diff --git a/controllers/tax_controller.py b/controllers/tax_controller.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6df17f54f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controllers/tax_controller.py
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+# ERPNext - web based ERP (http://erpnext.com)
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import webnotes
+import webnotes.model
+from webnotes import _, msgprint
+from webnotes.utils import cint, flt
+from webnotes.model.utils import round_doc
+import json
+from controllers.transaction_controller import TransactionController
+class TaxController(TransactionController):
+ def append_taxes(self):
+ """append taxes as per tax master link field"""
+ # clear tax table
+ self.doclist = self.doclist.get({"parentfield": ["!=",
+ self.fmap.taxes_and_charges]})
+ tax_master_doctype = self.meta.get_options(self.fmap.taxes_and_charges_master)
+ master_tax_list = webnotes.get_doclist(tax_master_doctype,
+ self.doc.fields.get(self.fmap.taxes_and_charges_master)).get(
+ {"parentfield": self.fmap.taxes_and_charges})
+ for base_tax in master_tax_list:
+ tax = DictObj([[field, base_tax.fields.get(field)]
+ for field in base_tax.fields
+ if field not in webnotes.model.default_fields])
+ tax.update({
+ "doctype": self.meta.get_options(self.fmap.taxes_and_charges),
+ "parentfield": self.fmap.taxes_and_charges,
+ "rate": flt(tax.rate, self.precision.tax.rate),
+ })
+ self.doclist.append(tax)
+ def calculate_taxes_and_totals(self):
+ """
+ Calculates:
+ * amount for each item
+ * valuation_tax_amount for each item,
+ * tax amount and tax total for each tax
+ * net total
+ * total taxes
+ * grand total
+ """
+ self.doc.fields[self.fmap.exchange_rate] = \
+ flt(self.doc.fields.get(self.fmap.exchange_rate),
+ self.precision.main[self.fmap.exchange_rate])
+ self.calculate_item_values()
+ self.initialize_taxes()
+ if self.meta.get_field("included_in_print_rate",
+ parentfield=self.fmap.taxes_and_charges):
+ self.determine_exclusive_rate()
+ self.calculate_net_total()
+ self.calculate_taxes()
+ self.calculate_totals()
+ self.set_amount_in_words()
+ def calculate_item_values(self):
+ def _set_base(item, print_field, base_field):
+ """set values in base currency"""
+ item.fields[base_field] = flt((flt(item.fields[print_field],
+ self.precision.item[print_field]) * \
+ self.doc.fields.get(self.fmap.exchange_rate)),
+ self.precision.item[base_field])
+ for item in self.item_doclist:
+ round_doc(item, self.precision.item)
+ if item.fields.get(self.fmap.discount) == 100:
+ if not item.fields.get(self.fmap.print_ref_rate):
+ item.fields[self.fmap.print_ref_rate] = \
+ item.fields.get(self.fmap.print_rate)
+ item.fields[self.fmap.print_rate] = 0
+ else:
+ if item.fields.get(self.fmap.print_ref_rate):
+ item.fields[self.fmap.print_rate] = \
+ flt(item.fields.get(self.fmap.print_ref_rate) *
+ (1.0 - (item.fields.get(self.fmap.discount) / 100.0)),
+ self.precision.item[self.fmap.print_rate])
+ else:
+ # assume that print rate and discount are specified
+ item.fields[self.fmap.print_ref_rate] = \
+ flt(item.fields.get(self.fmap.print_rate) /
+ (1.0 - (item.fields.get(self.fmap.discount) / 100.0)),
+ self.precision.item[self.fmap.print_ref_rate])
+ item.fields[self.fmap.print_amount] = \
+ flt(item.fields.get(self.fmap.print_rate) * \
+ item.fields.get(self.fmap.qty),
+ self.precision.item[self.fmap.print_amount])
+ _set_base(item, self.fmap.print_ref_rate, self.fmap.ref_rate)
+ _set_base(item, self.fmap.print_rate, self.fmap.rate)
+ _set_base(item, self.fmap.print_amount, self.fmap.amount)
+ def initialize_taxes(self):
+ for tax in self.tax_doclist:
+ # initialize totals to 0
+ tax.tax_amount = tax.total = tax.total_print = 0
+ tax.grand_total_for_current_item = tax.tax_amount_for_current_item = 0
+ # for actual type, user can mention actual tax amount in tax.tax_amount_print
+ if tax.charge_type != "Actual" or tax.rate:
+ tax.tax_amount_print = 0
+ self.validate_on_previous_row(tax)
+ self.validate_included_tax(tax)
+ # round relevant values
+ round_doc(tax, self.precision.tax)
+ def calculate_net_total(self):
+ self.doc.net_total = 0
+ self.doc.fields[self.fmap.net_total_print] = 0
+ for item in self.item_doclist:
+ self.doc.net_total += item.amount
+ self.doc.fields[self.fmap.net_total_print] += \
+ item.fields.get(self.fmap.print_amount)
+ self.doc.net_total = flt(self.doc.net_total, self.precision.main.net_total)
+ self.doc.fields[self.fmap.net_total_print] = \
+ flt(self.doc.fields.get(self.fmap.net_total_print),
+ self.precision.main[self.fmap.net_total_print])
+ def calculate_taxes(self):
+ for item in self.item_doclist:
+ item_tax_map = self._load_item_tax_rate(item.item_tax_rate)
+ item.fields[self.fmap.valuation_tax_amount] = 0
+ for i, tax in enumerate(self.tax_doclist):
+ # tax_amount represents the amount of tax for the current step
+ current_tax_amount = self.get_current_tax_amount(item, tax, item_tax_map)
+ if hasattr(self, "set_valuation_tax_amount"):
+ self.set_valuation_tax_amount(item, tax, current_tax_amount)
+ # case when net total is 0 but there is an actual type charge
+ # in this case add the actual amount to tax.tax_amount
+ # and tax.grand_total_for_current_item for the first such iteration
+ if not (current_tax_amount or self.doc.net_total or tax.tax_amount) and \
+ tax.charge_type=="Actual":
+ zero_net_total_adjustment = flt((tax.tax_amount_print *
+ self.doc.fields.get(self.fmap.exchange_rate)) or tax.rate,
+ self.precision.tax.tax_amount)
+ current_tax_amount += zero_net_total_adjustment
+ # store tax_amount for current item as it will be used for
+ # charge type = 'On Previous Row Amount'
+ tax.tax_amount_for_current_item = current_tax_amount
+ # accumulate tax amount into tax.tax_amount
+ tax.tax_amount += tax.tax_amount_for_current_item
+ # accumulate tax_amount_print only if tax is not included
+ # and if tax amount of actual type is entered in 'rate' field
+ if not cint(tax.included_in_print_rate) and (tax.charge_type != "Actual"
+ or tax.rate):
+ tax.tax_amount_print += flt((tax.tax_amount_for_current_item /
+ self.doc.fields.get(self.fmap.exchange_rate)),
+ self.precision.tax.tax_amount_print)
+ if tax.category == "Valuation":
+ # if just for valuation, do not add the tax amount in total
+ # hence, setting it as 0 for further steps
+ current_tax_amount = 0
+ # Calculate tax.total viz. grand total till that step
+ # note: grand_total_for_current_item contains the contribution of
+ # item's amount, previously applied tax and the current tax on that item
+ if i==0:
+ tax.grand_total_for_current_item = flt(item.amount +
+ current_tax_amount, self.precision.tax.total)
+ # if inclusive pricing, current_tax_amount should not be considered
+ if cint(tax.included_in_print_rate):
+ current_tax_amount = 0
+ tax.grand_total_print_for_current_item = \
+ flt(item.fields.get(self.fmap.print_amount) +
+ (current_tax_amount / self.doc.fields.get(
+ self.fmap.exchange_rate)),
+ self.precision.tax.total_print)
+ else:
+ tax.grand_total_for_current_item = \
+ flt(self.tax_doclist[i-1].grand_total_for_current_item +
+ current_tax_amount, self.precision.tax.total)
+ # if inclusive pricing, current_tax_amount should not be considered
+ if cint(tax.included_in_print_rate):
+ current_tax_amount = 0
+ tax.grand_total_print_for_current_item = \
+ flt(self.tax_doclist[i-1].grand_total_print_for_current_item +
+ (current_tax_amount / self.doc.fields.get(
+ self.fmap.exchange_rate)),
+ self.precision.tax.total_print)
+ # in tax.total, accumulate grand total of each item
+ tax.total += tax.grand_total_for_current_item
+ tax.total_print += tax.grand_total_print_for_current_item
+ # TODO store tax_breakup for each item
+ def get_current_tax_amount(self, item, tax, item_tax_map):
+ tax_rate = self._get_tax_rate(tax, item_tax_map)
+ if tax.charge_type == "Actual":
+ # distribute the tax amount proportionally to each item row
+ actual = flt(tax.rate or (tax.tax_amount_print * \
+ self.doc.fields.get(self.fmap.exchange_rate)),
+ self.precision.tax.tax_amount)
+ current_tax_amount = (self.doc.net_total
+ and ((item.amount / self.doc.net_total) * actual)
+ or 0)
+ elif tax.charge_type == "On Net Total":
+ current_tax_amount = (tax_rate / 100.0) * item.amount
+ elif tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Amount":
+ current_tax_amount = (tax_rate / 100.0) * \
+ self.tax_doclist[cint(tax.row_id) - 1].tax_amount_for_current_item
+ elif tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Total":
+ current_tax_amount = (tax_rate / 100.0) * \
+ self.tax_doclist[cint(tax.row_id) - 1].grand_total_for_current_item
+ return flt(current_tax_amount, self.precision.tax.tax_amount)
+ def calculate_totals(self):
+ if self.tax_doclist:
+ self.doc.grand_total = flt(self.tax_doclist[-1].total,
+ self.precision.main.grand_total)
+ self.doc.fields[self.fmap.grand_total_print] = \
+ flt(self.tax_doclist[-1].total_print,
+ self.precision.main[self.fmap.grand_total_print])
+ else:
+ self.doc.grand_total = flt(self.doc.net_total,
+ self.precision.main.grand_total)
+ self.doc.fields[self.fmap.grand_total_print] = \
+ flt(self.doc.fields.get(self.fmap.net_total_print),
+ self.precision.main[self.fmap.grand_total_print])
+ self.doc.fields[self.fmap.taxes_and_charges_total] = \
+ flt(self.doc.grand_total - self.doc.net_total,
+ self.precision.main[self.fmap.taxes_and_charges_total])
+ self.doc.taxes_and_charges_total_print = \
+ flt(self.doc.fields.get(self.fmap.grand_total_print) - \
+ self.doc.fields.get(self.fmap.net_total_print),
+ self.precision.main.taxes_and_charges_total_print)
+ self.doc.rounded_total = round(self.doc.grand_total)
+ self.doc.fields[self.fmap.rounded_total_print] = \
+ round(self.doc.fields.get(self.fmap.grand_total_print))
+ def set_amount_in_words(self):
+ from webnotes.utils import money_in_words
+ base_currency = webnotes.conn.get_value("Company", self.doc.currency,
+ "default_currency")
+ self.doc.fields[self.fmap.grand_total_in_words] = \
+ money_in_words(self.doc.grand_total, base_currency)
+ self.doc.fields[self.fmap.rounded_total_in_words] = \
+ money_in_words(self.doc.rounded_total, base_currency)
+ self.doc.fields[self.fmap.grand_total_in_words_print] = \
+ money_in_words(self.doc.fields.get(self.fmap.grand_total_print),
+ self.doc.currency)
+ self.doc.fields[self.fmap.rounded_total_in_words_print] = \
+ money_in_words(self.doc.fields.get(self.fmap.rounded_total_print),
+ self.doc.currency)
+ def validate_on_previous_row(self, tax):
+ """
+ validate if a valid row id is mentioned in case of
+ On Previous Row Amount and On Previous Row Total
+ """
+ if tax.charge_type in ["On Previous Row Amount", "On Previous Row Total"] and \
+ (not tax.row_id or cint(tax.row_id) >= tax.idx):
+ msgprint((_("Row") + " # %(idx)s [%(taxes_doctype)s]: " + \
+ _("Please specify a valid") + " %(row_id_label)s") % {
+ "idx": tax.idx,
+ "taxes_doctype": tax.parenttype,
+ "row_id_label": self.meta.get_label("row_id",
+ parentfield=self.fmap.taxes_and_charges)
+ }, raise_exception=True)
+ def validate_included_tax(self, tax):
+ """
+ validate conditions related to "Is this Tax Included in Rate?"
+ """
+ def _on_previous_row_error(tax, row_range):
+ msgprint((_("Row") + " # %(idx)s [%(taxes_doctype)s]: " + \
+ _("If") + " '%(inclusive_label)s' " + _("is checked for") + \
+ " '%(charge_type_label)s' = '%(charge_type)s', " + _("then") + " " + \
+ _("Row") + " # %(row_range)s " + _("should also have") + \
+ " '%(inclusive_label)s' = " + _("checked")) % {
+ "idx": tax.idx,
+ "taxes_doctype": tax.doctype,
+ "inclusive_label": self.meta.get_label("included_in_print_rate",
+ parentfield=self.fmap.taxes_and_charges),
+ "charge_type_label": self.meta.get_label("charge_type",
+ parentfield=self.fmap.taxes_and_charges),
+ "charge_type": tax.charge_type,
+ "row_range": row_range,
+ }, raise_exception=True)
+ if cint(tax.included_in_print_rate):
+ if tax.charge_type == "Actual":
+ # now inclusive rate for type 'Actual'
+ msgprint((_("Row") + " # %(idx)s [%(taxes_doctype)s]: " + \
+ "'%(charge_type_label)s' = '%(charge_type)s' " + \
+ _("cannot be included in item's rate")) % {
+ "idx": tax.idx,
+ "taxes_doctype": self.meta.get_options(
+ self.fmap.taxes_and_charges),
+ "charge_type_label": self.meta.get_label("charge_type",
+ parentfield=self.fmap.taxes_and_charges),
+ "charge_type": tax.charge_type,
+ }, raise_exception=True)
+ elif tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Amount" and \
+ not cint(self.tax_doclist[cint(tax.row_id) - 1]\
+ .included_in_print_rate):
+ # for an inclusive tax of type "On Previous Row Amount",
+ # dependent row should also be inclusive
+ _on_previous_row_error(tax, tax.row_id)
+ elif tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Total" and \
+ not all([cint(t.included_in_print_rate) \
+ for t in self.tax_doclist[:tax.idx - 1]]):
+ # for an inclusive tax of type "On Previous Row Total",
+ # all rows above it should also be inclusive
+ _on_previous_row_error(tax, "1 - %d" % (tax.idx - 1))
+ def determine_exclusive_rate(self):
+ if not any((cint(tax.included_in_print_rate) for tax in self.tax_doclist)):
+ # if no tax is marked as included in print rate, no need to proceed further
+ return
+ for item in self.item_doclist:
+ item_tax_map = self._load_item_tax_rate(item.item_tax_rate)
+ cumulated_tax_fraction = 0
+ for i, tax in enumerate(self.tax_doclist):
+ if cint(tax.included_in_print_rate):
+ tax.tax_fraction_for_current_item = \
+ self.get_current_tax_fraction(tax, item_tax_map)
+ else:
+ tax.tax_fraction_for_current_item = 0
+ if i==0:
+ tax.grand_total_fraction_for_current_item = 1 + \
+ tax.tax_fraction_for_current_item
+ else:
+ tax.grand_total_fraction_for_current_item = \
+ self.tax_doclist[i-1].grand_total_fraction_for_current_item \
+ + tax.tax_fraction_for_current_item
+ cumulated_tax_fraction += tax.tax_fraction_for_current_item
+ if cumulated_tax_fraction:
+ item.fields[self.fmap.rate] = \
+ flt((item.fields.get(self.fmap.print_rate) * \
+ self.doc.fields.get(self.fmap.exchange_rate)) /
+ (1 + cumulated_tax_fraction), self.precision.item[self.fmap.rate])
+ item.amount = flt(item.fields.get(self.fmap.rate) * item.qty,
+ self.precision.item.amount)
+ item.fields[self.fmap.ref_rate] = \
+ flt(item.fields.get(self.fmap.rate) / (1 - \
+ (item.fields.get(self.fmap.discount) / 100.0)),
+ self.precision.item[self.fmap.ref_rate])
+ # print item.print_rate, 1+cumulated_tax_fraction, item.rate, item.amount
+ # print "-"*10
+ def get_current_tax_fraction(self, tax, item_tax_map):
+ """
+ Get tax fraction for calculating tax exclusive amount
+ from tax inclusive amount
+ """
+ current_tax_fraction = 0
+ if cint(tax.included_in_print_rate):
+ tax_rate = self._get_tax_rate(tax, item_tax_map)
+ if tax.charge_type == "On Net Total":
+ current_tax_fraction = tax_rate / 100.0
+ elif tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Amount":
+ current_tax_fraction = (tax_rate / 100.0) * \
+ self.tax_doclist[cint(tax.row_id) - 1]\
+ .tax_fraction_for_current_item
+ elif tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Total":
+ current_tax_fraction = (tax_rate / 100.0) * \
+ self.tax_doclist[cint(tax.row_id) - 1]\
+ .grand_total_fraction_for_current_item
+ # print tax.account_head, tax_rate, current_tax_fraction
+ return current_tax_fraction
+ def _load_item_tax_rate(self, item_tax_rate):
+ if not item_tax_rate:
+ return {}
+ return json.loads(item_tax_rate)
+ def _get_tax_rate(self, tax, item_tax_map):
+ if item_tax_map.has_key(tax.account_head):
+ return flt(item_tax_map.get(tax.account_head), self.precision.tax.rate)
+ else:
+ return tax.rate
diff --git a/controllers/transaction_controller.py b/controllers/transaction_controller.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39a737697c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controllers/transaction_controller.py
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# ERPNext - web based ERP (http://erpnext.com)
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import webnotes
+import webnotes.model
+from webnotes import _, msgprint, DictObj
+from webnotes.utils import cint, formatdate, cstr, flt
+from webnotes.model.code import get_obj
+from webnotes.model.doc import make_autoname, Document
+import json
+import stock.utils
+from webnotes.model.controller import DocListController
+class TransactionController(DocListController):
+ def __init__(self, doc, doclist):
+ super(TransactionController, self).__init__(doc, doclist)
+ self.cur_docstatus = cint(webnotes.conn.get_value(self.doc.doctype,
+ self.doc.name, "docstatus"))
+ @property
+ def precision(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, "_precision"):
+ self._precision = DictObj()
+ self._precision.main = self.meta.get_precision_map()
+ self._precision.item = self.meta.get_precision_map(parentfield = \
+ self.item_table_field)
+ if self.meta.get_field(self.fmap.taxes_and_charges):
+ self._precision.tax = self.meta.get_precision_map(parentfield = \
+ self.fmap.taxes_and_charges)
+ return self._precision
+ @property
+ def item_doclist(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, "_item_doclist"):
+ self._item_doclist = self.doclist.get({"parentfield": self.item_table_field})
+ return self._item_doclist
+ @property
+ def tax_doclist(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, "_tax_doclist"):
+ self._tax_doclist = self.doclist.get(
+ {"parentfield": self.fmap.taxes_and_charges})
+ return self._tax_doclist
+ @property
+ def stock_items(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, "_stock_items"):
+ item_codes = list(set(item.item_code for item in self.item_doclist))
+ self._stock_items = [r[0] for r in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name
+ from `tabItem` where name in (%s) and is_stock_item='Yes'""" % \
+ (", ".join((["%s"]*len(item_codes))),), item_codes)]
+ return self._stock_items
+ @property
+ def fmap(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, "_fmap"):
+ if self.doc.doctype in ["Lead", "Quotation", "Sales Order", "Sales Invoice",
+ "Delivery Note"]:
+ self._fmap = webnotes.DictObj( {
+ "exchange_rate": "conversion_rate",
+ "taxes_and_charges": "other_charges",
+ "taxes_and_charges_master": "charge",
+ "taxes_and_charges_total": "other_charges_total",
+ "net_total_print": "net_total_print",
+ "grand_total_print": "grand_total_export",
+ "grand_total_in_words": "grand_total_in_words",
+ "grand_total_in_words_print": "grand_total_in_words_print",
+ "rounded_total_print": "rounded_total_export",
+ "rounded_total_in_words": "in_words",
+ "rounded_total_in_words_print": "in_words_export",
+ "print_ref_rate": "ref_rate",
+ "discount": "adj_rate",
+ "print_rate": "export_rate",
+ "print_amount": "export_amount",
+ "ref_rate": "base_ref_rate",
+ "rate": "basic_rate",
+ "plc_exchange_rate": "plc_conversion_rate",
+ "tax_calculation": "other_charges_calculation",
+ })
+ else:
+ self._fmap = webnotes.DictObj({
+ "exchange_rate": "conversion_rate",
+ "taxes_and_charges": "purchase_tax_details",
+ "taxes_and_charges_master": "purchase_other_charges",
+ "taxes_and_charges_total": "total_tax",
+ "net_total_print": "net_total_import",
+ "grand_total_print": "grand_total_import",
+ "grand_total_in_words": "in_words",
+ "grand_total_in_words_print": "in_words_import",
+ "rounded_total_print": "rounded_total_print",
+ "rounded_total_in_words": "rounded_total_in_words",
+ "rounded_total_in_words_print": "rounded_total_in_words_print",
+ "print_ref_rate": "import_ref_rate",
+ "discount": "discount_rate",
+ "print_rate": "import_rate",
+ "print_amount": "import_amount",
+ "ref_rate": "purchase_ref_rate",
+ "rate": "purchase_rate",
+ "valuation_tax_amount": "item_tax_amount"
+ })
+ return self._fmap or webnotes.DictObj()
\ No newline at end of file