Merge branch 'master' of into responsive
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ def execute(filters=None):
for gle in entries:
if cstr(gle.against_voucher) == gle.voucher_no or not gle.against_voucher \
or [gle.against_voucher_type, gle.against_voucher] in entries_after_report_date:
if gle.voucher_type == "Purchase Invoice":
pi_info = pi_map.get(gle.voucher_no)
due_date = pi_info.get("due_date")
@ -34,11 +33,11 @@ def execute(filters=None):
due_date = bill_no = bill_date = ""
invoiced_amount = > 0 and or 0
paid_amount = get_paid_amount(gle, filters.get("report_date") or nowdate(),
outstanding_amount = invoiced_amount - paid_amount
outstanding_amount = get_outstanding_amount(gle,
filters.get("report_date") or nowdate())
if abs(flt(outstanding_amount)) > 0.01:
paid_amount = invoiced_amount - outstanding_amount
row = [gle.posting_date, gle.account, gle.voucher_type, gle.voucher_no,
gle.remarks, account_supplier_type_map.get(gle.account), due_date, bill_no,
bill_date, invoiced_amount, paid_amount, outstanding_amount]
@ -116,17 +115,13 @@ def get_pi_map():
return pi_map
def get_paid_amount(gle, report_date, entries_after_report_date):
def get_outstanding_amount(gle, report_date):
payment_amount = webnotes.conn.sql("""
select sum(ifnull(debit, 0)) - sum(ifnull(credit, 0))
from `tabGL Entry`
where account = %s and posting_date <= %s and against_voucher_type = %s
and against_voucher = %s and name != %s and ifnull(is_cancelled, 'No') = 'No'""",
(gle.account, report_date, gle.voucher_type, gle.voucher_no,[0][0]
paid_amount = 0
if flt(gle.debit) > 0 and (not gle.against_voucher or
[gle.against_voucher_type, gle.against_voucher] in entries_after_report_date):
paid_amount = gle.debit
elif flt( > 0:
paid_amount = webnotes.conn.sql("""
select sum(ifnull(debit, 0)) - sum(ifnull(credit, 0)) from `tabGL Entry`
where account = %s and posting_date <= %s and against_voucher_type = %s
and against_voucher = %s and name != %s and ifnull(is_cancelled, 'No') = 'No'""",
(gle.account, report_date, gle.voucher_type, gle.voucher_no,[0][0]
return flt(paid_amount)
outstanding_amount = flt( - flt(gle.debit) - flt(payment_amount)
return outstanding_amount
@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ def execute(filters=None):
and si_due_date_map.get(gle.voucher_no) or ""
invoiced_amount = gle.debit > 0 and gle.debit or 0
payment_amount = get_payment_amount(gle, filters.get("report_date") or nowdate(),
outstanding_amount = invoiced_amount - payment_amount
outstanding_amount = get_outstanding_amount(gle,
filters.get("report_date") or nowdate())
if abs(flt(outstanding_amount)) > 0.01:
payment_amount = invoiced_amount - outstanding_amount
row = [gle.posting_date, gle.account, gle.voucher_type, gle.voucher_no,
gle.remarks, due_date, account_territory_map.get(gle.account),
invoiced_amount, payment_amount, outstanding_amount]
@ -104,6 +104,16 @@ def get_si_due_date_map():
return si_due_date_map
def get_outstanding_amount(gle, report_date):
payment_amount = webnotes.conn.sql("""
select sum(ifnull(credit, 0)) - sum(ifnull(debit, 0))
from `tabGL Entry`
where account = %s and posting_date <= %s and against_voucher_type = %s
and against_voucher = %s and name != %s and ifnull(is_cancelled, 'No') = 'No'""",
(gle.account, report_date, gle.voucher_type, gle.voucher_no,[0][0]
return flt(gle.debit) - flt( - flt(payment_amount)
def get_payment_amount(gle, report_date, entries_after_report_date):
payment_amount = 0
if flt( > 0 and (not gle.against_voucher or
@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ def execute(filters=None):
data = []
for d in item_list:
expense_head = d.expense_head or aii_account_map.get(
data.append([d.item_code, d.item_name, d.item_group,, d.posting_date, d.supplier,
d.credit_to, d.project_name,, d.purchase_order, d.purchase_receipt,
expense_head, d.qty, d.rate, d.amount])
data.append([d.item_code, d.item_name, d.item_group,, d.posting_date,
d.supplier_name, d.credit_to, d.project_name,, d.purchase_order,
d.purchase_receipt, expense_head, d.qty, d.rate, d.amount])
return columns, data
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ def get_items(filters):
return webnotes.conn.sql("""select, pi.posting_date, pi.credit_to,,
pi.supplier, pi.remarks, pi_item.item_code, pi_item.item_name, pi_item.item_group,
pi_item.project_name, pi_item.purchase_order, pi_item.purchase_receipt,
pi_item.expense_head, pi_item.qty, pi_item.rate, pi_item.amount
pi_item.expense_head, pi_item.qty, pi_item.rate, pi_item.amount, pi.supplier_name
from `tabPurchase Invoice` pi, `tabPurchase Invoice Item` pi_item
where = pi_item.parent and pi.docstatus = 1 %s
order by pi.posting_date desc, pi_item.item_code desc""" % conditions, filters, as_dict=1)
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import webnotes
from webnotes.utils import flt
def execute(filters=None):
if not filters: filters = {}
@ -26,9 +25,9 @@ def execute(filters=None):
data = []
for d in item_list:
data.append([d.item_code, d.item_name, d.item_group,, d.posting_date, d.customer,
d.debit_to, d.territory, d.project_name,, d.sales_order, d.delivery_note,
d.income_account, d.qty, d.basic_rate, d.amount])
data.append([d.item_code, d.item_name, d.item_group,, d.posting_date,
d.customer_name, d.debit_to, d.territory, d.project_name,, d.sales_order,
d.delivery_note, d.income_account, d.qty, d.basic_rate, d.amount])
return columns, data
@ -61,7 +60,7 @@ def get_items(filters):
return webnotes.conn.sql("""select, si.posting_date, si.debit_to, si.project_name,
si.customer, si.remarks, si.territory,, si_item.item_code, si_item.item_name,
si_item.item_group, si_item.sales_order, si_item.delivery_note, si_item.income_account,
si_item.qty, si_item.basic_rate, si_item.amount
si_item.qty, si_item.basic_rate, si_item.amount, si.customer_name
from `tabSales Invoice` si, `tabSales Invoice Item` si_item
where = si_item.parent and si.docstatus = 1 %s
order by si.posting_date desc, si_item.item_code desc""" % conditions, filters, as_dict=1)
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ def execute(filters=None):
return columns, invoice_list
invoice_expense_map = get_invoice_expense_map(invoice_list)
invoice_tax_map = get_invoice_tax_map(invoice_list)
invoice_expense_map, invoice_tax_map = get_invoice_tax_map(invoice_list, invoice_expense_map)
invoice_po_pr_map = get_invoice_po_pr_map(invoice_list)
account_map = get_account_details(invoice_list)
@ -42,25 +42,32 @@ def execute(filters=None):
purchase_receipt = list(set(invoice_po_pr_map.get(, {}).get("purchase_receipt", [])))
project_name = list(set(invoice_po_pr_map.get(, {}).get("project_name", [])))
row = [, inv.posting_date, inv.supplier, inv.credit_to,
row = [, inv.posting_date, inv.supplier_name, inv.credit_to,
account_map.get(inv.credit_to), ", ".join(project_name), inv.bill_no, inv.bill_date,
inv.remarks, ", ".join(purchase_order), ", ".join(purchase_receipt)]
# map expense values
net_total = 0
for expense_acc in expense_accounts:
row.append(invoice_expense_map.get(, {}).get(expense_acc))
expense_amount = flt(invoice_expense_map.get(, {}).get(expense_acc))
net_total += expense_amount
# net total
# tax account
total_tax = 0
for tax_acc in tax_accounts:
row.append(invoice_tax_map.get(, {}).get(tax_acc))
if tax_acc not in expense_accounts:
tax_amount = flt(invoice_tax_map.get(, {}).get(tax_acc))
total_tax += tax_amount
# total tax, grand total, outstanding amount & rounded total
row += [inv.total_tax, inv.grand_total, flt(inv.grand_total, 2), \
row += [total_tax, inv.grand_total, flt(inv.grand_total, 2), inv.outstanding_amount]
# raise Exception
return columns, data
@ -68,12 +75,13 @@ def execute(filters=None):
def get_columns(invoice_list):
"""return columns based on filters"""
columns = [
"Invoice:Link/Purchase Invoice:120", "Posting Date:Date:80", "Supplier:Link/Supplier:120",
"Invoice:Link/Purchase Invoice:120", "Posting Date:Date:80", "Supplier::120",
"Supplier Account:Link/Account:120", "Account Group:LInk/Account:120",
"Project:Link/Project:80", "Bill No::120", "Bill Date:Date:80", "Remarks::150",
"Purchase Order:Link/Purchase Order:100", "Purchase Receipt:Link/Purchase Receipt:100"
expense_accounts = tax_accounts = []
expense_accounts = tax_accounts = expense_columns = tax_columns = []
if invoice_list:
expense_accounts = webnotes.conn.sql_list("""select distinct expense_head
from `tabPurchase Invoice Item` where docstatus = 1 and ifnull(expense_head, '') != ''
@ -86,8 +94,14 @@ def get_columns(invoice_list):
order by account_head""" %
', '.join(['%s']*len(invoice_list)), tuple([ for inv in invoice_list]))
columns = columns + [(account + ":Currency:120") for account in expense_accounts] + \
["Net Total:Currency:120"] + [(account + ":Currency:120") for account in tax_accounts] + \
expense_columns = [(account + ":Currency:120") for account in expense_accounts]
for account in tax_accounts:
if account not in expense_accounts:
tax_columns.append(account + ":Currency:120")
columns = columns + expense_columns + \
["Net Total:Currency:120"] + tax_columns + \
["Total Tax:Currency:120"] + ["Grand Total:Currency:120"] + \
["Rounded Total:Currency:120"] + ["Outstanding Amount:Currency:120"]
@ -106,9 +120,8 @@ def get_conditions(filters):
def get_invoices(filters):
conditions = get_conditions(filters)
return webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, posting_date, credit_to,
supplier, bill_no, bill_date, remarks, net_total,
total_tax, grand_total, outstanding_amount
return webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, posting_date, credit_to, supplier, supplier_name,
bill_no, bill_date, remarks, grand_total, outstanding_amount
from `tabPurchase Invoice` where docstatus = 1 %s
order by posting_date desc, name desc""" % conditions, filters, as_dict=1)
@ -125,17 +138,20 @@ def get_invoice_expense_map(invoice_list):
return invoice_expense_map
def get_invoice_tax_map(invoice_list):
def get_invoice_tax_map(invoice_list, invoice_expense_map):
tax_details = webnotes.conn.sql("""select parent, account_head, sum(tax_amount) as tax_amount
from `tabPurchase Taxes and Charges` where parent in (%s) group by parent, account_head""" %
', '.join(['%s']*len(invoice_list)), tuple([ for inv in invoice_list]), as_dict=1)
invoice_tax_map = {}
for d in tax_details:
invoice_tax_map.setdefault(d.parent, webnotes._dict()).setdefault(d.account_head, [])
invoice_tax_map[d.parent][d.account_head] = flt(d.tax_amount)
if d.account_head in invoice_expense_map.get(d.parent):
invoice_expense_map[d.parent][d.account_head] += flt(d.tax_amount)
invoice_tax_map.setdefault(d.parent, webnotes._dict()).setdefault(d.account_head, [])
invoice_tax_map[d.parent][d.account_head] = flt(d.tax_amount)
return invoice_tax_map
return invoice_expense_map, invoice_tax_map
def get_invoice_po_pr_map(invoice_list):
pi_items = webnotes.conn.sql("""select parent, purchase_order, purchase_receipt,
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ def execute(filters=None):
return columns, invoice_list
invoice_income_map = get_invoice_income_map(invoice_list)
invoice_tax_map = get_invoice_tax_map(invoice_list)
invoice_income_map, invoice_tax_map = get_invoice_tax_map(invoice_list, invoice_income_map)
invoice_so_dn_map = get_invoice_so_dn_map(invoice_list)
customer_map = get_customer_deatils(invoice_list)
@ -42,23 +42,30 @@ def execute(filters=None):
sales_order = list(set(invoice_so_dn_map.get(, {}).get("sales_order", [])))
delivery_note = list(set(invoice_so_dn_map.get(, {}).get("delivery_note", [])))
row = [, inv.posting_date, inv.customer, inv.debit_to,
row = [, inv.posting_date, inv.customer_name, inv.debit_to,
account_map.get(inv.debit_to), customer_map.get(inv.customer), inv.project_name,
inv.remarks, ", ".join(sales_order), ", ".join(delivery_note)]
# map income values
net_total = 0
for income_acc in income_accounts:
row.append(invoice_income_map.get(, {}).get(income_acc))
income_amount = flt(invoice_income_map.get(, {}).get(income_acc))
net_total += income_amount
# net total
# tax account
total_tax = 0
for tax_acc in tax_accounts:
row.append(invoice_tax_map.get(, {}).get(tax_acc))
if tax_acc not in income_accounts:
tax_amount = flt(invoice_tax_map.get(, {}).get(tax_acc))
total_tax += tax_amount
# total tax, grand total, outstanding amount & rounded total
row += [inv.other_charges_total, inv.grand_total, inv.rounded_total, inv.outstanding_amount]
row += [total_tax, inv.grand_total, inv.rounded_total, inv.outstanding_amount]
@ -68,13 +75,14 @@ def execute(filters=None):
def get_columns(invoice_list):
"""return columns based on filters"""
columns = [
"Invoice:Link/Sales Invoice:120", "Posting Date:Date:80", "Customer:Link/Customer:120",
"Invoice:Link/Sales Invoice:120", "Posting Date:Date:80", "Customer::120",
"Customer Account:Link/Account:120", "Account Group:LInk/Account:120",
"Territory:Link/Territory:80", "Project:Link/Project:80",
"Remarks::150", "Sales Order:Link/Sales Order:100", "Delivery Note:Link/Delivery Note:100"
income_accounts = tax_accounts = []
income_accounts = tax_accounts = income_columns = tax_columns = []
if invoice_list:
income_accounts = webnotes.conn.sql_list("""select distinct income_account
from `tabSales Invoice Item` where docstatus = 1 and parent in (%s)
@ -83,11 +91,16 @@ def get_columns(invoice_list):
tax_accounts = webnotes.conn.sql_list("""select distinct account_head
from `tabSales Taxes and Charges` where parenttype = 'Sales Invoice'
and docstatus = 1 and parent in (%s) order by account_head""" %
and docstatus = 1 and ifnull(tax_amount, 0) != 0
and parent in (%s) order by account_head""" %
', '.join(['%s']*len(invoice_list)), tuple([ for inv in invoice_list]))
columns = columns + [(account + ":Currency:120") for account in income_accounts] + \
["Net Total:Currency:120"] + [(account + ":Currency:120") for account in tax_accounts] + \
income_columns = [(account + ":Currency:120") for account in income_accounts]
for account in tax_accounts:
if account not in income_accounts:
tax_columns.append(account + ":Currency:120")
columns = columns + income_columns + ["Net Total:Currency:120"] + tax_columns + \
["Total Tax:Currency:120"] + ["Grand Total:Currency:120"] + \
["Rounded Total:Currency:120"] + ["Outstanding Amount:Currency:120"]
@ -107,8 +120,8 @@ def get_conditions(filters):
def get_invoices(filters):
conditions = get_conditions(filters)
return webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, posting_date, debit_to, project_name, customer,
remarks, net_total, other_charges_total, grand_total, rounded_total,
outstanding_amount from `tabSales Invoice`
customer_name, remarks, grand_total, rounded_total, outstanding_amount
from `tabSales Invoice`
where docstatus = 1 %s order by posting_date desc, name desc""" %
conditions, filters, as_dict=1)
@ -124,17 +137,20 @@ def get_invoice_income_map(invoice_list):
return invoice_income_map
def get_invoice_tax_map(invoice_list):
def get_invoice_tax_map(invoice_list, invoice_income_map):
tax_details = webnotes.conn.sql("""select parent, account_head, sum(tax_amount) as tax_amount
from `tabSales Taxes and Charges` where parent in (%s) group by parent, account_head""" %
', '.join(['%s']*len(invoice_list)), tuple([ for inv in invoice_list]), as_dict=1)
invoice_tax_map = {}
for d in tax_details:
invoice_tax_map.setdefault(d.parent, webnotes._dict()).setdefault(d.account_head, [])
invoice_tax_map[d.parent][d.account_head] = flt(d.tax_amount)
if d.account_head in invoice_income_map.get(d.parent):
invoice_income_map[d.parent][d.account_head] += flt(d.tax_amount)
invoice_tax_map.setdefault(d.parent, webnotes._dict()).setdefault(d.account_head, [])
invoice_tax_map[d.parent][d.account_head] = flt(d.tax_amount)
return invoice_tax_map
return invoice_income_map, invoice_tax_map
def get_invoice_so_dn_map(invoice_list):
si_items = webnotes.conn.sql("""select parent, sales_order, delivery_note
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"creation": "2013-02-22 18:01:55",
"docstatus": 0,
"modified": "2013-05-28 16:03:15",
"modified": "2013-07-16 13:19:24",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"owner": "Administrator"
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"doctype": "Report",
"is_standard": "Yes",
"name": "__common__",
"query": "select \n `tabPurchase Order`.`name` as \"Purchase Order:Link/Purchase Order:120\",\n\t`tabPurchase Order`.`transaction_date` as \"Date:Date:100\",\n\t`tabPurchase Order`.`supplier` as \"Supplier:Link/Supplier:120\",\n\t`tabPurchase Order Item`.`project_name` as \"Project\",\n\t`tabPurchase Order Item`.item_code as \"Item Code:Link/Item:120\",\n\t`tabPurchase Order Item`.qty as \"Qty:Float:100\",\n\t`tabPurchase Order Item`.received_qty as \"Received Qty:Float:100\", \n\t(`tabPurchase Order Item`.qty - ifnull(`tabPurchase Order Item`.received_qty, 0)) as \"Qty to Receive:Float:100\",\n\t`tabPurchase Order Item`.item_name as \"Item Name::150\",\n\t`tabPurchase Order Item`.description as \"Description::200\"\nfrom\n\t`tabPurchase Order`, `tabPurchase Order Item`\nwhere\n\t`tabPurchase Order Item`.`parent` = `tabPurchase Order`.`name`\n\tand `tabPurchase Order`.docstatus = 1\n\tand `tabPurchase Order`.status != \"Stopped\"\n\tand ifnull(`tabPurchase Order Item`.received_qty, 0) < ifnull(`tabPurchase Order Item`.qty, 0)\norder by `tabPurchase Order`.transaction_date asc",
"query": "select \n `tabPurchase Order`.`name` as \"Purchase Order:Link/Purchase Order:120\",\n\t`tabPurchase Order`.`transaction_date` as \"Date:Date:100\",\n\t`tabPurchase Order`.`supplier` as \"Supplier:Link/Supplier:120\",\n\t`tabPurchase Order Item`.`project_name` as \"Project\",\n\t`tabPurchase Order Item`.item_code as \"Item Code:Link/Item:120\",\n\t`tabPurchase Order Item`.qty as \"Qty:Float:100\",\n\t`tabPurchase Order Item`.received_qty as \"Received Qty:Float:100\", \n\t(`tabPurchase Order Item`.qty - ifnull(`tabPurchase Order Item`.received_qty, 0)) as \"Qty to Receive:Float:100\",\n `tabPurchase Order Item`.warehouse as \"Warehouse:Link/Warehouse:150\",\n\t`tabPurchase Order Item`.item_name as \"Item Name::150\",\n\t`tabPurchase Order Item`.description as \"Description::200\",\n `tabPurchase Order Item`.brand as \"Brand::100\"\nfrom\n\t`tabPurchase Order`, `tabPurchase Order Item`\nwhere\n\t`tabPurchase Order Item`.`parent` = `tabPurchase Order`.`name`\n\tand `tabPurchase Order`.docstatus = 1\n\tand `tabPurchase Order`.status != \"Stopped\"\n\tand ifnull(`tabPurchase Order Item`.received_qty, 0) < ifnull(`tabPurchase Order Item`.qty, 0)\norder by `tabPurchase Order`.transaction_date asc",
"ref_doctype": "Purchase Receipt",
"report_name": "Purchase Order Items To Be Received",
"report_type": "Query Report"
Reference in New Issue
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