feat(Cost Center): Distributed Cost Center (#21531)
* feat: Distributed Cost Center Squashed commit of the following: commit 274236eb92dfddfd015583ee1e6b5e1937366d28 Author: Vignesh <kaviya.3111999@gmail.com> Date: Mon Mar 23 18:32:26 2020 +0530 Fix: Indentation commit beae0b9849f333dd1d9f29c27192ea7de2e4e809 Author: Vignesh <kaviya.3111999@gmail.com> Date: Mon Mar 23 18:26:50 2020 +0530 The validations are added to distributed cost center. commit 3f66943adacb5797338ef3510251bf6633be3dba Author: Vignesh <kaviya.3111999@gmail.com> Date: Thu Mar 19 22:17:25 2020 +0530 The distributed cost centers are shown with the percentage allocation in the reports commit 1ac11df522096fa187d2f5863b4c970e18b37fac Author: Vignesh <kaviya.3111999@gmail.com> Date: Thu Mar 19 13:36:04 2020 +0530 The child table distributed cost center are added to cost center doctype and then validate percentage allocation. * fix(Distributed Cost Center): validation and filters * fix(Distributed Cost Center): financial statement query * fix(Distributed Cost Center): add test cases Co-authored-by: Vignesh S <svignesh0308@gmail.com> * fix(Distributed Cost Center): budget variance, general ledger, profitability analysis reports. * Merge branch 'develop' into develop-distributed-cost-center * fix(Distributed Cost Center): Added DCC reflection in actual amount column of Budget Variance Report. * Update creation field in general ledger report Co-authored-by: Nabin Hait <nabinhait@gmail.com> * creation field updated in gl_entries query Co-authored-by: Nabin Hait <nabinhait@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: KaviyaPeriyasamy <kaviya.3111999@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Vignesh S <svignesh0308@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: KaviyaPeriyasamy <kaviyaperiyasamy22@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Kaviya Periyasamy <36359901+KaviyaPeriyasamy@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Nabin Hait <nabinhait@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,7 +14,18 @@ frappe.ui.form.on('Cost Center', {
is_group: 1
frm.set_query("cost_center", "distributed_cost_center", function() {
return {
filters: {
company: frm.doc.company,
is_group: 0,
enable_distributed_cost_center: 0,
name: ['!=', frm.doc.name]
refresh: function(frm) {
if (!frm.is_new()) {
@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
@ -119,6 +122,24 @@
"fieldname": "disabled",
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "Disabled"
"default": "0",
"fieldname": "enable_distributed_cost_center",
"fieldtype": "Check",
"label": "Enable Distributed Cost Center"
"depends_on": "eval:doc.is_group==0",
"fieldname": "section_break_9",
"fieldtype": "Section Break"
"depends_on": "enable_distributed_cost_center",
"fieldname": "distributed_cost_center",
"fieldtype": "Table",
"label": "Distributed Cost Center",
"options": "Distributed Cost Center"
"icon": "fa fa-money",
@ -19,6 +19,24 @@ class CostCenter(NestedSet):
def validate(self):
def validate_distributed_cost_center(self):
if cint(self.enable_distributed_cost_center):
if not self.distributed_cost_center:
frappe.throw(_("Please enter distributed cost center"))
if sum(x.percentage_allocation for x in self.distributed_cost_center) != 100:
frappe.throw(_("Total percentage allocation for distributed cost center should be equal to 100"))
if not self.get('__islocal'):
if not cint(frappe.get_cached_value("Cost Center", {"name": self.name}, "enable_distributed_cost_center")) \
and self.check_if_part_of_distributed_cost_center():
frappe.throw(_("Cannot enable Distributed Cost Center for a Cost Center already allocated in another Distributed Cost Center"))
if next((True for x in self.distributed_cost_center if x.cost_center == x.parent), False):
frappe.throw(_("Parent Cost Center cannot be added in Distributed Cost Center"))
if check_if_distributed_cost_center_enabled(list(x.cost_center for x in self.distributed_cost_center)):
frappe.throw(_("A Distributed Cost Center cannot be added in the Distributed Cost Center allocation table."))
self.distributed_cost_center = []
def validate_mandatory(self):
if self.cost_center_name != self.company and not self.parent_cost_center:
@ -43,12 +61,15 @@ class CostCenter(NestedSet):
return 1
def convert_ledger_to_group(self):
if cint(self.enable_distributed_cost_center):
frappe.throw(_("Cost Center with enabled distributed cost center can not be converted to group"))
if self.check_if_part_of_distributed_cost_center():
frappe.throw(_("Cost Center Already Allocated in a Distributed Cost Center cannot be converted to group"))
if self.check_gle_exists():
frappe.throw(_("Cost Center with existing transactions can not be converted to group"))
self.is_group = 1
return 1
self.is_group = 1
return 1
def check_gle_exists(self):
return frappe.db.get_value("GL Entry", {"cost_center": self.name})
@ -57,6 +78,9 @@ class CostCenter(NestedSet):
return frappe.db.sql("select name from `tabCost Center` where \
parent_cost_center = %s and docstatus != 2", self.name)
def check_if_part_of_distributed_cost_center(self):
return frappe.db.get_value("Distributed Cost Center", {"cost_center": self.name})
def before_rename(self, olddn, newdn, merge=False):
# Add company abbr if not provided
from erpnext.setup.doctype.company.company import get_name_with_abbr
@ -100,3 +124,7 @@ def get_name_with_number(new_account, account_number):
if account_number and not new_account[0].isdigit():
new_account = account_number + " - " + new_account
return new_account
def check_if_distributed_cost_center_enabled(cost_center_list):
value_list = frappe.get_list("Cost Center", {"name": ["in", cost_center_list]}, "enable_distributed_cost_center", as_list=1)
return next((True for x in value_list if x[0]), False)
@ -22,6 +22,33 @@ class TestCostCenter(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertRaises(frappe.ValidationError, cost_center.save)
def test_validate_distributed_cost_center(self):
if not frappe.db.get_value('Cost Center', {'name': '_Test Cost Center - _TC'}):
if not frappe.db.get_value('Cost Center', {'name': '_Test Cost Center 2 - _TC'}):
invalid_distributed_cost_center = frappe.get_doc({
"company": "_Test Company",
"cost_center_name": "_Test Distributed Cost Center",
"doctype": "Cost Center",
"is_group": 0,
"parent_cost_center": "_Test Company - _TC",
"enable_distributed_cost_center": 1,
"distributed_cost_center": [{
"cost_center": "_Test Cost Center - _TC",
"percentage_allocation": 40
}, {
"cost_center": "_Test Cost Center 2 - _TC",
"percentage_allocation": 50
self.assertRaises(frappe.ValidationError, invalid_distributed_cost_center.save)
def create_cost_center(**args):
args = frappe._dict(args)
if args.cost_center_name:
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
"actions": [],
"creation": "2020-03-19 12:34:01.500390",
"doctype": "DocType",
"editable_grid": 1,
"engine": "InnoDB",
"field_order": [
"fields": [
"fieldname": "cost_center",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Cost Center",
"options": "Cost Center",
"reqd": 1
"fieldname": "percentage_allocation",
"fieldtype": "Float",
"in_list_view": 1,
"label": "Percentage Allocation",
"reqd": 1
"istable": 1,
"links": [],
"modified": "2020-03-19 12:54:43.674655",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Distributed Cost Center",
"owner": "Administrator",
"permissions": [],
"quick_entry": 1,
"sort_field": "modified",
"sort_order": "DESC",
"track_changes": 1
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2020, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
# For license information, please see license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
# import frappe
from frappe.model.document import Document
class DistributedCostCenter(Document):
@ -29,37 +29,60 @@ def execute(filters=None):
for dimension in dimensions:
dimension_items = cam_map.get(dimension)
if dimension_items:
for account, monthwise_data in iteritems(dimension_items):
row = [dimension, account]
totals = [0, 0, 0]
for year in get_fiscal_years(filters):
last_total = 0
for relevant_months in period_month_ranges:
period_data = [0, 0, 0]
for month in relevant_months:
if monthwise_data.get(year[0]):
month_data = monthwise_data.get(year[0]).get(month, {})
for i, fieldname in enumerate(["target", "actual", "variance"]):
value = flt(month_data.get(fieldname))
period_data[i] += value
totals[i] += value
period_data[0] += last_total
if filters.get("show_cumulative"):
last_total = period_data[0] - period_data[1]
period_data[2] = period_data[0] - period_data[1]
row += period_data
totals[2] = totals[0] - totals[1]
if filters["period"] != "Yearly":
row += totals
data = get_final_data(dimension, dimension_items, filters, period_month_ranges, data, 0)
DCC_allocation = frappe.db.sql('''SELECT parent, sum(percentage_allocation) as percentage_allocation
FROM `tabDistributed Cost Center`
WHERE cost_center IN %(dimension)s
AND parent NOT IN %(dimension)s
GROUP BY parent''',{'dimension':[dimension]})
if DCC_allocation:
filters['budget_against_filter'] = [DCC_allocation[0][0]]
cam_map = get_dimension_account_month_map(filters)
dimension_items = cam_map.get(DCC_allocation[0][0])
if dimension_items:
data = get_final_data(dimension, dimension_items, filters, period_month_ranges, data, DCC_allocation[0][1])
chart = get_chart_data(filters, columns, data)
return columns, data, None, chart
def get_final_data(dimension, dimension_items, filters, period_month_ranges, data, DCC_allocation):
for account, monthwise_data in iteritems(dimension_items):
row = [dimension, account]
totals = [0, 0, 0]
for year in get_fiscal_years(filters):
last_total = 0
for relevant_months in period_month_ranges:
period_data = [0, 0, 0]
for month in relevant_months:
if monthwise_data.get(year[0]):
month_data = monthwise_data.get(year[0]).get(month, {})
for i, fieldname in enumerate(["target", "actual", "variance"]):
value = flt(month_data.get(fieldname))
period_data[i] += value
totals[i] += value
period_data[0] += last_total
if DCC_allocation:
period_data[0] = period_data[0]*(DCC_allocation/100)
period_data[1] = period_data[1]*(DCC_allocation/100)
last_total = period_data[0] - period_data[1]
period_data[2] = period_data[0] - period_data[1]
row += period_data
totals[2] = totals[0] - totals[1]
if filters["period"] != "Yearly" :
row += totals
return data
def get_columns(filters):
columns = [
@ -366,7 +389,7 @@ def get_chart_data(filters, columns, data):
budget_values[i] += values[index]
actual_values[i] += values[index+1]
index += 3
return {
'data': {
'labels': labels,
@ -387,11 +387,41 @@ def set_gl_entries_by_account(
key: value
distributed_cost_center_query = ""
if filters and filters.get('cost_center'):
distributed_cost_center_query = """
SELECT posting_date,
debit*(DCC_allocation.percentage_allocation/100) as debit,
credit*(DCC_allocation.percentage_allocation/100) as credit,
debit_in_account_currency*(DCC_allocation.percentage_allocation/100) as debit_in_account_currency,
credit_in_account_currency*(DCC_allocation.percentage_allocation/100) as credit_in_account_currency,
FROM `tabGL Entry`,
SELECT parent, sum(percentage_allocation) as percentage_allocation
FROM `tabDistributed Cost Center`
WHERE cost_center IN %(cost_center)s
AND parent NOT IN %(cost_center)s
GROUP BY parent
) as DCC_allocation
WHERE company=%(company)s
AND posting_date <= %(to_date)s
AND cost_center = DCC_allocation.parent
""".format(additional_conditions=additional_conditions.replace("and cost_center in %(cost_center)s ", ''))
gl_entries = frappe.db.sql("""select posting_date, account, debit, credit, is_opening, fiscal_year, debit_in_account_currency, credit_in_account_currency, account_currency from `tabGL Entry`
where company=%(company)s
and posting_date <= %(to_date)s
order by account, posting_date""".format(additional_conditions=additional_conditions), gl_filters, as_dict=True) #nosec
order by account, posting_date""".format(
distributed_cost_center_query=distributed_cost_center_query), gl_filters, as_dict=True) #nosec
if filters and filters.get('presentation_currency'):
convert_to_presentation_currency(gl_entries, get_currency(filters))
@ -489,4 +519,4 @@ def get_columns(periodicity, period_list, accumulated_values=1, company=None):
"width": 150
return columns
return columns
@ -128,18 +128,53 @@ def get_gl_entries(filters):
filters['company_fb'] = frappe.db.get_value("Company",
filters.get("company"), 'default_finance_book')
distributed_cost_center_query = ""
if filters and filters.get('cost_center'):
select_fields_with_percentage = """, debit*(DCC_allocation.percentage_allocation/100) as debit, credit*(DCC_allocation.percentage_allocation/100) as credit, debit_in_account_currency*(DCC_allocation.percentage_allocation/100) as debit_in_account_currency,
credit_in_account_currency*(DCC_allocation.percentage_allocation/100) as credit_in_account_currency """
distributed_cost_center_query = """
SELECT name as gl_entry,
cost_center, project,
remarks, against,
is_opening, `tabGL Entry`.creation {select_fields_with_percentage}
FROM `tabGL Entry`,
SELECT parent, sum(percentage_allocation) as percentage_allocation
FROM `tabDistributed Cost Center`
WHERE cost_center IN %(cost_center)s
AND parent NOT IN %(cost_center)s
GROUP BY parent
) as DCC_allocation
WHERE company=%(company)s
AND posting_date <= %(to_date)s
AND cost_center = DCC_allocation.parent
""".format(select_fields_with_percentage=select_fields_with_percentage, conditions=get_conditions(filters).replace("and cost_center in %(cost_center)s ", ''))
gl_entries = frappe.db.sql(
name as gl_entry, posting_date, account, party_type, party,
voucher_type, voucher_no, cost_center, project,
against_voucher_type, against_voucher, account_currency,
remarks, against, is_opening {select_fields}
remarks, against, is_opening, creation {select_fields}
from `tabGL Entry`
where company=%(company)s {conditions}
select_fields=select_fields, conditions=get_conditions(filters),
select_fields=select_fields, conditions=get_conditions(filters), distributed_cost_center_query=distributed_cost_center_query,
filters, as_dict=1)
@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ def accumulate_values_into_parents(accounts, accounts_by_name):
def prepare_data(accounts, filters, total_row, parent_children_map, based_on):
data = []
new_accounts = accounts
company_currency = frappe.get_cached_value('Company', filters.get("company"), "default_currency")
for d in accounts:
@ -118,6 +119,19 @@ def prepare_data(accounts, filters, total_row, parent_children_map, based_on):
"currency": company_currency,
"based_on": based_on
if based_on == 'cost_center':
cost_center_doc = frappe.get_doc("Cost Center",d.name)
if not cost_center_doc.enable_distributed_cost_center:
DCC_allocation = frappe.db.sql("""SELECT parent, sum(percentage_allocation) as percentage_allocation
FROM `tabDistributed Cost Center`
WHERE cost_center IN %(cost_center)s
AND parent NOT IN %(cost_center)s
GROUP BY parent""",{'cost_center': [d.name]})
if DCC_allocation:
for account in new_accounts:
if account['name'] == DCC_allocation[0][0]:
for value in value_fields:
d[value] += account[value]*(DCC_allocation[0][1]/100)
for key in value_fields:
row[key] = flt(d.get(key, 0.0), 3)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user