Accounts Payable report improved: some query written outside the for-loop

Supplier: supplier_status field has been deleted, not used by anyone except janak
index patch modified
This commit is contained in:
nabinhait 2011-07-19 18:09:26 +05:30
parent 5f1d9962c6
commit e6526369f3
5 changed files with 128 additions and 127 deletions

View File

@ -2,134 +2,145 @@
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
if not filter_values.get('posting_date') or not filter_values.get('posting_date1'):
msgprint("Please select From Posting Date and To Posting Date ")
raise Exception
msgprint("Please select From Posting Date and To Posting Date ")
raise Exception
from_date = filter_values.get('posting_date')
to_date = filter_values.get('posting_date1')
from_date = filter_values.get('posting_date')
to_date = filter_values.get('posting_date1')
if not filter_values['range_1'] or not filter_values['range_2'] or not filter_values['range_3'] or not filter_values['range_4']:
msgprint("Please select aging ranges in no of days in 'More Filters' ")
raise Exception
msgprint("Please select aging ranges in no of days in 'More Filters' ")
raise Exception
# validate Range
range_list = ['range_1','range_2','range_3','range_4']
for r in range(len(range_list)-1):
if not cint(filter_values[range_list[r]]) < cint(filter_values[range_list[r + 1]]):
msgprint("Range %s should be less than Range %s." % (cstr(r+1),cstr(r+2)))
raise Exception
if not cint(filter_values[range_list[r]]) < cint(filter_values[range_list[r + 1]]):
msgprint("Range %s should be less than Range %s." % (cstr(r+1),cstr(r+2)))
raise Exception
# Add columns
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
data = [['Aging Date','Date','80px',''],
['Transaction Date','Date','80px',''],
['Against Voucher Type','Data','120px',''],
['Against Voucher','Data','120px',''],
['Voucher Type','Data','120px',''],
['Voucher No','Data','120px',''],
['Supplier Type', 'Data', '80px', ''],
['Due Date', 'Data', '80px', ''],
['Bill No','Data','80px',''],
['Bill Date','Data','80px',''],
['Opening Amt','Currency','120px',''],
['Outstanding Amt','Currency','120px',''],
['Age (Days)', 'Currency', '150px', ''],
[cstr(cint(filter_values['range_1']) + 1)+ '-' +cstr(filter_values['range_2']),'Currency','100px',''],
[cstr(cint(filter_values['range_2']) + 1)+ '-' +cstr(filter_values['range_3']),'Currency','100px',''],
[cstr(cint(filter_values['range_3']) + 1)+ '-' +cstr(filter_values['range_4']),'Currency','100px',''],
[cstr(filter_values['range_4']) + '-Above','Currency','100px','']]
['Transaction Date','Date','80px',''],
['Against Voucher Type','Data','120px',''],
['Against Voucher','Data','120px',''],
['Voucher Type','Data','120px',''],
['Voucher No','Data','120px',''],
['Supplier Type', 'Data', '80px', ''],
['Due Date', 'Data', '80px', ''],
['Bill No','Data','80px',''],
['Bill Date','Data','80px',''],
['Opening Amt','Currency','120px',''],
['Outstanding Amt','Currency','120px',''],
['Age (Days)', 'Currency', '150px', ''],
[cstr(cint(filter_values['range_1']) + 1)+ '-' +cstr(filter_values['range_2']),'Currency','100px',''],
[cstr(cint(filter_values['range_2']) + 1)+ '-' +cstr(filter_values['range_3']),'Currency','100px',''],
[cstr(cint(filter_values['range_3']) + 1)+ '-' +cstr(filter_values['range_4']),'Currency','100px',''],
[cstr(filter_values['range_4']) + '-Above','Currency','100px','']]
for d in data:
col_idx[d[0]] = len(colnames)-1
col_idx[d[0]] = len(colnames)-1
# ageing based on
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
aging_based_on = 'Aging Date'
if filter_values.has_key('aging_based_on') and filter_values['aging_based_on']:
aging_based_on = filter_values['aging_based_on'].split(NEWLINE)[-1]
aging_based_on = filter_values['aging_based_on'].split(NEWLINE)[-1]
if len(res) > 600 and from_export == 0:
msgprint("This is a very large report and cannot be shown in the browser as it is likely to make your browser very slow.Please select Account or click on 'Export' to open in excel")
raise Exception
if len(res) > 600 and from_export == 0:
msgprint("This is a very large report and cannot be shown in the browser as it is likely to make your browser very slow.Please select Account or click on 'Export' to open in excel")
raise Exception
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# main loop starts here
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# get supplier type
supp_type_dict = {}
for each in sql("select, t1.supplier_type from tabSupplier t1, tabAccount t2 where = t2.account_name group by"):
supp_type_dict[each[0]] = each[1]
# get due_date, bill_no, bill_date from PV
pv_dict = {}
for t in sql("select name, due_date, bill_no, bill_date from `tabPayable Voucher` group by name"):
pv_dict[t[0]] = [cstr(t[1]), t[2], cstr(t[3])]
# pv outside this period
pv_outside_period = [d[0] for d in sql("select distinct name from `tabPayable Voucher` where (posting_date < '%s' or posting_date > '%s') and docstatus = 1" % (from_date, to_date))]
out = []
total_booking_amt, total_outstanding_amt = 0,0
for r in res:
# get supplier type
supplier_type = sql("select t1.supplier_type from tabSupplier t1, tabAccount t2 where = t2.account_name and = '%s'" % r[col_idx['Account']])
r.append(supplier_type and cstr(supplier_type[0][0]) or '')
outstanding_amt, due_date, bill_no, bill_date, cond = 0, '','','', ''
booking_amt = r.pop(8)
# supplier type
r.append(supp_type_dict.get(r[col_idx['Account']], ''))
# if entry against Payable Voucher
if r[col_idx['Against Voucher']] and r[col_idx['Voucher Type']] == 'Payable Voucher':
r += pv_dict.get(r[col_idx['Voucher No']], ['', '', ''])
cond = " and ifnull(against_voucher, '') = '%s'" % r[col_idx['Against Voucher']]
outstanding_amt, booking_amt, due_date, bill_no, bill_date, cond = 0,0, '','','', ''
# if entry against JV & and not adjusted within period
elif r[col_idx['Against Voucher Type']] == 'Payable Voucher' and r[col_idx['Against Voucher']] in pv_outside_period:
booking_amt = 0
cond = " and voucher_no = '%s' and ifnull(against_voucher, '') = '%s'" % (r[col_idx['Voucher No']], r[col_idx['Against Voucher']])
# if un-adjusted
elif not r[col_idx['Against Voucher']]:
booking_amt = 0
cond = " and ((voucher_no = '%s' and ifnull(against_voucher, '') = '') or (ifnull(against_voucher, '') = '%s' and voucher_type = 'Journal Voucher'))" % (r[col_idx['Voucher No']], r[col_idx['Voucher No']])
# if entry against Payable Voucher
if r[col_idx['Against Voucher']] and r[col_idx['Voucher Type']] == 'Payable Voucher':
due_date, bill_no, bill_date = [cstr(t) for t in sql("select due_date,bill_no,bill_date from `tabPayable Voucher` where name = %s", r[col_idx['Voucher No']])[0]]
if cond:
outstanding_amt = flt(sql("select sum(ifnull(credit, 0))-sum(ifnull(debit, 0)) from `tabGL Entry` where account = '%s' and ifnull(is_cancelled, 'No') = 'No' and posting_date <= '%s' %s" % (r[col_idx['Account']], to_date, cond))[0][0] or 0)
# get opening
booking_amt = sql("select credit from `tabGL Entry` where account = %s and voucher_no = %s and is_cancelled = 'No'", (r[col_idx['Account']], r[col_idx['Voucher No']]))
booking_amt = booking_amt and flt(booking_amt[0][0]) or 0
# add to total outstanding
total_outstanding_amt += flt(outstanding_amt)
cond = " and against_voucher = '%s' and against_voucher is not null" % r[col_idx['Against Voucher']]
# add to total booking amount
if outstanding_amt and r[col_idx['Voucher Type']] == 'Payable Voucher' and r[col_idx['Against Voucher']]:
total_booking_amt += flt(booking_amt)
# if entry against JV & and not adjusted within period
elif r[col_idx['Against Voucher Type']] == 'Payable Voucher' and sql("select name from `tabPayable Voucher` where name = '%s' and (posting_date < '%s' or posting_date > '%s') and docstatus = 1" % (r[col_idx['Against Voucher']], from_date, to_date)):
cond = " and voucher_no = '%s' and ifnull(against_voucher, '') = '%s'" % (r[col_idx['Voucher No']], r[col_idx['Against Voucher']])
# if un-adjusted
elif not r[col_idx['Against Voucher']]:
cond = " and ((voucher_no = '%s' and ifnull(against_voucher, '') = '') or (ifnull(against_voucher, '') = '%s' and voucher_type = 'Journal Voucher'))" % (r[col_idx['Voucher No']], r[col_idx['Voucher No']])
r += [booking_amt, outstanding_amt]
# split into date ranges
val_l1 = val_l2 = val_l3 = val_l4 = val_l5_above= 0
if r[col_idx[aging_based_on]]:
diff = (getdate(to_date) - getdate(r[col_idx[aging_based_on]])).days
if diff < cint(filter_values['range_1']):
val_l1 = outstanding_amt
if diff >= cint(filter_values['range_1']) and diff < cint(filter_values['range_2']):
val_l2 = outstanding_amt
if diff >= cint(filter_values['range_2']) and diff < cint(filter_values['range_3']):
val_l3 = outstanding_amt
if diff >= cint(filter_values['range_3']) and diff < cint(filter_values['range_4']):
val_l4 = outstanding_amt
if diff >= cint(filter_values['range_4']):
val_l5_above = outstanding_amt
if cond:
outstanding_amt = flt(sql("select sum(ifnull(credit, 0))-sum(ifnull(debit, 0)) from `tabGL Entry` where account = '%s' and ifnull(is_cancelled, 'No') = 'No' and posting_date <= '%s' %s" % (r[col_idx['Account']], to_date, cond))[0][0] or 0)
r += [diff, val_l1, val_l2, val_l3, val_l4, val_l5_above]
# add to total outstanding
total_outstanding_amt += flt(outstanding_amt)
# add to total booking amount
if outstanding_amt and r[col_idx['Voucher Type']] == 'Payable Voucher' and r[col_idx['Against Voucher']]:
total_booking_amt += flt(booking_amt)
r += [due_date, bill_no, bill_date, booking_amt, outstanding_amt]
# split into date ranges
val_l1 = val_l2 = val_l3 = val_l4 = val_l5_above= 0
if r[col_idx[aging_based_on]]:
diff = (getdate(to_date) - getdate(r[col_idx[aging_based_on]])).days
if diff < cint(filter_values['range_1']):
val_l1 = outstanding_amt
if diff >= cint(filter_values['range_1']) and diff < cint(filter_values['range_2']):
val_l2 = outstanding_amt
if diff >= cint(filter_values['range_2']) and diff < cint(filter_values['range_3']):
val_l3 = outstanding_amt
if diff >= cint(filter_values['range_3']) and diff < cint(filter_values['range_4']):
val_l4 = outstanding_amt
if diff >= cint(filter_values['range_4']):
val_l5_above = outstanding_amt
r += [diff, val_l1, val_l2, val_l3, val_l4, val_l5_above]
# Only show that entry which has outstanding
if abs(flt(outstanding_amt)) > 0.001:
if len(out) > 300 and from_export == 0:
msgprint("This is a very large report and cannot be shown in the browser as it is likely to make your browser very slow.Please select Account or click on 'Export' to open in excel")
raise Exception
# Only show that entry which has outstanding
if abs(flt(outstanding_amt)) > 0.001:
if len(out) > 300 and from_export == 0:
msgprint("This is a very large report and cannot be shown in the browser as it is likely to make your browser very slow.Please select Account or click on 'Export' to open in excel")
raise Exception
# Append Extra rows to RES

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
SELECT DISTINCT `tabGL Entry`.`Aging_date`,`tabGL Entry`.`transaction_date`,`tabGL Entry`.`account`, `tabGL Entry`.`against_voucher_type`, `tabGL Entry`.`against_voucher`,`tabGL Entry`.`voucher_type`,`tabGL Entry`.`voucher_no`, `tabGL Entry`.remarks
SELECT DISTINCT `tabGL Entry`.`Aging_date`,`tabGL Entry`.`transaction_date`,`tabGL Entry`.`account`, `tabGL Entry`.`against_voucher_type`, `tabGL Entry`.`against_voucher`,`tabGL Entry`.`voucher_type`,`tabGL Entry`.`voucher_no`, `tabGL Entry`.`remarks`, `tabGL Entry`.`credit`
FROM `tabGL Entry`,`tabAccount`
WHERE `tabGL Entry`.`posting_date`>= '%(posting_date)s'
AND `tabGL Entry`.`posting_date`<= '%(posting_date1)s'

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
'creation': '2010-08-08 17:09:26',
'docstatus': 0,
'modified': '2011-05-10 17:42:21',
'modified': '2011-07-19 16:18:58',
'modified_by': 'Administrator',
'owner': 'Administrator'
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
'show_in_menu': 0,
'subject': ' ',
'tag_fields': 'supplier_type',
'version': 86
'version': 87
# These values are common for all DocField
@ -163,24 +163,11 @@
'permlevel': 0
# DocField
'doctype': 'DocField',
'fieldname': 'supplier_status',
'fieldtype': 'Select',
'idx': 6,
'label': 'Supplier Status',
'oldfieldname': 'supplier_status',
'oldfieldtype': 'Select',
'options': '\nApproved\nUnapproved',
'permlevel': 0
# DocField
'doctype': 'DocField',
'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
'idx': 7,
'idx': 6,
'label': 'Address & Contacts',
'oldfieldtype': 'Column Break',
'permlevel': 0
@ -192,7 +179,7 @@
'depends_on': 'eval:doc.__islocal',
'doctype': 'DocField',
'fieldtype': 'HTML',
'idx': 8,
'idx': 7,
'label': 'Address Desc',
'options': '<em>Addresses will appear only when you save the supplier</em>',
'permlevel': 0
@ -203,7 +190,7 @@
'colour': 'White:FFF',
'doctype': 'DocField',
'fieldtype': 'HTML',
'idx': 9,
'idx': 8,
'label': 'Address HTML',
'permlevel': 1
@ -212,7 +199,7 @@
'doctype': 'DocField',
'fieldtype': 'Column Break',
'idx': 10,
'idx': 9,
'permlevel': 0,
'width': '50%'
@ -223,7 +210,7 @@
'depends_on': 'eval:doc.__islocal',
'doctype': 'DocField',
'fieldtype': 'HTML',
'idx': 11,
'idx': 10,
'label': 'Contact Desc',
'options': '<em>Contact Details will appear only when you save the supplier</em>',
'permlevel': 0
@ -233,7 +220,7 @@
'doctype': 'DocField',
'fieldtype': 'HTML',
'idx': 12,
'idx': 11,
'label': 'Contact HTML',
'permlevel': 1
@ -242,7 +229,7 @@
'doctype': 'DocField',
'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
'idx': 13,
'idx': 12,
'label': 'More Info',
'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
'permlevel': 0
@ -255,7 +242,7 @@
'doctype': 'DocField',
'fieldname': 'company',
'fieldtype': 'Link',
'idx': 14,
'idx': 13,
'in_filter': 1,
'label': 'Company',
'oldfieldname': 'company',
@ -273,7 +260,7 @@
'doctype': 'DocField',
'fieldname': 'supplier_details',
'fieldtype': 'Text',
'idx': 15,
'idx': 14,
'label': 'Supplier Details',
'oldfieldname': 'supplier_details',
'oldfieldtype': 'Code',
@ -284,7 +271,7 @@
'doctype': 'DocField',
'fieldtype': 'Column Break',
'idx': 16,
'idx': 15,
'permlevel': 0,
'width': '50%'
@ -294,7 +281,7 @@
'doctype': 'DocField',
'fieldname': 'credit_days',
'fieldtype': 'Int',
'idx': 17,
'idx': 16,
'label': 'Credit Days',
'permlevel': 0
@ -304,7 +291,7 @@
'doctype': 'DocField',
'fieldname': 'website',
'fieldtype': 'Data',
'idx': 18,
'idx': 17,
'label': 'Website',
'oldfieldname': 'website',
'oldfieldtype': 'Data',
@ -317,7 +304,7 @@
'depends_on': 'eval:!doc.__islocal',
'doctype': 'DocField',
'fieldtype': 'Section Break',
'idx': 19,
'idx': 18,
'label': 'Transaction History',
'oldfieldtype': 'Section Break',
'permlevel': 0
@ -329,7 +316,7 @@
'depends_on': 'eval:!doc.__islocal',
'doctype': 'DocField',
'fieldtype': 'HTML',
'idx': 20,
'idx': 19,
'label': 'History HTML',
'oldfieldtype': 'HTML',
'permlevel': 0
@ -340,7 +327,7 @@
'doctype': 'DocField',
'fieldname': 'trash_reason',
'fieldtype': 'Small Text',
'idx': 21,
'idx': 20,
'label': 'Trash Reason',
'oldfieldname': 'trash_reason',
'oldfieldtype': 'Small Text',

View File

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ def create_proper_index():
'File Group': ['parent_group'],
'Maintenance Visit Detail': ['item_code', 'service_person'],
'Support Ticket Response': [],
'PV Detail': ['item_code', 'purchase_order', 'po_detail', 'purchase_receipt', 'pr_detail', 'expense_head', 'cost_center'],
'PV Detail': ['item_code', 'purchase_order', 'purchase_receipt', 'expense_head', 'cost_center'],
'Timesheet Detail': ['project_name', 'task_id', 'customer_name'],
'Holiday List Detail': [],
'Workflow Rule Detail': [],
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ def create_proper_index():
'Declaration Detail': [],
'Holiday List': ['fiscal_year'],
'Sales Person': ['lft', 'rgt', 'parent_sales_person'],
'RV Detail': ['item_code', 'sales_order', 'so_detail', 'delivery_note', 'dn_detail', 'cost_center', 'income_account'],
'RV Detail': ['item_code', 'sales_order', 'delivery_note', 'cost_center', 'income_account'],
'Module Def Item': [],
'TDS Category': [],
'DocTrigger': [],

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# REMEMBER to update this
# ========================
last_patch = 326
last_patch = 327
@ -1298,3 +1298,6 @@ def execute(patch_no):
# load the new billing page
if cint(webnotes.conn.get_value('Control Panel',None,'sync_with_gateway')):
elif patch_no == 327:
if webnotes.conn.get_value('Control Panel', None, 'account_id') != 'axjanak2011':
sql("delete from `tabDocField` where fieldname = 'supplier_status' and parent = 'Supplier'")