chore: remove import script

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Ankush Menat 2023-09-20 16:22:49 +05:30
parent 3e282bfbce
commit bf01f3227f

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@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
Import chart of accounts from OpenERP sources
import ast
import json
import os
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
import frappe
from frappe.utils.csvutils import read_csv_content
path = "/Users/nabinhait/projects/odoo/addons"
accounts = {}
charts = {}
all_account_types = []
all_roots = {}
def go():
global accounts, charts
default_account_types = get_default_account_types()
country_dirs = []
for basepath, folders, files in os.walk(path):
basename = os.path.basename(basepath)
if basename.startswith("l10n_"):
for country_dir in country_dirs:
accounts, charts = {}, {}
country_path = os.path.join(path, country_dir)
manifest = ast.literal_eval(open(os.path.join(country_path, "")).read())
data_files = (
manifest.get("data", []) + manifest.get("init_xml", []) + manifest.get("update_xml", [])
files_path = [os.path.join(country_path, d) for d in data_files]
xml_roots = get_xml_roots(files_path)
csv_content = get_csv_contents(files_path)
prefix = country_dir if csv_content else None
account_types = get_account_types(
xml_roots.get("account.account.type", []), csv_content.get("account.account.type", []), prefix
if xml_roots:
make_maps_for_xml(xml_roots, account_types, country_dir)
if csv_content:
make_maps_for_csv(csv_content, account_types, country_dir)
def get_default_account_types():
default_types_root = []
ET.parse(os.path.join(path, "account", "data", "data_account_type.xml")).getroot()
return get_account_types(default_types_root, None, prefix="account")
def get_xml_roots(files_path):
xml_roots = frappe._dict()
for filepath in files_path:
fname = os.path.basename(filepath)
if fname.endswith(".xml"):
tree = ET.parse(filepath)
root = tree.getroot()
for node in root[0].findall("record"):
if node.get("model") in [
xml_roots.setdefault(node.get("model"), []).append(root)
return xml_roots
def get_csv_contents(files_path):
csv_content = {}
for filepath in files_path:
fname = os.path.basename(filepath)
for file_type in ["account.account.template", "account.account.type", "account.chart.template"]:
if fname.startswith(file_type) and fname.endswith(".csv"):
with open(filepath, "r") as csvfile:
csv_content.setdefault(file_type, []).append(read_csv_content(
except Exception as e:
return csv_content
def get_account_types(root_list, csv_content, prefix=None):
types = {}
account_type_map = {
"cash": "Cash",
"bank": "Bank",
"tr_cash": "Cash",
"tr_bank": "Bank",
"receivable": "Receivable",
"tr_receivable": "Receivable",
"account rec": "Receivable",
"payable": "Payable",
"tr_payable": "Payable",
"equity": "Equity",
"stocks": "Stock",
"stock": "Stock",
"tax": "Tax",
"tr_tax": "Tax",
"tax-out": "Tax",
"tax-in": "Tax",
"charges_personnel": "Chargeable",
"fixed asset": "Fixed Asset",
"cogs": "Cost of Goods Sold",
for root in root_list:
for node in root[0].findall("record"):
if node.get("model") == "account.account.type":
data = {}
for field in node.findall("field"):
if (
field.get("name") == "code"
and field.text.lower() != "none"
and account_type_map.get(field.text)
data["account_type"] = account_type_map[field.text]
node_id = prefix + "." + node.get("id") if prefix else node.get("id")
types[node_id] = data
if csv_content and csv_content[0][0] == "id":
for row in csv_content[1:]:
row_dict = dict(zip(csv_content[0], row))
data = {}
if row_dict.get("code") and account_type_map.get(row_dict["code"]):
data["account_type"] = account_type_map[row_dict["code"]]
if data and data.get("id"):
node_id = prefix + "." + data.get("id") if prefix else data.get("id")
types[node_id] = data
return types
def make_maps_for_xml(xml_roots, account_types, country_dir):
"""make maps for `charts` and `accounts`"""
for model, root_list in xml_roots.items():
for root in root_list:
for node in root[0].findall("record"):
if node.get("model") == "account.account.template":
data = {}
for field in node.findall("field"):
if field.get("name") == "name":
data["name"] = field.text
if field.get("name") == "parent_id":
parent_id = field.get("ref") or field.get("eval")
data["parent_id"] = parent_id
if field.get("name") == "user_type":
value = field.get("ref")
if account_types.get(value, {}).get("account_type"):
data["account_type"] = account_types[value]["account_type"]
if data["account_type"] not in all_account_types:
data["children"] = []
accounts[node.get("id")] = data
if node.get("model") == "account.chart.template":
data = {}
for field in node.findall("field"):
if field.get("name") == "name":
data["name"] = field.text
if field.get("name") == "account_root_id":
data["account_root_id"] = field.get("ref")
data["id"] = country_dir
charts.setdefault(node.get("id"), {}).update(data)
def make_maps_for_csv(csv_content, account_types, country_dir):
for content in csv_content.get("account.account.template", []):
for row in content[1:]:
data = dict(zip(content[0], row))
account = {
"name": data.get("name"),
"parent_id": data.get("parent_id:id") or data.get("parent_id/id"),
"children": [],
user_type = data.get("user_type/id") or data.get("user_type:id")
if account_types.get(user_type, {}).get("account_type"):
account["account_type"] = account_types[user_type]["account_type"]
if account["account_type"] not in all_account_types:
accounts[data.get("id")] = account
if not account.get("parent_id") and data.get("chart_template_id:id"):
chart_id = data.get("chart_template_id:id")
charts.setdefault(chart_id, {}).update({"account_root_id": data.get("id")})
for content in csv_content.get("account.chart.template", []):
for row in content[1:]:
if row:
data = dict(zip(content[0], row))
charts.setdefault(data.get("id"), {}).update(
"account_root_id": data.get("account_root_id:id") or data.get("account_root_id/id"),
"name": data.get("name"),
"id": country_dir,
def make_account_trees():
"""build tree hierarchy"""
for id in accounts.keys():
account = accounts[id]
if account.get("parent_id"):
if accounts.get(account["parent_id"]):
# accounts[account["parent_id"]]["children"].append(account)
accounts[account["parent_id"]][account["name"]] = account
del account["parent_id"]
del account["name"]
# remove empty children
for id in accounts.keys():
if "children" in accounts[id] and not accounts[id].get("children"):
del accounts[id]["children"]
def make_charts():
"""write chart files in app/setup/doctype/company/charts"""
for chart_id in charts:
src = charts[chart_id]
if not src.get("name") or not src.get("account_root_id"):
if not src["account_root_id"] in accounts:
filename = src["id"][5:] + "_" + chart_id
print("building " + filename)
chart = {}
chart["name"] = src["name"]
chart["country_code"] = src["id"][5:]
chart["tree"] = accounts[src["account_root_id"]]
for key, val in chart["tree"].items():
if key in ["name", "parent_id"]:
if type(val) == dict:
val["root_type"] = ""
if chart:
fpath = os.path.join(
"erpnext", "erpnext", "accounts", "doctype", "account", "chart_of_accounts", filename + ".json"
with open(fpath, "r") as chartfile:
old_content =
if not old_content or (
json.loads(old_content).get("is_active", "No") == "No"
and json.loads(old_content).get("disabled", "No") == "No"
with open(fpath, "w") as chartfile:
chartfile.write(json.dumps(chart, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
all_roots.setdefault(filename, chart["tree"].keys())
def create_all_roots_file():
with open("all_roots.txt", "w") as f:
for filename, roots in sorted(all_roots.items()):
for r in sorted(roots):
if __name__ == "__main__":