chore: update translations for naming series error

This commit is contained in:
anandbaburajan 2023-01-23 14:16:31 +05:30
parent d7522d40c0
commit bbde1f611f
63 changed files with 63 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Kwaliteit-terugvoersjabloon,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Reëls vir die toepassing van verskillende promosieskemas., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Reëls vir die toepassing van verskillende promosieskemas.,
Shift,verskuiwing, Shift,verskuiwing,
Show {0},Wys {0}, Show {0},Wys {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Spesiale karakters behalwe "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" En "}" word nie toegelaat in die naamreekse nie", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Spesiale karakters behalwe "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" En "}" word nie toegelaat in die naamreekse nie {0}",
Target Details,Teikenbesonderhede, Target Details,Teikenbesonderhede,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} het reeds 'n ouerprosedure {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} het reeds 'n ouerprosedure {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,የጥራት ግብረ መልስ አብነት።,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,የተለያዩ የማስተዋወቂያ ዘዴዎችን ለመተግበር ህጎች።, Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,የተለያዩ የማስተዋወቂያ ዘዴዎችን ለመተግበር ህጎች።,
Shift,ቀይር, Shift,ቀይር,
Show {0},አሳይ {0}, Show {0},አሳይ {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series",ከ "-" ፣ "#" ፣ "፣" ፣ "/" ፣ "{" እና "}" በስተቀር ልዩ ቁምፊዎች ከመለያ መሰየሚያ አይፈቀድም, "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}",ከ "-" ፣ "#" ፣ "፣" ፣ "/" ፣ "{" እና "}" በስተቀር ልዩ ቁምፊዎች ከመለያ መሰየሚያ አይፈቀድም {0},
Target Details,የ Detailsላማ ዝርዝሮች።, Target Details,የ Detailsላማ ዝርዝሮች።,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ቀድሞውኑ የወላጅ አሰራር ሂደት አለው {1}።, {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ቀድሞውኑ የወላጅ አሰራር ሂደት አለው {1}።,
API,ኤ ፒ አይ, API,ኤ ፒ አይ,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,قالب ملاحظات الجودة,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,قواعد تطبيق المخططات الترويجية المختلفة., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,قواعد تطبيق المخططات الترويجية المختلفة.,
Shift,تحول, Shift,تحول,
Show {0},عرض {0}, Show {0},عرض {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series",الأحرف الخاصة باستثناء "-" ، "#" ، "." ، "/" ، "{" و "}" غير مسموح في سلسلة التسمية, "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}",{0} الأحرف الخاصة باستثناء "-" ، "#" ، "." ، "/" ، "{" و "}" غير مسموح في سلسلة التسمية,
Target Details,تفاصيل الهدف, Target Details,تفاصيل الهدف,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} يحتوي بالفعل على إجراء الأصل {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} يحتوي بالفعل على إجراء الأصل {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Качествен обратен шаблон,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Правила за прилагане на различни промоционални схеми., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Правила за прилагане на различни промоционални схеми.,
Shift,изместване, Shift,изместване,
Show {0},Показване на {0}, Show {0},Показване на {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Специални символи, с изключение на "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" И "}" не са позволени в именуването на серии", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Специални символи, с изключение на "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" И "}" не са позволени в именуването на серии {0}",
Target Details,Детайли за целта, Target Details,Детайли за целта,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} вече има родителска процедура {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} вече има родителска процедура {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,গুণমান প্রতিক্রিয়
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,বিভিন্ন প্রচারমূলক স্কিম প্রয়োগ করার নিয়ম।, Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,বিভিন্ন প্রচারমূলক স্কিম প্রয়োগ করার নিয়ম।,
Shift,পরিবর্তন, Shift,পরিবর্তন,
Show {0},{0} দেখান, Show {0},{0} দেখান,
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","নামকরণ সিরিজে "-", "#", "।", "/", "{" এবং "}" ব্যতীত বিশেষ অক্ষর অনুমোদিত নয়", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","নামকরণ সিরিজে "-", "#", "।", "/", "{" এবং "}" ব্যতীত বিশেষ অক্ষর অনুমোদিত নয় {0}",
Target Details,টার্গেটের বিশদ, Target Details,টার্গেটের বিশদ,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ইতিমধ্যে একটি মূল পদ্ধতি আছে {1}।, {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ইতিমধ্যে একটি মূল পদ্ধতি আছে {1}।,
API,এপিআই, API,এপিআই,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Predložak kvalitetne povratne informacije,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Pravila za primjenu različitih promotivnih shema., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Pravila za primjenu različitih promotivnih shema.,
Shift,Shift, Shift,Shift,
Show {0},Prikaži {0}, Show {0},Prikaži {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Posebni znakovi osim "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" I "}" nisu dozvoljeni u imenovanju serija", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Posebni znakovi osim "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" I "}" nisu dozvoljeni u imenovanju serija {0}",
Target Details,Detalji cilja, Target Details,Detalji cilja,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} već ima roditeljsku proceduru {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} već ima roditeljsku proceduru {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Plantilla de comentaris de qualitat,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Normes per aplicar diferents règims promocionals., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Normes per aplicar diferents règims promocionals.,
Shift,Majúscules, Shift,Majúscules,
Show {0},Mostra {0}, Show {0},Mostra {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Caràcters especials, excepte "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" I "}" no estan permesos en nomenar sèries", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Caràcters especials, excepte "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" I "}" no estan permesos en nomenar sèries {0}",
Target Details,Detalls de l'objectiu, Target Details,Detalls de l'objectiu,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ja té un procediment progenitor {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ja té un procediment progenitor {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Šablona zpětné vazby kvality,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Pravidla pro uplatňování různých propagačních programů., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Pravidla pro uplatňování různých propagačních programů.,
Shift,Posun, Shift,Posun,
Show {0},Zobrazit {0}, Show {0},Zobrazit {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Zvláštní znaky kromě "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" A "}" nejsou v názvových řadách povoleny", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Zvláštní znaky kromě "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" A "}" nejsou v názvových řadách povoleny {0}",
Target Details,Podrobnosti o cíli, Target Details,Podrobnosti o cíli,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} již má rodičovský postup {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} již má rodičovský postup {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Kvalitetsfeedback-skabelon,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Regler for anvendelse af forskellige salgsfremmende ordninger., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Regler for anvendelse af forskellige salgsfremmende ordninger.,
Shift,Flytte, Shift,Flytte,
Show {0},Vis {0}, Show {0},Vis {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Specialtegn undtagen "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Og "}" er ikke tilladt i navngivningsserier", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Specialtegn undtagen "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Og "}" er ikke tilladt i navngivningsserier {0}",
Target Details,Måldetaljer, Target Details,Måldetaljer,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} har allerede en overordnet procedure {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} har allerede en overordnet procedure {1}.,

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@ -3546,7 +3546,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Qualitäts-Feedback-Vorlage,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Regeln für die Anwendung verschiedener Werbemaßnahmen., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Regeln für die Anwendung verschiedener Werbemaßnahmen.,
Shift,Verschiebung, Shift,Verschiebung,
Show {0},{0} anzeigen, Show {0},{0} anzeigen,
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Sonderzeichen außer "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Und "}" sind bei der Benennung von Serien nicht zulässig", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Sonderzeichen außer "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Und "}" sind bei der Benennung von Serien nicht zulässig {0}",
Target Details,Zieldetails, Target Details,Zieldetails,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} hat bereits eine übergeordnete Prozedur {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} hat bereits eine übergeordnete Prozedur {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Πρότυπο σχολιασμού ποιότητας
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Κανόνες εφαρμογής διαφορετικών προγραμμάτων προώθησης., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Κανόνες εφαρμογής διαφορετικών προγραμμάτων προώθησης.,
Shift,Βάρδια, Shift,Βάρδια,
Show {0},Εμφάνιση {0}, Show {0},Εμφάνιση {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Ειδικοί χαρακτήρες εκτός από "-", "#", ".", "/", "" Και "}" δεν επιτρέπονται στη σειρά ονομασίας", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Ειδικοί χαρακτήρες εκτός από "-", "#", ".", "/", "" Και "}" δεν επιτρέπονται στη σειρά ονομασίας {0}",
Target Details,Στοιχεία στόχου, Target Details,Στοιχεία στόχου,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} έχει ήδη μια διαδικασία γονέα {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} έχει ήδη μια διαδικασία γονέα {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Plantilla de comentarios de calidad,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Reglas para aplicar diferentes esquemas promocionales., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Reglas para aplicar diferentes esquemas promocionales.,
Shift,Cambio, Shift,Cambio,
Show {0},Mostrar {0}, Show {0},Mostrar {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Caracteres especiales excepto "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Y "}" no están permitidos en las series de nombres", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Caracteres especiales excepto "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Y "}" no están permitidos en las series de nombres {0}",
Target Details,Detalles del objetivo, Target Details,Detalles del objetivo,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ya tiene un Procedimiento principal {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ya tiene un Procedimiento principal {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Kvaliteetse tagasiside mall,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Erinevate reklaamiskeemide rakenduseeskirjad., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Erinevate reklaamiskeemide rakenduseeskirjad.,
Shift,Vahetus, Shift,Vahetus,
Show {0},Kuva {0}, Show {0},Kuva {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Erimärgid, välja arvatud "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Ja "}" pole sarjade nimetamisel lubatud", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Erimärgid, välja arvatud "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Ja "}" pole sarjade nimetamisel lubatud {0}",
Target Details,Sihtkoha üksikasjad, Target Details,Sihtkoha üksikasjad,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} juba on vanemamenetlus {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} juba on vanemamenetlus {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,الگوی بازخورد کیفیت,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,قوانین استفاده از طرح های تبلیغاتی مختلف., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,قوانین استفاده از طرح های تبلیغاتی مختلف.,
Shift,تغییر مکان, Shift,تغییر مکان,
Show {0},نمایش {0}, Show {0},نمایش {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series",کاراکترهای خاص به جز "-" ، "#" ، "." ، "/" ، "{" و "}" در سریال نامگذاری مجاز نیستند, "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}",{0} کاراکترهای خاص به جز "-" ، "#" ، "." ، "/" ، "{" و "}" در سریال نامگذاری مجاز نیستند,
Target Details,جزئیات هدف, Target Details,جزئیات هدف,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} در حال حاضر یک روش والدین {1} دارد., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} در حال حاضر یک روش والدین {1} دارد.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Laadun palautteen malli,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Säännöt erilaisten myynninedistämisjärjestelmien soveltamisesta., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Säännöt erilaisten myynninedistämisjärjestelmien soveltamisesta.,
Shift,Siirtää, Shift,Siirtää,
Show {0},Näytä {0}, Show {0},Näytä {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Erikoismerkit paitsi "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Ja "}" eivät ole sallittuja nimeämissarjoissa", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Erikoismerkit paitsi "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Ja "}" eivät ole sallittuja nimeämissarjoissa {0}",
Target Details,Kohteen yksityiskohdat, Target Details,Kohteen yksityiskohdat,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0}: llä on jo vanhempainmenettely {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0}: llä on jo vanhempainmenettely {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Modèle de commentaires sur la qualité,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Règles d'application de différents programmes promotionnels., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Règles d'application de différents programmes promotionnels.,
Shift,Décalage, Shift,Décalage,
Show {0},Montrer {0}, Show {0},Montrer {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Caractères spéciaux sauf "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Et "}" non autorisés dans les séries de nommage", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Caractères spéciaux sauf "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Et "}" non autorisés dans les séries de nommage {0}",
Target Details,Détails de la cible, Target Details,Détails de la cible,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} a déjà une procédure parent {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} a déjà une procédure parent {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,ગુણવત્તા પ્રતિસાદ Temp
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,વિવિધ પ્રમોશનલ યોજનાઓ લાગુ કરવાના નિયમો., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,વિવિધ પ્રમોશનલ યોજનાઓ લાગુ કરવાના નિયમો.,
Shift,પાળી, Shift,પાળી,
Show {0},બતાવો {0}, Show {0},બતાવો {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series",""-", "#", ".", "/", "{" અને "}" સિવાયના વિશેષ અક્ષરો નામકરણ શ્રેણીમાં મંજૂરી નથી", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}",""-", "#", ".", "/", "{" અને "}" સિવાયના વિશેષ અક્ષરો નામકરણ શ્રેણીમાં મંજૂરી નથી {0}",
Target Details,લક્ષ્યાંક વિગતો, Target Details,લક્ષ્યાંક વિગતો,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} પાસે પહેલેથી જ પિતૃ કાર્યવાહી છે {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} પાસે પહેલેથી જ પિતૃ કાર્યવાહી છે {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,תבנית משוב איכותית,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,כללים ליישום תוכניות קידום מכירות שונות., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,כללים ליישום תוכניות קידום מכירות שונות.,
Shift,מִשׁמֶרֶת, Shift,מִשׁמֶרֶת,
Show {0},הצג את {0}, Show {0},הצג את {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","תווים מיוחדים למעט "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" ו- "}" אינם מורשים בסדרות שמות", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","{0} תווים מיוחדים למעט "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" ו- "}" אינם מורשים בסדרות שמות",
Target Details,פרטי יעד, Target Details,פרטי יעד,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} כבר יש נוהל הורים {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} כבר יש נוהל הורים {1}.,
API,ממשק API, API,ממשק API,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,गुणवत्ता प्रतिक्रि
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,विभिन्न प्रचार योजनाओं को लागू करने के लिए नियम।, Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,विभिन्न प्रचार योजनाओं को लागू करने के लिए नियम।,
Shift,खिसक जाना, Shift,खिसक जाना,
Show {0},{0} दिखाएं, Show {0},{0} दिखाएं,
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series",""-", "#", "।", "/", "{" और "}" को छोड़कर विशेष वर्ण श्रृंखला में अनुमति नहीं है", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}",""-", "#", "।", "/", "{" और "}" को छोड़कर विशेष वर्ण श्रृंखला में अनुमति नहीं है {0}",
Target Details,लक्ष्य विवरण, Target Details,लक्ष्य विवरण,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} पहले से ही एक पेरेंट प्रोसीजर {1} है।, {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} पहले से ही एक पेरेंट प्रोसीजर {1} है।,
API,एपीआई, API,एपीआई,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Predložak povratne informacije o kvaliteti,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Pravila za primjenu različitih promotivnih shema., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Pravila za primjenu različitih promotivnih shema.,
Shift,smjena, Shift,smjena,
Show {0},Prikaži {0}, Show {0},Prikaži {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Posebni znakovi osim "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" I "}" nisu dopušteni u imenovanju serija", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Posebni znakovi osim "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" I "}" nisu dopušteni u imenovanju serija {0}",
Target Details,Pojedinosti cilja, Target Details,Pojedinosti cilja,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} već ima roditeljski postupak {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} već ima roditeljski postupak {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Minőségi visszajelző sablon,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Különböző promóciós rendszerek alkalmazásának szabályai., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Különböző promóciós rendszerek alkalmazásának szabályai.,
Shift,Váltás, Shift,Váltás,
Show {0},Mutasd {0}, Show {0},Mutasd {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Speciális karakterek, kivéve "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" És "}", a sorozatok elnevezése nem megengedett", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Speciális karakterek, kivéve "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" És "}", a sorozatok elnevezése nem megengedett {0}",
Target Details,Cél részletei, Target Details,Cél részletei,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,A (z) {0} már rendelkezik szülői eljárással {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,A (z) {0} már rendelkezik szülői eljárással {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Template Umpan Balik Kualitas,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Aturan untuk menerapkan berbagai skema promosi., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Aturan untuk menerapkan berbagai skema promosi.,
Shift,Bergeser, Shift,Bergeser,
Show {0},Tampilkan {0}, Show {0},Tampilkan {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Karakter Khusus kecuali "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Dan "}" tidak diizinkan dalam rangkaian penamaan", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Karakter Khusus kecuali "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Dan "}" tidak diizinkan dalam rangkaian penamaan {0}",
Target Details,Detail Target, Target Details,Detail Target,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} sudah memiliki Prosedur Induk {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} sudah memiliki Prosedur Induk {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Sniðmát fyrir gæði gæða,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Reglur um beitingu mismunandi kynningarkerfa., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Reglur um beitingu mismunandi kynningarkerfa.,
Shift,Vakt, Shift,Vakt,
Show {0},Sýna {0}, Show {0},Sýna {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Sérstafir nema "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Og "}" ekki leyfðar í nafngiftiröð", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Sérstafir nema "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Og "}" ekki leyfðar í nafngiftiröð {0}",
Target Details,Upplýsingar um markmið, Target Details,Upplýsingar um markmið,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} er þegar með foreldraferli {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} er þegar með foreldraferli {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Modello di feedback sulla qualità,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Regole per l'applicazione di diversi schemi promozionali., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Regole per l'applicazione di diversi schemi promozionali.,
Shift,Cambio, Shift,Cambio,
Show {0},Mostra {0}, Show {0},Mostra {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Caratteri speciali tranne "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" E "}" non consentiti nelle serie di nomi", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Caratteri speciali tranne "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" E "}" non consentiti nelle serie di nomi {0}",
Target Details,Dettagli target, Target Details,Dettagli target,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ha già una procedura padre {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ha già una procedura padre {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,品質フィードバックテンプレート,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,さまざまなプロモーションスキームを適用するための規則。, Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,さまざまなプロモーションスキームを適用するための規則。,
Shift,シフト, Shift,シフト,
Show {0},{0}を表示, Show {0},{0}を表示,
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series"," - "、 ""、 "。"、 "/"、 "{"、および "}"以外の特殊文字は、一連の名前付けでは使用できません, "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}"," - "、 ""、 "。"、 "/"、 "{"、および "}"以外の特殊文字は、一連の名前付けでは使用できません {0},
Target Details,ターゲット詳細, Target Details,ターゲット詳細,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0}にはすでに親プロシージャー{1}があります。, {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0}にはすでに親プロシージャー{1}があります。,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,គំរូមតិយោបល់គុណភាព
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,វិធានសម្រាប់អនុវត្តគម្រោងផ្សព្វផ្សាយផ្សេងៗគ្នា។, Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,វិធានសម្រាប់អនុវត្តគម្រោងផ្សព្វផ្សាយផ្សេងៗគ្នា។,
Shift,ប្តូរ។, Shift,ប្តូរ។,
Show {0},បង្ហាញ {0}, Show {0},បង្ហាញ {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","តួអក្សរពិសេសលើកលែងតែ "-", "#", "។ ", "/", "{" និង "}" មិនត្រូវបានអនុញ្ញាតក្នុងស៊េរីដាក់ឈ្មោះ", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","តួអក្សរពិសេសលើកលែងតែ "-", "#", "។ ", "/", "{" និង "}" មិនត្រូវបានអនុញ្ញាតក្នុងស៊េរីដាក់ឈ្មោះ {0}",
Target Details,ព័ត៌មានលម្អិតគោលដៅ។, Target Details,ព័ត៌មានលម្អិតគោលដៅ។,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} មាននីតិវិធីឪពុកម្តាយរួចហើយ {1} ។, {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} មាននីតិវិធីឪពុកម្តាយរួចហើយ {1} ។,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,ಗುಣಮಟ್ಟದ ಪ್ರತಿಕ್ರಿ
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,ವಿಭಿನ್ನ ಪ್ರಚಾರ ಯೋಜನೆಗಳನ್ನು ಅನ್ವಯಿಸುವ ನಿಯಮಗಳು., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,ವಿಭಿನ್ನ ಪ್ರಚಾರ ಯೋಜನೆಗಳನ್ನು ಅನ್ವಯಿಸುವ ನಿಯಮಗಳು.,
Shift,ಶಿಫ್ಟ್, Shift,ಶಿಫ್ಟ್,
Show {0},{0} ತೋರಿಸು, Show {0},{0} ತೋರಿಸು,
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series",""-", "#", ".", "/", "{" ಮತ್ತು "}" ಹೊರತುಪಡಿಸಿ ವಿಶೇಷ ಅಕ್ಷರಗಳನ್ನು ಹೆಸರಿಸುವ ಸರಣಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಅನುಮತಿಸಲಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}",""-", "#", ".", "/", "{" ಮತ್ತು "}" ಹೊರತುಪಡಿಸಿ ವಿಶೇಷ ಅಕ್ಷರಗಳನ್ನು ಹೆಸರಿಸುವ ಸರಣಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಅನುಮತಿಸಲಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ {0}",
Target Details,ಗುರಿ ವಿವರಗಳು, Target Details,ಗುರಿ ವಿವರಗಳು,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ಈಗಾಗಲೇ ಪೋಷಕ ವಿಧಾನವನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿದೆ {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ಈಗಾಗಲೇ ಪೋಷಕ ವಿಧಾನವನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿದೆ {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,품질 피드백 템플릿,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,다양한 홍보 계획을 적용하기위한 규칙., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,다양한 홍보 계획을 적용하기위한 규칙.,
Shift,시프트, Shift,시프트,
Show {0},{0} 표시, Show {0},{0} 표시,
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","이름 계열에 허용되지 않는 "-", "#", ".", "/", "{"및 "}"을 제외한 특수 문자", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","이름 계열에 허용되지 않는 "-", "#", ".", "/", "{"및 "}"을 제외한 특수 문자 {0}",
Target Details,대상 세부 정보, Target Details,대상 세부 정보,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0}에 이미 상위 절차 {1}이 있습니다., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0}에 이미 상위 절차 {1}이 있습니다.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Feedablonê nerazîbûna kalîteyê,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Qanûnên ji bo bicihanîna nexşeyên cûda yên danasînê, Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Qanûnên ji bo bicihanîna nexşeyên cûda yên danasînê,
Shift,Tarloqî, Shift,Tarloqî,
Show {0},Show {0}, Show {0},Show {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Di tîpa navnasî de ji bilî "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Û "}" tîpên Taybet", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Di tîpa navnasî de ji bilî "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Û "}" tîpên Taybet {0}",
Target Details,Hûrgulên armancê, Target Details,Hûrgulên armancê,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ji berê ve heye Parent Procedure {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ji berê ve heye Parent Procedure {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,ແມ່ແບບ ຄຳ ຕິຊົມຄຸນນ
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,ກົດລະບຽບໃນການ ນຳ ໃຊ້ແຜນການໂຄສະນາທີ່ແຕກຕ່າງກັນ., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,ກົດລະບຽບໃນການ ນຳ ໃຊ້ແຜນການໂຄສະນາທີ່ແຕກຕ່າງກັນ.,
Shift,ປ່ຽນ, Shift,ປ່ຽນ,
Show {0},ສະແດງ {0}, Show {0},ສະແດງ {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","ຕົວລະຄອນພິເສດຍົກເວັ້ນ "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" ແລະ "}" ບໍ່ໄດ້ຖືກອະນຸຍາດໃນຊຸດຊື່", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","ຕົວລະຄອນພິເສດຍົກເວັ້ນ "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" ແລະ "}" ບໍ່ໄດ້ຖືກອະນຸຍາດໃນຊຸດຊື່ {0}",
Target Details,ລາຍລະອຽດເປົ້າ ໝາຍ, Target Details,ລາຍລະອຽດເປົ້າ ໝາຍ,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ມີຂັ້ນຕອນການເປັນພໍ່ແມ່ {1} ແລ້ວ., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ມີຂັ້ນຕອນການເປັນພໍ່ແມ່ {1} ແລ້ວ.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Kokybės atsiliepimų šablonas,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Skirtingų reklamos schemų taikymo taisyklės., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Skirtingų reklamos schemų taikymo taisyklės.,
Shift,Pamaina, Shift,Pamaina,
Show {0},Rodyti {0}, Show {0},Rodyti {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Specialieji simboliai, išskyrus „-“, „#“, „.“, „/“, „{“ Ir „}“, neleidžiami įvardyti serijomis", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Specialieji simboliai, išskyrus „-“, „#“, „.“, „/“, „{“ Ir „}“, neleidžiami įvardyti serijomis {0}",
Target Details,Tikslinė informacija, Target Details,Tikslinė informacija,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} jau turi tėvų procedūrą {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} jau turi tėvų procedūrą {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Kvalitatīvas atsauksmes veidne,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Noteikumi dažādu reklāmas shēmu piemērošanai., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Noteikumi dažādu reklāmas shēmu piemērošanai.,
Shift,Maiņa, Shift,Maiņa,
Show {0},Rādīt {0}, Show {0},Rādīt {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Speciālās rakstzīmes, izņemot "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Un "}", kas nav atļautas nosaukuma sērijās", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Speciālās rakstzīmes, izņemot "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Un "}", kas nav atļautas nosaukuma sērijās {0}",
Target Details,Mērķa informācija, Target Details,Mērķa informācija,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} jau ir vecāku procedūra {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} jau ir vecāku procedūra {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Шаблон за повратни информаци
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Правила за примена на различни промотивни шеми., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Правила за примена на различни промотивни шеми.,
Shift,Смена, Shift,Смена,
Show {0},Покажи {0}, Show {0},Покажи {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Не се дозволени специјални карактери освен "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" И "}" во сериите за именување", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Не се дозволени специјални карактери освен "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" И "}" во сериите за именување {0}",
Target Details,Цели детали, Target Details,Цели детали,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} веќе има Матична постапка {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} веќе има Матична постапка {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,ഗുണനിലവാരമുള്ള ഫീഡ
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,വ്യത്യസ്ത പ്രമോഷണൽ സ്കീമുകൾ പ്രയോഗിക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള നിയമങ്ങൾ., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,വ്യത്യസ്ത പ്രമോഷണൽ സ്കീമുകൾ പ്രയോഗിക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള നിയമങ്ങൾ.,
Shift,ഷിഫ്റ്റ്, Shift,ഷിഫ്റ്റ്,
Show {0},{0} കാണിക്കുക, Show {0},{0} കാണിക്കുക,
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series",""-", "#", ".", "/", "{", "}" എന്നിവ ഒഴികെയുള്ള പ്രത്യേക പ്രതീകങ്ങൾ നാമകരണ ശ്രേണിയിൽ അനുവദനീയമല്ല", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}",""-", "#", ".", "/", "{", "}" എന്നിവ ഒഴികെയുള്ള പ്രത്യേക പ്രതീകങ്ങൾ നാമകരണ ശ്രേണിയിൽ അനുവദനീയമല്ല {0}",
Target Details,ടാർഗെറ്റ് വിശദാംശങ്ങൾ, Target Details,ടാർഗെറ്റ് വിശദാംശങ്ങൾ,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ന് ഇതിനകം ഒരു രക്ഷാകർതൃ നടപടിക്രമം ഉണ്ട് {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ന് ഇതിനകം ഒരു രക്ഷാകർതൃ നടപടിക്രമം ഉണ്ട് {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,गुणवत्ता अभिप्राय ट
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,वेगवेगळ्या जाहिरात योजना लागू करण्याचे नियम., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,वेगवेगळ्या जाहिरात योजना लागू करण्याचे नियम.,
Shift,शिफ्ट, Shift,शिफ्ट,
Show {0},दर्शवा {0}, Show {0},दर्शवा {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series",""-", "#", ".", "/", "{" आणि "}" वगळता विशिष्ट वर्णांना नामांकन मालिकेमध्ये परवानगी नाही", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}",""-", "#", ".", "/", "{" आणि "}" वगळता विशिष्ट वर्णांना नामांकन मालिकेमध्ये परवानगी नाही {0}",
Target Details,लक्ष्य तपशील, Target Details,लक्ष्य तपशील,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} कडे आधीपासूनच पालक प्रक्रिया आहे {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} कडे आधीपासूनच पालक प्रक्रिया आहे {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Template Maklum Balas Kualiti,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Kaedah untuk memohon skim promosi yang berbeza., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Kaedah untuk memohon skim promosi yang berbeza.,
Shift,Shift, Shift,Shift,
Show {0},Tunjukkan {0}, Show {0},Tunjukkan {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Watak Khas kecuali "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Dan "}" tidak dibenarkan dalam siri penamaan", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Watak Khas kecuali "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Dan "}" tidak dibenarkan dalam siri penamaan {0}",
Target Details,Butiran Sasaran, Target Details,Butiran Sasaran,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} sudah mempunyai Tatacara Ibu Bapa {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} sudah mempunyai Tatacara Ibu Bapa {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,အရည်အသွေးတုံ့ပြန်ခ
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,ကွဲပြားခြားနားသောပရိုမိုးရှင်းအစီအစဉ်များလျှောက်ထားမှုအတွက်စည်းကမ်းများ။, Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,ကွဲပြားခြားနားသောပရိုမိုးရှင်းအစီအစဉ်များလျှောက်ထားမှုအတွက်စည်းကမ်းများ။,
Shift,အဆိုင်း, Shift,အဆိုင်း,
Show {0},Show ကို {0}, Show {0},Show ကို {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","မှလွဲ. အထူးဇာတ်ကောင် "-" "။ ", "#", "/", "{" နှင့် "}" စီးရီးနာမည်အတွက်ခွင့်မပြု", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","မှလွဲ. အထူးဇာတ်ကောင် "-" "။ ", "#", "/", "{" နှင့် "}" စီးရီးနာမည်အတွက်ခွင့်မပြု {0}",
Target Details,ပစ်မှတ်အသေးစိတ်, Target Details,ပစ်မှတ်အသေးစိတ်,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ပြီးသားမိဘလုပ်ထုံးလုပ်နည်း {1} ရှိပါတယ်။, {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ပြီးသားမိဘလုပ်ထုံးလုပ်နည်း {1} ရှိပါတယ်။,
API,API ကို, API,API ကို,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Kwaliteitsfeedbacksjabloon,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Regels voor het toepassen van verschillende promotieregelingen., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Regels voor het toepassen van verschillende promotieregelingen.,
Shift,Verschuiving, Shift,Verschuiving,
Show {0},Toon {0}, Show {0},Toon {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Speciale tekens behalve "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" En "}" niet toegestaan in naamgevingsreeks", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Speciale tekens behalve "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" En "}" niet toegestaan in naamgevingsreeks {0}",
Target Details,Doelgegevens, Target Details,Doelgegevens,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} heeft al een ouderprocedure {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} heeft al een ouderprocedure {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Kvalitet Tilbakemelding Mal,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Regler for anvendelse av forskjellige kampanjer., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Regler for anvendelse av forskjellige kampanjer.,
Shift,Skifte, Shift,Skifte,
Show {0},Vis {0}, Show {0},Vis {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Spesialtegn unntatt "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Og "}" ikke tillatt i navneserier", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Spesialtegn unntatt "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Og "}" ikke tillatt i navneserier {0}",
Target Details,Måldetaljer, Target Details,Måldetaljer,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} har allerede en foreldreprosedyre {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} har allerede en foreldreprosedyre {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Szablon opinii o jakości,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Zasady stosowania różnych programów promocyjnych., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Zasady stosowania różnych programów promocyjnych.,
Shift,Przesunięcie, Shift,Przesunięcie,
Show {0},Pokaż {0}, Show {0},Pokaż {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Znaki specjalne z wyjątkiem „-”, „#”, „.”, „/”, „{” I „}” niedozwolone w serii nazw", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Znaki specjalne z wyjątkiem „-”, „#”, „.”, „/”, „{” I „}” niedozwolone w serii nazw {0}",
Target Details,Szczegóły celu, Target Details,Szczegóły celu,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ma już procedurę nadrzędną {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ma już procedurę nadrzędną {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,د کیفیت فیډبیک ټیمپلیټ,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,د مختلف پروموشنل سکیمونو پلي کولو قواعد., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,د مختلف پروموشنل سکیمونو پلي کولو قواعد.,
Shift,شفټ, Shift,شفټ,
Show {0},ښودل {0}, Show {0},ښودل {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series",ځانګړي نومونه د "-" ، "#" ، "." ، "/" ، "{" او "}" نوم لیکلو کې اجازه نه لري, "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}",{0} ځانګړي نومونه د "-" ، "#" ، "." ، "/" ، "{" او "}" نوم لیکلو کې اجازه نه لري,
Target Details,د هدف توضیحات, Target Details,د هدف توضیحات,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} د مخه د والدین پروسیجر {1} لري., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} د مخه د والدین پروسیجر {1} لري.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Modelo de Feedback de Qualidade,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Regras para aplicar diferentes esquemas promocionais., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Regras para aplicar diferentes esquemas promocionais.,
Shift,Mudança, Shift,Mudança,
Show {0},Mostrar {0}, Show {0},Mostrar {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Caracteres especiais, exceto "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" e "}" não permitidos na série de nomenclatura", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Caracteres especiais, exceto "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" e "}" não permitidos na série de nomenclatura {0}",
Target Details,Detalhes do Alvo, Target Details,Detalhes do Alvo,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} já tem um procedimento pai {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} já tem um procedimento pai {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Modelo de Feedback de Qualidade,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Regras para aplicar diferentes esquemas promocionais., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Regras para aplicar diferentes esquemas promocionais.,
Shift,Mudança, Shift,Mudança,
Show {0},Mostrar {0}, Show {0},Mostrar {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Caracteres especiais, exceto "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" E "}" não permitidos na série de nomenclatura", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Caracteres especiais, exceto "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" E "}" não permitidos na série de nomenclatura {0}",
Target Details,Detalhes do Alvo, Target Details,Detalhes do Alvo,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} já tem um procedimento pai {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} já tem um procedimento pai {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Șablon de feedback de calitate,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Reguli pentru aplicarea diferitelor scheme promoționale., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Reguli pentru aplicarea diferitelor scheme promoționale.,
Shift,Schimb, Shift,Schimb,
Show {0},Afișați {0}, Show {0},Afișați {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Caractere speciale, cu excepția "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Și "}" nu sunt permise în numirea seriei", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Caractere speciale, cu excepția "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Și "}" nu sunt permise în numirea seriei {0}",
Target Details,Detalii despre țintă, Target Details,Detalii despre țintă,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} are deja o procedură părinte {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} are deja o procedură părinte {1}.,

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@ -3535,7 +3535,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Шаблон обратной связи по каче
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Правила применения разных рекламных схем., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Правила применения разных рекламных схем.,
Shift,Сдвиг, Shift,Сдвиг,
Show {0},Показать {0}, Show {0},Показать {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Специальные символы, кроме ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" и ""}"", не допускаются в серийных номерах", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Специальные символы, кроме ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" и ""}"", не допускаются в серийных номерах {0}",
Target Details,Детали цели, Target Details,Детали цели,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} уже имеет родительскую процедуру {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} уже имеет родительскую процедуру {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Inyandikorugero nziza,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Amategeko yo gukoresha gahunda zitandukanye zo kwamamaza., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Amategeko yo gukoresha gahunda zitandukanye zo kwamamaza.,
Shift,Shift, Shift,Shift,
Show {0},Erekana {0}, Show {0},Erekana {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Inyuguti zidasanzwe usibye "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Na "}" ntibyemewe mu ruhererekane rwo kwita izina", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Inyuguti zidasanzwe usibye "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Na "}" ntibyemewe mu ruhererekane rwo kwita izina {0}",
Target Details,Intego Ibisobanuro, Target Details,Intego Ibisobanuro,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} isanzwe ifite uburyo bwababyeyi {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} isanzwe ifite uburyo bwababyeyi {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,ගුණාත්මක ප්‍රතිපෝෂ
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,විවිධ ප්‍රවර්ධන යෝජනා ක්‍රම යෙදීම සඳහා නීති., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,විවිධ ප්‍රවර්ධන යෝජනා ක්‍රම යෙදීම සඳහා නීති.,
Shift,මාරුව, Shift,මාරුව,
Show {0},{0 Show පෙන්වන්න, Show {0},{0 Show පෙන්වන්න,
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series",""-", "#", ".", "/", "{" සහ "}" හැර විශේෂ අක්ෂර නම් කිරීමේ ශ්‍රේණියේ අවසර නැත", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}",""-", "#", ".", "/", "{" සහ "}" හැර විශේෂ අක්ෂර නම් කිරීමේ ශ්‍රේණියේ අවසර නැත {0}",
Target Details,ඉලක්ක විස්තර, Target Details,ඉලක්ක විස්තර,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} දැනටමත් දෙමාපිය ක්‍රියා පටිපාටියක් ඇත {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} දැනටමත් දෙමාපිය ක්‍රියා පටිපාටියක් ඇත {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Šablóna spätnej väzby kvality,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Pravidlá uplatňovania rôznych propagačných programov., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Pravidlá uplatňovania rôznych propagačných programov.,
Shift,smena, Shift,smena,
Show {0},Zobraziť {0}, Show {0},Zobraziť {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Špeciálne znaky s výnimkou „-“, „#“, „.“, „/“, „{“ A „}“ nie sú v názvových sériách povolené.", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Špeciálne znaky s výnimkou „-“, „#“, „.“, „/“, „{“ A „}“ nie sú v názvových sériách povolené {0}.",
Target Details,Podrobnosti o cieli, Target Details,Podrobnosti o cieli,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} už má rodičovský postup {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} už má rodičovský postup {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Predloga za povratne informacije o kakovosti,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Pravila za uporabo različnih promocijskih shem., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Pravila za uporabo različnih promocijskih shem.,
Shift,Shift, Shift,Shift,
Show {0},Prikaži {0}, Show {0},Prikaži {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Posebni znaki, razen "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" In "}" v poimenovanju ni dovoljen", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Posebni znaki, razen "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" In "}" v poimenovanju ni dovoljen {0}",
Target Details,Podrobnosti cilja, Target Details,Podrobnosti cilja,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} že ima nadrejeni postopek {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} že ima nadrejeni postopek {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Modeli i reagimit të cilësisë,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Rregulla për aplikimin e skemave të ndryshme promovuese., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Rregulla për aplikimin e skemave të ndryshme promovuese.,
Shift,ndryshim, Shift,ndryshim,
Show {0},Trego {0}, Show {0},Trego {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Karaktere speciale përveç "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Dhe "}" nuk lejohen në seritë emërtuese", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Karaktere speciale përveç "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Dhe "}" nuk lejohen në seritë emërtuese {0}",
Target Details,Detaje të synuara, Target Details,Detaje të synuara,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} tashmë ka një procedurë prindërore {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} tashmë ka një procedurë prindërore {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Квалитетни образац за поврат
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Правила за примену различитих промотивних шема., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Правила за примену различитих промотивних шема.,
Shift,Смена, Shift,Смена,
Show {0},Прикажи {0}, Show {0},Прикажи {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Посебни знакови осим "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" И "}" нису дозвољени у именовању серија", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Посебни знакови осим "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" И "}" нису дозвољени у именовању серија {0}",
Target Details,Детаљи циља, Target Details,Детаљи циља,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} већ има родитељску процедуру {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} већ има родитељску процедуру {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Kvalitetsåterkopplingsmall,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Regler för tillämpning av olika kampanjprogram., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Regler för tillämpning av olika kampanjprogram.,
Shift,Flytta, Shift,Flytta,
Show {0},Visa {0}, Show {0},Visa {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Specialtecken utom "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Och "}" är inte tillåtna i namnserien", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Specialtecken utom "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Och "}" är inte tillåtna i namnserien {0}",
Target Details,Måldetaljer, Target Details,Måldetaljer,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} har redan en överordnad procedur {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} har redan en överordnad procedur {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Kiolezo cha Maoni ya Ubora,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Sheria za kutumia miradi tofauti ya uendelezaji., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Sheria za kutumia miradi tofauti ya uendelezaji.,
Shift,Shift, Shift,Shift,
Show {0},Onyesha {0}, Show {0},Onyesha {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Tabia maalum isipokuwa "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Na "}" hairuhusiwi katika kutaja mfululizo", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Tabia maalum isipokuwa "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Na "}" hairuhusiwi katika kutaja mfululizo {0}",
Target Details,Maelezo ya Lengo, Target Details,Maelezo ya Lengo,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} tayari ina Utaratibu wa Mzazi {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} tayari ina Utaratibu wa Mzazi {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,தரமான கருத்து வார்ப
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,வெவ்வேறு விளம்பர திட்டங்களைப் பயன்படுத்துவதற்கான விதிகள்., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,வெவ்வேறு விளம்பர திட்டங்களைப் பயன்படுத்துவதற்கான விதிகள்.,
Shift,ஷிப்ட், Shift,ஷிப்ட்,
Show {0},{0 Show ஐக் காட்டு, Show {0},{0 Show ஐக் காட்டு,
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series",""-", "#", ".", "/", "{" மற்றும் "}" தவிர சிறப்பு எழுத்துக்கள் பெயரிடும் தொடரில் அனுமதிக்கப்படவில்லை", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}",""-", "#", ".", "/", "{" மற்றும் "}" தவிர சிறப்பு எழுத்துக்கள் பெயரிடும் தொடரில் அனுமதிக்கப்படவில்லை {0}",
Target Details,இலக்கு விவரங்கள், Target Details,இலக்கு விவரங்கள்,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ஏற்கனவே பெற்றோர் நடைமுறை {1 has ஐக் கொண்டுள்ளது., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ஏற்கனவே பெற்றோர் நடைமுறை {1 has ஐக் கொண்டுள்ளது.,
API,ஏபிஐ, API,ஏபிஐ,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,నాణ్యమైన అభిప్రాయ మ
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,విభిన్న ప్రచార పథకాలను వర్తింపజేయడానికి నియమాలు., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,విభిన్న ప్రచార పథకాలను వర్తింపజేయడానికి నియమాలు.,
Shift,మార్పు, Shift,మార్పు,
Show {0},{0 Show చూపించు, Show {0},{0 Show చూపించు,
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series",""-", "#", ".", "/", "{" మరియు "}" మినహా ప్రత్యేక అక్షరాలు పేరు పెట్టే సిరీస్‌లో అనుమతించబడవు", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}",""-", "#", ".", "/", "{" మరియు "}" మినహా ప్రత్యేక అక్షరాలు పేరు పెట్టే సిరీస్‌లో అనుమతించబడవు {0}",
Target Details,లక్ష్య వివరాలు, Target Details,లక్ష్య వివరాలు,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ఇప్పటికే తల్లిదండ్రుల విధానం {1 has ను కలిగి ఉంది., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} ఇప్పటికే తల్లిదండ్రుల విధానం {1 has ను కలిగి ఉంది.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,เทมเพลตข้อเสนอแนะค
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,กฎสำหรับการใช้รูปแบบการส่งเสริมการขายต่าง ๆ, Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,กฎสำหรับการใช้รูปแบบการส่งเสริมการขายต่าง ๆ,
Shift,เปลี่ยน, Shift,เปลี่ยน,
Show {0},แสดง {0}, Show {0},แสดง {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","ห้ามใช้อักขระพิเศษยกเว้น "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" และ "}" ในซีรี่ส์", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","ห้ามใช้อักขระพิเศษยกเว้น "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" และ "}" ในซีรี่ส์ {0}",
Target Details,รายละเอียดเป้าหมาย, Target Details,รายละเอียดเป้าหมาย,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} มี parent Parent {1} อยู่แล้ว, {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} มี parent Parent {1} อยู่แล้ว,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Kalite Geribildirim Şablonu,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Farklı promosyon programlarını uygulama kuralları., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Farklı promosyon programlarını uygulama kuralları.,
Shift,vardiya, Shift,vardiya,
Show {0},{0} göster, Show {0},{0} göster,
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series",""-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Ve "}" dışındaki Özel Karakterler, seri dizisine izin verilmez", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}",""-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Ve "}" dışındaki Özel Karakterler, seri dizisine izin verilmez {0}",
Target Details,Hedef Detayları, Target Details,Hedef Detayları,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} zaten bir {1} veli prosedürüne sahip., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} zaten bir {1} veli prosedürüne sahip.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Шаблон зворотнього зв'язку
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Правила застосування різних рекламних схем., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Правила застосування різних рекламних схем.,
Shift,Зміна, Shift,Зміна,
Show {0},Показати {0}, Show {0},Показати {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Спеціальні символи, окрім "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Та "}", не дозволяються в іменуванні серій", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Спеціальні символи, окрім "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Та "}", не дозволяються в іменуванні серій {0}",
Target Details,Деталі цілі, Target Details,Деталі цілі,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} вже має батьківську процедуру {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} вже має батьківську процедуру {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,کوالٹی فیڈ بیک ٹیمپلیٹ۔,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,مختلف پروموشنل اسکیموں کو لاگو کرنے کے قواعد۔, Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,مختلف پروموشنل اسکیموں کو لاگو کرنے کے قواعد۔,
Shift,شفٹ۔, Shift,شفٹ۔,
Show {0},دکھائیں {0}, Show {0},دکھائیں {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","-" ، "#" ، "." ، "/" ، "{" اور "}" سوائے خصوصی حروف کی نام بندی سیریز میں اجازت نہیں ہے, "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}",{0} "-" ، "#" ، "." ، "/" ، "{" اور "}" سوائے خصوصی حروف کی نام بندی سیریز میں اجازت نہیں ہے,
Target Details,ہدف کی تفصیلات۔, Target Details,ہدف کی تفصیلات۔,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} پہلے سے ہی والدین کا طریقہ کار {1} ہے., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} پہلے سے ہی والدین کا طریقہ کار {1} ہے.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Sifat bo'yicha fikrlar shablonlari,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Turli reklama sxemalarini qo'llash qoidalari., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Turli reklama sxemalarini qo'llash qoidalari.,
Shift,Shift, Shift,Shift,
Show {0},{0} ni ko'rsatish, Show {0},{0} ni ko'rsatish,
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series",""-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Va "}" belgilaridan tashqari maxsus belgilarga ruxsat berilmaydi.", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}",""-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Va "}" belgilaridan tashqari maxsus belgilarga ruxsat berilmaydi {0}.",
Target Details,Maqsad tafsilotlari, Target Details,Maqsad tafsilotlari,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} allaqachon Ota-ona tartibiga ega {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} allaqachon Ota-ona tartibiga ega {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,Mẫu phản hồi chất lượng,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Quy tắc áp dụng các chương trình khuyến mãi khác nhau., Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Quy tắc áp dụng các chương trình khuyến mãi khác nhau.,
Shift,Ca, Shift,Ca,
Show {0},Hiển thị {0}, Show {0},Hiển thị {0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","Các ký tự đặc biệt ngoại trừ "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Và "}" không được phép trong chuỗi đặt tên", "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}","Các ký tự đặc biệt ngoại trừ "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" Và "}" không được phép trong chuỗi đặt tên {0}",
Target Details,Chi tiết mục tiêu, Target Details,Chi tiết mục tiêu,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} đã có Quy trình dành cho phụ huynh {1}., {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} đã có Quy trình dành cho phụ huynh {1}.,

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@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,质量反馈模板,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,适用不同促销计划的规则。, Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,适用不同促销计划的规则。,
Shift,转移, Shift,转移,
Show {0},显示{0}, Show {0},显示{0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series",命名系列中不允许使用除“ - ”,“#”,“。”,“/”,“{”和“}”之外的特殊字符, "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}",命名系列中不允许使用除“ - ”,“#”,“。”,“/”,“{”和“}”之外的特殊字符 {0},
Target Details,目标细节, Target Details,目标细节,
{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0}已有父程序{1}。, {0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0}已有父程序{1}。,
API,应用程序界面, API,应用程序界面,

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@ -3311,7 +3311,7 @@ Quality Feedback Template,質量反饋模板,
Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,適用不同促銷計劃的規則。, Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,適用不同促銷計劃的規則。,
Shift,轉移, Shift,轉移,
Show {0},顯示{0}, Show {0},顯示{0},
"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series",命名系列中不允許使用除“ - ”,“#”,“。”,“/”,“{”和“}”之外的特殊字符, "Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series {0}",命名系列中不允許使用除“ - ”,“#”,“。”,“/”,“{”和“}”之外的特殊字符 {0},
Target Details,目標細節, Target Details,目標細節,
Annual,年刊, Annual,年刊,

1 "Customer Provided Item" cannot be Purchase Item also 客戶提供的物品“也不能是購買項目
3311 Rules for applying different promotional schemes. 適用不同促銷計劃的規則。
3312 Shift 轉移
3313 Show {0} 顯示{0}
3314 Special Characters except "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" and "}" not allowed in naming series Special Characters except "-", "#", ".", "/", "{" and "}" not allowed in naming series {0} 命名系列中不允許使用除“ - ”,“#”,“。”,“/”,“{”和“}”之外的特殊字符 命名系列中不允許使用除“ - ”,“#”,“。”,“/”,“{”和“}”之外的特殊字符 {0}
3315 Target Details 目標細節
3316 API API
3317 Annual 年刊