set after_insert methods:

- if subscription is not in trial period, generate sales invoice
This commit is contained in:
tundebabzy 2018-02-26 16:03:56 +01:00
parent b72aac6729
commit d3fdcd9da5

View File

@ -42,6 +42,17 @@ class Subscriptions(Document):
self.status = 'Active'
# todo: then generate new invoice
def is_trialling(self):
return not self.period_has_passed(self.trial_period_end) and self.is_new_subscription()
def period_has_passed(self, end_date):
# todo: test for illegal time
if not end_date:
return True
end_date = getdate(end_date)
return nowdate() > end_date
def is_past_grace_period(self):
current_invoice = self.get_current_invoice()
if self.current_invoice_is_past_due(current_invoice):
@ -58,6 +69,12 @@ class Subscriptions(Document):
return nowdate() > current_invoice.due_date
def get_current_invoice(self):
if len(self.invoices):
current = self.invoices[-1]
doc = frappe.get_doc('Sales Invoice', current)
return doc
def is_new_subscription(self):
return len(self.invoices) == 0
@ -72,3 +89,67 @@ class Subscriptions(Document):
elif self.trial_period_start or self.trial_period_end:
frappe.throw(_('Both Trial Period Start Date and Trial Period End Date must be set'))
def after_insert(self):
if not self.is_trialling():
def generate_invoice(self):
invoice = self.create_invoice()
self.append('invoices', {'invoice':})
return invoice
def create_invoice(self):
invoice = frappe.new_doc('Sales Invoice')
invoice.customer = self.get_customer(self.subscriber)
# Subscription is better suited for service items. I won't update `update_stock`
# for that reason
items_list = self.get_items_from_plans(self.plans)
for item in items_list:
item['qty'] = self.quantity
invoice.append('items', item)
# Taxes
# todo: tax template does not populate tax table
if self.tax_template:
invoice.taxes_and_charges = self.tax_template
# Due date
if cint(self.days_until_due):
'due_date': add_days(nowdate(), cint(self.days_until_due)),
'invoice_portion': 100
# Discounts
if self.apply_additional_discount:
invoice.apply_discount_on = self.apply_additional_discount
if self.additional_discount_percentage:
invoice.additional_discount_percentage = self.additional_discount_percentage
if self.additional_discount_amount:
invoice.additional_discount_amount = self.additional_discount_amount
return invoice
def get_customer(self, subscriber_name):
return frappe.get_value('Subscriber', subscriber_name)
def get_items_from_plans(self, plans):
plan_items = [plan.plan for plan in plans]
if plan_items:
item_names = frappe.db.sql(
'select item as item_code, cost as rate from `tabSubscription Plan` where name=%s',
plan_items, as_dict=1
return item_names