Merge branch 'develop' into task-fix
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ from frappe import _
def get_data():
return {
'fieldname': 'bank',
'non_standard_fieldnames': {
'Paymnet Order': 'company_bank'
'transactions': [
'label': _('Bank Deatils'),
@ -44,6 +44,10 @@ erpnext.accounts.SalesInvoiceController = erpnext.selling.SellingController.exte
this.frm.toggle_reqd("due_date", !this.frm.doc.is_return);
if (this.frm.doc.is_return) {
this.frm.return_print_format = "Sales Invoice Return";
if(doc.update_stock) this.show_stock_ledger();
@ -148,16 +152,24 @@ erpnext.accounts.SalesInvoiceController = erpnext.selling.SellingController.exte
set_default_print_format: function() {
// set default print format to POS type
// set default print format to POS type or Credit Note
if(cur_frm.doc.is_pos) {
if(cur_frm.pos_print_format) {
cur_frm.meta._default_print_format = cur_frm.meta.default_print_format;
cur_frm.meta.default_print_format = cur_frm.pos_print_format;
} else if(cur_frm.doc.is_return) {
if(cur_frm.return_print_format) {
cur_frm.meta._default_print_format = cur_frm.meta.default_print_format;
cur_frm.meta.default_print_format = cur_frm.return_print_format;
} else {
if(cur_frm.meta._default_print_format) {
cur_frm.meta.default_print_format = cur_frm.meta._default_print_format;
cur_frm.meta._default_print_format = null;
} else if(in_list([cur_frm.pos_print_format, cur_frm.return_print_format], cur_frm.meta.default_print_format)) {
cur_frm.meta.default_print_format = null;
cur_frm.meta._default_print_format = null;
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
{%- from "templates/print_formats/standard_macros.html" import add_header, render_field, print_value, fieldmeta,
get_width, get_align_class -%}
{%- macro render_currency(df, doc) -%}
<div class="row {% if df.bold %}important{% endif %} data-field">
<div class="col-xs-{{ "9" if df.fieldtype=="Check" else "5" }}
{%- if doc._align_labels_right %} text-right{%- endif -%}">
<label>{{ _(df.label) }}</label>
<div class="col-xs-{{ "3" if df.fieldtype=="Check" else "7" }} value">
{% if doc.get(df.fieldname) != None -%}
{{ frappe.utils.fmt_money((doc[df.fieldname])|int|abs, currency=doc.currency) }}
{% endif %}
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro render_taxes(df, doc) -%}
{%- set data = doc.get(df.fieldname)[df.start:df.end] -%}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-6"></div>
<div class="col-xs-6">
{%- for charge in data -%}
{%- if (charge.tax_amount or doc.flags.print_taxes_with_zero_amount) and (not charge.included_in_print_rate or doc.flags.show_inclusive_tax_in_print) -%}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-5 {%- if doc._align_labels_right %} text-right{%- endif -%}">
<label>{{ charge.get_formatted("description") }}</label></div>
<div class="col-xs-7 text-right">
{{ frappe.utils.fmt_money((charge.tax_amount)|int|abs, currency=doc.currency) }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro render_table(df, doc) -%}
{%- set table_meta = frappe.get_meta(df.options) -%}
{%- set data = doc.get(df.fieldname)[df.start:df.end] -%}
{%- if doc.print_templates and
doc.print_templates.get(df.fieldname) -%}
{% include doc.print_templates[df.fieldname] %}
{%- else -%}
{%- if data -%}
{%- set visible_columns = get_visible_columns(doc.get(df.fieldname),
table_meta, df) -%}
<div {{ fieldmeta(df) }}>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
<th style="width: 40px" class="table-sr">{{ _("Sr") }}</th>
{% for tdf in visible_columns %}
{% if (data and not data[0].flags.compact_item_print) or tdf.fieldname in doc.get(df.fieldname)[0].flags.compact_item_fields %}
<th style="width: {{ get_width(tdf) }};" class="{{ get_align_class(tdf) }}" {{ fieldmeta(df) }}>
{{ _(tdf.label) }}</th>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for d in data %}
<td class="table-sr">{{ d.idx }}</td>
{% for tdf in visible_columns %}
{% if not d.flags.compact_item_print or tdf.fieldname in doc.get(df.fieldname)[0].flags.compact_item_fields %}
<td class="{{ get_align_class(tdf) }}" {{ fieldmeta(df) }}>
{% if tdf.fieldtype == 'Currency' %}
<div class="value">{{ frappe.utils.fmt_money((d[tdf.fieldname])|int|abs, currency=doc.currency) }}</div></td>
{% else %}
<div class="value">{{ print_value(tdf, d, doc, visible_columns) }}</div></td>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
{% for page in layout %}
<div class="page-break">
<div {% if print_settings.repeat_header_footer %} id="header-html" class="hidden-pdf" {% endif %}>
{{ add_header(loop.index, layout|len, doc, letter_head, no_letterhead, footer, print_settings) }}
{% if print_settings.repeat_header_footer %}
<div id="footer-html" class="visible-pdf">
{% if not no_letterhead and footer %}
<div class="letter-head-footer">
{{ footer }}
{% endif %}
<p class="text-center small page-number visible-pdf">
{{ _("Page {0} of {1}").format('<span class="page"></span>', '<span class="topage"></span>') }}
{% endif %}
{% for section in page %}
<div class="row section-break">
{% if section.columns.fields %}
{%- if doc._line_breaks and loop.index != 1 -%}<hr>{%- endif -%}
{%- if doc._show_section_headings and section.label and section.has_data -%}
<h4 class='col-sm-12'>{{ _(section.label) }}</h4>
{% endif %}
{%- endif -%}
{% for column in section.columns %}
<div class="col-xs-{{ (12 / section.columns|len)|int }} column-break">
{% for df in column.fields %}
{% if df.fieldname == 'taxes' %}
{{ render_taxes(df, doc) }}
{% elif df.fieldtype == 'Currency' %}
{{ render_currency(df, doc) }}
{% elif df.fieldtype =='Table' %}
{{ render_table(df, doc)}}
{% elif doc[df.fieldname] %}
{{ render_field(df, doc) }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
"align_labels_right": 1,
"creation": "2019-07-24 20:13:30.259953",
"custom_format": 0,
"default_print_language": "en-US",
"disabled": 0,
"doc_type": "Sales Invoice",
"docstatus": 0,
"doctype": "Print Format",
"font": "Default",
"html": "",
"idx": 0,
"line_breaks": 1,
"modified": "2019-07-24 20:13:30.259953",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Accounts",
"name": "Sales Invoice Return",
"owner": "Administrator",
"print_format_builder": 0,
"print_format_type": "Jinja",
"raw_printing": 0,
"show_section_headings": 1,
"standard": "Yes"
@ -60,7 +60,9 @@ class AccountsController(TransactionBase):
def validate(self):
if not self.get('is_return'):
if self.get("_action") and self._action != "update_after_submit":
@ -81,7 +81,12 @@ class calculate_taxes_and_totals(object):
item.discount_amount = item.price_list_rate - item.rate
item.net_rate = item.rate
item.amount = flt(item.rate * item.qty, item.precision("amount"))
if not item.qty and self.doc.is_return:
item.amount = flt(-1 * item.rate, item.precision("amount"))
item.amount = flt(item.rate * item.qty, item.precision("amount"))
item.net_amount = item.amount
self._set_in_company_currency(item, ["price_list_rate", "rate", "net_rate", "amount", "net_amount"])
@ -92,7 +92,13 @@ erpnext.taxes_and_totals = erpnext.payments.extend({
$.each(this.frm.doc["items"] || [], function(i, item) {
item.net_rate = item.rate;
item.amount = flt(item.rate * item.qty, precision("amount", item));
if ((!item.qty) && me.frm.doc.is_return) {
item.amount = flt(item.rate * -1, precision("amount", item));
} else {
item.amount = flt(item.rate * item.qty, precision("amount", item));
item.net_amount = item.amount;
item.item_tax_amount = 0.0;
item.total_weight = flt(item.weight_per_unit * item.stock_qty);
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
// For license information, please see license.txt
/* eslint-disable */
frappe.query_reports["Customer-wise Item Price"] = {
"filters": [
"label": __("Customer"),
"fieldname": "customer",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Customer",
"reqd": 1
"label": __("Item"),
"fieldname": "item",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Item",
"get_query": () => {
return {
query: "erpnext.controllers.queries.item_query",
filters: { 'is_sales_item': 1 }
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
"add_total_row": 0,
"creation": "2019-06-12 03:25:36.263179",
"disable_prepared_report": 0,
"disabled": 0,
"docstatus": 0,
"doctype": "Report",
"idx": 0,
"is_standard": "Yes",
"letter_head": "Delta9",
"modified": "2019-06-12 03:25:36.263179",
"modified_by": "Administrator",
"module": "Selling",
"name": "Customer-wise Item Price",
"owner": "Administrator",
"prepared_report": 0,
"ref_doctype": "Customer",
"report_name": "Customer-wise Item Price",
"report_type": "Script Report",
"roles": [
"role": "Sales User"
"role": "Stock Manager"
"role": "Accounts User"
"role": "Accounts Manager"
"role": "Sales Manager"
"role": "Sales Master Manager"
"role": "Stock User"
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
# Copyright (c) 2013, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors
# For license information, please see license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from erpnext import get_default_company
from import get_party_details
from erpnext.stock.get_item_details import get_price_list_rate_for
from frappe import _
def execute(filters=None):
if not filters:
filters = {}
if not filters.get("customer"):
frappe.throw(_("Please select a Customer"))
columns = get_columns(filters)
data = get_data(filters)
return columns, data
def get_columns(filters=None):
return [
"label": _("Item Code"),
"fieldname": "item_code",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Item",
"width": 150
"label": _("Item Name"),
"fieldname": "item_name",
"fieldtype": "Data",
"width": 200
"label": _("Selling Rate"),
"fieldname": "selling_rate",
"fieldtype": "Currency"
"label": _("Available Stock"),
"fieldname": "available_stock",
"fieldtype": "Float",
"width": 150
"label": _("Price List"),
"fieldname": "price_list",
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Price List",
"width": 120
def get_data(filters=None):
data = []
customer_details = get_customer_details(filters)
items = get_selling_items(filters)
item_stock_map = frappe.get_all("Bin", fields=["item_code", "sum(actual_qty) AS available"], group_by="item_code")
item_stock_map = {item.item_code: item.available for item in item_stock_map}
for item in items:
price_list_rate = get_price_list_rate_for(customer_details, item.item_code) or 0.0
available_stock = item_stock_map.get(item.item_code)
"item_code": item.item_code,
"item_name": item.item_name,
"selling_rate": price_list_rate,
"price_list": customer_details.get("price_list"),
"available_stock": available_stock,
return data
def get_customer_details(filters):
customer_details = get_party_details(party=filters.get("customer"), party_type="Customer")
"company": get_default_company(),
"price_list": customer_details.get("selling_price_list")
return customer_details
def get_selling_items(filters):
if filters.get("item"):
item_filters = {"item_code": filters.get("item"), "is_sales_item": 1, "disabled": 0}
item_filters = {"is_sales_item": 1, "disabled": 0}
items = frappe.get_all("Item", filters=item_filters, fields=["item_code", "item_name"], order_by="item_name")
return items
@ -363,8 +363,17 @@ class update_entries_after(object):
self.stock_queue.append([0, sle.incoming_rate or sle.outgoing_rate or self.valuation_rate])
def check_if_allow_zero_valuation_rate(self, voucher_type, voucher_detail_no):
ref_item_dt = voucher_type + (" Detail" if voucher_type == "Stock Entry" else " Item")
return frappe.db.get_value(ref_item_dt, voucher_detail_no, "allow_zero_valuation_rate")
ref_item_dt = ""
if voucher_type == "Stock Entry":
ref_item_dt = voucher_type + " Detail"
elif voucher_type in ["Purchase Invoice", "Sales Invoice", "Delivery Note", "Purchase Receipt"]:
ref_item_dt = voucher_type + " Item"
if ref_item_dt:
return frappe.db.get_value(ref_item_dt, voucher_detail_no, "allow_zero_valuation_rate")
return 0
def get_sle_before_datetime(self):
"""get previous stock ledger entry before current time-bucket"""
Reference in New Issue
Block a user