diff --git a/docs/docs.dev.install.debian.md b/docs/docs.dev.install.debian.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f140f29ca6..0000000000
--- a/docs/docs.dev.install.debian.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- "_label": "ERPNext Pre-requisites for Debian systems (Unbuntu)"
-#### If not root user
-`sudo su`
-#### Installing Pre-Requisites
- cd ~
- apt-get install python python-setuptools python-mysqldb apache2 mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev git memcached -y
- easy_install pip
- pip install pytz python-dateutil jinja2 markdown2 termcolor python-memcached requests chardet dropbox google-api-python-client pygeoip
- a2enmod rewrite
- service apache2 start
- service mysql start
- memcached -d -l -p 11211 -m 64 -u www-data
-> ```memcached -d -l -p 11211 -m [64 or more mb of ram] -u apache ```
-#### Other useful programs
- apt-get install ntp vim screen htop -y
- service ntpd start
diff --git a/docs/docs.dev.install.md b/docs/docs.dev.install.md
index 4c8ea2fb70..03fc6bdcdc 100644
--- a/docs/docs.dev.install.md
+++ b/docs/docs.dev.install.md
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
"_label": "How to Install ERPNext",
"_toc": [
- "docs.dev.install.red_hat",
- "docs.dev.install.debian"
+ "docs.dev.install.restore_from_backup"
@@ -15,8 +14,8 @@
Install ERPNext in one command!
1. Switch to root user using `sudo su`
-1. create a folder where you want to install erpnext
-1. go to the new folder
+1. Create a folder where you want to install erpnext
+1. Go to the new folder
1. `wget https://raw.github.com/webnotes/erpnext/master/install_erpnext.py`
1. `python install_erpnext.py`
@@ -24,133 +23,19 @@ Install ERPNext in one command!
> If you get stuck, post your questions at [ERPNext Developer Forum](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/erpnext-developer-forum)
+> [Troubleshooting SELinux](http://www.crypt.gen.nz/selinux/disable_selinux.html)
> [Server Setup Tips](http://plusbryan.com/my-first-5-minutes-on-a-server-or-essential-security-for-linux-servers)
-> [MySQL configuration file - my.cnf](MySQL-configuration-file)
+> [MySQL configuration file - my.cnf](https://github.com/webnotes/erpnext/wiki/MySQL-configuration-file)
-> [Some Useful Aliases](Some-Useful-Aliases)
+> [Some Useful Aliases](https://github.com/webnotes/erpnext/wiki/Some-Useful-Aliases)
### Upgrade / run latest patches
1. Backup your database!
-1. go to Setup > Update This Application [under Update Manager]
-1. click on 'Get Latest Updates'
-> [Restoring from ERPNext backup](Restoring-From-ERPNext-Backup)
-### Step by step instructions
-1. You will need some linux background to be able to install this on your system.
-1. These are high-level instructions and by no means cover every installation issue.
-### Pre-requisites:
-* any unix based os
-* python 2.6+ (python 3+ not supported)
-* apache
-* mysql 5+
-* git
-* python libraries:
- * python MySQLdb
- * pytz
- * jinja2
- * markdown2
- * dateutil
- * termcolor
- * python-memcached
- * requests
- * chardet
- * pygeoip
- * dropbox
- * google-api-python-client
-* memcached
-## Fresh Installation
-### Steps: [using terminal]
-#### Get the Install Script
-Download the standard install script and install. This script will:
-- Create `app` and `lib` folders.
-- Clone the code repositories for `wnframework` and `erpnext` from GitHub. It is important to clone the repositories from GitHub rather than just downloading the code, because this will help you in upgrading the system.
-- Create the database.
-- Create a default `erpnext.conf` Apache configuration file for ERPnext.
-- Create the standard wnframework configuration file `conf.py`
-- Build the `public` folder from which the ERPNext client application will be served via Apache and CGI.
-1. ensure mysql service is running
-1. create a folder where you want to install erpnext
-1. go to the new folder
-1. `wget https://github.com/webnotes/erpnext/blob/master/install_erpnext.py`
-1. `python install_erpnext.py`
-#### Setup Apache
-1. check your apache/httpd user and group. Most often it is either `apache` or `_www`. This can be found in its conf file.
-1. run `chown -R apache:apache *` or `chown -R _www:_www *`. This will make the erpnext folder accessible to apache webserver.
-1. create erpnext.conf file in erpnext folder and paste a modified version of apache configuration file as shown in the example below. (You will need to change the values in square brackets)
- * For debian systems, `sudo ln -s [PATH TO ERPNEXT INSTALLATION]/erpnext.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/erpnext.conf`
- * For redhat systems, `sudo ln -s [PATH TO ERPNEXT INSTALLATION]/erpnext.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/erpnext.conf`
-1. restart apache service
-1. if firewall exists, run
-iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT
-service iptables save
-### Setup Schueduler
-1. setup cron using `crontab -e` and enter the following and then save it:
-*/3 * * * * cd [PATH TO ERPNEXT INSTALLATION] && python lib/wnf.py --run_scheduler >> /var/log/erpnext-sch.log 2>&1
-0 */6 * * * cd [PATH TO ERPNEXT INSTALLATION] && python lib/wnf.py --backup >> /var/log/erpnext-backup.log 2>&1
-### Start
-1. go to erpnext folder and run `lib/wnf.py --domain localhost:8080`
-1. start your browser and go to http://localhost:8080
-1. login as user: Administrator and password: admin
-> If you are installing on your server for deployment, remember to change Administrator's password!
-### What to write in apache configuration file?
- Listen 8080
- NameVirtualHost *:8080