show submittable warning
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
<div class="layout_wrapper">
<div id="pe_header"></div>
<div id="perm_engine_div" style="margin: 16px;"></div>
<div id="submittable_warning" class='help-box' style='display: None'>
One of the Roles has <b>Submit</b> permission.
You will have to <b>Cancel</b> and then <b>Amend</b> a submitted Document for making changes.
@ -1,397 +1,421 @@
pscript['onload_Permission Engine'] = function() {
// header and toolbar
var h = new PageHeader('pe_header','Permissions Manager','Set specific permissions for Roles')
if(!pscript.perm_engine) pscript.perm_engine = new pscript.PermEngine();
// header and toolbar
var h = new PageHeader('pe_header','Permissions Manager','Set specific permissions for Roles')
if(!pscript.perm_engine) pscript.perm_engine = new pscript.PermEngine();
pscript.PermEngine = function() {
// create UI elements
this.wrapper = $i('perm_engine_div');
this.head = $a(this.wrapper, 'div');
this.body = $a(this.wrapper, 'div');
this.footer = $a(this.wrapper, 'div');
// create UI elements
this.wrapper = $i('perm_engine_div');
this.head = $a(this.wrapper, 'div');
this.body = $a(this.wrapper, 'div');
this.footer = $a(this.wrapper, 'div');
var lab = $a(this.body,'div', '', {backgroundColor:'#FFD', padding:'8px', margin:'16px 0px'});
lab.innerHTML = 'Please select the item for which you want to set permissions';
var lab = $a(this.body,'div', '', {backgroundColor:'#FFD', padding:'8px', margin:'16px 0px'});
lab.innerHTML = 'Please select the item for which you want to set permissions';
// Make Head
// -------------
pscript.PermEngine.prototype.make_head = function() {
var me = this;
var make_select = function(label) {
var w = $a(me.head, 'div', '', {margin:'8px 0px'});
var t = make_table(w,1,2,'300px',['50%','50%']);
$td(t,0,0).innerHTML = label;
var s = $a($td(t,0,1),'select','',{width:'140px'});
s.wrapper = w;
return s;
var make_button = function(label, parent, green) {
return $btn(parent, label, null, {margin:'8px 0px', display:'none'}, (green ? 'green' : null));
// Set Permissions for
this.type_select = make_select('Set Permissions For');
this.type_select.onchange = function() {
// Update Button
this.add_button = make_button('+ Add A New Rule', this.head, 0);
this.add_button.onclick = function() {
var me = this;
var make_select = function(label) {
var w = $a(me.head, 'div', '', {margin:'8px 0px'});
var t = make_table(w,1,2,'300px',['50%','50%']);
$td(t,0,0).innerHTML = label;
var s = $a($td(t,0,1),'select','',{width:'140px'});
s.wrapper = w;
return s;
var make_button = function(label, parent, green) {
return $btn(parent, label, null, {margin:'8px 0px', display:'none'}, (green ? 'green' : null));
// Set Permissions for
this.type_select = make_select('Set Permissions For');
this.type_select.onchange = function() {
// Update Button
this.add_button = make_button('+ Add A New Rule', this.head, 0);
this.add_button.onclick = function() {
// Update Button
this.update_button = make_button('Update', this.footer, 1);
this.update_button.onclick = function() {
// Update Button
this.update_button = make_button('Update', this.footer, 1);
this.update_button.onclick = function() {
// Add Permissions
// -----------------
pscript.PermEngine.prototype.add_permission = function() {
var me = this;
if(!this.add_permission_dialog) {
// dialog
var d = new Dialog(400,400,'Add Permission');
var me = this;
if(!this.add_permission_dialog) {
// dialog
var d = new Dialog(400,400,'Add Permission');
add_sel_options(d.widgets['Role'], this.roles, '');
add_sel_options(d.widgets['Level'], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 0);
add_sel_options(d.widgets['Role'], this.roles, '');
add_sel_options(d.widgets['Level'], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 0);
// add
d.widgets['Add'].onclick = function() {
if(!sel_val(d.widgets['Role'])) {
msgprint('Please select Role'); return;
var callback = function(r, rt) {
// reload
$c_obj('Permission Control','add_permission',JSON.stringify([sel_val(me.type_select), sel_val(d.widgets['Role']), sel_val(d.widgets['Level'])]), callback);
// add
d.widgets['Add'].onclick = function() {
if(!sel_val(d.widgets['Role'])) {
msgprint('Please select Role'); return;
var callback = function(r, rt) {
// reload
$c_obj('Permission Control','add_permission',JSON.stringify([sel_val(me.type_select), sel_val(d.widgets['Role']), sel_val(d.widgets['Level'])]), callback);
this.add_permission_dialog = d;
this.add_permission_dialog = d;
// Hide Fields
// -----------------
pscript.PermEngine.prototype.hide_fields = function() {
this.type_select.disabled = false;
this.body.innerHTML = '';
this.type_select.disabled = false;
this.body.innerHTML = '';
// Load Roles And Modules
// -----------------------
pscript.PermEngine.prototype.load_options = function() {
var me = this;
var me = this;
$c_obj('Permission Control','get_doctype_list','', function(r,rt) {
me.roles = r.message.roles;
// Type
add_sel_options(me.type_select,add_lists([''], r.message.doctypes));
$c_obj('Permission Control','get_doctype_list','', function(r,rt) {
me.roles = r.message.roles;
// Type
add_sel_options(me.type_select,add_lists([''], r.message.doctypes));
// Get DocType and Permissions related to module
// --------------------------------------------------
pscript.PermEngine.prototype.get_permissions = function() {
var me = this;
if(!sel_val(me.type_select)) {
msgprint('Please select a type first!'); return;
$c_obj('Permission Control','get_permissions',sel_val(me.type_select), function(r,rt) {
// Get permissions
else me.body.innerHTML = '<div style = "color : red; margin:8px 0px;">No Records Found</div>'
var me = this;
if(!sel_val(me.type_select)) {
msgprint('Please select a type first!'); return;
$c_obj('Permission Control','get_permissions',sel_val(me.type_select), function(r,rt) {
// Get permissions
if(r.message.perms.length) {
else me.body.innerHTML = '<div style = "color : red; margin:8px 0px;">No Records Found</div>'
// Get Results
// ------------------
pscript.PermEngine.prototype.get_results = function(r){
var perms = r.perms;
var me = this;
var doctype = sel_val(me.type_select);
// show update button
var perms = r.perms;
var me = this;
var doctype = sel_val(me.type_select);
// show update button
this.body.innerHTML = ''
pscript.all_checkboxes = [];
pscript.all_matches = [];
var head = $a(this.body, 'h3'); head.innerHTML = 'Rules for ' + doctype;
var permt = make_table(me.body, perms.length+1,9,'80%',[],{border:'1px solid #AAA', padding:'3px', verticalAlign:'middle', height:'30px'});
// Create Grid for particular DocType
// ------------------------------------
// Columns
var col_labels = ['Role','Level','Read','Write','Create','Submit','Cancel','Amend','Restrict By']
for(var n = 0; n < col_labels.length; n++){
$y($td(permt,0,n), {backgroundColor:'#DDD', width:(n==0?'30%':(n==8?'21%':'7%'))})
$td(permt,0,n).innerHTML = col_labels[n];
$td(permt,0,n).fieldname = col_labels[n].toLowerCase();
// Rows for Column Level / Role
for(var j = 0; j < perms.length; j++){
var plevel = $a($td(permt,j+1,1), 'span', 'link_type');
plevel.innerHTML = perms[j].permlevel;
plevel.doctype = doctype;
plevel.value = perms[j].permlevel;
plevel.onclick = function() {me.get_fields(this.doctype, this.value)}
this.body.innerHTML = ''
pscript.all_checkboxes = [];
pscript.all_matches = [];
var head = $a(this.body, 'h3'); head.innerHTML = 'Rules for ' + doctype;
var permt = make_table(me.body, perms.length+1,9,'80%',[],{border:'1px solid #AAA', padding:'3px', verticalAlign:'middle', height:'30px'});
// Create Grid for particular DocType
// ------------------------------------
// Columns
var col_labels = ['Role','Level','Read','Write','Create','Submit','Cancel','Amend','Restrict By']
for(var n = 0; n < col_labels.length; n++){
$y($td(permt,0,n), {backgroundColor:'#DDD', width:(n==0?'30%':(n==8?'21%':'7%'))})
$td(permt,0,n).innerHTML = col_labels[n];
$td(permt,0,n).fieldname = col_labels[n].toLowerCase();
// Rows for Column Level / Role
for(var j = 0; j < perms.length; j++){
var plevel = $a($td(permt,j+1,1), 'span', 'link_type');
plevel.innerHTML = perms[j].permlevel;
plevel.doctype = doctype;
plevel.value = perms[j].permlevel;
plevel.onclick = function() {me.get_fields(this.doctype, this.value)}
// role
$td(permt,j+1,0).innerHTML = perms[j].role;
// role
$td(permt,j+1,0).innerHTML = perms[j].role;
// Get values
for(var l = 0; l < perms.length; l++){
for(var m = 0; m < 6; m++){ // (read,write,create,submit,cancel,amend)
var chk = $a_input($td(permt,l+1,m+2), 'checkbox');
var val = perms[l][$td(permt,0,m+2).fieldname];
if(val == 1) chk.checked = 1;
else chk.checked = 0;
chk.doctype = doctype;
chk.permlevel = perms[l].permlevel; chk.perm_type = col_labels[m+2].toLowerCase(); chk.role = perms[l].role;
// add selects for match
me.add_match_select(r, perms, permt, doctype);
// Get values
for(var l = 0; l < perms.length; l++){
for(var m = 0; m < 6; m++){ // (read,write,create,submit,cancel,amend)
var chk = $a_input($td(permt,l+1,m+2), 'checkbox');
var val = perms[l][$td(permt,0,m+2).fieldname];
if(val == 1) chk.checked = 1;
else chk.checked = 0;
if(m==3) { chk.onclick = pscript.show_submittable }
chk.doctype = doctype;
chk.permlevel = perms[l].permlevel; chk.perm_type = col_labels[m+2].toLowerCase(); chk.role = perms[l].role;
// add selects for match
me.add_match_select(r, perms, permt, doctype);
// Show submittable warning
pscript.show_submittable = function() {
var submittable = 0;
for(i in pscript.all_checkboxes) {
c = pscript.all_checkboxes[i];
if(c.perm_type=='submit' && c.checked) {
submittable = 1;
if(submittable) {
} else {
// render selects for match
// --------------------------------------------
pscript.PermEngine.prototype.add_match_select = function(r, perms, permt, doctype) {
var me = this;
// add select for match
for(var i=0; i<perms.length; i++) {
if(perms[i].permlevel==0) {
// select
var sel = $a($td(permt,i+1,8),'select','',{width:'100%'});
add_sel_options(sel, r.fields);
sel.details = perms[i]; sel.details.parent = doctype;
sel.onchange = function() {
if(sel_val(this) && sel_val(this)!='owner') $ds(this.div);
else $dh(this.div); }
// link
var div = $a($td(permt,i+1,8),'div','link_type',{marginTop: '2px', fontSize:'10px', display:'none'});
div.onclick = function() { this.details.match = sel_val(this.sel); me.show_match_dialog(this.details); }
div.innerHTML = 'Set Users / Roles';
div.details = perms[i];
sel.div = div; div.sel = sel;
var me = this;
// add select for match
for(var i=0; i<perms.length; i++) {
if(perms[i].permlevel==0) {
// select
var sel = $a($td(permt,i+1,8),'select','',{width:'100%'});
add_sel_options(sel, r.fields);
sel.details = perms[i]; sel.details.parent = doctype;
sel.onchange = function() {
if(sel_val(this) && sel_val(this)!='owner') $ds(this.div);
else $dh(this.div); }
// link
var div = $a($td(permt,i+1,8),'div','link_type',{marginTop: '2px', fontSize:'10px', display:'none'});
div.onclick = function() { this.details.match = sel_val(this.sel); me.show_match_dialog(this.details); }
div.innerHTML = 'Set Users / Roles';
div.details = perms[i];
sel.div = div; div.sel = sel;
// set the value
if(perms[i].match) { sel.value = perms[i].match; $ds(div); }
// set the value
if(perms[i].match) { sel.value = perms[i].match; $ds(div); }
// match users Dialog
// =======================================================
pscript.PermEngine.prototype.show_match_dialog=function(details) {
if(!this.match_defaults_dialog) {
var d = new Dialog(750, 500, 'Permission Applies To');
var w = d.widgets['Body'];
$y(w,{height:'350px', overflow:'auto'});
this.match_defaults_dialog = d;
// dialog
// render the rules
var me = this;
var callback = function(r,rt) {
me.render_match_dialog(r, details);
// load the rules
$c_obj('Permission Control','get_defaults', details.match + '~~~' + (this.profiles ? 'No' : 'Yes'), callback);
if(!this.match_defaults_dialog) {
var d = new Dialog(750, 500, 'Permission Applies To');
var w = d.widgets['Body'];
$y(w,{height:'350px', overflow:'auto'});
this.match_defaults_dialog = d;
// dialog
// render the rules
var me = this;
var callback = function(r,rt) {
me.render_match_dialog(r, details);
// load the rules
$c_obj('Permission Control','get_defaults', details.match + '~~~' + (this.profiles ? 'No' : 'Yes'), callback);
// --------------------------------------------
pscript.PermEngine.prototype.render_match_dialog=function(r, details) {
var d = this.match_defaults_dialog;
var w = d.widgets['Body'];
w.innerHTML = '<div style="background-color:#FFD; padding: 4px; color: #440; margin-bottom:16px">Please Note: Any action will also affect other permissions with similar rules!</div>'
// header
var t=make_table($a(w,'div','',{borderBottom:'1px solid #AAA'}),1,3,'90%',['40%','40%','20%'],{fontWeight:'bold', padding:'3px', fontSize:'14px'});
$td(t,0,0).innerHTML = 'Who?'; $td(t,0,1).innerHTML = 'Is allowed if '+details.match+' equals';
// existing defaults
var dl = r.message.dl; this.options = r.message.ol;
if(!this.profiles) {
this.profiles =;
for(var i=0; i<dl.length; i++) {
new MatchDefaultValue(this, w, dl[i], details.match);
var d = this.match_defaults_dialog;
var w = d.widgets['Body'];
w.innerHTML = '<div style="background-color:#FFD; padding: 4px; color: #440; margin-bottom:16px">Please Note: Any action will also affect other permissions with similar rules!</div>'
// header
var t=make_table($a(w,'div','',{borderBottom:'1px solid #AAA'}),1,3,'90%',['40%','40%','20%'],{fontWeight:'bold', padding:'3px', fontSize:'14px'});
$td(t,0,0).innerHTML = 'Who?'; $td(t,0,1).innerHTML = 'Is allowed if '+details.match+' equals';
// existing defaults
var dl = r.message.dl; this.options = r.message.ol;
if(!this.profiles) {
this.profiles =;
for(var i=0; i<dl.length; i++) {
new MatchDefaultValue(this, w, dl[i], details.match);
pscript.PermEngine.prototype.add_new_match_row = function(fieldname) {
// add new default
new MatchDefaultValue(this, this.match_defaults_dialog.widgets['Body'], null, fieldname, 1);
// add new default
new MatchDefaultValue(this, this.match_defaults_dialog.widgets['Body'], null, fieldname, 1);
// --------------------------------------------
MatchDefaultValue = function(pe, parent, details, fieldname, editable) {
|||| = pe;
this.wrapper = $a(parent, 'div', '', {margin:'4px'});
this.details = details;
this.fieldname = fieldname;
|||| = pe;
this.wrapper = $a(parent, 'div', '', {margin:'4px'});
this.details = details;
this.fieldname = fieldname;
// --------------------------------------------
MatchDefaultValue.prototype.clear = function() {
this.wrapper.innerHTML = '';
|||| = make_table(this.wrapper, 1, 3, '90%', ['40%','40%','20%'], {verticalAlign:'middle', padding:'3px'});
this.wrapper.innerHTML = '';
|||| = make_table(this.wrapper, 1, 3, '90%', ['40%','40%','20%'], {verticalAlign:'middle', padding:'3px'});
// --------------------------------------------
MatchDefaultValue.prototype.render = function(editable) {
if(editable) {
} else {
if(editable) {
} else {
// --------------------------------------------
MatchDefaultValue.prototype.render_editable = function() {
var me = this;
var me = this;
// profile or role
this.profile_or_role = $a($td(,0,0), 'select', '', {width:'60px', marginRight:'8px'});
add_sel_options(this.profile_or_role,['Profile', 'Role'], 'Profile');
this.profile_or_role.onchange = function() {
if(sel_val(this)=='Profile') { $di(me.profile_sel); $dh(me.role_sel); }
else { $dh(me.profile_sel); $di(me.role_sel); }
// profile or role
this.profile_or_role = $a($td(,0,0), 'select', '', {width:'60px', marginRight:'8px'});
add_sel_options(this.profile_or_role,['Profile', 'Role'], 'Profile');
this.profile_or_role.onchange = function() {
if(sel_val(this)=='Profile') { $di(me.profile_sel); $dh(me.role_sel); }
else { $dh(me.profile_sel); $di(me.role_sel); }
// role sel
this.role_sel = $a($td(,0,0), 'select', '', {width:'100px',display:'none'});
// profile sel
this.profile_sel = $a($td(,0,0), 'select', '', {width:'100px'});
// role sel
this.role_sel = $a($td(,0,0), 'select', '', {width:'100px',display:'none'});
// profile sel
this.profile_sel = $a($td(,0,0), 'select', '', {width:'100px'});
// options sel
this.options_sel = $a($td(,0,1), 'select', '', {width:'120px'});
// options sel
this.options_sel = $a($td(,0,1), 'select', '', {width:'120px'});
// add
var span = $a($td(,0,2),'span','link_type',{marginLeft:'8px'});
span.innerHTML = 'Add'
span.onclick = function() {; }
// add
var span = $a($td(,0,2),'span','link_type',{marginLeft:'8px'});
span.innerHTML = 'Add'
span.onclick = function() {; }
// --------------------------------------------
MatchDefaultValue.prototype.render_static = function() {
var me = this;
$td(,0,0).innerHTML = this.details.parenttype;
$td(,0,0).innerHTML += ' ' + this.details.parent;
$td(,0,1).innerHTML = this.details.defvalue;
var me = this;
$td(,0,0).innerHTML = this.details.parenttype;
$td(,0,0).innerHTML += ' ' + this.details.parent;
$td(,0,1).innerHTML = this.details.defvalue;
// delete
var span = $a($td(,0,2),'span','link_type',{marginLeft:'8px'});
span.innerHTML = 'Cancel'
span.onclick = function() { me.delete_def(); }
// delete
var span = $a($td(,0,2),'span','link_type',{marginLeft:'8px'});
span.innerHTML = 'Cancel'
span.onclick = function() { me.delete_def(); }
// --------------------------------------------
MatchDefaultValue.prototype.delete_def = function() {
var me = this;
this.wrapper.innerHTML = '<div style="color: #888; padding: 3px;">Deleting...</div>';
var callback = function(r,rt) {
if(r.exc) msgprint('There were errors!')
$c_obj('Permission Control','delete_default'
,[this.details.parent, this.fieldname, this.details.defvalue].join('~~~')
var me = this;
this.wrapper.innerHTML = '<div style="color: #888; padding: 3px;">Deleting...</div>';
var callback = function(r,rt) {
if(r.exc) msgprint('There were errors!')
$c_obj('Permission Control','delete_default'
,[this.details.parent, this.fieldname, this.details.defvalue].join('~~~')
// --------------------------------------------
|||| = function() {
var me= this;
var callback = function(r,rt) {
me.details = r.message;
// values
if(sel_val(this.profile_or_role)=='Profile') { var parent = sel_val(this.profile_sel); var parenttype = 'Profile'; }
else { var parent = sel_val(this.role_sel); var parenttype = 'Role'; }
var me= this;
var callback = function(r,rt) {
me.details = r.message;
// values
if(sel_val(this.profile_or_role)=='Profile') { var parent = sel_val(this.profile_sel); var parenttype = 'Profile'; }
else { var parent = sel_val(this.role_sel); var parenttype = 'Role'; }
if(!sel_val(this.options_sel) || !parent) { msgprint("Please select all values"); return; }
$c_obj('Permission Control','add_default'
,[parent, parenttype, this.fieldname, sel_val(this.options_sel)].join('~~~')
this.wrapper.innerHTML = '<div style="color: #888; padding: 3px;">Adding...</div>';
if(!sel_val(this.options_sel) || !parent) { msgprint("Please select all values"); return; }
$c_obj('Permission Control','add_default'
,[parent, parenttype, this.fieldname, sel_val(this.options_sel)].join('~~~')
this.wrapper.innerHTML = '<div style="color: #888; padding: 3px;">Adding...</div>';
@ -399,36 +423,36 @@ = function() {
// =======================================================
if(!pscript.get_field_dialog) {
pscript.get_field_dialog = new Dialog(750,500,'Fields');
pscript.get_field_dialog.make_body([['HTML','Fields','<div id="perm_engine_get_fields"></div>'],['Button','OK']]);
else $i('perm_engine_get_fields').innerHTML = '';
if(!pscript.get_field_dialog) {
pscript.get_field_dialog = new Dialog(750,500,'Fields');
pscript.get_field_dialog.make_body([['HTML','Fields','<div id="perm_engine_get_fields"></div>'],['Button','OK']]);
else $i('perm_engine_get_fields').innerHTML = '';
// Get Fields
// --------------------
pscript.PermEngine.prototype.get_fields = function(dt, permlevel) {
var me = this;
var callback = function(r,rt){
// Get Parent DocType Fields
var parent_fields_dict = r.message.parent_fields_dict;
// Get Child Table Fields if any
var table_fields_dict = r.message.table_fields_dict;
// Make Fields Dialog Box
me.make_fields_table(dt, parent_fields_dict, table_fields_dict, permlevel);
var args = "{'dt':'"+dt+"','permlevel':"+permlevel+"}"
$c_obj('Permission Control','get_fields', args, callback);
var me = this;
var callback = function(r,rt){
// Get Parent DocType Fields
var parent_fields_dict = r.message.parent_fields_dict;
// Get Child Table Fields if any
var table_fields_dict = r.message.table_fields_dict;
// Make Fields Dialog Box
me.make_fields_table(dt, parent_fields_dict, table_fields_dict, permlevel);
var args = "{'dt':'"+dt+"','permlevel':"+permlevel+"}"
$c_obj('Permission Control','get_fields', args, callback);
@ -436,90 +460,90 @@ pscript.PermEngine.prototype.get_fields = function(dt, permlevel) {
// Make Table of Fields for Dialog Box
// --------------------------------------
pscript.PermEngine.prototype.make_fields_table = function(dt, parent_fields_dict, table_fields_dict, permlevel) {
var make_grid = function(table, fields_dict) {
var col_labels = ['Label','Fieldtype','Fieldname','Options'];
for(var n = 0; n < col_labels.length; n++){
$a_input(($td(table,0,n)), 'data');
$td(table,0,n).innerHTML = '<b>'+col_labels[n]+'</b>';
$td(table,0,n).fieldname = col_labels[n].toLowerCase();
// Add values
for(var i = 0; i < keys(fields_dict).length; i++){
for(var j = 0; j < 4; j++){
$a_input(($td(table,i+1,j)), 'data');
$td(table,i+1,j).innerHTML = cstr(fields_dict[i][$td(table,0,j).fieldname])
var make_grid = function(table, fields_dict) {
var col_labels = ['Label','Fieldtype','Fieldname','Options'];
for(var n = 0; n < col_labels.length; n++){
$a_input(($td(table,0,n)), 'data');
$td(table,0,n).innerHTML = '<b>'+col_labels[n]+'</b>';
$td(table,0,n).fieldname = col_labels[n].toLowerCase();
// Add values
for(var i = 0; i < keys(fields_dict).length; i++){
for(var j = 0; j < 4; j++){
$a_input(($td(table,i+1,j)), 'data');
$td(table,i+1,j).innerHTML = cstr(fields_dict[i][$td(table,0,j).fieldname])
$i('perm_engine_get_fields').innerHTML = '<b>'+ dt + ' Fields at Level '+ permlevel +':</b><br><br>';
var parent_field_table = make_table('perm_engine_get_fields',keys(parent_fields_dict).length+1, 4,'100%',['25%','25%','25%','25%'],{border:'1px solid #AAA',padding:'2px'});
make_grid(parent_field_table, parent_fields_dict);
child_tables = keys(table_fields_dict)
if(child_tables.length > 0){
for(var k = 0; k < child_tables.length; k++){
var tab_fields_det = table_fields_dict[child_tables[k]];
if(keys(tab_fields_det).length > 0){
$i('perm_engine_get_fields').innerHTML += '<br><b>'+ child_tables[k] + ' Fields at Level '+ permlevel +':</b><br><br>'
var child_field_table = make_table('perm_engine_get_fields',keys(tab_fields_det).length+1, 4,'100%',['25%','25%','25%','25%'],{border:'1px solid #AAA',padding:'2px'});
make_grid(child_field_table, tab_fields_det);
$i('perm_engine_get_fields').innerHTML = '<b>'+ dt + ' Fields at Level '+ permlevel +':</b><br><br>';
var parent_field_table = make_table('perm_engine_get_fields',keys(parent_fields_dict).length+1, 4,'100%',['25%','25%','25%','25%'],{border:'1px solid #AAA',padding:'2px'});
make_grid(parent_field_table, parent_fields_dict);
child_tables = keys(table_fields_dict)
if(child_tables.length > 0){
for(var k = 0; k < child_tables.length; k++){
var tab_fields_det = table_fields_dict[child_tables[k]];
if(keys(tab_fields_det).length > 0){
$i('perm_engine_get_fields').innerHTML += '<br><b>'+ child_tables[k] + ' Fields at Level '+ permlevel +':</b><br><br>'
var child_field_table = make_table('perm_engine_get_fields',keys(tab_fields_det).length+1, 4,'100%',['25%','25%','25%','25%'],{border:'1px solid #AAA',padding:'2px'});
make_grid(child_field_table, tab_fields_det);
// Update Permissions
// -----------------------
pscript.PermEngine.prototype.update_permissions = function() {
var me = this;
var out = {};
var me = this;
var out = {};
var add_to_out = function(doctype, permlevel, role, key, value) {
if(!out[doctype]) out[doctype] = {};
if(!out[doctype][permlevel]) out[doctype][permlevel] = {};
if(!out[doctype][permlevel][role]) out[doctype][permlevel][role] = {};
out[doctype][permlevel][role][key] = value;
var add_to_out = function(doctype, permlevel, role, key, value) {
if(!out[doctype]) out[doctype] = {};
if(!out[doctype][permlevel]) out[doctype][permlevel] = {};
if(!out[doctype][permlevel][role]) out[doctype][permlevel][role] = {};
out[doctype][permlevel][role][key] = value;
// check boxes
for(i in pscript.all_checkboxes) {
c = pscript.all_checkboxes[i];
add_to_out(c.doctype, c.permlevel, c.role, c.perm_type, c.checked ? 1 : 0);
// matches
for(var i=0; i<pscript.all_matches.length; i++) {
var s = pscript.all_matches[i];
add_to_out(s.details.parent, s.details.permlevel, s.details.role, 'match', sel_val(s));
var args = "{'perm_dict': "+JSON.stringify(out)+"}"
$c_obj('Permission Control','update_permissions', args, function(r,rt) {});
// check boxes
for(i in pscript.all_checkboxes) {
c = pscript.all_checkboxes[i];
add_to_out(c.doctype, c.permlevel, c.role, c.perm_type, c.checked ? 1 : 0);
// matches
for(var i=0; i<pscript.all_matches.length; i++) {
var s = pscript.all_matches[i];
add_to_out(s.details.parent, s.details.permlevel, s.details.role, 'match', sel_val(s));
var args = "{'perm_dict': "+JSON.stringify(out)+"}"
$c_obj('Permission Control','update_permissions', args, function(r,rt) {});
// Update Page Roles
// ----------------------
pscript.PermEngine.prototype.update_page_roles = function() {
var me = this;
var out = {};
for(i in pscript.all_pg_checkboxes) {
c = pscript.all_pg_checkboxes[i];
out[c.page_name] = c.checked ? 1 : 0
var args = "{'page_role_dict': "+JSON.stringify(out)+", 'role': '"+sel_val(me.role_select)+"'}"
$c_obj('Permission Control','update_page_role', args, function(r,rt) {});
var me = this;
var out = {};
for(i in pscript.all_pg_checkboxes) {
c = pscript.all_pg_checkboxes[i];
out[c.page_name] = c.checked ? 1 : 0
var args = "{'page_role_dict': "+JSON.stringify(out)+", 'role': '"+sel_val(me.role_select)+"'}"
$c_obj('Permission Control','update_page_role', args, function(r,rt) {});
// Reset Permission Engine
// -------------------------
pscript.PermEngine.prototype.reset_perm_engine = function(){
this.type_select.selectedIndex = 0;
this.type_select.selectedIndex = 0;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user