From Date"),
@ -75,15 +101,17 @@ frappe.query_reports["TDS Payable Monthly"] = {
onload: function(report) {
// fetch all tds applied invoices
"method": "erpnext.accounts.report.tds_payable_monthly.tds_payable_monthly.get_tds_invoices",
"method": "erpnext.accounts.report.tds_payable_monthly.tds_payable_monthly.get_tds_invoices_and_orders",
callback: function(r) {
let invoices = [];
r.message.map(d => {
report["invoice_data"] = r.message;
report["invoice_data"] = r.message.invoices;
report["invoices"] = invoices;
@ -11,11 +11,14 @@ def execute(filters=None):
# TDS payment entries
payment_entries = get_payment_entires(filters)
columns = get_columns(filters)
if not filters["invoices"]:
if not filters.get("invoices"):
return columns, []
res = get_result(filters)
res = get_result(filters, payment_entries)
return columns, res
@ -27,8 +30,9 @@ def validate_filters(filters):
def set_filters(filters):
invoices = []
if not filters["invoices"]:
filters["invoices"] = get_tds_invoices()
if not filters.get("invoices"):
filters["invoices"] = get_tds_invoices_and_orders()
if filters.supplier and filters.purchase_invoice:
for d in filters["invoices"]:
if d.name == filters.purchase_invoice and d.supplier == filters.supplier:
@ -41,13 +45,29 @@ def set_filters(filters):
for d in filters["invoices"]:
if d.name == filters.purchase_invoice:
elif filters.supplier and filters.purchase_order:
for d in filters.get("invoices"):
if d.name == filters.purchase_order and d.supplier == filters.supplier:
elif filters.supplier and not filters.purchase_order:
for d in filters.get("invoices"):
if d.supplier == filters.supplier:
elif filters.purchase_order and not filters.supplier:
for d in filters.get("invoices"):
if d.name == filters.purchase_order:
filters["invoices"] = invoices if invoices else filters["invoices"]
filters.naming_series = frappe.db.get_single_value('Buying Settings', 'supp_master_name')
def get_result(filters):
supplier_map, tds_docs = get_supplier_map(filters)
gle_map = get_gle_map(filters)
def get_result(filters, payment_entries):
supplier_map, tds_docs = get_supplier_map(filters, payment_entries)
documents = [d.get('name') for d in filters.get('invoices')] + [d.get('name') for d in payment_entries]
gle_map = get_gle_map(filters, documents)
out = []
for d in gle_map:
@ -62,10 +82,11 @@ def get_result(filters):
for k in gle_map[d]:
if k.party == supplier_map[d] and k.credit > 0:
total_amount_credited += k.credit
elif account_list and k.account == account and k.credit > 0:
tds_deducted = k.credit
total_amount_credited += k.credit
total_amount_credited += (k.credit - k.debit)
elif account_list and k.account == account and (k.credit - k.debit) > 0:
tds_deducted = (k.credit - k.debit)
total_amount_credited += (k.credit - k.debit)
voucher_type = k.voucher_type
rate = [i.tax_withholding_rate for i in tds_doc.rates
if i.fiscal_year == gle_map[d][0].fiscal_year]
@ -73,32 +94,36 @@ def get_result(filters):
if rate and len(rate) > 0 and tds_deducted:
rate = rate[0]
if getdate(filters.from_date) <= gle_map[d][0].posting_date \
and getdate(filters.to_date) >= gle_map[d][0].posting_date:
row = [supplier.pan, supplier.name]
row = [supplier.pan, supplier.name]
if filters.naming_series == 'Naming Series':
if filters.naming_series == 'Naming Series':
row.extend([tds_doc.name, supplier.supplier_type, rate, total_amount_credited,
tds_deducted, gle_map[d][0].posting_date, "Purchase Invoice", d])
row.extend([tds_doc.name, supplier.supplier_type, rate, total_amount_credited,
tds_deducted, gle_map[d][0].posting_date, voucher_type, d])
return out
def get_supplier_map(filters):
def get_supplier_map(filters, payment_entries):
# create a supplier_map of the form {"purchase_invoice": {supplier_name, pan, tds_name}}
# pre-fetch all distinct applicable tds docs
supplier_map, tds_docs = {}, {}
pan = "pan" if frappe.db.has_column("Supplier", "pan") else "tax_id"
supplier_list = [d.supplier for d in filters["invoices"]]
supplier_detail = frappe.db.get_all('Supplier',
{"name": ["in", [d.supplier for d in filters["invoices"]]]},
{"name": ["in", supplier_list]},
["tax_withholding_category", "name", pan+" as pan", "supplier_type", "supplier_name"])
for d in filters["invoices"]:
supplier_map[d.get("name")] = [k for k in supplier_detail
if k.name == d.get("supplier")][0]
for d in payment_entries:
supplier_map[d.get("name")] = [k for k in supplier_detail
if k.name == d.get("supplier")][0]
for d in supplier_detail:
if d.get("tax_withholding_category") not in tds_docs:
tds_docs[d.get("tax_withholding_category")] = \
@ -106,13 +131,19 @@ def get_supplier_map(filters):
return supplier_map, tds_docs
def get_gle_map(filters):
def get_gle_map(filters, documents):
# create gle_map of the form
# {"purchase_invoice": list of dict of all gle created for this invoice}
gle_map = {}
gle = frappe.db.get_all('GL Entry',\
{"voucher_no": ["in", [d.get("name") for d in filters["invoices"]]], 'is_cancelled': 0},
["fiscal_year", "credit", "debit", "account", "voucher_no", "posting_date"])
gle = frappe.db.get_all('GL Entry',
"voucher_no": ["in", documents],
'is_cancelled': 0,
'posting_date': ("between", [filters.get('from_date'), filters.get('to_date')]),
["fiscal_year", "credit", "debit", "account", "voucher_no", "posting_date", "voucher_type"],
for d in gle:
if not d.voucher_no in gle_map:
@ -201,8 +232,26 @@ def get_columns(filters):
return columns
def get_payment_entires(filters):
filter_dict = {
'posting_date': ("between", [filters.get('from_date'), filters.get('to_date')]),
'party_type': 'Supplier',
'apply_tax_withholding_amount': 1
if filters.get('purchase_invoice') or filters.get('purchase_order'):
parent = frappe.db.get_all('Payment Entry Reference',
{'reference_name': ('in', [d.get('name') for d in filters.get('invoices')])}, ['parent'])
filter_dict.update({'name': ('in', [d.get('parent') for d in parent])})
payment_entries = frappe.get_all('Payment Entry', fields=['name', 'party_name as supplier'],
return payment_entries
def get_tds_invoices():
def get_tds_invoices_and_orders():
# fetch tds applicable supplier and fetch invoices for these suppliers
suppliers = [d.name for d in frappe.db.get_list("Supplier",
{"tax_withholding_category": ["!=", ""]}, ["name"])]
@ -210,7 +259,12 @@ def get_tds_invoices():
invoices = frappe.db.get_list("Purchase Invoice",
{"supplier": ["in", suppliers]}, ["name", "supplier"])
orders = frappe.db.get_list("Purchase Order",
{"supplier": ["in", suppliers]}, ["name", "supplier"])
invoices = invoices + orders
invoices = [d for d in invoices if d.supplier]
frappe.cache().hset("invoices", frappe.session.user, invoices)
return invoices
@ -472,7 +472,8 @@ def update_reference_in_payment_entry(d, payment_entry, do_not_save=False):
"total_amount": d.grand_total,
"outstanding_amount": d.outstanding_amount,
"allocated_amount": d.allocated_amount,
"exchange_rate": d.exchange_rate
"exchange_rate": d.exchange_rate if not d.exchange_gain_loss else payment_entry.get_exchange_rate(),
"exchange_gain_loss": d.exchange_gain_loss # only populated from invoice in case of advance allocation
if d.voucher_detail_no:
@ -498,12 +499,15 @@ def update_reference_in_payment_entry(d, payment_entry, do_not_save=False):
if d.difference_amount and d.difference_account:
account_details = {
'account': d.difference_account,
'cost_center': payment_entry.cost_center or frappe.get_cached_value('Company',
payment_entry.company, "cost_center"),
'amount': d.difference_amount
payment_entry.company, "cost_center")
if d.difference_amount:
account_details['amount'] = d.difference_amount
if not do_not_save:
@ -784,7 +788,7 @@ def get_children(doctype, parent, company, is_root=False):
return acc
def create_payment_gateway_account(gateway, payment_channel="Email"):
from erpnext.setup.setup_wizard.operations.company_setup import create_bank_account
from erpnext.setup.setup_wizard.operations.install_fixtures import create_bank_account
company = frappe.db.get_value("Global Defaults", None, "default_company")
if not company:
@ -707,6 +707,7 @@
"link_to": "GST Settings",
"link_type": "DocType",
"onboard": 0,
"only_for": "India",
"type": "Link"
@ -717,6 +718,7 @@
"link_to": "GST HSN Code",
"link_type": "DocType",
"onboard": 0,
"only_for": "India",
"type": "Link"
@ -727,6 +729,7 @@
"link_to": "GSTR-1",
"link_type": "Report",
"onboard": 0,
"only_for": "India",
"type": "Link"
@ -737,6 +740,7 @@
"link_to": "GSTR-2",
"link_type": "Report",
"onboard": 0,
"only_for": "India",
"type": "Link"
@ -747,6 +751,7 @@
"link_to": "GSTR 3B Report",
"link_type": "DocType",
"onboard": 0,
"only_for": "India",
"type": "Link"
@ -757,6 +762,7 @@
"link_to": "GST Sales Register",
"link_type": "Report",
"onboard": 0,
"only_for": "India",
"type": "Link"
@ -767,6 +773,7 @@
"link_to": "GST Purchase Register",
"link_type": "Report",
"onboard": 0,
"only_for": "India",
"type": "Link"
@ -777,6 +784,7 @@
"link_to": "GST Itemised Sales Register",
"link_type": "Report",
"onboard": 0,
"only_for": "India",
"type": "Link"
@ -787,6 +795,7 @@
"link_to": "GST Itemised Purchase Register",
"link_type": "Report",
"onboard": 0,
"only_for": "India",
"type": "Link"
@ -797,6 +806,7 @@
"link_to": "C-Form",
"link_type": "DocType",
"onboard": 0,
"only_for": "India",
"type": "Link"
@ -807,6 +817,7 @@
"link_to": "Lower Deduction Certificate",
"link_type": "DocType",
"onboard": 0,
"only_for": "India",
"type": "Link"
@ -1065,7 +1076,7 @@
"type": "Link"
"modified": "2021-05-13 13:44:56.249888",
"modified": "2021-06-10 03:17:31.427945",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Accounting",
@ -1120,4 +1131,4 @@
"type": "Dashboard"
@ -82,24 +82,46 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Asset', {
if (in_list(["Submitted", "Partially Depreciated", "Fully Depreciated"], frm.doc.status)) {
frm.add_custom_button("Transfer Asset", function() {
}, __("Manage"));
frm.add_custom_button("Scrap Asset", function() {
}, __("Manage"));
frm.add_custom_button("Sell Asset", function() {
}, __("Manage"));
} else if (frm.doc.status=='Scrapped') {
frm.add_custom_button("Restore Asset", function() {
}, __("Manage"));
if (frm.doc.maintenance_required && !frm.doc.maintenance_schedule) {
frm.add_custom_button(__("Maintain Asset"), function() {
}, __("Manage"));
frm.add_custom_button(__("Repair Asset"), function() {
}, __("Manage"));
if (frm.doc.status != 'Fully Depreciated') {
frm.add_custom_button(__("Adjust Asset Value"), function() {
}, __("Manage"));
if (!frm.doc.calculate_depreciation) {
frm.add_custom_button(__("Create Depreciation Entry"), function() {
}, __("Manage"));
if (frm.doc.purchase_receipt || !frm.doc.is_existing_asset) {
frm.add_custom_button("General Ledger", function() {
frm.add_custom_button("View General Ledger", function() {
frappe.route_options = {
"voucher_no": frm.doc.name,
"from_date": frm.doc.available_for_use_date,
@ -107,27 +129,9 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Asset', {
"company": frm.doc.company
frappe.set_route("query-report", "General Ledger");
}, __("Manage"));
if (frm.doc.maintenance_required && !frm.doc.maintenance_schedule) {
frm.add_custom_button(__("Asset Maintenance"), function() {
}, __('Create'));
if (frm.doc.status != 'Fully Depreciated') {
frm.add_custom_button(__("Asset Value Adjustment"), function() {
}, __('Create'));
if (!frm.doc.calculate_depreciation) {
frm.add_custom_button(__("Depreciation Entry"), function() {
}, __('Create'));
@ -304,6 +308,20 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Asset', {
create_asset_repair: function(frm) {
args: {
"asset": frm.doc.name,
"asset_name": frm.doc.asset_name
method: "erpnext.assets.doctype.asset.asset.create_asset_repair",
callback: function(r) {
var doclist = frappe.model.sync(r.message);
frappe.set_route("Form", doclist[0].doctype, doclist[0].name);
create_asset_adjustment: function(frm) {
args: {
@ -502,7 +502,7 @@
"link_fieldname": "asset"
"modified": "2021-01-22 12:38:59.091510",
"modified": "2021-06-24 14:58:51.097908",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Assets",
"name": "Asset",
@ -168,17 +168,24 @@ class Asset(AccountsController):
def make_depreciation_schedule(self):
if 'Manual' not in [d.depreciation_method for d in self.finance_books]:
if 'Manual' not in [d.depreciation_method for d in self.finance_books] and not self.schedules:
self.schedules = []
if self.get("schedules") or not self.available_for_use_date:
if not self.available_for_use_date:
for d in self.get('finance_books'):
start = self.clear_depreciation_schedule()
value_after_depreciation = (flt(self.gross_purchase_amount) -
# value_after_depreciation - current Asset value
if d.value_after_depreciation:
value_after_depreciation = (flt(d.value_after_depreciation) -
value_after_depreciation = (flt(self.gross_purchase_amount) -
d.value_after_depreciation = value_after_depreciation
@ -191,7 +198,7 @@ class Asset(AccountsController):
number_of_pending_depreciations += 1
skip_row = False
for n in range(number_of_pending_depreciations):
for n in range(start, number_of_pending_depreciations):
# If depreciation is already completed (for double declining balance)
if skip_row: continue
@ -216,11 +223,13 @@ class Asset(AccountsController):
# For last row
elif has_pro_rata and n == cint(number_of_pending_depreciations) - 1:
to_date = add_months(self.available_for_use_date,
n * cint(d.frequency_of_depreciation))
if not self.flags.increase_in_asset_life:
# In case of increase_in_asset_life, the self.to_date is already set on asset_repair submission
self.to_date = add_months(self.available_for_use_date,
n * cint(d.frequency_of_depreciation))
depreciation_amount, days, months = self.get_pro_rata_amt(d,
depreciation_amount, schedule_date, to_date)
depreciation_amount, schedule_date, self.to_date)
monthly_schedule_date = add_months(schedule_date, 1)
@ -284,10 +293,23 @@ class Asset(AccountsController):
"finance_book_id": d.idx
# used when depreciation schedule needs to be modified due to increase in asset life
def clear_depreciation_schedule(self):
start = 0
for n in range(len(self.schedules)):
if not self.schedules[n].journal_entry:
del self.schedules[n:]
start = n
return start
# if it returns True, depreciation_amount will not be equal for the first and last rows
def check_is_pro_rata(self, row):
has_pro_rata = False
days = date_diff(row.depreciation_start_date, self.available_for_use_date) + 1
# if frequency_of_depreciation is 12 months, total_days = 365
total_days = get_total_days(row.depreciation_start_date, row.frequency_of_depreciation)
if days < total_days:
@ -346,11 +368,12 @@ class Asset(AccountsController):
if d.finance_book_id not in finance_books:
accumulated_depreciation = flt(self.opening_accumulated_depreciation)
value_after_depreciation = flt(self.get_value_after_depreciation(d.finance_book_id))
depreciation_amount = flt(d.depreciation_amount, d.precision("depreciation_amount"))
value_after_depreciation -= flt(depreciation_amount)
# for the last row, if depreciation method = Straight Line
if straight_line_idx and i == max(straight_line_idx) - 1:
book = self.get('finance_books')[cint(d.finance_book_id) - 1]
depreciation_amount += flt(value_after_depreciation -
@ -625,9 +648,18 @@ def create_asset_maintenance(asset, item_code, item_name, asset_category, compan
return asset_maintenance
def create_asset_repair(asset, asset_name):
asset_repair = frappe.new_doc("Asset Repair")
"asset": asset,
"asset_name": asset_name
return asset_repair
def create_asset_adjustment(asset, asset_category, company):
asset_maintenance = frappe.new_doc("Asset Value Adjustment")
asset_maintenance = frappe.get_doc("Asset Value Adjustment")
"asset": asset,
"company": company,
@ -757,8 +789,15 @@ def get_depreciation_amount(asset, depreciable_value, row):
depreciation_left = flt(row.total_number_of_depreciations) - flt(asset.number_of_depreciations_booked)
if row.depreciation_method in ("Straight Line", "Manual"):
depreciation_amount = (flt(row.value_after_depreciation) -
flt(row.expected_value_after_useful_life)) / depreciation_left
# if the Depreciation Schedule is being prepared for the first time
if not asset.flags.increase_in_asset_life:
depreciation_amount = (flt(row.value_after_depreciation) -
flt(row.expected_value_after_useful_life)) / depreciation_left
# if the Depreciation Schedule is being modified after Asset Repair
depreciation_amount = (flt(row.value_after_depreciation) -
flt(row.expected_value_after_useful_life)) / (date_diff(asset.to_date, asset.available_for_use_date) / 365)
depreciation_amount = flt(depreciable_value * (flt(row.rate_of_depreciation) / 100))
@ -176,22 +176,34 @@ def restore_asset(asset_name):
def get_gl_entries_on_asset_regain(asset, selling_amount=0, finance_book=None):
fixed_asset_account, asset, depreciation_cost_center, accumulated_depr_account, accumulated_depr_amount, disposal_account, value_after_depreciation = \
get_asset_details(asset, finance_book)
gl_entries = [
"account": fixed_asset_account,
"debit_in_account_currency": asset.gross_purchase_amount,
"debit": asset.gross_purchase_amount,
"cost_center": depreciation_cost_center
"account": accumulated_depr_account,
"credit_in_account_currency": accumulated_depr_amount,
"credit": accumulated_depr_amount,
"cost_center": depreciation_cost_center
profit_amount = abs(flt(value_after_depreciation)) - abs(flt(selling_amount))
if profit_amount:
get_profit_gl_entries(profit_amount, gl_entries, disposal_account, depreciation_cost_center)
return gl_entries
def get_gl_entries_on_asset_disposal(asset, selling_amount=0, finance_book=None):
fixed_asset_account, accumulated_depr_account, depr_expense_account = get_depreciation_accounts(asset)
disposal_account, depreciation_cost_center = get_disposal_account_and_cost_center(asset.company)
depreciation_cost_center = asset.cost_center or depreciation_cost_center
idx = 1
if finance_book:
for d in asset.finance_books:
if d.finance_book == finance_book:
idx = d.idx
value_after_depreciation = (asset.finance_books[idx - 1].value_after_depreciation
if asset.calculate_depreciation else asset.value_after_depreciation)
accumulated_depr_amount = flt(asset.gross_purchase_amount) - flt(value_after_depreciation)
fixed_asset_account, asset, depreciation_cost_center, accumulated_depr_account, accumulated_depr_amount, disposal_account, value_after_depreciation = \
get_asset_details(asset, finance_book)
gl_entries = [
@ -210,16 +222,37 @@ def get_gl_entries_on_asset_disposal(asset, selling_amount=0, finance_book=None)
profit_amount = flt(selling_amount) - flt(value_after_depreciation)
if profit_amount:
debit_or_credit = "debit" if profit_amount < 0 else "credit"
"account": disposal_account,
"cost_center": depreciation_cost_center,
debit_or_credit: abs(profit_amount),
debit_or_credit + "_in_account_currency": abs(profit_amount)
get_profit_gl_entries(profit_amount, gl_entries, disposal_account, depreciation_cost_center)
return gl_entries
def get_asset_details(asset, finance_book=None):
fixed_asset_account, accumulated_depr_account, depr_expense_account = get_depreciation_accounts(asset)
disposal_account, depreciation_cost_center = get_disposal_account_and_cost_center(asset.company)
depreciation_cost_center = asset.cost_center or depreciation_cost_center
idx = 1
if finance_book:
for d in asset.finance_books:
if d.finance_book == finance_book:
idx = d.idx
value_after_depreciation = (asset.finance_books[idx - 1].value_after_depreciation
if asset.calculate_depreciation else asset.value_after_depreciation)
accumulated_depr_amount = flt(asset.gross_purchase_amount) - flt(value_after_depreciation)
return fixed_asset_account, asset, depreciation_cost_center, accumulated_depr_account, accumulated_depr_amount, disposal_account, value_after_depreciation
def get_profit_gl_entries(profit_amount, gl_entries, disposal_account, depreciation_cost_center):
debit_or_credit = "debit" if profit_amount < 0 else "credit"
"account": disposal_account,
"cost_center": depreciation_cost_center,
debit_or_credit: abs(profit_amount),
debit_or_credit + "_in_account_currency": abs(profit_amount)
def get_disposal_account_and_cost_center(company):
disposal_account, depreciation_cost_center = frappe.get_cached_value('Company', company,
@ -125,7 +125,6 @@ class TestAsset(unittest.TestCase):
"frequency_of_depreciation": 12,
"depreciation_start_date": "2030-12-31"
self.assertEqual(asset.status, "Draft")
expected_schedules = [
@ -154,9 +153,8 @@ class TestAsset(unittest.TestCase):
"frequency_of_depreciation": 12,
"depreciation_start_date": '2030-12-31'
self.assertEqual(asset.status, "Draft")
self.assertEqual(asset.status, "Draft")
expected_schedules = [
['2030-12-31', 66667.00, 66667.00],
@ -185,7 +183,7 @@ class TestAsset(unittest.TestCase):
"frequency_of_depreciation": 12,
"depreciation_start_date": "2030-12-31"
self.assertEqual(asset.status, "Draft")
expected_schedules = [
@ -216,7 +214,6 @@ class TestAsset(unittest.TestCase):
"depreciation_start_date": "2030-12-31"
expected_schedules = [
@ -247,7 +244,6 @@ class TestAsset(unittest.TestCase):
"frequency_of_depreciation": 10,
"depreciation_start_date": "2020-12-31"
self.assertEqual(asset.status, "Submitted")
@ -350,7 +346,6 @@ class TestAsset(unittest.TestCase):
"frequency_of_depreciation": 10,
"depreciation_start_date": "2020-12-31"
@ -380,7 +375,6 @@ class TestAsset(unittest.TestCase):
"total_number_of_depreciations": 10,
"frequency_of_depreciation": 1
post_depreciation_entries(date=add_months('2020-01-01', 4))
@ -424,7 +418,6 @@ class TestAsset(unittest.TestCase):
"frequency_of_depreciation": 10,
"depreciation_start_date": "2020-12-31"
@ -468,7 +461,7 @@ class TestAsset(unittest.TestCase):
"total_number_of_depreciations": 3,
"frequency_of_depreciation": 10
accumulated_depreciation_after_full_schedule = \
max(d.accumulated_depreciation_amount for d in asset.get("schedules"))
@ -699,7 +692,7 @@ def create_asset(**args):
"item_code": args.item_code or "Macbook Pro",
"company": args.company or"_Test Company",
"purchase_date": "2015-01-01",
"calculate_depreciation": 0,
"calculate_depreciation": args.calculate_depreciation or 0,
"gross_purchase_amount": 100000,
"purchase_receipt_amount": 100000,
"expected_value_after_useful_life": 10000,
@ -707,9 +700,16 @@ def create_asset(**args):
"available_for_use_date": "2020-06-06",
"location": "Test Location",
"asset_owner": "Company",
"is_existing_asset": args.is_existing_asset or 0
"is_existing_asset": 1
if asset.calculate_depreciation:
asset.append("finance_books", {
"depreciation_method": "Straight Line",
"frequency_of_depreciation": 12,
"total_number_of_depreciations": 5
except frappe.DuplicateEntryError:
@ -67,7 +67,6 @@
"fieldname": "value_after_depreciation",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"hidden": 1,
"label": "Value After Depreciation",
"no_copy": 1,
"options": "Company:company:default_currency",
@ -85,7 +84,7 @@
"index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"istable": 1,
"links": [],
"modified": "2020-11-05 16:30:09.213479",
"modified": "2021-06-17 12:59:05.743683",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Assets",
"name": "Asset Finance Book",
@ -2,6 +2,45 @@
// For license information, please see license.txt
frappe.ui.form.on('Asset Repair', {
setup: function(frm) {
frm.fields_dict.cost_center.get_query = function(doc) {
return {
filters: {
'is_group': 0,
'company': doc.company
frm.fields_dict.project.get_query = function(doc) {
return {
filters: {
'company': doc.company
frm.fields_dict.warehouse.get_query = function(doc) {
return {
filters: {
'is_group': 0,
'company': doc.company
refresh: function(frm) {
if (frm.doc.docstatus) {
frm.add_custom_button("View General Ledger", function() {
frappe.route_options = {
"voucher_no": frm.doc.name
frappe.set_route("query-report", "General Ledger");
repair_status: (frm) => {
if (frm.doc.completion_date && frm.doc.repair_status == "Completed") {
frappe.call ({
@ -17,5 +56,16 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Asset Repair', {
if (frm.doc.repair_status == "Completed") {
frm.set_value('completion_date', frappe.datetime.now_datetime());
frappe.ui.form.on('Asset Repair Consumed Item', {
consumed_quantity: function(frm, cdt, cdn) {
var row = locals[cdt][cdn];
frappe.model.set_value(cdt, cdn, 'total_value', row.consumed_quantity * row.valuation_rate);
@ -7,38 +7,43 @@
"editable_grid": 1,
"engine": "InnoDB",
"field_order": [
"fields": [
"columns": 1,
"fieldname": "asset_name",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Asset",
"options": "Asset",
"reqd": 1
"fieldname": "naming_series",
"fieldtype": "Select",
@ -50,18 +55,6 @@
"fieldname": "column_break_2",
"fieldtype": "Column Break"
"fetch_from": "asset_name.item_code",
"fieldname": "item_code",
"fieldtype": "Read Only",
"label": "Item Code"
"fetch_from": "asset_name.item_name",
"fieldname": "item_name",
"fieldtype": "Read Only",
"label": "Item Name"
"fieldname": "section_break_5",
"fieldtype": "Section Break",
@ -74,33 +67,20 @@
"label": "Failure Date",
"reqd": 1
"allow_on_submit": 1,
"fieldname": "assign_to",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"label": "Assign To",
"options": "User"
"allow_on_submit": 1,
"fetch_from": "assign_to.full_name",
"fieldname": "assign_to_name",
"fieldtype": "Read Only",
"label": "Assign To Name"
"fieldname": "column_break_6",
"fieldtype": "Column Break"
"allow_on_submit": 1,
"depends_on": "eval:!doc.__islocal",
"fieldname": "completion_date",
"fieldtype": "Datetime",
"label": "Completion Date"
"label": "Completion Date",
"no_copy": 1
"allow_on_submit": 1,
"default": "Pending",
"depends_on": "eval:!doc.__islocal",
"fieldname": "repair_status",
"fieldtype": "Select",
"label": "Repair Status",
@ -116,25 +96,18 @@
"fieldname": "description",
"fieldtype": "Long Text",
"label": "Error Description",
"reqd": 1
"label": "Error Description"
"fieldname": "column_break_9",
"fieldtype": "Column Break"
"allow_on_submit": 1,
"fieldname": "actions_performed",
"fieldtype": "Long Text",
"label": "Actions performed"
"fieldname": "section_break_17",
"fieldtype": "Section Break"
"allow_on_submit": 1,
"fieldname": "downtime",
"fieldtype": "Data",
"in_list_view": 1,
@ -146,7 +119,7 @@
"fieldtype": "Column Break"
"allow_on_submit": 1,
"default": "0",
"fieldname": "repair_cost",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"label": "Repair Cost"
@ -159,12 +132,139 @@
"options": "Asset Repair",
"print_hide": 1,
"read_only": 1
"columns": 1,
"fieldname": "asset",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Asset",
"options": "Asset",
"reqd": 1
"fetch_from": "asset.asset_name",
"fieldname": "asset_name",
"fieldtype": "Read Only",
"label": "Asset Name"
"fieldname": "column_break_8",
"fieldtype": "Column Break"
"default": "0",
"depends_on": "eval:!doc.__islocal",
"fieldname": "capitalize_repair_cost",
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "Capitalize Repair Cost"
"fieldname": "accounting_details",
"fieldtype": "Section Break",
"label": "Accounting Details"
"fieldname": "stock_items",
"fieldtype": "Table",
"label": "Stock Items",
"mandatory_depends_on": "stock_consumption",
"options": "Asset Repair Consumed Item"
"fieldname": "section_break_23",
"fieldtype": "Section Break"
"collapsible": 1,
"fieldname": "accounting_dimensions_section",
"fieldtype": "Section Break",
"label": "Accounting Dimensions"
"fieldname": "cost_center",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"label": "Cost Center",
"options": "Cost Center"
"fieldname": "project",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"label": "Project",
"options": "Project"
"fieldname": "column_break_14",
"fieldtype": "Column Break"
"default": "0",
"depends_on": "eval:!doc.__islocal",
"fieldname": "stock_consumption",
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "Stock Consumed During Repair"
"depends_on": "stock_consumption",
"fieldname": "stock_consumption_details_section",
"fieldtype": "Section Break",
"label": "Stock Consumption Details"
"depends_on": "eval: doc.stock_consumption && doc.total_repair_cost > 0",
"description": "Sum of Repair Cost and Value of Consumed Stock Items.",
"fieldname": "total_repair_cost",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"label": "Total Repair Cost",
"read_only": 1
"depends_on": "stock_consumption",
"fieldname": "warehouse",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"label": "Warehouse",
"options": "Warehouse"
"depends_on": "capitalize_repair_cost",
"fieldname": "asset_depreciation_details_section",
"fieldtype": "Section Break",
"label": "Asset Depreciation Details"
"fieldname": "increase_in_asset_life",
"fieldtype": "Int",
"label": "Increase In Asset Life(Months)",
"no_copy": 1
"depends_on": "eval:!doc.__islocal",
"fieldname": "purchase_invoice",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"label": "Purchase Invoice",
"mandatory_depends_on": "eval: doc.repair_status == 'Completed' && doc.repair_cost > 0",
"no_copy": 1,
"options": "Purchase Invoice"
"fetch_from": "asset.company",
"fieldname": "company",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"label": "Company",
"options": "Company"
"fieldname": "stock_entry",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"label": "Stock Entry",
"options": "Stock Entry",
"read_only": 1
"index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"is_submittable": 1,
"links": [],
"modified": "2021-01-22 15:08:12.495850",
"modified": "2021-06-25 13:14:38.307723",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Assets",
"name": "Asset Repair",
@ -203,6 +303,7 @@
"sort_field": "modified",
"sort_order": "DESC",
"title_field": "asset_name",
"track_changes": 1,
"track_seen": 1
@ -5,16 +5,252 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import time_diff_in_hours
from frappe.model.document import Document
from frappe.utils import time_diff_in_hours, getdate, add_months, flt, cint
from erpnext.accounts.general_ledger import make_gl_entries
from erpnext.assets.doctype.asset.asset import get_asset_account
from erpnext.controllers.accounts_controller import AccountsController
class AssetRepair(Document):
class AssetRepair(AccountsController):
def validate(self):
if self.repair_status == "Completed" and not self.completion_date:
frappe.throw(_("Please select Completion Date for Completed Repair"))
self.asset_doc = frappe.get_doc('Asset', self.asset)
if self.get('stock_items'):
def update_status(self):
if self.repair_status == 'Pending':
frappe.db.set_value('Asset', self.asset, 'status', 'Out of Order')
def set_total_value(self):
for item in self.get('stock_items'):
item.total_value = flt(item.valuation_rate) * flt(item.consumed_quantity)
def calculate_total_repair_cost(self):
self.total_repair_cost = flt(self.repair_cost)
total_value_of_stock_consumed = self.get_total_value_of_stock_consumed()
self.total_repair_cost += total_value_of_stock_consumed
def before_submit(self):
if self.get('stock_consumption') or self.get('capitalize_repair_cost'):
if self.get('stock_consumption'):
if self.get('capitalize_repair_cost'):
if frappe.db.get_value('Asset', self.asset, 'calculate_depreciation') and self.increase_in_asset_life:
self.asset_doc.flags.ignore_validate_update_after_submit = True
def before_cancel(self):
self.asset_doc = frappe.get_doc('Asset', self.asset)
if self.get('stock_consumption') or self.get('capitalize_repair_cost'):
if self.get('stock_consumption'):
if self.get('capitalize_repair_cost'):
self.ignore_linked_doctypes = ('GL Entry', 'Stock Ledger Entry')
if frappe.db.get_value('Asset', self.asset, 'calculate_depreciation') and self.increase_in_asset_life:
self.asset_doc.flags.ignore_validate_update_after_submit = True
def check_repair_status(self):
if self.repair_status == "Pending":
frappe.throw(_("Please update Repair Status."))
def check_for_stock_items_and_warehouse(self):
if not self.get('stock_items'):
frappe.throw(_("Please enter Stock Items consumed during the Repair."), title=_("Missing Items"))
if not self.warehouse:
frappe.throw(_("Please enter Warehouse from which Stock Items consumed during the Repair were taken."), title=_("Missing Warehouse"))
def increase_asset_value(self):
total_value_of_stock_consumed = self.get_total_value_of_stock_consumed()
if self.asset_doc.calculate_depreciation:
for row in self.asset_doc.finance_books:
row.value_after_depreciation += total_value_of_stock_consumed
if self.capitalize_repair_cost:
row.value_after_depreciation += self.repair_cost
def decrease_asset_value(self):
total_value_of_stock_consumed = self.get_total_value_of_stock_consumed()
if self.asset_doc.calculate_depreciation:
for row in self.asset_doc.finance_books:
row.value_after_depreciation -= total_value_of_stock_consumed
if self.capitalize_repair_cost:
row.value_after_depreciation -= self.repair_cost
def get_total_value_of_stock_consumed(self):
total_value_of_stock_consumed = 0
if self.get('stock_consumption'):
for item in self.get('stock_items'):
total_value_of_stock_consumed += item.total_value
return total_value_of_stock_consumed
def decrease_stock_quantity(self):
stock_entry = frappe.get_doc({
"doctype": "Stock Entry",
"stock_entry_type": "Material Issue",
"company": self.company
for stock_item in self.get('stock_items'):
stock_entry.append('items', {
"s_warehouse": self.warehouse,
"item_code": stock_item.item,
"qty": stock_item.consumed_quantity,
"basic_rate": stock_item.valuation_rate
self.db_set('stock_entry', stock_entry.name)
def increase_stock_quantity(self):
stock_entry = frappe.get_doc('Stock Entry', self.stock_entry)
stock_entry.flags.ignore_links = True
def make_gl_entries(self, cancel=False):
if flt(self.repair_cost) > 0:
gl_entries = self.get_gl_entries()
make_gl_entries(gl_entries, cancel)
def get_gl_entries(self):
gl_entries = []
repair_and_maintenance_account = frappe.db.get_value('Company', self.company, 'repair_and_maintenance_account')
fixed_asset_account = get_asset_account("fixed_asset_account", asset=self.asset, company=self.company)
expense_account = frappe.get_doc('Purchase Invoice', self.purchase_invoice).items[0].expense_account
"account": expense_account,
"credit": self.repair_cost,
"credit_in_account_currency": self.repair_cost,
"against": repair_and_maintenance_account,
"voucher_type": self.doctype,
"voucher_no": self.name,
"cost_center": self.cost_center,
"posting_date": getdate(),
"company": self.company
}, item=self)
if self.get('stock_consumption'):
# creating GL Entries for each row in Stock Items based on the Stock Entry created for it
stock_entry = frappe.get_doc('Stock Entry', self.stock_entry)
for item in stock_entry.items:
"account": item.expense_account,
"credit": item.amount,
"credit_in_account_currency": item.amount,
"against": repair_and_maintenance_account,
"voucher_type": self.doctype,
"voucher_no": self.name,
"cost_center": self.cost_center,
"posting_date": getdate(),
"company": self.company
}, item=self)
"account": fixed_asset_account,
"debit": self.total_repair_cost,
"debit_in_account_currency": self.total_repair_cost,
"against": expense_account,
"voucher_type": self.doctype,
"voucher_no": self.name,
"cost_center": self.cost_center,
"posting_date": getdate(),
"against_voucher_type": "Purchase Invoice",
"against_voucher": self.purchase_invoice,
"company": self.company
}, item=self)
return gl_entries
def modify_depreciation_schedule(self):
for row in self.asset_doc.finance_books:
row.total_number_of_depreciations += self.increase_in_asset_life/row.frequency_of_depreciation
self.asset_doc.flags.increase_in_asset_life = False
extra_months = self.increase_in_asset_life % row.frequency_of_depreciation
if extra_months != 0:
self.calculate_last_schedule_date(self.asset_doc, row, extra_months)
# to help modify depreciation schedule when increase_in_asset_life is not a multiple of frequency_of_depreciation
def calculate_last_schedule_date(self, asset, row, extra_months):
asset.flags.increase_in_asset_life = True
number_of_pending_depreciations = cint(row.total_number_of_depreciations) - \
# the Schedule Date in the final row of the old Depreciation Schedule
last_schedule_date = asset.schedules[len(asset.schedules)-1].schedule_date
# the Schedule Date in the final row of the new Depreciation Schedule
asset.to_date = add_months(last_schedule_date, extra_months)
# the latest possible date at which the depreciation can occur, without increasing the Total Number of Depreciations
# if depreciations happen yearly and the Depreciation Posting Date is 01-01-2020, this could be 01-01-2021, 01-01-2022...
schedule_date = add_months(row.depreciation_start_date,
number_of_pending_depreciations * cint(row.frequency_of_depreciation))
if asset.to_date > schedule_date:
row.total_number_of_depreciations += 1
def revert_depreciation_schedule_on_cancellation(self):
for row in self.asset_doc.finance_books:
row.total_number_of_depreciations -= self.increase_in_asset_life/row.frequency_of_depreciation
self.asset_doc.flags.increase_in_asset_life = False
extra_months = self.increase_in_asset_life % row.frequency_of_depreciation
if extra_months != 0:
self.calculate_last_schedule_date_before_modification(self.asset_doc, row, extra_months)
def calculate_last_schedule_date_before_modification(self, asset, row, extra_months):
asset.flags.increase_in_asset_life = True
number_of_pending_depreciations = cint(row.total_number_of_depreciations) - \
# the Schedule Date in the final row of the modified Depreciation Schedule
last_schedule_date = asset.schedules[len(asset.schedules)-1].schedule_date
# the Schedule Date in the final row of the original Depreciation Schedule
asset.to_date = add_months(last_schedule_date, -extra_months)
# the latest possible date at which the depreciation can occur, without decreasing the Total Number of Depreciations
# if depreciations happen yearly and the Depreciation Posting Date is 01-01-2020, this could be 01-01-2021, 01-01-2022...
schedule_date = add_months(row.depreciation_start_date,
(number_of_pending_depreciations - 1) * cint(row.frequency_of_depreciation))
if asset.to_date < schedule_date:
row.total_number_of_depreciations -= 1
def get_downtime(failure_date, completion_date):
downtime = time_diff_in_hours(completion_date, failure_date)
return round(downtime, 2)
return round(downtime, 2)
@ -2,8 +2,167 @@
# Copyright (c) 2017, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# See license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe.utils import nowdate, flt
import unittest
from erpnext.assets.doctype.asset.test_asset import create_asset_data, create_asset, set_depreciation_settings_in_company
class TestAssetRepair(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
frappe.db.sql("delete from `tabTax Rule`")
def test_update_status(self):
asset = create_asset()
initial_status = asset.status
asset_repair = create_asset_repair(asset = asset)
if asset_repair.repair_status == "Pending":
self.assertEqual(asset.status, "Out of Order")
asset_repair.repair_status = "Completed"
asset_status = frappe.db.get_value("Asset", asset_repair.asset, "status")
self.assertEqual(asset_status, initial_status)
def test_stock_item_total_value(self):
asset_repair = create_asset_repair(stock_consumption = 1)
for item in asset_repair.stock_items:
total_value = flt(item.valuation_rate) * flt(item.consumed_quantity)
self.assertEqual(item.total_value, total_value)
def test_total_repair_cost(self):
asset_repair = create_asset_repair(stock_consumption = 1)
total_repair_cost = asset_repair.repair_cost
self.assertEqual(total_repair_cost, asset_repair.repair_cost)
for item in asset_repair.stock_items:
total_repair_cost += item.total_value
self.assertEqual(total_repair_cost, asset_repair.total_repair_cost)
def test_repair_status_after_submit(self):
asset_repair = create_asset_repair(submit = 1)
self.assertNotEqual(asset_repair.repair_status, "Pending")
def test_stock_items(self):
asset_repair = create_asset_repair(stock_consumption = 1)
def test_warehouse(self):
asset_repair = create_asset_repair(stock_consumption = 1)
def test_decrease_stock_quantity(self):
asset_repair = create_asset_repair(stock_consumption = 1, submit = 1)
stock_entry = frappe.get_last_doc('Stock Entry')
self.assertEqual(stock_entry.stock_entry_type, "Material Issue")
self.assertEqual(stock_entry.items[0].s_warehouse, asset_repair.warehouse)
self.assertEqual(stock_entry.items[0].item_code, asset_repair.stock_items[0].item)
self.assertEqual(stock_entry.items[0].qty, asset_repair.stock_items[0].consumed_quantity)
def test_increase_in_asset_value_due_to_stock_consumption(self):
asset = create_asset(calculate_depreciation = 1)
initial_asset_value = get_asset_value(asset)
asset_repair = create_asset_repair(asset= asset, stock_consumption = 1, submit = 1)
increase_in_asset_value = get_asset_value(asset) - initial_asset_value
self.assertEqual(asset_repair.stock_items[0].total_value, increase_in_asset_value)
def test_increase_in_asset_value_due_to_repair_cost_capitalisation(self):
asset = create_asset(calculate_depreciation = 1)
initial_asset_value = get_asset_value(asset)
asset_repair = create_asset_repair(asset= asset, capitalize_repair_cost = 1, submit = 1)
increase_in_asset_value = get_asset_value(asset) - initial_asset_value
self.assertEqual(asset_repair.repair_cost, increase_in_asset_value)
def test_purchase_invoice(self):
asset_repair = create_asset_repair(capitalize_repair_cost = 1, submit = 1)
def test_gl_entries(self):
asset_repair = create_asset_repair(capitalize_repair_cost = 1, submit = 1)
gl_entry = frappe.get_last_doc('GL Entry')
self.assertEqual(asset_repair.name, gl_entry.voucher_no)
def test_increase_in_asset_life(self):
asset = create_asset(calculate_depreciation = 1)
initial_num_of_depreciations = num_of_depreciations(asset)
create_asset_repair(asset= asset, capitalize_repair_cost = 1, submit = 1)
self.assertEqual((initial_num_of_depreciations + 1), num_of_depreciations(asset))
self.assertEqual(asset.schedules[-1].accumulated_depreciation_amount, asset.finance_books[0].value_after_depreciation)
def get_asset_value(asset):
return asset.finance_books[0].value_after_depreciation
def num_of_depreciations(asset):
return asset.finance_books[0].total_number_of_depreciations
def create_asset_repair(**args):
from erpnext.stock.doctype.warehouse.test_warehouse import create_warehouse
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.purchase_invoice.test_purchase_invoice import make_purchase_invoice
args = frappe._dict(args)
if args.asset:
asset = args.asset
asset = create_asset(is_existing_asset = 1)
asset_repair = frappe.new_doc("Asset Repair")
"asset": asset.name,
"asset_name": asset.asset_name,
"failure_date": nowdate(),
"description": "Test Description",
"repair_cost": 0,
"company": asset.company
if args.stock_consumption:
asset_repair.stock_consumption = 1
asset_repair.warehouse = create_warehouse("Test Warehouse", company = asset.company)
asset_repair.append("stock_items", {
"item": args.item or args.item_code or "_Test Item",
"valuation_rate": args.rate if args.get("rate") is not None else 100,
"consumed_quantity": args.qty or 1
if args.submit:
asset_repair.repair_status = "Completed"
asset_repair.cost_center = "_Test Cost Center - _TC"
if args.stock_consumption:
stock_entry = frappe.get_doc({
"doctype": "Stock Entry",
"stock_entry_type": "Material Receipt",
"company": asset.company
stock_entry.append('items', {
"t_warehouse": asset_repair.warehouse,
"item_code": asset_repair.stock_items[0].item,
"qty": asset_repair.stock_items[0].consumed_quantity
if args.capitalize_repair_cost:
asset_repair.capitalize_repair_cost = 1
asset_repair.repair_cost = 1000
if asset.calculate_depreciation:
asset_repair.increase_in_asset_life = 12
asset_repair.purchase_invoice = make_purchase_invoice().name
return asset_repair
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
"actions": [],
"creation": "2021-05-12 02:41:54.161024",
"doctype": "DocType",
"editable_grid": 1,
"engine": "InnoDB",
"field_order": [
"fields": [
"fieldname": "item",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Item",
"options": "Item"
"fetch_from": "item.valuation_rate",
"fieldname": "valuation_rate",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Valuation Rate",
"read_only": 1
"fieldname": "consumed_quantity",
"fieldtype": "Data",
"in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Consumed Quantity"
"fieldname": "total_value",
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Total Value",
"read_only": 1
"index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"istable": 1,
"links": [],
"modified": "2021-05-12 03:19:55.006300",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Assets",
"name": "Asset Repair Consumed Item",
"owner": "Administrator",
"permissions": [],
"sort_field": "modified",
"sort_order": "DESC",
"track_changes": 1
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Copyright (c) 2021, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
# For license information, please see license.txt
# import frappe
from frappe.model.document import Document
class AssetRepairConsumedItem(Document):
@ -9,13 +9,14 @@
@ -108,6 +109,13 @@
"fieldtype": "Link",
"label": "Role Allowed to Override Stop Action",
"options": "Role"
"default": "1",
"description": "If checked, Rejected Quantity will be included while making Purchase Invoice from Purchase Receipt.",
"fieldname": "bill_for_rejected_quantity_in_purchase_invoice",
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "Bill for Rejected Quantity in Purchase Invoice"
"icon": "fa fa-cog",
@ -115,7 +123,7 @@
"index_web_pages_for_search": 1,
"issingle": 1,
"links": [],
"modified": "2021-04-04 20:01:44.087066",
"modified": "2021-06-24 10:38:28.934525",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Buying",
"name": "Buying Settings",
@ -45,6 +45,47 @@ frappe.ui.form.on("Purchase Order", {
erpnext.accounts.dimensions.setup_dimension_filters(frm, frm.doctype);
apply_tds: function(frm) {
if (!frm.doc.apply_tds) {
frm.set_value("tax_withholding_category", '');
} else {
frm.set_value("tax_withholding_category", frm.supplier_tds);
refresh: function(frm) {
get_materials_from_supplier: function(frm) {
let po_details = [];
if (frm.doc.supplied_items && (frm.doc.per_received == 100 || frm.doc.status === 'Closed')) {
frm.doc.supplied_items.forEach(d => {
if (d.total_supplied_qty && d.total_supplied_qty != d.consumed_qty) {
if (po_details && po_details.length) {
frm.add_custom_button(__('Return of Components'), () => {
method: 'erpnext.buying.doctype.purchase_order.purchase_order.get_materials_from_supplier',
freeze: true,
freeze_message: __('Creating Stock Entry'),
args: { purchase_order: frm.doc.name, po_details: po_details },
callback: function(r) {
if (r && r.message) {
const doc = frappe.model.sync(r.message);
frappe.set_route("Form", doc[0].doctype, doc[0].name);
}, __('Create'));
@ -209,7 +250,7 @@ erpnext.buying.PurchaseOrderController = class PurchaseOrderController extends e
has_unsupplied_items() {
return this.frm.doc['supplied_items'].some(item => item.required_qty != item.supplied_qty)
return this.frm.doc['supplied_items'].some(item => item.required_qty > item.supplied_qty);
make_stock_entry() {
@ -313,7 +354,8 @@ erpnext.buying.PurchaseOrderController = class PurchaseOrderController extends e
if(me.values) {
me.values.sub_con_rm_items.map((row,i) => {
if (!row.item_code || !row.rm_item_code || !row.warehouse || !row.qty || row.qty === 0) {
frappe.throw(__("Item Code, warehouse, quantity are required on row {0}", [i+1]));
let row_id = i+1;
frappe.throw(__("Item Code, warehouse and quantity are required on row {0}", [row_id]));
@ -504,12 +546,14 @@ erpnext.buying.PurchaseOrderController = class PurchaseOrderController extends e
primary_action: function() {
var data = d.get_values();
let reason_for_hold = 'Reason for hold: ' + data.reason_for_hold;
method: "frappe.desk.form.utils.add_comment",
args: {
reference_doctype: me.frm.doctype,
reference_name: me.frm.docname,
content: __('Reason for hold: ')+data.reason_for_hold,
content: __(reason_for_hold),
comment_email: frappe.session.user,
comment_by: frappe.session.user_fullname
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