fix: get leave balance based on the ledger entries

This commit is contained in:
Mangesh-Khairnar 2019-06-06 20:38:59 +05:30
parent b840ba4407
commit c7b9ae9c5e

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import cint, cstr, date_diff, flt, formatdate, getdate, get_link_to_form, \
comma_or, get_fullname, add_days, nowdate
comma_or, get_fullname, add_days, nowdate, get_datetime_str
from import set_employee_name, get_leave_period
from import get_applicable_block_dates
from import get_holiday_list_for_employee
@ -353,6 +353,8 @@ class LeaveApplication(Document):
expiry_date = get_allocation_expiry(self.employee, self.leave_type,
self.to_date, self.from_date)
lwp = frappe.db.get_value("Leave Type", self.leave_type, "is_lwp")
if expiry_date:
self.create_ledger_entry_for_intermediate_allocation_expiry(expiry_date, submit)
@ -360,6 +362,7 @@ class LeaveApplication(Document):
leaves=self.total_leave_days * -1,
create_leave_ledger_entry(self, args, submit)
@ -407,21 +410,22 @@ def get_number_of_leave_days(employee, leave_type, from_date, to_date, half_day
def get_leave_details(employee, date):
allocation_records = get_leave_allocation_records(date, employee).get(employee, frappe._dict())
allocation_records = get_leave_allocation_records(employee, date)
leave_allocation = {}
for d in allocation_records:
allocation = allocation_records.get(d, frappe._dict())
remaining_leaves = get_leave_balance_on(employee, d, date, to_date = allocation.to_date,
date = allocation.to_date
leaves_taken = get_leaves_for_period(employee, d, allocation.from_date, date, status="Approved")
leaves_pending = get_leaves_for_period(employee, d, allocation.from_date, date, status="Open")
leaves_taken = get_leaves_for_period(employee, d, allocation.from_date, date) * -1
leaves_pending = get_pending_leaves_for_period(employee, d, allocation.from_date, date)
leave_allocation[d] = {
"total_leaves": allocation.total_leaves_allocated,
"leaves_taken": leaves_taken,
"pending_leaves": leaves_pending,
"remaining_leaves": remaining_leaves}
leave_details = leave_allocation
ret = {
'leave_allocation': leave_allocation,
@ -436,17 +440,64 @@ def get_leave_balance_on(employee, leave_type, date, to_date=nowdate(), allocati
''' Returns leave balance till date and fetches expiry date based on to_date
to calculate minimum remaining leave balance '''
if allocation_records == None:
allocation_records = get_leave_allocation_records(date, employee).get(employee, frappe._dict())
if not allocation_records:
allocation_records = get_leave_allocation_records(employee, date, leave_type)
allocation = allocation_records.get(leave_type, frappe._dict())
end_date = allocation.to_date if consider_all_leaves_in_the_allocation_period else date
expiry = get_allocation_expiry(employee, leave_type, to_date, date)
leaves_taken = get_leaves_taken(employee, leave_type, allocation.from_date, end_date)
leaves_taken = get_leaves_for_period(employee, leave_type, allocation.from_date, end_date)
return get_remaining_leaves(allocation, leaves_taken, date, expiry)
def get_leave_allocation_records(employee, date, leave_type=None):
''' returns the total allocated leaves and carry forwarded leaves based on ledger entries '''
conditions = ("and leave_type='%s'" % leave_type) if leave_type else ""
allocation_details = frappe.db.sql("""
SUM(CASE WHEN is_carry_forward = 1 THEN leaves ELSE 0 END) as cf_leaves,
SUM(CASE WHEN is_carry_forward = 0 THEN leaves ELSE 0 END) as new_leaves,
MIN(from_date) as from_date,
MAX(to_date) as to_date,
FROM `tabLeave Ledger Entry`
from_date <= %(date)s
AND to_date >= %(date)s
AND docstatus=1
AND transaction_type="Leave Allocation"
AND employee=%(employee)s
AND is_expired=0
AND is_lwp=0
GROUP BY employee, leave_type
""".format(conditions), dict(date=date, employee=employee), as_dict=1)
allocated_leaves = frappe._dict()
for d in allocation_details:
allocated_leaves.setdefault(d.leave_type, frappe._dict({
"from_date": d.from_date,
"to_date": d.to_date,
"total_leaves_allocated": flt(d.cf_leaves) + flt(d.new_leaves),
"carry_forwarded_leaves": d.cf_leaves,
"new_leaves_allocated": d.new_leaves,
"leave_type": d.leave_type
return allocated_leaves
def get_pending_leaves_for_period(employee, leave_type, from_date, to_date):
''' Returns leaves that are pending approval '''
return frappe.db.get_value("Leave Application",
"employee": employee,
"leave_type": leave_type,
"from_date": ("<=", from_date),
"to_date": (">=", to_date),
}, fieldname=['SUM(total_leave_days)']) or flt(0)
def get_remaining_leaves(allocation, leaves_taken, date, expiry):
''' Returns minimum leaves remaining after comparing with remaining days for allocation expiry '''
def _get_remaining_leaves(allocated_leaves, end_date):
@ -465,39 +516,14 @@ def get_remaining_leaves(allocation, leaves_taken, date, expiry):
return _get_remaining_leaves(allocation.total_leaves_allocated, allocation.to_date)
def get_leaves_taken(employee, leave_type, from_date, to_date):
''' Returns leaves taken based on leave application/encashment '''
leaves = frappe.db.get_all("Leave Ledger Entry", filters={
'leaves': ("<", 0),
'to_date':("<=", to_date),
'from_date': (">=", from_date)},
'is_expired': 0,
'is_carry_forward': 1
}, fields=['SUM(leaves) as leaves'])
return leaves[0]['leaves'] if leaves else None
def get_total_allocated_leaves(employee, leave_type, date):
filters= {
'from_date': ['<=', date],
'to_date': ['>=', date],
'docstatus': 1,
'leave_type': leave_type,
'employee': employee
leave_allocation_records = frappe.db.get_all('Leave Allocation', filters=filters, fields=['total_leaves_allocated'])
return flt(leave_allocation_records[0]['total_leaves_allocated']) if leave_allocation_records else flt(0)
def get_leaves_for_period(employee, leave_type, from_date, to_date, status, docname=None):
leave_applications = frappe.db.sql("""
select name, employee, leave_type, from_date, to_date, total_leave_days
from `tabLeave Application`
def get_leaves_for_period(employee, leave_type, from_date, to_date):
leave_entries = frappe.db.sql("""
select employee, leave_type, from_date, to_date, leaves, transaction_type
from `tabLeave Ledger Entry`
where employee=%(employee)s and leave_type=%(leave_type)s
and status = %(status)s and docstatus != 2
and docstatus=1
and leaves<0
and (is_expired=0 or is_carry_forward=1)
and (from_date between %(from_date)s and %(to_date)s
or to_date between %(from_date)s and %(to_date)s
or (from_date < %(from_date)s and to_date > %(to_date)s))
@ -505,58 +531,25 @@ def get_leaves_for_period(employee, leave_type, from_date, to_date, status, docn
"from_date": from_date,
"to_date": to_date,
"employee": employee,
"status": status,
"leave_type": leave_type
}, as_dict=1)
leave_days = 0
for leave_app in leave_applications:
if docname and == docname:
if leave_app.from_date >= getdate(from_date) and leave_app.to_date <= getdate(to_date):
leave_days += leave_app.total_leave_days
for leave_entry in leave_entries:
if leave_entry.from_date >= getdate(from_date) and \
leave_entry.to_date <= getdate(to_date) and leave_entry.transaction_type=='Leave Encashment':
leave_days += leave_entry.leaves
if leave_app.from_date < getdate(from_date):
leave_app.from_date = from_date
if leave_app.to_date > getdate(to_date):
leave_app.to_date = to_date
if leave_entry.from_date < getdate(from_date):
leave_entry.from_date = from_date
if leave_entry.to_date > getdate(to_date):
leave_entry.to_date = to_date
leave_days += get_number_of_leave_days(employee, leave_type,
leave_app.from_date, leave_app.to_date)
leave_entry.from_date, leave_entry.to_date) * -1
return leave_days
def get_leave_allocation_records(date, employee=None):
conditions = (" and employee='%s'" % employee) if employee else ""
leave_allocation_records = frappe.db.sql("""
`tabLeave Allocation`
%s between from_date and to_date
AND docstatus=1 {0}""".format(conditions), (date), as_dict=1) #nosec
allocated_leaves = frappe._dict()
for d in leave_allocation_records:
allocated_leaves.setdefault(d.employee, frappe._dict()).setdefault(d.leave_type, frappe._dict({
"from_date": d.from_date,
"to_date": d.to_date,
"total_leaves_allocated": d.total_leaves_allocated,
"carry_forward": d.carry_forward,
"carry_forwarded_leaves": d.carry_forwarded_leaves,
"new_leaves_allocated": d.new_leaves_allocated,
"leave_type": d.leave_type
return allocated_leaves
def get_holidays(employee, from_date, to_date):
'''get holidays between two dates for the given employee'''